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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Just out of interest what’s the reaction going to be like if the news suddenly breaks that both parties have walked and the sale is off?

    Are we traveling en masse to Belgium?


    somebody in the old fumbler's entourage needs to impress upon him that not selling Charlton Athletic very soon is going to mess up his summer
    if the antipathy of Standard fans troubled him into divesting that club, surely even roly has some barometer for the consequences of his continued recalcitrance
  • Just out of interest what’s the reaction going to be like if the news suddenly breaks that both parties have walked and the sale is off?

    Are we traveling en masse to Belgium?

    I think we need to respect what M Duchatelet has done for us, saving the club, totally rebuilding the training ground, investing money at only 3% interest.

    Let's get behind him and wait and see where we are after the next two transfer windows.
    The sad thing is that there are still some out there who think this is how it is.
  • edited April 2018

    Just out of interest what’s the reaction going to be like if the news suddenly breaks that both parties have walked and the sale is off?

    Are we traveling en masse to Belgium?

    I think we need to respect what M Duchatelet has done for us, saving the club, totally rebuilding the training ground, investing money at only 3% interest.

    Let's get behind him and wait and see where we are after the next two transfer windows.
    You do El Presidente a disservice.

    He's reduced the interest rate to 2.5%
  • Just out of interest what’s the reaction going to be like if the news suddenly breaks that both parties have walked and the sale is off?

    Are we traveling en masse to Belgium?


    somebody in the old fumbler's entourage needs to impress upon him that not selling Charlton Athletic very soon is going to mess up his summer
    if the antipathy of Standard fans troubled him into divesting that club, surely even roly has some barometer for the consequences of his continued recalcitrance
    Using big words to hide your threats from plod. Smart!!
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  • I reckon the announcement will be made on page 666 ( pretty apt for the old devil to piss off then ). So come on everyone get posting.

    I reckon the announcement will be made on page 666 ( pretty apt for the old devil to piss off then ). So come on everyone get posting.

    Think I'm gonna be out with this prediction as well the way things are going.
  • I would just like to add Roland Out.
  • edited April 2018

    I reckon the announcement will be made on page 666 ( pretty apt for the old devil to piss off then ). So come on everyone get posting.

    I reckon the announcement will be made on page 666 ( pretty apt for the old devil to piss off then ). So come on everyone get posting.

    Think I'm gonna be out with this prediction as well the way things are going.
    Hey, that was my prediction!

    'Page 666:
    Club will be sold. Henry will get his promote, and he'll take Doucher out for a curry. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria...'

  • I'm thinking that as RD doesn't do failure, he may also be awaiting the end of the season, in the hope that we are promoted.
    He can then claim that as a promoted team on the up, he has left us in a stronger position.
  • TelMc32 said:

    Redhenry said:

    Taxi_Lad said:

    All the doom merchants saying he won’t sell til someone pays him £xxx needs to remember the club is losing (ergo RD) £1m a Month
    He will sell soon. He’s a lot of things but where money is concerned he ain’t daft

    But he is not "losing" is he. I thought he was "loaning" the club the money it needs each month and then charging interest on top?
    But he can't keep bumping up the asking price to cover those losses... or he could but then no-one will buy.
    They don't look like they are breaking the doors down now to buy so who knows what RD is asking for.
    He has lowered it to 40 mill apparently. Still two left in slightly different bids. Neither been accepted as far as I know
    That’s at least £15m over the top. I’d hope that it would at least include the £7m owed to former directors, NO additional, incremental payments to RD and a complete clean slate on his “friendly debt”. Anything other than that and someone is way out of kilter (no Scottish link there), with the business of buying football clubs.
    If think the incremental payments in this scenario probably work something like:

    £20 million now
    £5 million on promotion to champ*
    £10 million on promotion to premier league*
    Up-to £5 in sell-on and performance payments**

    *within a certain timescale
    **e.g. Gomez payments/sell-ons from Liverpool, etc.
    Does he have to give £5m back if we go down to the 4th Division? Or even £5m back if we go up but then back down again and perhaps RD will repay any money we may lose on expensive signings like Vetokele or Naby?

  • I think it would be best if he just Fucked Off right now.

    I think it would be best if he just Fucked Off right now.

    He will. Manana.
  • If you want a laugh have a read of this article by Tony Jiminez ' why I sold Charlton '
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  • If you want a laugh have a read of this article by Tony Jiminez ' why I sold Charlton '

    Lol he doesn't actually say why he sold the club. What a strange article title.
  • image

    Those working for months on end on the Australian bid finally decide they have had enough of Roland's procrastination.
  • JamesSeed said:

    I reckon the announcement will be made on page 666 ( pretty apt for the old devil to piss off then ). So come on everyone get posting.

    I reckon the announcement will be made on page 666 ( pretty apt for the old devil to piss off then ). So come on everyone get posting.

    Think I'm gonna be out with this prediction as well the way things are going.
    Hey, that was my prediction!

    'Page 666:
    Club will be sold. Henry will get his promote, and he'll take Doucher out for a curry. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria...'

    I think I beat you by a couple of weeks, b
    JamesSeed said:

    I reckon the announcement will be made on page 666 ( pretty apt for the old devil to piss off then ). So come on everyone get posting.

    I reckon the announcement will be made on page 666 ( pretty apt for the old devil to piss off then ). So come on everyone get posting.

    Think I'm gonna be out with this prediction as well the way things are going.
    Hey, that was my prediction!

    'Page 666:
    Club will be sold. Henry will get his promote, and he'll take Doucher out for a curry. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria...'

    I think I beat you by a couple of weeks, but let's not fall out over it.
  • bobmunro said:

    bobmunro said:

    Football clubs must be the only type of business where the future success is factored into the value in that way - imagine if somebody had bought toys r us and then had to pay x amount extra a couple of years later if the new company made a profit - it'd be "err no - you ran the company into the ground... if we then make it successful by investing, putting the right people in place and the correct strategy to make the business work and it does, it don't entitle you to a share in the profit- jog on"

    No they are not, I own a refrigeration company who got maintenance contracts some lasting for 5 years, if I sold then the value / expected profit of these future maintenance would certainly be incorporated into the sales price. So yes future success is priced in many businesses sales, it’s can also be known as good will.
    But that is definite future value (book value) relating to existing contracts and can be included in net asset value calculations.

    Goodwill is a mythical concept that is really about the extra profitability that comes with the business compared to an industry norm - usually linked to earnings above and beyond that reasonably expected in the sector.

    The possibility of promotion in football and increased earnings is very difficult to quantify as goodwill. I could start a chemical company making surface coatings for example. I couldn't build in a goodwill element to the Company value on the basis that in 5 years I could be bigger than Dulux!! I could however if my margin was 20% whereas similar companies operated at 10%. Likewise if I was two sheds I couldn't reasonably expect to build in goodwill on the basis of the potential to get to the Premier League.
    This is being overcomplicated. Goodwill in its simplest form is a balance sheet item on the books of a company that buys another business and pays more than the value of its assets. It does not matter how that value was arrived at, the excess over the value of tangible assets acquired is "goodwill". To the seller it is nothing more than enterprise value.

    If goodwill didn't exist the acquiring company's books would show it had exchanged say £1m of cash assets for £500k of tangible assets so depleting shareholder equity. The goodwill is future revenue you paid for within the purchase price that is recorded as an asset on the balance sheet of the acquiring company as "goodwill". It gets reduced each year on the assumption that the profits from the acquired business, you paid for in advance, is collected as anticipated. If the revenue doesn't materialise then your balance sheet is written down each year anyway,as if it was received, simply showing you paid away shareholder funds and got zero return.

    You can value goodwill on any basis you want, and it can be as speculative as you want, but your balance sheet will eventually reflect the reality of what you have bought, as goodwill unwinds, not future fantasy land at the point of acquisition.

    If the buyer is a private individual rather than a corporate, goodwill doesn't enter the discussion, it's just seen as taking a punt/paying through the nose/being taken for a ride etc.
    Oh err - thanks for simplifying ;-)
    What’s enterprise value?
  • Jodaius said:

    Seems to me that as far as the club are concerned a deal is very close and could go through in a matter of days. Why else would they mention the sale in the same statement as season tickets on the 12th. Would have been just as easy not to mention the sale at all. The only possible reason that I can see other than that is to inform both interested parties that the deal is close and thereby apply pressure. I would think that both parties must be fast approaching the point where they consider walking away.

    In my opinion, the main reason for the slightly bizarre statement re season tickets was to dupe fans into thinking the takeover is closer than it really is, in the hope of encouraging them to buy early and/or break their boycott. This will increase the value of the club (assuming this is still up for negotiation), and tie in fans for another year thus guaranteeing future revenue. This in turn will improve Roland's bargaining position by reducing ongoing losses and removing the perception to potential buyers that he's desperate to sell.

    I respect each fan's decision to buy or not, but in my opinion if you purchase a season ticket before the deal is done you are literally buying Roland more time.

    The worrying thing is from comments on this and other threads, there seems to be a large section of the fan base still lapping this up. After the last few seasons I am far beyond belief that anybody believes a word of what comes out of the club anymore.

    For what it's worth, I don't believe we're anywhere near a takeover. Whatever happens between now and May, Roland is going to paint this season as a success and proof that his approach works, and will either use this as an excuse not to sell, or to push up the asking price to an unrealistic level.

    As for those ITK, whilst they are all well meaning I'm sure, and I'm grateful for the information they are passing on, nobody knows what's going on in Roland's head, and information coming via those connected to him or the club is only what he wants us to hear. I fear that there is too much reading of logic and rationality into actions where perhaps none exists.

    I write all of this in the very real hope that ive got it completely wrong and I end up looking an idiot when the club is sold tomorrow!
    I have not read anything on this thread to suggest that fans intend to buy a season tickets?
  • edited April 2018
  • How most lifers view this thread.

  • A similar situation to a potential payment on promotion clause, would be a company which I worked for many years ago.

    The division I was in spent 2 years bidding for a make or break contract. Win it and the division had a future , lose it and there would have been a slow decline and eventual closure. If this division had been sold during this contract process, I imagine the purchase price would have been low, but with extra payments if it was successful in winning the contract.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!