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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Uboat said:

    Redhenry said:

    Taxi_Lad said:

    All the doom merchants saying he won’t sell til someone pays him £xxx needs to remember the club is losing (ergo RD) £1m a Month
    He will sell soon. He’s a lot of things but where money is concerned he ain’t daft

    But he is not "losing" is he. I thought he was "loaning" the club the money it needs each month and then charging interest on top?
    But he can't keep bumping up the asking price to cover those losses... or he could but then no-one will buy.
    They don't look like they are breaking the doors down now to buy so who knows what RD is asking for.
    He has lowered it to 40 mill apparently. Still two left in slightly different bids. Neither been accepted as far as I know
    Actual information. Thanks for that.
    When is the penny going to drop for Roland?
    If what Henry is saying is true it sounds like it has, to some degree at least, 40m would be a significant drop in price. Perhaps he's done that and thrn loaded it on the back end with % of player sales, bonuses, etc and now wants to see if there are any other takers.
  • Redrobo said:

    The date has not been plucked out of the air. They want to get the information on season tickets out before our last two home games as some like to buy when at matches.

    I would also assume that they would like to take the advantage of the feel good atmosphere at the moment. Sensible decision all said and done.

    However, CARD I feel should be saying not to renew until new owners.

    Anyone with a brain shouldn't be renewing until the sale goes through (hopefully).
    True, but no doubt there will be an early bird offer to tempt customers to buy. Some will want to secure their current seat and fear that a new owner will prompt a rush and they may lose it. Some may fear a new owner could increase the cost substantially.

    I suspect we will hear that prospective new owners agree the price which will ease the fear, but some will renew.

    A CARD statement may reduce that figure which is why I would like to see one.
  • I think that most people know that CARD advocate a boycott of season tickets until any sale is concluded. I'm sure that they will, however, reaffirm that position prior to the 12th.
  • I would have thought only an idiot would renew at this time. A new owner will want to put their own price on any season ticket sales & I would hope that they have a better pricey strategy than KM's last effort. Also buying a season ticket was more about securing your seat than saving a couple of quid on an "early bird" deal,which is hardly an issue nowdays when the ground is only a 1/3 full.
  • So is today the day?
  • I would have thought only an idiot would renew at this time. A new owner will want to put their own price on any season ticket sales & I would hope that they have a better pricey strategy than KM's last effort. Also buying a season ticket was more about securing your seat than saving a couple of quid on an "early bird" deal,which is hardly an issue nowdays when the ground is only a 1/3 full.

    1) A new owners price may well be more, especially the £175 area. One would hope that there will be a joint statement like they did over Bows appointment.

    2) The ground is only a 1/3 full, but a sale would I hope change that. It depends how long the window is to renew before they go on general sale. Then seat retention will be an issue - especially for those who have moved or are new ST holders as I suspect that there will be many returning ST holders hoping to get there old seats back.

    Neither of the above worries me, just saying.
  • Redhenry said:

    Taxi_Lad said:

    All the doom merchants saying he won’t sell til someone pays him £xxx needs to remember the club is losing (ergo RD) £1m a Month
    He will sell soon. He’s a lot of things but where money is concerned he ain’t daft

    But he is not "losing" is he. I thought he was "loaning" the club the money it needs each month and then charging interest on top?
    But he can't keep bumping up the asking price to cover those losses... or he could but then no-one will buy.
    They don't look like they are breaking the doors down now to buy so who knows what RD is asking for.
    He has lowered it to 40 mill apparently. Still two left in slightly different bids. Neither been accepted as far as I know
    But we were all told 2 bids were accepted back in February? Who telling fibs?
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  • So we have yet another date to get worked up about and then be disappointed when it passes with no takeover. I have decided to not get worked up about anything and just believe it will happen eventually, but only when the old goat gets realistic.
  • I heard the £40m was made up, in part, of payments contingent on promotions to the championship and the premier league.

    How that broke down or even if the £40m was correct I don't know but different parties where offering different deals or less upfront, more on promotions.

    Hence Roland had to consider who would pay the most and also who was more likely to be able to achieve success and so pay him.

    As ever beware time lag and deliberately false stories (not by cousin Red).

  • shirty5 said:

    Redhenry said:

    Taxi_Lad said:

    All the doom merchants saying he won’t sell til someone pays him £xxx needs to remember the club is losing (ergo RD) £1m a Month
    He will sell soon. He’s a lot of things but where money is concerned he ain’t daft

    But he is not "losing" is he. I thought he was "loaning" the club the money it needs each month and then charging interest on top?
    But he can't keep bumping up the asking price to cover those losses... or he could but then no-one will buy.
    They don't look like they are breaking the doors down now to buy so who knows what RD is asking for.
    He has lowered it to 40 mill apparently. Still two left in slightly different bids. Neither been accepted as far as I know
    But we were all told 2 bids were accepted back in February? Who telling fibs?
    Definitely not me
  • shirty5 said:

    Redhenry said:

    Taxi_Lad said:

    All the doom merchants saying he won’t sell til someone pays him £xxx needs to remember the club is losing (ergo RD) £1m a Month
    He will sell soon. He’s a lot of things but where money is concerned he ain’t daft

    But he is not "losing" is he. I thought he was "loaning" the club the money it needs each month and then charging interest on top?
    But he can't keep bumping up the asking price to cover those losses... or he could but then no-one will buy.
    They don't look like they are breaking the doors down now to buy so who knows what RD is asking for.
    He has lowered it to 40 mill apparently. Still two left in slightly different bids. Neither been accepted as far as I know
    But we were all told 2 bids were accepted back in February? Who telling fibs?
    Definitely not me
    Not me and nor my wife
  • Tricky Dicky, go to the naughty step.
  • edited April 2018
    Redhenry said:

    Taxi_Lad said:

    All the doom merchants saying he won’t sell til someone pays him £xxx needs to remember the club is losing (ergo RD) £1m a Month
    He will sell soon. He’s a lot of things but where money is concerned he ain’t daft

    But he is not "losing" is he. I thought he was "loaning" the club the money it needs each month and then charging interest on top?
    But he can't keep bumping up the asking price to cover those losses... or he could but then no-one will buy.
    They don't look like they are breaking the doors down now to buy so who knows what RD is asking for.
    He has lowered it to 40 mill apparently. Still two left in slightly different bids. Neither been accepted as far as I know
    If the centime/penny has finally dropped for RD, then their is hope that this rollercoaster is on the downward curve and if 40 mill is the figure now, you would hope that the offers of Red Henry's lot and the Aussie bid is at least 35 mill because if not this saga will run longer than the "Mousetrap" in the west end.

    As another Monday comes around you yearn for progress in these protracted negotiations;
    This titbit of info from RH may just be it.

    Duchatelet being a Pedant is also adding to the time line. That devil is in the detail.
  • edited April 2018
    I assume that the £40M is the figure to be paid to RD, there is still the £7M to be paid to the ex-directors, which makes the asking price £47M. I know that the directors £7M can be deferred, but it has to be paid at some time.
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  • As RD paid less than 20 million for Cafc, your assumption may be wrong @alangee.
  • edited April 2018
    alangee said:

    I assume that the £40M is the figure to be paid to RD, there is still the £7M to be paid to the ex-directors, which makes the asking price £47M. I know that the directors £7M can be deferred, but it has to be paid at some time.

    Not absolutely true, for the same reason it hasn't been paid to date, although the ex-directors could get (more) difficult over leases to people like franchisees. It's also likely to be bought out for less than £7m, if paid before strictly necessary under the terms.
  • edited April 2018
    dickplumb said:

    I think Charlton fans are being lied to by Murray and Duchatelet. We are being played like a fiddle and I am sick of it. The two bids were supposed to be agreed months ago. Now we hear that no bids have been agreed. What the fuck is happening?

    Suspect Gudmunsson being valued at £20m and Gomez at around £50m might complicate things a bit... And if Gomez goes to the World cup and makes several appearances for England - we could be talking quite a bit of incoming money (dependant on what the sell-on arrangements are). How much that might increase the asking price or how much of that goes directly to RD - could all be factors. Oh and Lookman might also have a sell-on clause... My guess (only a guess) is that 2 parties agreed on a ballpark figure - but the details of the payment schedule/add-ons are complicating things.
  • Just dropped the price to £40m no one has offered it, so basically no nearer being sold. If I was in the market for a football club, I'll go up the road, pay half that and get a club in a higher division and on the verge of premier league play offs.
  • shirty5 said:

    Redhenry said:

    Taxi_Lad said:

    All the doom merchants saying he won’t sell til someone pays him £xxx needs to remember the club is losing (ergo RD) £1m a Month
    He will sell soon. He’s a lot of things but where money is concerned he ain’t daft

    But he is not "losing" is he. I thought he was "loaning" the club the money it needs each month and then charging interest on top?
    But he can't keep bumping up the asking price to cover those losses... or he could but then no-one will buy.
    They don't look like they are breaking the doors down now to buy so who knows what RD is asking for.
    He has lowered it to 40 mill apparently. Still two left in slightly different bids. Neither been accepted as far as I know
    But we were all told 2 bids were accepted back in February? Who telling fibs?
    Definitely not me
    Not me and nor my wife
    Nor me, my better half, my infant child or my dog...
  • edited April 2018
  • dickplumb said:

    I think Charlton fans are being lied to by Murray and Duchatelet. We are being played like a fiddle and I am sick of it. The two bids were supposed to be agreed months ago. Now we hear that no bids have been agreed. What the fuck is happening?

    Murray has no medium or long-term interest in making statements that turn out not to be true. He would have been better off saying nothing at all. Duchatelet is just mad. Even if they were capable of crafting a conspiracy, it's hard to see they would have expensive lawyers and accountants running around on the clock for months in order to deceive supporters.
    I can't see Murray lying in such matters, he still has his "business reputation" to think of, I can't see him risking that with misleading statements about a takeover for someone else.

    IF Roland had been moving the goalposts or making impossible demands, and infuriating the buying parties surely someone from one of them would have said something by now in public. To make it clear where the fault was, and try and put pressure on the selling party etc
  • dickplumb said:

    I think Charlton fans are being lied to by Murray and Duchatelet. We are being played like a fiddle and I am sick of it. The two bids were supposed to be agreed months ago. Now we hear that no bids have been agreed. What the fuck is happening?

    If Murray is deliberately lying then he’s finished and would know that. He would be a Charlton Pariah unable to show his face at The Valley.

    On that basis I’m saying he’s not lying or deliberately trying to mislead. He has zero to gain from that. That’s not to say he’s not being told what to say by someone who might just want to muddy the water.

  • Just dropped the price to £40m no one has offered it, so basically no nearer being sold. If I was in the market for a football club, I'll go up the road, pay half that and get a club in a higher division and on the verge of premier league play offs.

    It’s an interesting point but the club you are hinting at don’t own their own stadium and are at the centre of a property controversy which the club itself say will jeopardise it’s future.

    As for the promotion to the Premier League bit. I’m not even thinking about it.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!