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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Taxi_Lad said:

    All the doom merchants saying he won’t sell til someone pays him £xxx needs to remember the club is losing (ergo RD) £1m a Month
    He will sell soon. He’s a lot of things but where money is concerned he ain’t daft

    But he is not "losing" is he. I thought he was "loaning" the club the money it needs each month and then charging interest on top?
  • edited April 2018

    Taxi_Lad said:

    All the doom merchants saying he won’t sell til someone pays him £xxx needs to remember the club is losing (ergo RD) £1m a Month
    He will sell soon. He’s a lot of things but where money is concerned he ain’t daft

    But he is not "losing" is he. I thought he was "loaning" the club the money it needs each month and then charging interest on top?
    But he can't keep bumping up the asking price to cover those losses... or he could but then no-one will buy.
  • Taxi_Lad said:

    All the doom merchants saying he won’t sell til someone pays him £xxx needs to remember the club is losing (ergo RD) £1m a Month
    He will sell soon. He’s a lot of things but where money is concerned he ain’t daft

    But he is not "losing" is he. I thought he was "loaning" the club the money it needs each month and then charging interest on top?
    But he can't keep bumping up the asking price to cover those losses... or he could but then no-one will buy.
    They don't look like they are breaking the doors down now to buy so who knows what RD is asking for.
  • I still think the other bidders have something to do with Mike Ashley.

    He has now decided to start talks with previous bidders to sell Newcastle
  • ross1 said:

    I still think the other bidders have something to do with Mike Ashley.

    He has now decided to start talks with previous bidders to sell Newcastle
    Sadly I can see Duchatelet having to look at this option too.

  • PeterGage said:

    Since KR went and Bowyer took over, for the first time in years I’m enjoying watching us again and seriously don’t give a flying F**k about the Douchbag, he’s history, he’s gone, it’s just a matter of time!

    And that feels good!

    You are playing into RD’s hands as this is just what he wants to here. He is not history, he hasn’t gone, he still owns the club the same as he did when he walked through the door.

    I can understand the excitement and missing fans returning because of Bowyer and the results. But don’t come crying if RD still owns the club next season and is still pissing everyone off.
    I fully understand this and my wife used the same argument yesterday when she told me I had ‘sold out’.

    However, I have decided that with Bow and JJ in charge we have a chance and I want to support them and the team. However, it’s only a brief break in my non attendance because if Roland is still here going into next season then my exile will continue again. I’m happy to be criticised for this, I’m doing it myself, but it’s where I stand at the moment.
    Huh? RD is here but you are going, but if he is here next, you aren't ? Each to his own I guess. I am still sticking to a single principle - HE IS HERE, I aint (home games)
    Like you say each to his or her own. Large has been going for years and like you makes that choice to go or not. No fan should be questioned on this in my opinion
  • 4 days to go until the 12th.

    Anyone else in the camp that the sale will be concluded by then?
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  • 4 days to go until the 12th.

    Anyone else in the camp that the sale will be concluded by then?

    12th is my prediction date.
    I would willingly lose if it happens sooner
  • Don't read anything into the 12th date , there just comes a time when the club has to put ST's on sale
  • What's this thing about the 12th?
  • What's this thing about the 12th?

    Season tickets go on sale if club not sold by then.
  • edited April 2018
    It's the twelfth of never.
  • Redrobo said:

    What's this thing about the 12th?

    Season tickets go on sale if club not sold by then.
    And possibly if the club is sold by then
  • I'm sure that there is no joined-up thinking at the club and that the 12th has no significance at all. Although there might be a number of people that can't wait to get their season ticket applications into the club because we've won a few games recently.
  • edited April 2018

    I'm sure that there is no joined-up thinking at the club and that the 12th has no significance at all. Although there might be a number of people that can't wait to get their season ticket applications into the club because we've won a few games recently.

    If the 12th has no significance at all why bother saying it in the first place then? RM must know that he can’t keep stringing us fans along like this.

    I hope CARD have a statement prepared for the inevitable lack of news come Thursday.
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  • I'm sure that there is no joined-up thinking at the club and that the 12th has no significance at all. Although there might be a number of people that can't wait to get their season ticket applications into the club because we've won a few games recently.

    If the 12th has no significance at all why bother saying it in the first place then? RM must know that he can’t keep stringing us fans along like this.

    I hope CARD have a statement prepared for the inevitable lack of news come Thursday.
    The season tickets had to go on sale at some stage. They plucked the 12th out of the air.
    I doubt that RM gives a flying f@@k about the fans.
    No need to mention the sale at all. Very strange statement.

  • I'm sure that there is no joined-up thinking at the club and that the 12th has no significance at all. Although there might be a number of people that can't wait to get their season ticket applications into the club because we've won a few games recently.

    If the 12th has no significance at all why bother saying it in the first place then? RM must know that he can’t keep stringing us fans along like this.

    I hope CARD have a statement prepared for the inevitable lack of news come Thursday.
    The season tickets had to go on sale at some stage. They plucked the 12th out of the air.
    I doubt that RM gives a flying f@@k about the fans.
    They really must take us for mugs then.

  • I'm sure that there is no joined-up thinking at the club and that the 12th has no significance at all. Although there might be a number of people that can't wait to get their season ticket applications into the club because we've won a few games recently.

    If the 12th has no significance at all why bother saying it in the first place then? RM must know that he can’t keep stringing us fans along like this.

    I hope CARD have a statement prepared for the inevitable lack of news come Thursday.
    The season tickets had to go on sale at some stage. They plucked the 12th out of the air.
    I doubt that RM gives a flying f@@k about the fans.
    No need to mention the sale at all. Very strange statement.

    Agreed, they could have just said that season ticket details will be released on the 12th and left it at that. If a new owner arrived in the meantime I doubt anybody would begrudge a new owner announcing they were delaying season ticket sales a few days whilst they studies their options.
  • Yet again, I will refrain from purchasing a season ticket, and will not do so while Roland is still in control. I really do despair of this moron accepting any offers and fear he will still be here come August. There's something to cheer us all up!
  • Could just be stringing us along to make us think that the sale is going to happen imminently, so there is no reason not to buy season tickets.
  • edited April 2018
    SX_Addick said:

    4 days to go until the 12th.

    Anyone else in the camp that the sale will be concluded by then?

    Well, I’m ready to celebrate if he does.
    Impressed that your dog is wearing the protest black and white
  • Redhenry said:

    Taxi_Lad said:

    All the doom merchants saying he won’t sell til someone pays him £xxx needs to remember the club is losing (ergo RD) £1m a Month
    He will sell soon. He’s a lot of things but where money is concerned he ain’t daft

    But he is not "losing" is he. I thought he was "loaning" the club the money it needs each month and then charging interest on top?
    But he can't keep bumping up the asking price to cover those losses... or he could but then no-one will buy.
    They don't look like they are breaking the doors down now to buy so who knows what RD is asking for.
    He has lowered it to 40 mill apparently. Still two left in slightly different bids. Neither been accepted as far as I know
    Actual information. Thanks for that.
    When is the penny going to drop for Roland?
  • The date has not been plucked out of the air. They want to get the information on season tickets out before our last two home games as some like to buy when at matches.

    I would also assume that they would like to take the advantage of the feel good atmosphere at the moment. Sensible decision all said and done.

    However, CARD I feel should be saying not to renew until new owners.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!