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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Of course it would be great to get the takeover done this week but the way I see it, until we know what division we are in next year, new owners would be largely in limbo until they know what division we are in next year - that goes for player retention, player signings, manager / coach, season ticket prices possibly?? I think they 'd be making a mistake launching the season ticket sales before the takeover.
  • There is no significant issue with the existing first-team contracts. Everyone in the first team squad apart from Harry Lennon and Ahmed Kashi (and Jackson, who is retiring as a player) is signed up for next season. I doubt if Lennon is in a strong bargaining position - the club has an option to extend his deal and he isn't playing - while Kashi's future must be doubtful anyway because of his injury record.

    More significant is the planning for the future.

    Sorry but I disagree with the first para, this assumes assumes players in contract will stay? What happens if they get a better offer? Is the club going to say no? With loanee's also gone there is no team. Meanwhile as every day passes with the club on lockdown, nothing is being organised and every club / agent is circling around to see what happens.

    the last para 100% agree.
    That's a different question, because it implies there is a decision-making process as opposed to there not being one. By default, nothing happens.

    I don't disagree that it's potentially damaging but unless decisions are being taken nobody under contract can leave.
    Agreed, but as we have seen money talks - if a club want to buy a player, the owners track record says that he will suddenly talk and make a decision. Will be interesting to see what happens with Konsa for example once the transfer window reopens.
  • DOUCHER said:

    Of course it would be great to get the takeover done this week but the way I see it, until we know what division we are in next year, new owners would be largely in limbo until they know what division we are in next year - that goes for player retention, player signings, manager / coach, season ticket prices possibly?? I think they 'd be making a mistake launching the season ticket sales before the takeover.

    You can't wait until the play-off final at the end of May to make plans, so I don't agree with that. You work up two options - and you would certainly be talking to agents now.
    of course - our scouting has been pretty good this year so I'm sure that is all being done anyway but no buttons can be pushed until we know where we are
  • If the owner is negotiating a sale of the Club, any upturn or downturn in form would be immaterial. If the owner decides to slow the sale just in case we make the play offs , the buyers would be off. There may be a clause inserted regarding promotion, but I doubt it. That would be similar to the £5 Burnley had to pay us when Pope got his England call up. Douchbag is very sharp.
  • The takeover won’t happen until it’s determined what league we are in next year I am convinced of that and have been since this all started

    This exactly.

    RD isn’t going to sell a possible Championship club for League 1 value or any buyers aren’t going to buy a league 1 club for championship value.

    I think that once it’s confirmed what league we are in, a deal will then be done.
    That just makes no sense though. You put in the contract that the price now is X, plus Y if we get promoted. That way the new owners get to plan properly for the summer and Roland get's the monthly losses off his hands.
    Why does it make no sense ?

    You are presuming that the only people interested in buying us are the ones currently st the table

    As a Championship London club we are a much more valuable commodity

    There could be several potentially interested parties that are not interested in buying a league one club or even entertain that idea regardless of price

    The fact no fee has been agreed Is what brings me to that conclusion
  • Rothko said:

    This can't go on for much longer, we won't have any planning for next season, be that contracts, manager or purchases for the squad, to selling season tickets.

    There is a point where business as usual needs to happen, or next season one way or the other is going to be the mother of all clusterfucks.

    This is where you realise how good Katrien was at holding it all together.
    She'd have been in Dubai by now.
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  • I wonder if part of the issue with coming to an agreement on price isn't so much about the uncertainty about what division we are in, but rather Rolands actual valuation of the club if we were to go up?

    I can see Roland way over-valuing us as a championship team - which a few weeks ago wouldn't have been seen as such a big problem/maybe was slightly easier to negotiate that price with him since it was less of a possibility - but since the upturn of form it is suddenly much more pertinant of an issue and Roland is now being more stubborn about his inflated price?
  • The takeover won’t happen until it’s determined what league we are in next year I am convinced of that and have been since this all started

    This exactly.

    RD isn’t going to sell a possible Championship club for League 1 value or any buyers aren’t going to buy a league 1 club for championship value.

    I think that once it’s confirmed what league we are in, a deal will then be done.
    That just makes no sense though. You put in the contract that the price now is X, plus Y if we get promoted. That way the new owners get to plan properly for the summer and Roland get's the monthly losses off his hands.
    Why does it make no sense ?

    You are presuming that the only people interested in buying us are the ones currently st the table

    As a Championship London club we are a much more valuable commodity

    There could be several potentially interested parties that are not interested in buying a league one club or even entertain that idea regardless of price

    The fact no fee has been agreed Is what brings me to that conclusion
    This. If promoted to the Division 2 the club is only one step away from the Promise Land where the pound notes grow in abundance.
  • The takeover won’t happen until it’s determined what league we are in next year I am convinced of that and have been since this all started

    This exactly.

    RD isn’t going to sell a possible Championship club for League 1 value or any buyers aren’t going to buy a league 1 club for championship value.

    I think that once it’s confirmed what league we are in, a deal will then be done.
    That just makes no sense though. You put in the contract that the price now is X, plus Y if we get promoted. That way the new owners get to plan properly for the summer and Roland get's the monthly losses off his hands.
    Surely this?!?

    At the start of next season he wont know what league we'll be in the following season. You can't hold on indefinitely so surely you just make a provision in the contract for all 3 eventualities?

    I also posted the view that a deal might stall until it was clear which league we would be in.

    Agreeing one price is obviously a nightmare dealing with the mad genius, let alone three different prices. And that might possibly be the precise reason a deal can't be struck - it's just too messy a deal with bargaining positions miles apart and the Rat's price only worth paying if we are in the Championship.

    Imagine if different bidders are making a different range of offers with one being the winner if we are promoted and another if we are not. The Rat is simply keeping his options open to ensure he doesn't risk going for the wrong deal by accepting a diminished League 1 valuation should we get promoted.
  • Just read 10 pages of Belgian Waffle.

    Bring back the bite size thread!
  • Surely promotion could be priced in.. probably Duche is expecting more buyers to be on the scene if we were promoted, and or perhaps he has an inflated vision of the price we are valued by being in the playoffs.
  • Just dropped in after a self imposed 10 days of absenteeism.

    The more I read this thread, the more I can't help but think that Duchatelet is 'having our eyes out' (even those 'In The Know')!

    There's no doubt about it, he'll want revenge for all the wholly justifiable crap that we have thrown at him. It's in his nature and after having his ego dented on many an occasion, he'll want pay back.

    What better way to do it than to create a ruse to make us all think that a sale is going through. He gets 'buy in' from those at the highest level (including press etc) but all the while it's just a big con; the act of a psychopathic megalomaniac!

    It's kept the protests etc off his case and he simply revels in the confusion that it's causing.

    Let's face it, even if a sale happened tomorrow, we're way past the original predictions of many, so therefore he's probably already achieved his goal.

    This is going to drag on until at least the summer now and the fact that he's had a lucky escape with Robinson going and an upsurge in the team's form has simply given him more time.

    We've been had, simple as.
  • The bloke is a sadistic fucktard who is also very fond of us.
  • Just read 10 pages of Belgian Waffle.

    Bring back the bite size thread!

    It would be great to bring it back, but unfortunately there's been nothing worth putting on there for weeks.

    Keep all the waffle here and when something newsworthy happens, you'll know where to find it: WIOTBST
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  • Some people are suggesting that RD is stalling in order to get best deal depending on which division we're in next season. Does that mean that Murray came out with a bare faced lie when a few weeks ago he stated that the price had been agreed? I don't know either way but multi million pound sales such as this can't be as simple as some folk believe. Let's just hang on in there and focus on the team's upcoming games and continue to get behind the lads as we have done since KR left.
  • edited April 2018
    What’s it been, a month since Murray’s statement of 2 weeks?

    I fear we’re being taken for a ride.

    Life’s too easy for the old dickwad, we need to start the protests in Belgium.
  • I fear we’re being taken for a ride.

    And I wanna get off
  • Solidgone said:

    Is it time for the Trust to contact Murray for an update on the sale and to ask what plans are in place for next season’s ticket prices season tickets etc?

    What's the point?

    The guy seemingly knows as much as the rest of us.............which isn't much. Wouldn't believe a word he says.

    The only plan is that there is no plan.
  • Will" Duchatelet's sale of Charlton" reach 1000 pages and be longer than "War and Peace"?

    What will replace it ?

    Has it passed "Good and proper thread test"
  • Some people are suggesting that RD is stalling in order to get best deal depending on which division we're in next season. Does that mean that Murray came out with a bare faced lie when a few weeks ago he stated that the price had been agreed? I don't know either way but multi million pound sales such as this can't be as simple as some folk believe. Let's just hang on in there and focus on the team's upcoming games and continue to get behind the lads as we have done since KR left.

    I think Murray is suffering from the same capricious behaviour as Daisy did when she was having to peddle Roland's line. Then the old fool would stick his oar in again and change his mind for reasons best known to himself, and make her look like a liar (even though she told enough porkies of her own).
  • Redhenry said:

    Redhenry said:

    Redhenry said:

    I don't know what or if anything has changed. I assumed the Aussies were about to complete.
    All I know is my mob are still in, but still haven't agreed a price.

    So not really relevant then are they (I'm not having a pop at you @Redhenry & always thankful of your posts).

    I might like the look of a house in Keston selling for £5m, but if I only offer £250k I can hardly say that I'm "in the game".
    I certainly wouldn't call them irrelevant. Do we know if anyone has agreed a price?
    RH. So what exactly are you saying about this group? They made a bid and got knocked back? They are in serious negotiations? They made an enquiry but didn't like the sound of the price?
    Not having a dig, but how are they still 'involved'? What constitutes 'involved' I suppose is what I am asking?

    The club must get enquiries every week. What makes this group any different from the many that have probably dissappeared.
    There were three groups involved before we thought the Aussies had agreed. They have all bid similar amounts. I was my mob are preparing a new bid this week.
    So Murray was talking absolute shyte when he said a price had been agreed.
  • Redhenry said:

    Redhenry said:

    Redhenry said:

    I don't know what or if anything has changed. I assumed the Aussies were about to complete.
    All I know is my mob are still in, but still haven't agreed a price.

    So not really relevant then are they (I'm not having a pop at you @Redhenry & always thankful of your posts).

    I might like the look of a house in Keston selling for £5m, but if I only offer £250k I can hardly say that I'm "in the game".
    I certainly wouldn't call them irrelevant. Do we know if anyone has agreed a price?
    RH. So what exactly are you saying about this group? They made a bid and got knocked back? They are in serious negotiations? They made an enquiry but didn't like the sound of the price?
    Not having a dig, but how are they still 'involved'? What constitutes 'involved' I suppose is what I am asking?

    The club must get enquiries every week. What makes this group any different from the many that have probably dissappeared.
    There were three groups involved before we thought the Aussies had agreed. They have all bid similar amounts. I was my mob are preparing a new bid this week.
    So Murray was talking absolute shyte when he said a price had been agreed.
    I'm not sure we could believe anyone concerned with the possible takeover as yet, if Murray has no dealings with takeover talk then he can only say what Roland will tell him. I think Murray is piggy in the middle so to speak, gets what Rolly wants to tell him, and gets flak from us, a no win situation for him.
  • Have you seen a press release that says fee agreed with x named consortium

    I haven’t

    I have seen and heard from a man who tells lies for fun that

    Two bidders have agreed a fee and it should be concluded very soon

    This was ages ago and still no conclusion no consortium even named

    We have had imminent and deal done , fees agreed

    Yet not one shred of evidence to collaborate these facts

    However what we do have evidence of is no fee being agreed as RD still owns us no official names have come out as to who there maybe that’s interested in buying us
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!