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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Richard Murray has apparently warned Lee Bowyer that Mondays home game against Rotherham could be his last as caretaker manager.

    Roland going to sack him.
  • Murray the great motivator. I know that it's paper talk but this does make you question his judgement (yet again).

    Surely it would be better to say something like 'Look, the takeover could drag on for many weeks even months, enjoy yourself, do your best to keep us winning games and you never know what might happen'.
  • Richard Murray has apparently warned Lee Bowyer that Mondays home game against Rotherham could be his last as caretaker manager.

    Full interview here
  • Richard Murray has apparently warned Lee Bowyer that Mondays home game against Rotherham could be his last as caretaker manager.

    “Could be”. As in could be next week?

    And who is this fountain of information? Presumably someone that Bow can trust to keep his mouth shut.
  • An Easter takeover would be apt, as we would be getting rid of a bad egg.
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  • Redrobo said:

    I still cannot fathom out how some in the know can tel us who the manager will be, who the chairman will be, how much was paid for the club, and when the deal is going to go through; but still no one has much of a clue as to who it is.

    What I also don’t get is, why is it such a secret? I am deeply suspicious of those who do not wish to be identified. What have they got to hide?

    If the internet has taught me anything about forums, there is an awful lot of people who crave self importance. I’m sure there is one or two on here,(or other sites), who know a bit and they either keep it to themselves or are a tad economic with what they share.
    Logic tells me that there will be a new owner/s at some point, there always will be. Our current owner is not exactly in the first flush of youth and any interest in our club has clearly lessened, not that there seemed much to start with. I wouldn’t have thought he enjoys his days pondering on how he can make Charlton successful or wind the supporters up for another week.
    Like you I find a lot of what I read unbelievable. But it helps to pass a few minutes a day.
    This isn't the place for sensible considered posting. Can we stick to speculation, conjecture, hyperbole and pot noodles please!
  • Stig said:

    I so wish it could be today. Not just Good Friday, but the Best Bloody Friday Ever.

    I'm surprised Murray hasn't dropped a little hint that it might be - from his parallel universe, on a distant moon that orbits planet Roland.
  • If Bowyer wins the next two that should change matters - I know a new owner has to line things up and plan, but they should also react to the situation - it is how Duchatelet went wrong from the very beginning!
  • cfgs said:

    An Easter takeover would be apt, as we would be getting rid of a bad egg.

    And would be reborn to rise back to our true heavenly place.
  • It seems to me most of these so-called news sites get most of their stuff about CAFC's sale straight from this very board and then repackage it to make it sound researched. And then it gets recycled on here and then we think because it comes from a so-called "press source" that it makes it real. But in reality, it's just our own speculation coming back to us in an echo chamber.

    Oh sure, go ahead and ruin the fun.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    cfgs said:

    An Easter takeover would be apt, as we would be getting rid of a bad egg.

    And would be reborn to rise back to our true heavenly place.
    Our true heavenly place ... mid-table obscurity in Division Two.
  • cfgs said:

    An Easter takeover would be apt, as we would be getting rid of a bad egg.

    The club has been crucified, that's for sure.
  • cfgs said:

    An Easter takeover would be apt, as we would be getting rid of a bad egg.

    The club has been crucified, that's for sure.
    And all the supporters are cross
    Well, there ain't eggsactly been anything to get eggstatic about
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  • All the prophets on here have been crucified and no sign of the Messiah (PV)..

  • Typically it has taken 7-14 days for league approval of takeovers. If Murray really said that to Boyer, it tells me the deal is already done and has been done and approval from the league is all that is keeping this from being official.
  • How can the deal be done and held up at the same time? Genuine question.
  • How can the deal be done and held up at the same time? Genuine question.

    Deal done in principle, but I'd imagine it's a few signatures short of 100% completion. Apparently he is nitpicking over everything. Which explains the Gomez thing
  • If it were me buying the club I’d wear a robe, a beard and long wig and announce it whilst holding my arms outstretched.

    Like in Wolf of Wall Street

    I’m am your saviour

    Well it would be a bit of fun wouldn’t it

This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!