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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • No sorry his driving force is ego

    Probably this - although I also believe he is delusional i.e. believes things to be true that are clearly not.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    Usually Thursday for a start.

    This week it's today.
  • Redhenry said:

    Dizzle said:

    Still no chance for the money men to pip them at the post?

    Then what are we waiting for. Let's get a bloody move on.
  • Remember that the timeline on any news for this bstd takeover is all driven by fans and rumour so there is no deadline that anyone is working too
  • The “Growing Veg” post is the new takeover thread.
  • Is this another day slipping past with no news at all?

  • Uboat said:

    Taxi_Lad said:

    If Kewell has been promised I'm pretty sure Bowyer will know about it and be aware that his stint was only ever going to be a game or two
    If he's happy with that then we supporters should be also

    That would mean that Bowyer knows for sure who the new owners are.
    I thought a new consortium had appeared on the scene & started DD last wednesday ? In which case noone knows who the new owners are.
  • What's everyone talking about, it was a "done deal" ages ago
  • Jesus how off topic are we getting on here, surely the license conversations can happen on the dedicated Kewell thread?
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  • Old granny soapbox proverb:

    A watched kettle close up never boils
    But if you shut your eyes for a moment
    You end up with a hot steaming face
    And no Zits.
  • Stig said:

    thenewbie said:

    It would be mad if Kewell was installed as manager - his only qualification seems to be that he's Australian. He doesn't have any connection to our club and doesn't have a record of success as a manager.

    I could care less about whether a new manager has any "connection to the club." I think this silly policy has set back English football for ages. I want the best qualified and most likely to do well for the job we are hiring for. English football is the only place where fans want ex-players to run their clubs even though data is overwhelming that such has no bearing on success as a manager.

    Now, as to the point "he has no record of success as a manager"... on that I agree.
    It's COULDN'T care less... The only Americanism that makes my blood boil because their way makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    The data shows it makes no difference to success as a manager. Neither does whether they were a good footballer or not. Following evidence is not "Americanism"... it is being "rational" and knowing the difference between reality and nonsense.
    Think you just got "whooshed" Napa! "Could care less" is the Americanism referred to...
    I've got to be honest, before this thread I never realised that, 'could care less' was a saying used by anyone. I thought it was just a typo because it makes no sense.
    And I've gotta be honest, the first time I've ever heard of it was in the above post.
    Me too......and I lived in California for 3 years, never heard anyone use that expression.
    It's pretty common. It's easy to think people are saying "I couldn't care less" because your brain just fills that in logically. But yeah, as it is, it makes no sense.
  • edited March 2018
    Time for an actual rumour
  • iamdan said:

    Darren Purse seen in New Eltham Co-op, not sure if linked.

    The Mrs usually makes swing by after getting off the train and I confirm no sightings of Purse but I’ve seen Jimmy Bullard many a time in the Beehive..
  • He bought us for a reason and when that reason was shown to be impossible to achieve he lost any interest he might of had. But his interest was never in the club. And now his interest is in damage limitation of the financial kind. The person who lectured us on how we have to let him run the club how he likes jumped ship months ago.
  • Scoham said:

    Time from an actual rumour

    Be strange if thats the case as doesnt he usually use London City or Stratford International?
  • Scoham said:

    Time from an actual rumour

    Why go by plane? He could probably get here quicker on the Eurostar...
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  • Things are never straight forward though and we are all guilty of making new judgements at different points in time. That’s because we are just distant observers to the process.

    I suspect there definitely is legs to the Kewell rumours.

    Let’s work out some guesswork into chronological order

    - they have been on the scene and potentially acquiring for almost 12 months.

    - rumour suggest having done their homework they had identified Chris Powell as the right man for when they take charge. Powell probably met their main guy / delegate and had a number of follow up conversations

    - This rumbled on far longer than intended. Whether through the Aussies not having finance in place, other parties expressing interest or Roland just messing the process around, who knows.

    - in the meantime Powell was probably getting itchy feet. Was kept being reassured ‘soon’ but he was probably losing conviction that soon will ever emerge. In the meantime, the Southend job was put to him. Not his number one hope, but not much further down the list either. League One club in driving distance who he has a great history with. In the end he thought it was too good an opportunity to miss out on with the possibility that the Aussies may not even be successful in acquiring

    - The Aussies are now back to square one. They look again at it on who they want to install. Kewell is perceived to be doing well at Crawley, who are not going crazy but definitely outperforming expectations and playing good football with it. Compatriot as well, through Sport Australia there are likely to be some known links so may well be personal history. Kewell has known friendship with Bowyer so there is also probably some discussion / information sharing going on behind the scenes whilst Robinson is manager.

    - Aussies speak with Kewell, both agree that if the takeover happens they can work together and a gentleman’s agreement is formed

    - in the meantime, like Meire, unexpectedly Robbo ups sticks and walks. This wasn’t planned in the Aussies roadmap. Bowyer, who possibly might have been identified and happy to become Kewell’s Assistant, gets asked to step in for very short-term, hopefully only one game.

    - Charlton smash it out the park, Bowyer is now a hero and the next Fergie, and Charlton fans say they don’t want Kewell, they want Bowyer (who was either going to be out the door or the assistant).

    So what do the Aussies do if successful? Go back on what they had researched and agreed with Kewell? Based on one result?

    The above is based on no knowledge but what I consider a not unreasonable ‘guess scenario’.

    Not straight forward is it? Honesty and trust is very important in every business and football is no different

    A lot of good points in this, and I suspect you're roughly accurate in terms of how things have played out with the Aussies over the last however long, year or so.

    I absolutely agree Bowyer should not be made manager based on one result. It was a good result and a really good, markedly improved performance. And it wasn't done by making huge changes either. Yes the formation changed, but I suspect that apart from Reeves and Fosu, a lot of our players' heat maps wouldn't look too dissimilar to the 4-2-3-1. It was the nature of the performance and the tweaks, particularly in our build up play and off the ball movement that I found so impressive. It felt like we finally played the kind of football that we been trying to play (again) for the last few months. But, again, it is one game.

    That said, the thing I keep coming back to is, is Harry Kewell the man to really move us forward? Watford youth team and Crawley in midtable are very different propositions to what we're trying to achieve this season, let alone in the future. And I have the same question about Bowyer,id he's the one we want to trust for 12 gamea. We are not far off the playoffs, and we cannot afford to just write this season off. So the 12 game run in must be considered extremely important, and not be treated as a bedding in process.

    I don't have any answers on this, just questions. I would certainly rather someone like Kewell, who is young and learning but who played under one of the best tactician in the modern game, and Rafael Benitez (a David O'Leary joke for the kids). Better that than a lower league journeyman. But we're at a really important impasse, with two games in the next five days, and this is a really difficult decision that potential new owners really need to get right.
  • Croydon said:

    Dazzler21 said:

    Expect further delays... And it'll happen sooner than you think. Expect it today and it'll happen later than you think.

    Reads like a really shite fortune cookie
    That's not very nice.

    "Be nice to pigeons, a statue may some day be made of you"
  • Scoham said:

    Time from an actual rumour

    Last seen on the Kursaal roller coaster
  • bobmunro said:

    No sorry his driving force is ego

    Probably this - although I also believe he is delusional i.e. believes things to be true that are clearly not.
    Oh dear.

  • The feeling in my water based on a number of undisclosed online sources of questionable integrity, unrelated to football is that this could still be imminent but not yet a done deal.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!