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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • GNelson said:

    So, when it comes to it, what are we throwing on the pitch to celebrate Roland's exit?

    Ourselves? No ifs, no buts.
  • bobmunro said:

    From his website:

    From his desire to act on Australia’s growing obesity program, Andrew Muir established The Good Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation that develops and runs programs and projects that promote good health and nutrition and with the assistance of The Good Guys, brought Jamie’s Ministry of Food to Australia.

    Vol-au-vents are off the menu!

    Could this be the beginning of healthy, plant based nourishment at the Valley? Falafel? Tofu satay? Seitan steak sandwiches?

    Hurry up and finalise the deal cobber!!

  • bobmunro said:

    From his website:

    From his desire to act on Australia’s growing obesity program, Andrew Muir established The Good Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation that develops and runs programs and projects that promote good health and nutrition and with the assistance of The Good Guys, brought Jamie’s Ministry of Food to Australia.

    Vol-au-vents are off the menu!

    So if we protest them in a few years we need to chuck Turkey Twizzlers on the pitch?
  • Mini Roland's :smile:
  • MarcusH26 said:

    I'm confused slightly... Was Andrew Muir involved in the Westfield Shopping Centre brand?

    I remember a while back someone mentioning that someone who owned Westfield was looking to buy the club but am not sure if thats Andrew Muir as when I looked on Wikipedia, he wasnt down as one of the founders?

    Nope , Westfield is the Lowry family , think they came up as they had links to the Aussie FA
  • robroy said:

    An alternative. I wanted to acknowledge the range of protest groups that the fans got behind.

    You forgot the black taxi symbol. Looks great mate
    Does anybody have the black taxi symbol?

    If all the groups shown are happy to be represented on the banner, I will print one and send to a nominated contact. Only if people think it is a good idea of course.
  • GNelson said:

    So, when it comes to it, what are we throwing on the pitch to celebrate Roland's exit?

    Support. Unbridled, joyous and overwhelming support.
  • GNelson said:

    So, when it comes to it, what are we throwing on the pitch to celebrate Roland's exit?

    black and white scarves ; - )
  • Sponsored links:

  • New owners are crucial, yes, but we also need competent and experienced club management too, we have not had that since Varney left and it's a massive problem.

    If this is Aussie Muir, he typically likes to manage with partners. He is not an autocrat.
    It will be great, if he has successfully worked in a partnership style elsewhere. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that in UK football it works best when there is one strong leader in the boardroom (with the shareholding to back it ideally). Palace had that in Steve Parish, now suddenly they don't, with the Americans buying an almost equal share, and it's all gone pear. I think you can trace a similar story at Charlton. During our relentless rise, Murray called the shots in the boardroom. Then came the time when Murray had to share the reins with Derek Chappell (possibly because Murray had made mistakes). That was a weird time when the decline started, and relatively little has been written about it, even by @Airman Brown. Another absolutely prime example would be to compare Spurs with Arsenal.

    But if he knows how to make partnership work, as it frequently does in normal business, it will be fine. And of course the current nutter was the 95% shareholder.

    It’s quite bonkers to suggest things went wrong at Charlton when RM ceased to dominate decision-making and thereby blame those who belatedly sought to rein him in. Leaving aside the merits of individuals the timeline is all wrong, because Murray was removed as plc chairman in January 2008 - “possible mistakes” doesn’t begin to cover what had happened in the previous 18 months. Neither did “the decline” start in January 2008 on any plausible reading of events.
    Did Curbs not ask for a year and RM said if you wont sign two years you have to leave now? Silly, silly man!
  • bobmunro said:

    From his website:

    From his desire to act on Australia’s growing obesity program, Andrew Muir established The Good Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation that develops and runs programs and projects that promote good health and nutrition and with the assistance of The Good Guys, brought Jamie’s Ministry of Food to Australia.

    Vol-au-vents are off the menu!

    I’m sure he will be invited to join the stoners clique after each Christmas.
  • GNelson said:

    So, when it comes to it, what are we throwing on the pitch to celebrate Roland's exit?

    Black and white shirts and scarfs would be appropriate, surely...
    Agree totally...
  • se9addick said:

    If it IS an Aussie consortium then they are going to find the $$$ involved in English football a real eye-opener.

    Both main Aussie codes - AFL and NRL - have strict salary caps in place with AFL set at $12 million and NRL set at $7 million.

    From an AFL perspective you have clubs that regularly get 50,000+ crowds yet only around six players - basically the absolute superstars - earn $1 million per year in AFL - nobody earns that in NRL - and the average AFL squad player brings in around $400,000.

    They are going to get a nasty shock when they find out that a middling English club in the Championship needs to pay average players around $1 million (UK550,000) per year as an average wage - if you want the better players then you need even more than that.

    That's before you even talk about transfer fees which do not exist in Australian sport at all - that could be the biggest eye-opener of all.

    I wouldn't be surprised if there were players now or in our very recent past on around $1M AUD at Charlton.
    Yes - that’s the point though!

    In Aussie sport a $1 million per year player is a national superstar.

    At Charlton $1 million per year [£10k per week] gets you a bang average player.
  • redbuttle said:

    GNelson said:

    So, when it comes to it, what are we throwing on the pitch to celebrate Roland's exit?

    Black and white shirts and scarfs would be appropriate, surely...
    Agree totally...
    Followed by a rousing chorus of "We've got our Restaurant Back" ;)
  • I'm confused slightly... Was Andrew Muir involved in the Westfield Shopping Centre brand?

    I remember a while back someone mentioning that someone who owned Westfield was looking to buy the club but am not sure if thats Andrew Muir as when I looked on Wikipedia, he wasnt down as one of the founders?

    Nope. That’s Frank Lowy - if he were buying us we’d be one of the top 20richest clubs in England, he is seriously minted.

    That’s the point though, Frank doesn’t give away his cash easily.

    In 2009 he persuaded the Labour Government - naturally - to cough up $50 million to fund a doomed bid for the 2022 World Cup which ended up getting a single vote - he kept his own cash well out of it.
  • GNelson said:

    So, when it comes to it, what are we throwing on the pitch to celebrate Roland's exit?

    black and white scarves ; - )
    Followed by a rousing rendition of ‘we’ve got our Charlton back’
  • Can every man, woman, boy and girl, plus any combination of the above throw their voices on to the pitch in celebration that the Douchebag has gone and welcome the new custodians of this famous football club.
  • If it is Muir, will he watch games from OZ?
  • Sponsored links:

  • If it is Muir, will he watch games from O2?

    Very likely, all part of the Peninsula development ;-)

  • Taxi added - busy but sort of refelects the story of the past few years.

    Looks great Muttley. You could see what it looks like with the coffin, football, pig etc as a border? and take them off either side of the wording. I'm an ideas man with no knowledge of how to do this haha
  • bobmunro said:

    se9addick said:

    If it IS an Aussie consortium then they are going to find the $$$ involved in English football a real eye-opener.

    Both main Aussie codes - AFL and NRL - have strict salary caps in place with AFL set at $12 million and NRL set at $7 million.

    From an AFL perspective you have clubs that regularly get 50,000+ crowds yet only around six players - basically the absolute superstars - earn $1 million per year in AFL - nobody earns that in NRL - and the average AFL squad player brings in around $400,000.

    They are going to get a nasty shock when they find out that a middling English club in the Championship needs to pay average players around $1 million (UK550,000) per year as an average wage - if you want the better players then you need even more than that.

    That's before you even talk about transfer fees which do not exist in Australian sport at all - that could be the biggest eye-opener of all.

    I wouldn't be surprised if there were players now or in our very recent past on around $1M AUD at Charlton.
    Yes - that’s the point though!

    In Aussie sport a $1 million per year player is a national superstar.

    At Charlton $1 million per year [£10k per week] gets you a bang average player.
    They will understand the wage structure in England and the role of agents - and they would have seen all of the current contracts as part of DD.

    From what I've read of Andrew Muir (if indeed it is him and probably others) he's a pretty shrewd operator and also a collaborative type who takes advice from people who know rather than air-brained flights of fancy like a certain Belgian. He also appears to be a good chap with sound communication skills. He's also a sports fan! If it is him then I'm very happy.

    Only a Charlton would we write someone off as a no idea, no-mark before they even start!
    Nobody is saying he is a ‘no mark’ - just that someone coming from an AFL background will approach a sporting project very differently than a European investor.

    AFL clubs like Essendon bring their own players through and use the AFL trade system - they would never pay a fee for a player.

    If he brings quality football people in with solid English experience then great but he won’t have worked with them before so it’s a risk from that perspective.

    Sorry, but after the last four years under RD I’ll be very skeptics of any new owner until they prove their mettle.
  • I like the banner.
    My only comment is can it reflect the march over there and the general support of the wider football community?
    Just a comment. It is pretty splendid anyway.
  • I added a flag with the date of the march (Unity Protest) under the CARD logo.
  • bobmunro said:

    se9addick said:

    If it IS an Aussie consortium then they are going to find the $$$ involved in English football a real eye-opener.

    Both main Aussie codes - AFL and NRL - have strict salary caps in place with AFL set at $12 million and NRL set at $7 million.

    From an AFL perspective you have clubs that regularly get 50,000+ crowds yet only around six players - basically the absolute superstars - earn $1 million per year in AFL - nobody earns that in NRL - and the average AFL squad player brings in around $400,000.

    They are going to get a nasty shock when they find out that a middling English club in the Championship needs to pay average players around $1 million (UK550,000) per year as an average wage - if you want the better players then you need even more than that.

    That's before you even talk about transfer fees which do not exist in Australian sport at all - that could be the biggest eye-opener of all.

    I wouldn't be surprised if there were players now or in our very recent past on around $1M AUD at Charlton.
    Yes - that’s the point though!

    In Aussie sport a $1 million per year player is a national superstar.

    At Charlton $1 million per year [£10k per week] gets you a bang average player.
    They will understand the wage structure in England and the role of agents - and they would have seen all of the current contracts as part of DD.

    From what I've read of Andrew Muir (if indeed it is him and probably others) he's a pretty shrewd operator and also a collaborative type who takes advice from people who know rather than air-brained flights of fancy like a certain Belgian. He also appears to be a good chap with sound communication skills. He's also a sports fan! If it is him then I'm very happy.

    Only a Charlton would we write someone off as a no idea, no-mark before they even start!
    Nobody is saying he is a ‘no mark’ - just that someone coming from an AFL background will approach a sporting project very differently than a European investor.

    AFL clubs like Essendon bring their own players through and use the AFL trade system - they would never pay a fee for a player.

    If he brings quality football people in with solid English experience then great but he won’t have worked with them before so it’s a risk from that perspective.

    Sorry, but after the last four years under RD I’ll be very skeptics of any new owner until they prove their mettle.
    Of course, nobody wants another batshit crazy owner. But I tend to trust peoples' ability and motivation unless and until they prove otherwise, not the other way around. McGregor Theory X&Y at play here - I'm towards theory Y and only apply theory X if need be!
  • I added a flag with the date of the march (Unity Protest) under the CARD logo.

    Obviously, I'm no kind of design genius, and I recognise that everyone would want to avoid unneccessary clutter, but I'd love to see something supporting those clubs whose fans supported us along the bottom (e.g. an Oyston Out message for Blackpool).
  • edited February 2018

    I added a flag with the date of the march (Unity Protest) under the CARD logo.

    Obviously, I'm no kind of design genius, and I recognise that everyone would want to avoid unneccessary clutter, but I'd love to see something supporting those clubs whose fans supported us along the bottom (e.g. an Oyston Out message for Blackpool).
    Very good shout, Blackpool, Brighton ...

    The football family shared our pain as we have shared others' pain in the past. Proof if it is needed that football is about fans.
  • Frank Bruno from resigngate? ;-)
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!