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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • edited February 2018

    Shouldn't forget ROT

    Or spell it out but too fussy and too busy imho

    I agree - Did it quickly and it is too busy.
    Good idea though.


    people seem to have forgotten that the very same thing was done after the return to the Valley.

  • From Sydney - local contact - 'no information to share' - read into that what you want.

    Has no information?
  • The boost this takeover will give the whole club will hopefully be enough to push us into the playoffs.

    Hopefully it doesn't have the opposite effect and unsettle anything
  • CH4RLTON said:

    The boost this takeover will give the whole club will hopefully be enough to push us into the playoffs.

    Hopefully it doesn't have the opposite effect and unsettle anything
    Hopefully thats been and gone with our December / January form - If we've got money, these players should be thinking about playing for their places next season as any one of them could be replaced
  • TEL said:

    I have a feeling that if it is Aussie Muir, he would have done a thorough job and would be recruiting competent football people. He seems like a genuine enough bloke and can certainly run a business well catering for non business based customers. If its him, I think we will be fine. I have a feeling we will see a lot of talented young Aussie players heading to Sparrows Lane, assuming its the Aussie.....still nothing being said here, I've been trolling the internet on Australian sites and nothing.....other than last years old posts.

    Do you mean trawling?!
  • TEL said:

    I have a feeling that if it is Aussie Muir, he would have done a thorough job and would be recruiting competent football people. He seems like a genuine enough bloke and can certainly run a business well catering for non business based customers. If its him, I think we will be fine. I have a feeling we will see a lot of talented young Aussie players heading to Sparrows Lane, assuming its the Aussie.....still nothing being said here, I've been trolling the internet on Australian sites and nothing.....other than last years old posts.

    Do you mean trawling?!
    Nah I can be a troll too if the mood takes me :)
  • From Sydney - local contact - 'no information to share' - read into that what you want.

    Interesting, and mirrors exactly what all of my unconnected sources are saying.
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  • I dont know any Australians but if I did they would say the deal is ON.
  • My mate went on holiday to Australia in 2011.
  • Doesn't give a toss about football though.
  • Shouldn't forget ROT

    Or spell it out but too fussy and too busy imho

    I agree - Did it quickly and it is too busy.
    Good idea though.

    I'd leave off the logo and just have this with slight alterations

    That would be appalling taste leveraging the end of one of mankind's most horrific conflicts for gross self indulgence for a comparatively trivial matter.

    Agree - totally over-the-top usage of such an iconic poster. I understand the motive though. Surely we have some talented artists (and I don't just mean piss artists) who could come up with something a little less sensitive?
  • supaclive said:

    If it IS an Aussie consortium then they are going to find the $$$ involved in English football a real eye-opener.

    Both main Aussie codes - AFL and NRL - have strict salary caps in place with AFL set at $12 million and NRL set at $7 million.

    From an AFL perspective you have clubs that regularly get 50,000+ crowds yet only around six players - basically the absolute superstars - earn $1 million per year in AFL - nobody earns that in NRL - and the average AFL squad player brings in around $400,000.

    They are going to get a nasty shock when they find out that a middling English club in the Championship needs to pay average players around $1 million (UK550,000) per year as an average wage - if you want the better players then you need even more than that.

    That's before you even talk about transfer fees which do not exist in Australian sport at all - that could be the biggest eye-opener of all.

    If they did due diligence, which they would, there should be no surprses.
    If things are done properly, correct.

    The main issue is that in recent years we have seen untold clowns come into English football like the Venkys and Vincent Tan who did not have a clue what they were getting into.

    Even if they ARE aware of the levels of cash involved it doesn’t mean they will cough them up, they may, like Roland, look for short cuts.

    I am wary about the Aussies coming in, they don’t spend cash on transfers in any Aussie sport and have a culture based on player development - we are going to need more than that.

    Moreover, given their lack of experience we are going to need an experienced CEO to steer the ship, we don’t need more bloody incompetent rookies running the joint.
    You have NO idea if the group has a lack of experience! Just because Muir is an Aussie, it doesn't mean the rest of them are! However, I genuinely don't know the answer to that point!

    AFAIK no Aussies have ever been involved in English professional football at a senior exec (MD/CEO) level and there have certainly not been any Aussie owners.

    Even if these folks have experience in Aussie sports administration that doesn't mean a thing in English football - they'd be prone to getting picked off by chancers just like RD and Nightmeire were.

    New owners are crucial, yes, but we also need competent and experienced club management too, we have not had that since Varney left and it's a massive problem.
    Steve Kavanagh, was an excellent CEO, I take your point though:)
  • TEL said:

    Junior red inspecting the pitch at the Valley just prior to completing the purchase

    What is it?
  • Shouldn't forget ROT

    Or spell it out but too fussy and too busy imho

    I agree - Did it quickly and it is too busy.
    Tend to agree @MuttleyCAFC . In my view, better to show it as a victory for all Charlton fans and not the various protest groups.
  • Davo55 said:

    Shouldn't forget ROT

    Or spell it out but too fussy and too busy imho

    I agree - Did it quickly and it is too busy.
    Tend to agree @MuttleyCAFC . In my view, better to show it as a victory for all Charlton fans and not the various protest groups.
    Perhaps just a symbol to represent the majority of fans, like a vol-au-vent?
  • I lived in Australia for a couple of years and my brother still does, coincidence?

    Could it be Russel Crowe or Rolf, isn’t he out or coming out soon?
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  • New owners are crucial, yes, but we also need competent and experienced club management too, we have not had that since Varney left and it's a massive problem.

    If this is Aussie Muir, he typically likes to manage with partners. He is not an autocrat.
    It will be great, if he has successfully worked in a partnership style elsewhere. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that in UK football it works best when there is one strong leader in the boardroom (with the shareholding to back it ideally). Palace had that in Steve Parish, now suddenly they don't, with the Americans buying an almost equal share, and it's all gone pear. I think you can trace a similar story at Charlton. During our relentless rise, Murray called the shots in the boardroom. Then came the time when Murray had to share the reins with Derek Chappell (possibly because Murray had made mistakes). That was a weird time when the decline started, and relatively little has been written about it, even by @Airman Brown. Another absolutely prime example would be to compare Spurs with Arsenal.

    But if he knows how to make partnership work, as it frequently does in normal business, it will be fine. And of course the current nutter was the 95% shareholder.

  • I'm confused slightly... Was Andrew Muir involved in the Westfield Shopping Centre brand?

    I remember a while back someone mentioning that someone who owned Westfield was looking to buy the club but am not sure if thats Andrew Muir as when I looked on Wikipedia, he wasnt down as one of the founders?
  • An alternative. I wanted to acknowledge the range of protest groups that the fans got behind.

    You forgot the black taxi symbol. Looks great mate
  • I'm confused slightly... Was Andrew Muir involved in the Westfield Shopping Centre brand?

    I remember a while back someone mentioning that someone who owned Westfield was looking to buy the club but am not sure if thats Andrew Muir as when I looked on Wikipedia, he wasnt down as one of the founders?

    Nope , Westfield is the Lowry family , think they came up as they had links to the Aussie FA
  • Come on guys.

    We’re celebrating 100 years of women being able to vote and still they are being degraded on here.

    I’m appalled that some are still titilated at the sight of a woman feeding the pony.

    It’s 2018 guys!!

    Yeah and look what happens when you give them the vote. Our very own curb_it saying on a public forum that she is going out drinking with her mates whilst banning her partner from leaving the house.

    I bet Tavern had the last laugh though. Stomping round the house sulking whilst mumbling under his breath "it's ass not arse" :smile:

  • edited February 2018

    An alternative. I wanted to acknowledge the range of protest groups that the fans got behind.

    I think something that's inclusive to all fans would be better

    "Here before you came, still here now you've gone"
This discussion has been closed.

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