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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • edited February 2018
    bobmunro said:

    I added a flag with the date of the march (Unity Protest) under the CARD logo.

    Obviously, I'm no kind of design genius, and I recognise that everyone would want to avoid unneccessary clutter, but I'd love to see something supporting those clubs whose fans supported us along the bottom (e.g. an Oyston Out message for Blackpool).
    Very good shout, Blackpool, Brighton ...

    The football family shared our pain as we have shared others' pain in the past. Proof if it is needed that football is about fans.
    And a messaged condemning the Sheff Utd fans who spat on the taxi as it made its approach to the ground and took the piss all game.
  • seth plum said:

    Frank Bruno from resigngate? ;-)

    I think you should be Seth, when you got through the locked Valley gates when Roly was in town one morning, "wanting to see your brick"
    So can we have a brick on there as well?
  • TEL said:

    Junior red inspecting the pitch at the Valley just prior to completing the purchase

    What is it?
    a Baby ring tail Possum I found abandoned in my front yard.
  • An alternative. I wanted to acknowledge the range of protest groups that the fans got behind.

    Where is Charlton life's team in that who produced the Protest shirt? Often forgotten amongst flying pigs and beachballs.
  • CH4RLTON said:

    The boost this takeover will give the whole club will hopefully be enough to push us into the playoffs.

    Hopefully it doesn't have the opposite effect and unsettle anything
    That's right the Belgians should have stayed until the summer
  • As I was catching up on all this whilst waiting at the lights at the junction of Oxford St & Tottenham Ct Rd, a band of buskers were playing Down Under !
    Now don't tell me that is not an omen
  • TEL said:

    An alternative. I wanted to acknowledge the range of protest groups that the fans got behind.

    Where is Charlton life's team in that who produced the Protest shirt? Often forgotten amongst flying pigs and beachballs.
    Good call - does anybody have a high res picture of the protest shirt?
  • edited February 2018
    robroy said:

    New owners are crucial, yes, but we also need competent and experienced club management too, we have not had that since Varney left and it's a massive problem.

    If this is Aussie Muir, he typically likes to manage with partners. He is not an autocrat.
    It will be great, if he has successfully worked in a partnership style elsewhere. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that in UK football it works best when there is one strong leader in the boardroom (with the shareholding to back it ideally). Palace had that in Steve Parish, now suddenly they don't, with the Americans buying an almost equal share, and it's all gone pear. I think you can trace a similar story at Charlton. During our relentless rise, Murray called the shots in the boardroom. Then came the time when Murray had to share the reins with Derek Chappell (possibly because Murray had made mistakes). That was a weird time when the decline started, and relatively little has been written about it, even by @Airman Brown. Another absolutely prime example would be to compare Spurs with Arsenal.

    But if he knows how to make partnership work, as it frequently does in normal business, it will be fine. And of course the current nutter was the 95% shareholder.

    It’s quite bonkers to suggest things went wrong at Charlton when RM ceased to dominate decision-making and thereby blame those who belatedly sought to rein him in. Leaving aside the merits of individuals the timeline is all wrong, because Murray was removed as plc chairman in January 2008 - “possible mistakes” doesn’t begin to cover what had happened in the previous 18 months. Neither did “the decline” start in January 2008 on any plausible reading of events.
    Did Curbs not ask for a year and RM said if you wont sign two years you have to leave now? Silly, silly man!
    No I don't think he asked for a year but he had a year left on his contract & he wouldn't sign a new one. He told Murray he would be leaving & it was felt better if he went at the end of the current season. In hindsight maybe a mistake but at the time fairly reasonable. If Curbishley was looking at players to sign presumably they would want to come because they liked what AC had to say. If he was saying come & sign a three year deal but I'm off in 12 months time would they still sign ?
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  • edited February 2018
    Maybe abandon the banner and make a massive mural on the side of a house. Can you include me holding up my North Korea flag in front of the directors box.
  • My local course. Barnehurst born & bred
  • edited February 2018

    Taxi added - busy but sort of refelects the story of the past few years.

    A much more manageable shape to parade than your original square idea.

    What about moving the protest shirt "badge", ball, pig, and coffin symbols to the 4 corners? Then the flag and taxi could be enlarged to balance the design.
    If we want to acknowledge the support of other clubs, is there room to make the slogan into something like WITH FANS UNITED, WE GOT ROLAND OUT - which could refer to both the overwhelming support of Addicks, and support from the wider football world?
  • If it is Muir, will he watch games from OZ?

    Will be more than happy to set him up with an iFollow account for all of the other teams we have left to face this season
  • Sorry to put a downer on all your enthusiasm but am I the only one who is still a bit apprehensive to the news announced yesterday?

    Apart form 3 or 4 tweeted messages suggesting we have a "done deal" we have nothing else to go on apart from what we have always had in this thread i.e. speculation, jokes and piss taking.

    Surely if a deal was "done" yesterday, by that I mean a hand shake between all parties then we would have heard more. As with all deals like this nobody is interested when the lawyers get the paperwork signed, all we what we want to see is the new owner with a Charlton scarf round his neck.

    I am sure a lot of us have heard of, or experienced the sale of a house falling through on the day the new buyer was supposed to move in or a business deal collapsing at the last minute.

    I get the feeling we are not as close as some people think and looking at the excitement those tweets have generated on here some people seem to be getting ahead of themselves.

    I hope I am way off the mark and scarfy is paraded soon, however as a boycotter I refuse to consider what game I will be attending next until the sale of the club is signed, sealed and the new owner has revealed him/herself.

    I think there is more than just "speculation, jokes and piss taking" given the source and what Murray has been saying.

    But I agree with that it's not done until it is all signed off and money changes hands.

  • N01R4M said:

    Taxi added - busy but sort of refelects the story of the past few years.

    A much more manageable shape to parade than your original square idea.

    What about moving the protest shirt "badge", ball, pig, and coffin symbols to the 4 corners? Then the flag and taxi could be enlarged to balance the design.
    If we want to acknowledge the support of other clubs, is there room to make the slogan into something like WITH FANS UNITED, WE GOT ROLAND OUT - which could refer to both the overwhelming support of Addicks, and support from the wider football world?
    the taxi is as large as I can get it without it becoming pixelated.
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  • Sorry to put a downer on all your enthusiasm but am I the only one who is still a bit apprehensive to the news announced yesterday?

    Apart form 3 or 4 tweeted messages suggesting we have a "done deal" we have nothing else to go on apart from what we have always had in this thread i.e. speculation, jokes and piss taking.

    Surely if a deal was "done" yesterday, by that I mean a hand shake between all parties then we would have heard more. As with all deals like this nobody is interested when the lawyers get the paperwork signed, all we what we want to see is the new owner with a Charlton scarf round his neck.

    I am sure a lot of us have heard of, or experienced the sale of a house falling through on the day the new buyer was supposed to move in or a business deal collapsing at the last minute.

    I get the feeling we are not as close as some people think and looking at the excitement those tweets have generated on here some people seem to be getting ahead of themselves.

    I hope I am way off the mark and scarfy is paraded soon, however as a boycotter I refuse to consider what game I will be attending next until the sale of the club is signed, sealed and the new owner has revealed him/herself.

    Chill Winston........sorry. Wrong thread

  • bobmunro said:

    From his website:

    From his desire to act on Australia’s growing obesity program, Andrew Muir established The Good Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation that develops and runs programs and projects that promote good health and nutrition and with the assistance of The Good Guys, brought Jamie’s Ministry of Food to Australia.

    Vol-au-vents are off the menu!

    Clear soup ( hot water with a dash of lemon) accompanied by Ryvita - starter.

    Braised lettuce on a bed of lettuce leaves, cucumber gravy with a reduced celery dressing - main course

    Unsweetened water ice with a hint of melon - dessert.

    Green tea to round off the gourmet meal.

    POTY menu for those that are interested .....

    ( Might be worth keeping Sunday 6th May free.......More later)

  • TEL said:

    An alternative. I wanted to acknowledge the range of protest groups that the fans got behind.

    Where is Charlton life's team in that who produced the Protest shirt? Often forgotten amongst flying pigs and beachballs.
    Good call - does anybody have a high res picture of the protest shirt?
  • Glad to see it is vegetarian, Fanny
  • bobmunro said:

    From his website:

    From his desire to act on Australia’s growing obesity program, Andrew Muir established The Good Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation that develops and runs programs and projects that promote good health and nutrition and with the assistance of The Good Guys, brought Jamie’s Ministry of Food to Australia.

    Vol-au-vents are off the menu!

    And chips but looking forward to the avocado wraps and decent coffee.
  • bobmunro said:

    From his website:

    From his desire to act on Australia’s growing obesity program, Andrew Muir established The Good Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation that develops and runs programs and projects that promote good health and nutrition and with the assistance of The Good Guys, brought Jamie’s Ministry of Food to Australia.

    Vol-au-vents are off the menu!

    Clear soup ( hot water with a dash of lemon) accompanied by Ryvita - starter.

    Braised lettuce on a bed of lettuce leaves, cucumber gravy with a reduced celery dressing - main course

    Unsweetened water ice with a hint of melon - dessert.

    Green tea to round off the gourmet meal.

    POTY menu for those that are interested .....

    ( Might be worth keeping Sunday 6th May free.......More later)

    Muir out!
  • TEL said:

    An alternative. I wanted to acknowledge the range of protest groups that the fans got behind.

    Where is Charlton life's team in that who produced the Protest shirt? Often forgotten amongst flying pigs and beachballs.
    Good call - does anybody have a high res picture of the protest shirt?
    @Nug is your man. Otherwise is still alive, there are photos there.
  • I wonder if @Redhenry can confirm that the Aussie Muir was his preferred bidder ?
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!