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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • TEL said:

    TEL said:

    An alternative. I wanted to acknowledge the range of protest groups that the fans got behind.

    Where is Charlton life's team in that who produced the Protest shirt? Often forgotten amongst flying pigs and beachballs.
    Good call - does anybody have a high res picture of the protest shirt?
    @Nug is your man. Otherwise is still alive, there are photos there.
    Little would have been achieved without the protest fund - to save having an extra icon, what about a pink piggy-bank to represent both the plastic pigs and the fund?
  • I wonder if @Redhenry can confirm that the Aussie Muir was his preferred bidder ?

    Not unless you change your name to pferdfeldneun.....
  • I wonder if @Redhenry can confirm that the Aussie Muir was his preferred bidder ?

    Pretty sure he wasn't.
  • Who the F are MORI?
  • Opinion pollsters
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  • Fantastic work @MuttleyCAFC, a great idea!
  • edited February 2018
    Ok, I'll have it made up - who shall I post it to? Anybody want to look after it?
  • edited February 2018

    New owners are crucial, yes, but we also need competent and experienced club management too, we have not had that since Varney left and it's a massive problem.

    If this is Aussie Muir, he typically likes to manage with partners. He is not an autocrat.
    It will be great, if he has successfully worked in a partnership style elsewhere. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that in UK football it works best when there is one strong leader in the boardroom (with the shareholding to back it ideally). Palace had that in Steve Parish, now suddenly they don't, with the Americans buying an almost equal share, and it's all gone pear. I think you can trace a similar story at Charlton. During our relentless rise, Murray called the shots in the boardroom. Then came the time when Murray had to share the reins with Derek Chappell (possibly because Murray had made mistakes). That was a weird time when the decline started, and relatively little has been written about it, even by @Airman Brown. Another absolutely prime example would be to compare Spurs with Arsenal.

    But if he knows how to make partnership work, as it frequently does in normal business, it will be fine. And of course the current nutter was the 95% shareholder.

    It’s quite bonkers to suggest things went wrong at Charlton when RM ceased to dominate decision-making and thereby blame those who belatedly sought to rein him in. Leaving aside the merits of individuals the timeline is all wrong, because Murray was removed as plc chairman in January 2008 - “possible mistakes” doesn’t begin to cover what had happened in the previous 18 months. Neither did “the decline” start in January 2008 on any plausible reading of events.
    Whatever, Rick. I was simply musing on the general importance of decisive leadership at the top of a football club, and that is harder to achieve if there isn't a natural leader, by dint of personal attributes and size of shareholding.

  • Is this thing done yet?
  • edited February 2018
    Dazzler21 said:

    Rothko said:

    Is this thing done yet?

    I've heard from a regular WUM on Facebook that it'll be announced at our next home game before kick off.

    Sadly that WUM has never been right.
    So maybe at half-time then?

    I would expect the announcement to be made several days before a home game to maximise the attendance. There would be quite a few disappointed fans who missed the opportunity to be there.
  • We are sure that we have two suitors. Airman confirmed as much as has Redhenry. One has said to have reached agreement with RD but there is a hold up about which we can only speculate but it seems won’t impact on the agreed sale ?

    Why hasn’t the other party withdrawn ? Airman would know if they had I’m sure. Why are they still in the process ? Is the holdup Duchâtelet waiting for the second party to make a bid ?

    I’m confused as to why a “done deal” is not now a completed deal. The fit and proper person test can’t be an issue surely. It’s a non process. Still huge secrecy surrounding the identities. I find it hard to believe someone in the press doesn’t know and printed.
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  • Redhenry said:

    The bidder I got the info from wasn't Muir. I don't think the winning bid is from the party i referred to.

    @Redhenry,are the party you referred to the 2nd of the 'interested' parties that RM alluded to earlier in the week? Do you know anything of the winning bid? Many thanks.
  • 1am and I cant sleep...cursing my Uncles right now for taking me to the Valley in 1964......come on, get it done.

  • I’m confused as to why a “done deal” is not now a completed deal. The fit and proper person test can’t be an issue surely. It’s a non process.

    Does anyone know how the FPPT is conducted by the Football League? Do they have a panel of representatives from their member clubs that adjudicate on such things?

    Knowing our luck the Massives' CEO would be on the panel and they're still waiting for that person to show up.
  • Redhenry said:

    The bidder I got the info from wasn't Muir. I don't think the winning bid is from the party i referred to.

    @Redhenry,are the party you referred to the 2nd of the 'interested' parties that RM alluded to earlier in the week? Do you know anything of the winning bid? Many thanks.
    Is it a winning bid or acceptable bid. That for me is the big question at the moment.

  • Fans shirt, taxi, beach balls, Coffin, Footballs, pigs, unity protest

    Too much on there now.
  • I’m confused as to why a “done deal” is not now a completed deal. The fit and proper person test can’t be an issue surely. It’s a non process.

    Does anyone know how the FPPT is conducted by the Football League? Do they have a panel of representatives from their member clubs that adjudicate on such things?

    Knowing our luck the Massives' CEO would be on the panel and they're still waiting for that person to show up.
    I believe its a self declaration. I.e. Are you a criminal?

    Are you currently being investigated for any financial misconduct?

    If you answer no to both you're in.
  • GNelson said:

    So, when it comes to it, what are we throwing on the pitch to celebrate Roland's exit?

    Roland's head?

    [Just a joke btw]
  • Fans shirt, taxi, beach balls, Coffin, Footballs, pigs, unity protest

    That's the money shot!
  • Ironically up until last week, Id only ever seen one wild Kangaroo...apparently the place is full of em.

    1 roo....2 roos....3 roos....
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!