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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Would Duchatelet send us into the new Championship season with a league one budget?

    From his prespective, losses will be at a min for a season, and with the club being in the championship, he may well believe someone will meet his asking price.. 

    Which worries me as this saga will keep going.
  • Would Duchatelet send us into the new Championship season with a league one budget?

    From his prespective, losses will be at a min for a season, and with the club being in the championship, he may well believe someone will meet his asking price.. 

    Yes, quite possibly.

    He appears to believe that it is losses that deter buyers not the price.

    He isn't rational.
  • JamesSeed said:
    I reckon we should start a takeover thread.

    I also reckon we should start a ‘Championship: will we stay there’ thread. 
  • If Bowyer remains in charge I'd hope he could assemble a squad with a fighting chance of staying up. I doubt he'd stay if RD offers no budget.
  • We will sign players and with Bowyer and Gallen I think we will sign players who give us a fighting spirit. Hopefully that’s enough to make us difficult to beat and we stay up. The fear is how much quality we will have to win games. 
  • edited June 2019

    Nope doesn't bloody work. Ignore.

  • We will sign players and with Bowyer and Gallen I think we will sign players who give us a fighting spirit. Hopefully that’s enough to make us difficult to beat and we stay up. The fear is how much quality we will have to win games. 
    Team spirit has this season been about as good if not better than I’ve ever seen it in my 58 years of support. It really does count for a lot. I think that signing the right characters and the fostering of a good dressing room have been fundamental to Bowyers success. In league one we also had a squad of players that were arguably collectively right up there as the best in the division. I’m confident that team spirit won’t be the issue next season under Bowyer but I’m equally confident that our squad will have done very well should we stay up. I always think that it’s the manager that is the key to success regardless of players ( within reason) and Bowyer has for me got that X factor. Provided we don’t sell Taylor and build astutely like last season I feel that we might actually stay up relatively easily and hit a comfortable mid table. 
    Agree 100% and that’s what is giving me a bit of hope. We all know under Roland that Bowyer won’t be given the money to mount a serious challenge. But all we can hope is that we remain competitive. 

    The right recruitment even with a small budget makes that achievable even if slightly more difficult. 
  • edited June 2019
    The Rats EGO is in charge---- not a "business case" its his EGO proving to the World how clever and right he is. 

    All this "one day soon" he will cut his loses is assuming your dealing with a RATIONAL business man supported by managers who can guide his mistakes back to Planet Earth-----this isnt the case with Rolands Ego and his army of yes men/women.

    He sells when he can spin to the Belgian press etc he has been proved right all along or he dies and his next of kin sell
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  • edited June 2019
    Just want to hear that, Bowyer and backroom staff have signed an improved contract or this will take another unique and weird duct tape step in the surreal world of the Sale of Charlton.
  • The Rats EGO is in charge---- not a "business case" its his EGO proving to the World how clever and right he is. 

    All this "one day soon" he will cut his loses is assuming your dealing with a RATIONAL business man supported by managers who can guide his mistakes back to Planet Earth-----this isnt the case with Rolands Ego and his army of yes men/women.

    He sells when he can spin to the Belgian press etc he has been proved right all along or he dies and his next of kin sell
    Are you listening Roland?
  • 1649, Charles 1 is beheaded.
  • I'd mentioned on here a while ago that someone from Cardiff has been looking but had been put off by the price.

    Very reliable source but unlikely that the price issue has changed at all.
  • Chizz said:
    I offer this as a public service so that we do not have to wade through pages of jokes based on the word "Tan". 

    • Why did the scientist go to the tanning salon? Because he was a pale-ontologist.
    • What did the pig say while she was tanning? I'm bacon! 
    • What is the best day to get a tan on the beach? Sun-day, of course! 
    • Why do you rarely find mathematicians spending time at the beach? Because they have sine and cosine to get a tan and don't need the sun! 
    • Did you hear about the tanning Olympics? Everbody tried to get bronzed. 
    • Where do people on the upper east side go to get some sun? Manhat-tan. 
    • Did you hear about the witch who went to beach? She frigh-tanned everyone. 
    • What kind of pilgrims go to the beach? Puritans. 
    • Who loves the sun the most in the Middle East? The Sul-tan of Brunei. 
    • What is a woman's least favourite summer dance? Tango (tan-go) 
    • Why did the cheerleader put extra salt on her skin instead of tanning lotion? She wanted to do summer salts. 
    • I just turned my brightness all the way up on the iPhone & got a nice little tan. 
    • There is a fine line between a tan and looking like you rolled around in a bag of doritos. 
    • I competed in the sun-tanning Olympics, but all I did was get bronze. 
    • Yo momma so fat, she uses the entire country of Mexico as a tanning bed. 
    • People think that Donald Trump has crossed over to the dark side. But in reality he just fell asleep in the tanning bed. 
    • In a thousand years people will dig up tanning beds and think we fried people as punishment.
    • A rather well proportioned young lady, spent almost all of her vacation sunbathing on the roof of the hotel. She wore a bathing suit the first day but, on the second, being a naturist, she decided that no one could see her way up there, and she slipped out of it for an overall tan. She'd hardly begun when she heard someone running up the stairs. She was lying on her stomach, so she just pulled a towel over her rear. "Excuse me, miss," said the flustered little assistant manager of the hotel, out of breath from running up the stairs. "The hotel doesn't mind you sunbathing on the roof but we would very much appreciate you wearing a bathing suit as you did yesterday." "What difference does it make," Joan asked rather calmly. "No one can see me up here, and besides, I'm covered with a towel." "Not exactly," said the embarrassed little man. "You're lying on the dining room skylight." 

    Hmmm are you malky mackay?
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    razil said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    razil said:

    So can we 'blame' Duchatelet? In my view yes, no-one forced him to buy the club, and it appears that he didn't do his homework. He's also wasted a LOT of money with poor hiring, and a flawed strategy in a number of ways, all of which has been rehearsed many times on this site.
    Sorry I didn't mean its not Roland's fault he has wasted so much money and didn't have a credible plan.  I ment that if he went tomorrow unless the new owner was prepared to put in a crazy amount of money we wouldn't be much better off.

    Anyone that is prepared to spunk so much money, on a club they have no emotional link with, is probably not fit and proper in the 1st place. This is a problem the EFL now have, do you let an owner you know to be a risk take over a club or do you let it go into liquidation?  I belive that was a choice they had to make with Sunderland in the summer. 
    Not sure I agree, surely the prestige and money from owning a Premier League club is a factor?
    Absolutely this.
    Abramovich was not a Chelsea supporter when he bought them.

    Abramovich bought Chelsea when they had qualified for the champions league.   The money he threw at Chelsea, that was seen as obscene at the time, is chicken feed compared to what has happened at City.

    If your prepared to risk, say for sake of argument 150-200 million, on a club like us, with out any guarantee of even getting to the premier league you need your head testing.  Or you have serious cash, if your in the later camp you might as well buy Arsenal. 
    It'd cost about 1.5-2bn to buy Arsenal these days. If you had that sort of cash it'd be better to look at a club with potential (like the UAE lot with Newcastle) that you can buy for 300-400m and then spend 600m on the team. If they do that Newcastle will be better than Arsenal anyway, so i think people would be crazy to buy Arsenal right now. Ok they're a big club with worldwide support, but worldwide support doesn't win you games.
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  • But maybe the league status has changed how interested they are...

    Croydon said:
    I'd mentioned on here a while ago that someone from Cardiff has been looking but had been put off by the price.

    Very reliable source but unlikely that the price issue has changed at all.

  • Would Duchatelet send us into the new Championship season with a league one budget?

    From his prespective, losses will be at a min for a season, and with the club being in the championship, he may well believe someone will meet his asking price.. 

    Which worries me as this saga will keep going.

    Of course it will. Roly said many moons ago he didn't care which division we played in. Doesn't matter how many football clubs he owns (owned) he just doesn't understand the ethos behind football - he never will. Eventually he will sell us but by then it will be too late.
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    razil said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    razil said:

    So can we 'blame' Duchatelet? In my view yes, no-one forced him to buy the club, and it appears that he didn't do his homework. He's also wasted a LOT of money with poor hiring, and a flawed strategy in a number of ways, all of which has been rehearsed many times on this site.
    Sorry I didn't mean its not Roland's fault he has wasted so much money and didn't have a credible plan.  I ment that if he went tomorrow unless the new owner was prepared to put in a crazy amount of money we wouldn't be much better off.

    Anyone that is prepared to spunk so much money, on a club they have no emotional link with, is probably not fit and proper in the 1st place. This is a problem the EFL now have, do you let an owner you know to be a risk take over a club or do you let it go into liquidation?  I belive that was a choice they had to make with Sunderland in the summer. 
    Not sure I agree, surely the prestige and money from owning a Premier League club is a factor?
    Absolutely this.
    Abramovich was not a Chelsea supporter when he bought them.

    Abramovich bought Chelsea when they had qualified for the champions league.   The money he threw at Chelsea, that was seen as obscene at the time, is chicken feed compared to what has happened at City.

    If your prepared to risk, say for sake of argument 150-200 million, on a club like us, with out any guarantee of even getting to the premier league you need your head testing.  Or you have serious cash, if your in the later camp you might as well buy Arsenal. 
    It'd cost about 1.5-2bn to buy Arsenal these days. If you had that sort of cash it'd be better to look at a club with potential (like the UAE lot with Newcastle) that you can buy for 300-400m and then spend 600m on the team. If they do that Newcastle will be better than Arsenal anyway, so i think people would be crazy to buy Arsenal right now. Ok they're a big club with worldwide support, but worldwide support doesn't win you games.
    But with the spending power of teams in the Prem, spending 600mil at Newcastle doesn’t mean you are going to do anything. So you could end up wasting a billion. Look at United, spent all that money and haven’t progressed, in fact gone backwards. 

  • Solidgone said:
    For what it’s worth Wikipedia is saying he wants to sell all his current football interests. Not sure why he’d want to then jump back in with us. Although granted he likes red. 
  • edited June 2019
    Someone on twitter reporting that Tan's nephew has now bid this morning. No mention in the media though but I am that desperate it's true that I am going to believe it.
  • Someone has to buy Cardiff first otherwise there's a conflict of interest surely? 
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!