Which would indicate that The Valley is part of the deal and the charges rollover.
Would also indicate buyer is an idiot and is happy to pay £20-£30mn for the Club with no control of it's most valuable assets, as charges are over all assets of the Club. Which also means buyer cannot raise any finance against said assets without permission or enter into any Leases on assets. Worry if new buyer keeps charges outstanding as this is their best bargaining tool with Roland to get price down.
Or they have no need to raise finance against the assets.
But with a desperate seller like Roland wouldn't you make him pay off those Loans as part of the deal, even if you are a Billionaire you want clean title to the thing you are purchasing. At least two other buyers wanted clean title,that's why Roland presented a low ball bid to Ex Directors and got told to go forth, in fact one was probably the Aussies.
Maybe the Aussies have spent 6 months trying to negotiate this and have decided to bite the bullet and by the club
If Roland is buying the debt from the ex directors maybe speaking to them would be the first step
So unless that happens I’d say the charge is rolling on not being purchased
Perhaps you’re right but all he has to do is pay it. It’s the buyer who has to be satisfied it has been discharged. If he pays full whack there’s nothing to discuss. Similarly if it’s rolled over they don’t have to be consulted. Anyway, they could always ask RM tomorrow...
I genuinely believe it for the first time mainly cause of Jim White. Simply can't believe he would say it with that much confidence if it wasn't true.
On a side note I'm suddenly feeling very very ill and might have to take the day off work to make a trip down to London, might go watch the game while I'm down to clear my head
If Roland is buying the debt from the ex directors maybe speaking to them would be the first step
So unless that happens I’d say the charge is rolling on not being purchased
Perhaps you’re right but all he has to do is pay it. It’s the buyer who has to be satisfied it has been discharged. If he pays full whack there’s nothing to discuss. Similarly if it’s rolled over they don’t have to be consulted. Anyway, they could always ask RM tomorrow...
So unless that happens I’d say the charge is rolling on not being purchased
You’ve changed:-)
Embrace change don’t resist it that’s what a wise old bottle of wine once told me
On a side note I'm suddenly feeling very very ill and might have to take the day off work to make a trip down to London, might go watch the game while I'm down to clear my head