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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Come on guys, one last push for 1400 pages before we say finally say goodbye to M Duchatelet

    Hope the new owners come to the fans forum meeting on Wednesday
  • That looks like two separate photos to me.
    Wait... WHAT???
  • Chizz said:

    Jim whites been played, and further down the food chain that is charlton , we’re being played as well,it’s just your normal transfer window, at ease everyone.

    This sums it up for me. Roland is Jim Whites new best friend, Jim's last interview with Roland showed that the anger had gone about our situation and had been replaced with telling us what a lovely man Roland is.

    I would love to be proved wrong but if this turns out to be fabrication then Jim Whites show should be boycotted and the Aussies should be given a clear message to fuck off and stop wasting everyone's time.

    They need to put up or shut up.


    If the message that Roland has planted with Jim White turns out to be a fabrication, then the Aussies should be told to f*** off?

    Not just the massage from Jim White but all the other messing about. It is clear Muir does not want to spend his own money so if he is still in the frame he is looking for investors to use their cash rather than his own.

    Its crowd funding for rich people, do we really want to be owned by multiple investors instead of one or maybe two. What happens when they all fall out, disagree and want their money back?

    I have a bad feeling about the Aussies and fear we will be no better off if they somehow manage to get a deal across the line.
    All makes sense now.
  • cafc-west said:

    LouisMend said:


    I'm really no expert but I think that might have been photoshopped.
    Dont see it meself
  • Mal said:

    Charlton Soul

    29m29 minutes ago
    @JimWhite round up

    - People brokering the deal have said that club will change hands Monday. (Australians)

    - Money is there and been confirmed

    - Thought to be in the region of 20-30 million

    - 'I know some charlton fans are sceptical but I’m on the money with this one'

    Don’t give up on us, baby
    Lord knows we’ve come this far....
  • Scoham said:
    Going straight into Bartrams for a cheeky swift one first.
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  • I think one thing we can all potentially agree on, this feels the closest things have been for a long time. If this attempt doesn't get over the line, I suspect we'll be in status quo for another 5-6 months at a minimum.

    Down The Dustpipe
    What You're Proposin'
    Mystery Song
    Enough is Enough
    Down Down
    No Contract
    4500 Times
    I'm Giving Up My Worrying
  • RedChaser said:

    JW just been on again stating it's done and should be announced early next week.

    If it's done then why only 'should' be announced next week?

    If it's done, surely it's a given to be announced by Monday latest. Why would they be waiting and waiting to announce it?
    I don't know proof of funds and transfer of funds are two different things and arranging the press announcement etc but don't shoot the messenger who has reported in good faith what I thought I heard him say.
  • 72-96 hrs

    have you thought about running a survey on this?
  • Chizz said:

    DOUCHER said:

    I’m not sure but if I was a betting man i’d say RD will still be here come the end of the season - know nothing about any of the latest rumours but Williams signing will be announced this morning, another who I cannot name - not a midfielder - should be Monday - then another later in week - and no major player sales this window - a takeover is the ideal, but if not, the above seems a decent second best as none of the incomings will be squad fillers

    Are you more sure that RD will still be the owner at the end of the season than you were that he'd sell before the end of last season, or less?
    Got that one wrong, hands up. Nice of you to remember though. When this takeover will finally take place is a mystery to me and the last thing I want to do is piss on peoples chips but I'd be absolutely amazed if it's about to happen 'imminently'.
  • I refuse to believe this is happening. Would’ve been nice to have got it through before tomorrow, as I genuinely think we could’ve had a next to full valley.
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  • Any news on the redbull takeover and potential Morden wharf move?
  • Mrkinski said:

    Knowing my luck he will sell the cloob and I will drop dea......


  • Fishhhhh
  • ct_addick said:

    Atlassian - Jira Software used in Agile project methodology. Another methodology and software to support it. A passing fad like so many others. They probably have money to burn right now but it will dry up eventually or they sell to a Google, Oracle or Microsoft and we become their pet project !

    So I still can't tell if the Atlassian link is a whoosh. but they're very successful. Been using their stuff for like 7-8 years now, it's not exactly fly-by-night and they're one of the only software products for modern project management.
  • Chizz said:

    Jim whites been played, and further down the food chain that is charlton , we’re being played as well,it’s just your normal transfer window, at ease everyone.

    This sums it up for me. Roland is Jim Whites new best friend, Jim's last interview with Roland showed that the anger had gone about our situation and had been replaced with telling us what a lovely man Roland is.

    I would love to be proved wrong but if this turns out to be fabrication then Jim Whites show should be boycotted and the Aussies should be given a clear message to fuck off and stop wasting everyone's time.

    They need to put up or shut up.


    If the message that Roland has planted with Jim White turns out to be a fabrication, then the Aussies should be told to f*** off?

    Not just the massage from Jim White but all the other messing about. It is clear Muir does not want to spend his own money so if he is still in the frame he is looking for investors to use their cash rather than his own.

    Its crowd funding for rich people, do we really want to be owned by multiple investors instead of one or maybe two. What happens when they all fall out, disagree and want their money back?

    I have a bad feeling about the Aussies and fear we will be no better off if they somehow manage to get a deal across the line.
    Have said that quite a few times on this thread (& probably others) have never got why they have continued to hang around trying to deal with a madman who allegedly wants around 3 times what he paid for a championship club on the up & turned into a Division 3 team looking to be settling for that level until Bowyer took over & seems to have us heading in the right direction though for how long who knows. (lets see what happens in the T. window)
  • CAFCTrev said:

    So Jim White said Monday or Tuesday we could be hearing the club has been sold?

    I think Jim’s watch is broken.
  • Listen to Jim White & his guests discuss the latest on the takeover here.
  • edited January 2019
    If it's all done and dusted why wait until Monday to make an announcement? I can only presume it's because of the time difference (it is already the early hours of Saturday in some parts of Australia).

    They are missing a trick by not announcing it before this weekend's match against Sunderland. Imagine the huge lift it would give to the cafc players and the fans not forgetting potentially adding a few more thousand to the gate.
  • Cafc43v3r said:

    J BLOCK said:

    From twitter, Roland at London Bridge

    Anyone know of a sniper in the LB area?
    I'm sure we could all chip in to pay the fee.
    Look, we need to, as a group, make a decision here. Does LB stand for 'Lee Bowyer', 'left back', or the new surprise contender 'London Bridge'. It can't be all three. I don't want to have to work it out via context, that's more work than I'm willing to do.
    Can @bertpalmer sort out a poll?
    not really, i thought it stood for left bollock
  • So does that mean if they own Atlassian, the clubs going to be run on sprints, have daily stand-ups and post-it notes everywhere?
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!