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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • So basically this is all "Done Deal" the 99999999th time. Cool.

    Slight exaggeration there!!

    There are hidden powers at work - not for me to say that the delays are being orchestrated by a third party, convinced that a promote will be received at 2000 pages.

  • Before social media ( oh yes there was)

    Rumours were added to and altered by word of mouth in pubs, offices, and over the garden fence.
    Now people can plant a seed (I don't mean you Jimmy) of a fib which turns into an oak tree of lies.

    We all want this take over to happen so badly that we would accept Dame Edna as owner and Les Paterson as CEO.
  • Before social media ( oh yes there was)

    Rumours were added to and altered by word of mouth in pubs, offices, and over the garden fence.
    Now people can plant a seed (I don't mean you Jimmy) of a fib which turns into an oak tree of lies.

    We all want this take over to happen so badly that we would accept Dame Edna as owner and Les Paterson as CEO.

    Speaking for myself, I’d prefer Sir Les as owner and Dame Edna as CEO.

  • edited January 2019

    Jim whites been played, and further down the food chain that is charlton , we’re being played as well,it’s just your normal transfer window, at ease everyone.

    But to what end? You can’t argue that someone is being “played” without there being a purpose and nobody has advanced one that fits the facts.

    Jim whites been played, and further down the food chain that is charlton , we’re being played as well,it’s just your normal transfer window, at ease everyone.

    But to what end? You can’t argue that someone is being “played” without there being a purpose and nobody has advanced one that fits the facts.

    Jim whites been played, and further down the food chain that is charlton , we’re being played as well,it’s just your normal transfer window, at ease everyone.

    But to what end? You can’t argue that someone is being “played” without there being a purpose and nobody has advanced one that fits the facts.
    Could it be that Roland has decided to put this news out there as an excuse not to reinvest in the squad during the January transfer window? He has used an imminent takeover as an excuse in previous windows and may want to make it sound imminent to cover himself during January?
    Why does he need to do that at all, and do it via national radio and the only UK media person with whom he has established a rapport though? It is also coming out via Lee Bowyer (in the Standard and privately), staff at The Valley, at least one ex-director and the Sunday tour of the facilities, as well as via other posters on here.

    It’s a very elaborate subterfuge when he has the FF next week at which he could get De Turck to put out any message he wants.
    And you honestly don't think that Duchatelet is capable of such subterfuge as a way of 'pay back' for the relative grief we've given him?

    Of course he is! He's proven such during his entire tenure at the place. It would be incredibly naive to think that Duchatelet wouldn't resort to such 'tactics'!

    I just imagine him (or one of his cohorts) reading this forum and the #cafc twitter pages after surreptitiously chucking a grenade into the fray, then standing back and maniacally laughing as he watches the fallout.

    You've been duped before so why not again? He needs no 'means to an end'. He consistently lies (look at the most recent White (sycophant) interview). Never lose sight of the fact that there needs to be no method in his madness.

    And if I'm wrong on this occasion, I'll celebrate like the rest of you. You'll forgive me for being cynical though after being given the runaround for at least 12 months!
    If you actually listen to Duchatelet in these interviews it’s clear he barely knows what day of the week it is. He certainly doesn’t understand what’s happened at Charlton over the last five years - often he just regurgitates nonsense.

    You say that I’ve been duped before and I hold my hands up to believing things that didn’t turn out to be true, but they didn’t come from RD, neither were they conceivably planted by him.

    In fact there is no evidence of him manipulating the situation, it’s just assumption because he says things that are not true. It’s far more likely, IMO, that he is deluded himself.

    The counter theory is spiteful Roland who wants revenge over people he doesn’t know and has never met, and doesn’t care who he uses or how much more he spends to get it. I don’t buy it.
    We'll politely agree to differ then Rick.

    For the record though, I think that what you have done for this club and what you continue to do is 'above and beyond' commendable. You have my full support and total admiration.
  • I think the drip drip to the FF and more full on leaks to the media during transfer windows is entirely consistent with a ‘sales process’ designed to keep buyers interest and or flush them out. LdT has admitted he is completely focussed on selling the club and all of the above could well be part of that.

  • Before social media ( oh yes there was)

    Rumours were added to and altered by word of mouth in pubs, offices, and over the garden fence.
    Now people can plant a seed (I don't mean you Jimmy) of a fib which turns into an oak tree of lies.

    We all want this take over to happen so badly that we would accept Dame Edna as owner and Les Paterson as CEO.

    Speaking for myself, I’d prefer Sir Les as owner and Dame Edna as CEO.

    Plus Dame Edna's bridesmaid Madge to do the PR.
  • Wouldn't surprise me if Jim White is getting a fee for advertising the sale either.
  • Hilarious how people that believe they are informed, really know nothing.

    So many words, so little truth.
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  • razil said:

    I think the drip drip to the FF and more full on leaks to the media during transfer windows is entirely consistent with a ‘sales process’ designed to keep buyers interest and or flush them out. LdT has admitted he is completely focussed on selling the club and all of the above could well be part of that.

    They have turned away recent interest on the basis they have a deal.
    I so want that sentence to be true.
    I just hope you haven't got your head in the clouds Airman.
  • edited January 2019

    razil said:

    I think the drip drip to the FF and more full on leaks to the media during transfer windows is entirely consistent with a ‘sales process’ designed to keep buyers interest and or flush them out. LdT has admitted he is completely focussed on selling the club and all of the above could well be part of that.

    They have turned away recent interest on the basis they have a deal.
    Ok must have missed that, seems unlikely though

    Edit: that they or anyone else would turn away genuine credible interest before a deal was signed off
  • razil said:

    I think the drip drip to the FF and more full on leaks to the media during transfer windows is entirely consistent with a ‘sales process’ designed to keep buyers interest and or flush them out. LdT has admitted he is completely focussed on selling the club and all of the above could well be part of that.

    They have turned away recent interest on the basis they have a deal.
    I so want that sentence to be true.
    I just hope you haven't got your head in the clouds Airman.
    It is true to my certain knowledge, but I would continue to caution that he is delusional and it doesn’t mean he is right this time any more than before.
  • cfgs said:

    Jim White about to talk about us again in a bit says sale could be done early next week.

    Early next week seems a long 48 hours from his comments earlier this week?
  • cfgs said:

    Jim White about to talk about us again in a bit says sale could be done early next week.

    I hope Jim White tells us the potential buyer is waiting to see what division we’re in.
    Or will he say that next week? Either way it’ll be said soon enough, which is good, as that’s my fave...
  • cfgs said:

    Just said he understands fit and proper test is no problem, no idea if he thinks that has been done, Monday or Tuesday it should be done. Time obviously moves slower in Scotland.

    That is the club’s current line, no question.
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  • Never known anything drag on like this. The can has been kicked down the road so many times, there can be barely anything left of it. Next Tuesday will probably come and go.......
  • Wouldn't surprise me if Jim White is getting a fee for advertising the sale either.

    Anyone who may be interested knows full well that the club is for sale.

    It's not the DFS sale!
  • 1905 said:

    Never known anything drag on like this. The can has been kicked down the road so many times, there can be barely anything left of it. Next Tuesday will probably come and go.......

    Dexit means Dexit :wink:
  • that doesn't look like London bridge
  • J BLOCK said:

    From twitter, Roland at London Bridge

    Just taking a break from busking?
  • bobmunro said:

    J BLOCK said:

    From twitter, Roland at London Bridge

    Just taking a break from busking?
    He is a really good dancer remember
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!