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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • edited January 2019
    bobmunro said:

    Wouldn't surprise me if Jim White is getting a fee for advertising the sale either.

    Anyone who may be interested knows full well that the club is for sale.

    It's not the DFS sale!
    DFS don't get free radio time selling their sofas...
  • 72-96 hrs
  • It’s funny (peculiar not ha ha) that we’ve gone in something like 48 hours from being excited and optimistic about this latest upsurge in rumours to despondent and cynical.

    Who could blame us.

    There are a number of us on here that have not been excited or optimistic in the last 48 hours. Jim White makes a living out of talking nonsense on "Talkshite" and it would take a lot more than a press release from him to get my juices flowing.
    But it has been from just more than him.

    Who else has said this? Even Jim White is rather vague.
    The one thing I can think of is, it is in the owners interest, as he wants to sell, is to keep the story going and talk up the market, if that is possible to do with a third tier club that loses money like its going out of fashion.
  • PaddyP17 said:

    that doesn't look like London bridge

    Not to get all Charlton and trainspotty, but I'm going to anyway.

    It does look a bit like London Bridge, specifically the big long corridor from platforms 1-9 (ish) that extends toward the Tube/Tooley and Duke St, the one with the toilets and M&S/Smiths/MAC etc down it, which is still being renovated. OR - it's that little wing by the Krispy Kreme and cash machines which is also still being renovated.

    ... I know way too much about the station for my own good
    Thats where I'd have said it was; either that or the bus station is just to the right
  • Jesus, it might actually be happening! It feels right this time
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  • J BLOCK said:

    From twitter, Roland at London Bridge

    Anyone know of a sniper in the LB area?
    I'm sure we could all chip in to pay the fee.
  • J BLOCK said:

    From twitter, Roland at London Bridge

    Anyone know of a sniper in the LB area?
    I'm sure we could all chip in to pay the fee.
    Let the ink dry and lets get it over the line first :wink:
  • RedChaser said:

    JW just been on again stating it's done and should be announced early next week.

    Just announce it now, each day longer is a day too long!
  • cafc83 said:

    RedChaser said:

    JW just been on again stating it's done and should be announced early next week.

    Just announce it now, each day longer is a day too long!
    Guess they'll want to do it properly with a press conference etc.
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  • bobmunro said:

    RedChaser said:

    JW just been on again stating it's done and should be announced early next week.

    If it's done, and the signatures are on the documents, then we have ducked a potential two sheds bullet - he can't sell our best players :)

    Also time for LB to strengthen.
    This is key.
  • LouisMend said:

    Today’s London Bridge photo is from a Belgium in March.
    Oh............................... Bollocks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Do leave off you lot.

    This ain't happening. Jim been fed another plate of shyte like the rest.

    What do you think Duchatelet’s motive for misleading Jim White is then? What does he gain from that? And spare us any nonsense about curtailing the almighty wrath of the fans’ forum or the prospect of protests hundreds of miles away from him, which in fact it is more likely to provoke.
    My cynical stance is JW has been fed info that has some high profile excitement points of ‘could’ attached to it that grab headlines, but underlying it are a whole host of ifs and maybes that would be required to bring it to fruition. Exactly the same way you were similarly unintentionally burnt on this in the past from well connected sources that you trust where the ‘could’ point come and past.

    As soon as the 48-72hr angle was played I dampened my expectation as it just doesn’t seem feasible on that timeline without a host of other information becoming common knowledge. If it is announced tomorrow then I’ll be happy for this to look stupid, but even if this group does eventually progress then more would have emerged by now for it to be this week.

    My best guess is I foresee a mass escalation of ‘It’s happening’ gifs next week.
    Fixed for you.
  • DA9 said:

    PaddyP17 said:

    that doesn't look like London bridge

    Not to get all Charlton and trainspotty, but I'm going to anyway.

    It does look a bit like London Bridge, specifically the big long corridor from platforms 1-9 (ish) that extends toward the Tube/Tooley and Duke St, the one with the toilets and M&S/Smiths/MAC etc down it, which is still being renovated. OR - it's that little wing by the Krispy Kreme and cash machines which is also still being renovated.

    ... I know way too much about the station for my own good
    The most charltony post ever.....fact
    What ...... you mean incorrect ??
  • razil said:

    I think the drip drip to the FF and more full on leaks to the media during transfer windows is entirely consistent with a ‘sales process’ designed to keep buyers interest and or flush them out. LdT has admitted he is completely focussed on selling the club and all of the above could well be part of that.

    They have turned away recent interest on the basis they have a deal.
    If your source for that is solid, that is highly significant. My mate in Vienna who tried last time with Arenacom and the Ukrainian was trying to out something together in the autumn, but I have not heard anything from him since.

  • JW also said he has been told this by the broker of the deal.

    any links to the sound bite?, i need to hear this with my own ears for my own sanity 😂
  • Fumbluff said:

    cfgs said:

    Jim White about to talk about us again in a bit says sale could be done early next week.

    I hope Jim White tells us the potential buyer is waiting to see what division we’re in.
    Or will he say that next week? Either way it’ll be said soon enough, which is good, as that’s my fave...
    I know what division we're in. League 1, third tier, and if we're not bought, lock stock and three smoking barrels soon we will end up in League 2 after the out of contract players all leave and the injured players pensioned off.
    ASAP or Quicker, our future depends on it.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!