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CARD ANNOUNCEMENT: Unity Protest in Sint-Truiden on Saturday, March 4th - transport provided



  • Clearly we need to double check Belgian and local law regarding marches and assembly in St Truiden. I find it hard to believe that every event only happens due to the grace and favour of the Mayor and local police chief.
    It is a small town though, and I felt last time I was there that Roland was the Lord of the Manor as it were and everybody with authority was in his thrall.
  • @seth plum I think there is indeed much more bureacracy about such matters in Belgium.
  • "It is a few hot heads who previously worked directly or indirectly for the club and who were shown the door due to their rebellious and rowdy attitude. They also don't like the fact that I give Katrien Meire my support. The decision and consequences for the demonstration lie at the feet of the mayor and police chief."

    Your translation/interpretation is excellent.
  • "It is a few hot heads who previously worked directly or indirectly for the club and who were shown the door due to their rebellious and rowdy attitude. They also don't like the fact that I give Katrien Meire my support. The decision and consequences for the demonstration lie at the feet of the mayor and police chief."

    Your translation/interpretation is excellent.
    Thank you very much, @cherryorchard. I do have a degree in Dutch albeit from many years ago. I suppose it's the one thing I should be grateful to RD for - he has given me the chance to brush up on it a bit!
  • had a dream last night we gatecrashed a celebratory dinner at the valley held in roland's honour and him being the guest. We managed to hide in a cake and burst out singing "WE WANT ROLAND OUT". As he tried to escape I cornered him and convinced him to sell charlton.

    You're welcome fellas.

    Is that a dream or a nightmare :-)
  • edited February 2017

    "It is a few hot heads who previously worked directly or indirectly for the club and who were shown the door due to their rebellious and rowdy attitude. They also don't like the fact that I give Katrien Meire my support. The decision and consequences for the demonstration lie at the feet of the mayor and police chief."

    I think that might be libellous, Roland. It's certainly not something you could prove, as it isn't anywhere near true, and given the number of people who worked for the club it's obvious that individuals could be identified.
    Well according to him, on Belgium TV, the players that were brought in for Powell to use were better than the ones we had and they kept us up under Riga! Obviously, the truth doesn't seem to be much of an obstacle for the cowardly scumbag! I think the only network player that played a significant part was AA and Powell had him at the training ground before the ink was dry on the sale! Riga did it with Powell's players. What was impressive was he was lacking Kermogant and Stephens, which might have made his task a little easier!

    Mind you if he doesn't watch the games Meire claims he does - maybe he didn't know that! LIARS!
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  • Don't knock it...Roland is our best Recruiting Sergeant!

    All we need now is a Kitchener-style poster of Roland saying something like "Your club-protest needs you"

  • Your club - protest needs me!
  • edited February 2017
    The decision and consequences for the demonstration lie at the feet of the mayor and police chief......

    And democracy!
  • I remember RD also referred to Liege fans In a similar way when they were protesting against him a few years Back. He'd be incredibly surprised to know what some of the Belgian 200 work as, I have no doubt of that.
    But that won't stop him using the 'ex-employee' tag.
  • Going to Northampton rather than St Truiden but hope the protests are effective, having a supporters group from St Truiden (which I'm taken to believe is pronounced "saant traanden"?) onboard is fantastic news.
  • If the number travelling is 100, then to my certain knowledge 2% of those 'domme mensen' will have Phd's.
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  • Davo55 said:

    Loads of support expressed this evening to those distributing leaflets. Good to hear.

    What were the leaflets about? Drumming up more attendees?
  • The leaflets explained the upcoming protest in Belgium on 4 March and did have a request for more attendees.

    When handing them out, we found not everyone is, unsurisingly, able to make a trip to Belgium and I think that keeping the knowledge alive that there is a real reason to continue protests and that people are working in this for the future success of the club was almost as valuable as the extra few people who will be swayed to make the trip.

    I stupidly didn't keep a flyer and so can't post the exact details but I'm sure others did.

  • Tonights leaflet

    Looks like the one moment of class from the whole night.

  • Brilliant leaflet
  • How about :

    Rowdy & Rebellious but never a CAFC Employee.

    I'm taking one stating " Disgruntled ex tea lady !"
    We're even more determined now!
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Roland Out Forever!