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Members of East Kent Addicks to meet KM and other Senior Club personnel at 1.00 on Sat 27 August



  • edited September 2016
    Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    What is the harm in getting a few quick wins in in the meantime?

    Who's playing ?
    Wtf is a quick win , who for , who against
    What a load of bollox
    How is it bollocks?

    Fans wanted it, target20k (amongst others) raised that and it's now moving forward. No harm done?

    Don't know why so many people are so appalled at this getting done.

    Yes there are bigger fish to fry but every journey starts with a step
    How has it moved forward?

    What have they actually DONE?

    That's the point.

    Their PR agency has told them to put out good news stories about working with fans. But the time to do it was when they have actually DONE it, not when all they have done is talked about it.
    As the club have said themselves they will be working with fans to do it therefore they need to announce this in the first place. We don't yet know what the fan involvement will be. It may well be that the club will do it all themselves I don't know and I don't care. I just wish some people could see that there is some positivity and not try to twist everything into a negative agenda

    "Fans wanted it"
    How's that? I don't remember being asked to volunteer an opinion let alone take part.

    Several people on Facebook said it, several people on Twitter said it, Jimmy seeds grandson had raised it, the museum had raised it. People wanted it sorted. Hopefully it will now get sorted.

    I really don't understand how you are so easily pleased.
    Because if something is not a negative it's a positive.

    Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    What is the harm in getting a few quick wins in in the meantime?

    Who's playing ?
    Wtf is a quick win , who for , who against
    What a load of bollox
    How is it bollocks?

    Fans wanted it, target20k (amongst others) raised that and it's now moving forward. No harm done?

    Don't know why so many people are so appalled at this getting done.

    Yes there are bigger fish to fry but every journey starts with a step
    How has it moved forward?

    What have they actually DONE?

    That's the point.

    Their PR agency has told them to put out good news stories about working with fans. But the time to do it was when they have actually DONE it, not when all they have done is talked about it.
    As the club have said themselves they will be working with fans to do it therefore they need to announce this in the first place. We don't yet know what the fan involvement will be. It may well be that the club will do it all themselves I don't know and I don't care. I just wish some people could see that there is some positivity and not try to twist everything into a negative agenda

    "Fans wanted it"
    How's that? I don't remember being asked to volunteer an opinion let alone take part.

    Several people on Facebook said it, several people on Twitter said it, Jimmy seeds grandson had raised it, the museum had raised it. People wanted it sorted. Hopefully it will now get sorted.

    But isn't that what they are doing?

    Taking the slightest "action" and twisting it into "look, everything is OK, here's our pet supporter from east Kent telling you so".

    I bet one month's fee to the PR agency would cover the £3k needed to replace the sign but KM is more interested in boost her image via PR than through actually doing something.

    I wanted it done and still do. And if and when they actually do it I will praise them. But no, not until they have and not while they are using it to spin a lie to fans.
    I guess we will have to wait and see what they do about it. If it all goes to shit and never happens then I'll hold my hands up And chow on humble pie
    No need for humble pie. This isn't about will they won't they do it. It's about jumping the gun to claim credit and link it to a new era before they've actually done anything.
  • Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    What is the harm in getting a few quick wins in in the meantime?

    Who's playing ?
    Wtf is a quick win , who for , who against
    What a load of bollox
    How is it bollocks?

    Fans wanted it, target20k (amongst others) raised that and it's now moving forward. No harm done?

    Don't know why so many people are so appalled at this getting done.

    Yes there are bigger fish to fry but every journey starts with a step
    ok i repeat ,

    Who is playing ?
    Wtf is a quick win , who for , who against

    in reference to you saying
    Swisdom said:

    What is the harm in getting a few quick wins in in the meantime?

    it sounds like a load of bollox
    It's a war between fans who want to save Charlton and the regime (plus a few fans that support them). Swisdom who appears to be on the side of the regime thinks they've got a win against the protesters. PR spin from the club, nothing more, and PR spin from the fans supporting the regime.
  • Ok so if they paint the sign the regime go through to the next round of the checkatrade johnnys painting competition
  • The crux of this matter is that it shouldn't have needed pointing out. Surely there is a facilities manager somewhere at the club who has a rolling maintenance programme which ensures all stands/fixed buildings have fairly regular repairs/re-paints etc. That's what normal stadia have in place.

    Agreed, PR the shit out of stuff, but make sure its stuff worthy of PR'ing. On the basis of Club maintians ground releases we can probably expect, "Catering staff replace gas cyclinder" "Groundsman plants grass seed" and "Toilet roll changed in Upper west Bogs" The PR story that we are not hearing or is confused is "Sparrows lane development latest!" etc
  • RedChaser said:

    T.C.E said:

    T.C.E said:

    3blokes said:

    T.C.E said:

    My neighbours have brought to my attention the sign outside bearing the name of my house is fading and in need of tidying up a bit, I thanked them for bringing this to my attention and we are working together to rectify this situation. :)

    This to me is a sign, in a very literal sense, that everything is now absolutely brilliant everywhere, and has made me want to go round TCE's house every other Saturday to watch him play football in his back garden :wink:
    There will be light refreshments laid on, please feel free to point out any lack of hot water in the toilets or comment on how nice the garden looks. But please ignore the fact that the house falling down around our ears. ;)
    Chips? How many??

    Catering is our forte, 17 chips per portion priced very fairly at 9 quid or we offer an upgrade Pie, chips and pint for 25 quid.
    I've got the neighbours coming round every summer to help with the spring cleaning and paint the fence, while I sod off on holiday. ;)
    Dubai ....Jamaica ?
    No she'll be going of her own accord :wink: .
    Bloody hell I set the joke up & didn't even get a lol :-)
    There you go mate have one on me :wink: .
  • Kap10 said:

    The crux of this matter is that it shouldn't have needed pointing out. Surely there is a facilities manager somewhere at the club who has a rolling maintenance programme which ensures all stands/fixed buildings have fairly regular repairs/re-paints etc. That's what normal stadia have in place.

    Agreed, PR the shit out of stuff, but make sure its stuff worthy of PR'ing. On the basis of Club maintians ground releases we can probably expect, "Catering staff replace gas cyclinder" "Groundsman plants grass seed" and "Toilet roll changed in Upper west Bogs" The PR story that we are not hearing or is confused is "Sparrows lane development latest!" etc
    Now you're just being silly.
  • Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    What is the harm in getting a few quick wins in in the meantime?

    Who's playing ?
    Wtf is a quick win , who for , who against
    What a load of bollox
    How is it bollocks?

    Fans wanted it, target20k (amongst others) raised that and it's now moving forward. No harm done?

    Don't know why so many people are so appalled at this getting done.

    Yes there are bigger fish to fry but every journey starts with a step
    How has it moved forward?

    What have they actually DONE?

    That's the point.

    Their PR agency has told them to put out good news stories about working with fans. But the time to do it was when they have actually DONE it, not when all they have done is talked about it.
    As the club have said themselves they will be working with fans to do it therefore they need to announce this in the first place. We don't yet know what the fan involvement will be. It may well be that the club will do it all themselves I don't know and I don't care. I just wish some people could see that there is some positivity and not try to twist everything into a negative agenda

    charltonkeston said:

    "Fans wanted it"
    How's that? I don't remember being asked to volunteer an opinion let alone take part.

    Several people on Facebook said it, several people on Twitter said it, Jimmy seeds grandson had raised it, the museum had raised it. People wanted it sorted. Hopefully it will now get sorted.

    The Jimmy Seed Stand sponsored by Nigel Eagles.
  • The crux of this matter is that it shouldn't have needed pointing out. Surely there is a facilities manager somewhere at the club who has a rolling maintenance programme which ensures all stands/fixed buildings have fairly regular repairs/re-paints etc. That's what normal stadia have in place.

    Apart from West Ham

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  • 'Are we becoming Americanised' or similar is, I beleive, a thread title on here.

    "quick win" used on a "Gritty South London club" CAFC forum...

    Yes we are.

    Absolutely hate this phrase, soon there will be posts about the SMT going after the "low hanging fruit", getting some "learns" and "being on a journey" and other such nonsense.

    As for the sign, simple. It's great if it happens and undoubtedly overdue and easier to have done in the close season when the pitch was torn up but really it does not require any announcement or comment until complete and even then not in an "oh look at us, we listen to fans and are wonderful" kind of way but more of a "as cutodians and passing owners of this great club we have just done the bare minimum and restored a knackered old sign to its former glory as everyone would expect any competent owner to do without having to 'work with the fans' " kind of a way.
  • edited September 2016
  • vff said:

    Grapevine49 spot on as usual.

    The club is making a big thing of doing some regular maintenence of what they should be doing in the first place. The spinning of this as a sign of listening to the supporters and improved fan engagement is poor.

    Similar the change of the transfer policy in not listening to that Thomas Drieson idiot.

    Stopping shooting yourself in the foot or hitting your own head with a hammer is a start but it would have been better not to do that in the first place. Trying to make a big public spin out of it whilst trying not to be accountable or admit to the horrible mistake in the first place is idiotic and looks disingenuous.

    Even with that change in recruitment they still managed to undercook the squad. The squad depth light, unbalanced with a shortage in midfield and heavy on central defenders. A gamble on Ulvestad being able to provide energy or sufficient service to AJose.

    The media spin is to pretend that the limited fan engagement with carefully selected supporter groups heralds a great change of a way the club is engaging with supporters and doing business. Something to put into a report to the EFL & sell to the press. I am still not getting that they are in any way that they want to properly engaging with supporters groups who are critical. I don't think the aim is though to win over critical supporters, it is Duchatelet & Meire attempt to spin to win the media / publicity battle. Its a fake supporter engagement.

    No one is perfect and misakes are always made. That's forgivable. All the attempted spin and manipulation on thin gruel just settles and hardens my dislike / distrust of the Meire and Duchatelet regime TBH.

    Counting the days until Duchatelet sells up.

    They have not done anything yet, but they are working towards it. In other words, it won't get done as Meire talks a good game but she never delivers
  • It just shows that the name the buffoons call themselves what is it again SMT is one that all should mock

    There is no senior management team there hasn't been in years

    What we have is a bunch of absolute cock wobbles who couldn't manage to finish off a fish finger sandwich
  • SMT = triple oxymoron
  • When they swanned in they intimated the super duper training ground development would be done by now.
    From what I can gather it amounted to Russell Slade fixing the plumbing in the pavilion, painted the portokabin dining room and ordered in some tablecloths.
    At that kind of rate of progress the sign will be sorted by 2525.
  • vffvff
    edited September 2016
    seth plum said:

    When they swanned in they intimated the super duper training ground development would be done by now.
    From what I can gather it amounted to Russell Slade fixing the plumbing in the pavilion, painted the portokabin dining room and ordered in some tablecloths.
    At that kind of rate of progress the sign will be sorted by 2525.

    If Duchatelet had run with the already funded plan that integrated the community trust and just got on with it, it would have been much better and may have been finished by now. Instead Charlton Athletic are paying 3% interest on the loan to Staprix to bring an over inflated scheme that is miles from being finished. Its pathetic.
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  • seth plum said:

    When they swanned in they intimated the super duper training ground development would be done by now.
    From what I can gather it amounted to Russell Slade fixing the plumbing in the pavilion, painted the portokabin dining room and ordered in some tablecloths.
    At that kind of rate of progress the sign will be sorted by 2525.

    The Zager and Evans stand?
  • Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    What is the harm in getting a few quick wins in in the meantime?

    Who's playing ?
    Wtf is a quick win , who for , who against
    What a load of bollox
    How is it bollocks?

    Fans wanted it, target20k (amongst others) raised that and it's now moving forward. No harm done?

    Don't know why so many people are so appalled at this getting done.

    Yes there are bigger fish to fry but every journey starts with a step
    How has it moved forward?

    What have they actually DONE?

    That's the point.

    Their PR agency has told them to put out good news stories about working with fans. But the time to do it was when they have actually DONE it, not when all they have done is talked about it.
    As the club have said themselves they will be working with fans to do it therefore they need to announce this in the first place. We don't yet know what the fan involvement will be. It may well be that the club will do it all themselves I don't know and I don't care. I just wish some people could see that there is some positivity and not try to twist everything into a negative agenda

    charltonkeston said:

    "Fans wanted it"
    How's that? I don't remember being asked to volunteer an opinion let alone take part.

    Several people on Facebook said it, several people on Twitter said it, Jimmy seeds grandson had raised it, the museum had raised it. People wanted it sorted. Hopefully it will now get sorted.

    The Jimmy Seed Stand sponsored by Nigel Eagles.

    I think I may have got things a little out of context. I have no issue with fans wanting the club to tidy things up, it's when they form groups, create their own agendas and then speak on my behalf. Like T20 or that lot from East Kent.
    How do you get an invite? I'm sure there are quite a few on here the club make a point of avoiding.

    Really the club shouldn't need to be asked to do such jobs as general maintenance. By letting the club have publicity through this, even though they have done bugger all, it's made them look the good guys. If the club doesn't care about Jimmy Seeds sign maybe it shows they care nothing about our history or a man that could no longer play football due to being gassed but still had great success in football. His record stands above all at Charlton.
    I would had said nothing to the ignorant cretins.
  • edited September 2016
    So, basically what we have here is ...Charlton SMT Tries To Silence Protests With Hypothetical Tin Of Paint.
    Or have I missed out something?
  • The only way there'll be 20K fans turning up is with a change of ownership, or a fundamental repositioning of the current ownership. Which is most likely?
  • jdmotion said:

    The only way there'll be 20K fans turning up is with a change of ownership, or a fundamental repositioning of the current ownership. Which is most likely?

    Neither, sadly.
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