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Members of East Kent Addicks to meet KM and other Senior Club personnel at 1.00 on Sat 27 August



  • I understand the same invitation has been made to the Maidstone Supporters Group.

    Not sure of timing or place of the meeting but as I live in Maidstone it would be nice to know.
  • Swisdom said:

    cafc999 said:


    I thought the point of the Target 20k group was to bring ideas to the table on how to boost attendances, not how to undergo basic ground maintenance.

    That's true - but if they can pick up a few quick wins for things that matter to existing fans that do attend then what's the harm? It's unlikely to have detracted from any other agenda and ideas in place - it's just an AOB that is going to move forwards now.

    For people to think this is a con is just another example of "Damned if they do damned if they don't". It's a step in the right direction.

    That's the point They haven't DONE anything @Swisdom

    They have said they will work with fans. It's all about what they say they are going to do. They've not done it.

    It's not a quick win until they actually DO IT.
    So criticise it, if, in a few months time, there is no activity or a confirmed plan. Not now.

    In the meantime it's a small step in the right direction.
    It's not the deluded bredan twitter page you know
  • Macronate said:

    Just so everyone knows, I intend to paint our bathroom within the next three weeks or so.

    that is not enough. We need to know if you are working with your wife/partner/dog to make it happen

  • Addickted said:

    I understand the same invitation has been made to the Maidstone Supporters Group.


  • So.

    Joe Joblings medal for the museum for £1500, or Jimmy Seeds sign for £3000?

    If you can only have one, which would it be?

  • seth plum said:


    Joe Joblings medal for the museum for £1500, or Jimmy Seeds sign for £3000?

    If you can only have one, which would it be?

    No sofa in choice?
  • 3blokes said:

    T.C.E said:

    T.C.E said:

    3blokes said:

    T.C.E said:

    My neighbours have brought to my attention the sign outside bearing the name of my house is fading and in need of tidying up a bit, I thanked them for bringing this to my attention and we are working together to rectify this situation. :)

    This to me is a sign, in a very literal sense, that everything is now absolutely brilliant everywhere, and has made me want to go round TCE's house every other Saturday to watch him play football in his back garden :wink:
    There will be light refreshments laid on, please feel free to point out any lack of hot water in the toilets or comment on how nice the garden looks. But please ignore the fact that the house falling down around our ears. ;)
    Chips? How many??

    Catering is our forte, 17 chips per portion priced very fairly at 9 quid or we offer an upgrade Pie, chips and pint for 25 quid.
    I've got the neighbours coming round every summer to help with the spring cleaning and paint the fence, while I sod off on holiday. ;)
    17 chips has sealed it I'm buying a season ticket for TCE's house :wink:
    £175 and you can collect it from the Bournemouth sorting office.
    Will people please stop calling at my house on a wednesday, the wife has rented the lounge out to "Grabadoc" ;)
  • edited September 2016

    Addickted said:

    I understand the same invitation has been made to the Maidstone Supporters Group.


    That's a coincidence the EKA have recently held an EGM prior to the anonymous quote to he Guardian Journalist and passed the following motion through the Chair :open_mouth: ;
  • Sponsored links:

  • T.C.E said:

    T.C.E said:

    3blokes said:

    T.C.E said:

    My neighbours have brought to my attention the sign outside bearing the name of my house is fading and in need of tidying up a bit, I thanked them for bringing this to my attention and we are working together to rectify this situation. :)

    This to me is a sign, in a very literal sense, that everything is now absolutely brilliant everywhere, and has made me want to go round TCE's house every other Saturday to watch him play football in his back garden :wink:
    There will be light refreshments laid on, please feel free to point out any lack of hot water in the toilets or comment on how nice the garden looks. But please ignore the fact that the house falling down around our ears. ;)
    Chips? How many??

    Catering is our forte, 17 chips per portion priced very fairly at 9 quid or we offer an upgrade Pie, chips and pint for 25 quid.
    I've got the neighbours coming round every summer to help with the spring cleaning and paint the fence, while I sod off on holiday. ;)
    Dubai ....Jamaica ?
  • Macronate said:

    Just so everyone knows, I intend to paint our bathroom within the next three weeks or so.

    that is not enough. We need to know if you are working with your wife/partner/dog to make it happen

    Shit, you've rumbled me.

    I was hoping that by posting on here, some kindly painters & decorators would offer to do it for me and my family for nothing with the painters supplying all the paints, brushes and such like gratis. Never mind.
  • Macronate said:

    Macronate said:

    Just so everyone knows, I intend to paint our bathroom within the next three weeks or so.

    that is not enough. We need to know if you are working with your wife/partner/dog to make it happen

    Shit, you've rumbled me.

    I was hoping that by posting on here, some kindly painters & decorators would offer to do it for me and my family for nothing with the painters supplying all the paints, brushes and such like gratis. Never mind.
    No only fans would have enough loyalty to do things like that.. customers have to reason to act in such a way.
  • RedChaser said:

    T.C.E said:

    T.C.E said:

    3blokes said:

    T.C.E said:

    My neighbours have brought to my attention the sign outside bearing the name of my house is fading and in need of tidying up a bit, I thanked them for bringing this to my attention and we are working together to rectify this situation. :)

    This to me is a sign, in a very literal sense, that everything is now absolutely brilliant everywhere, and has made me want to go round TCE's house every other Saturday to watch him play football in his back garden :wink:
    There will be light refreshments laid on, please feel free to point out any lack of hot water in the toilets or comment on how nice the garden looks. But please ignore the fact that the house falling down around our ears. ;)
    Chips? How many??

    Catering is our forte, 17 chips per portion priced very fairly at 9 quid or we offer an upgrade Pie, chips and pint for 25 quid.
    I've got the neighbours coming round every summer to help with the spring cleaning and paint the fence, while I sod off on holiday. ;)
    Dubai ....Jamaica ?
    No she'll be going of her own accord :wink: .
    Bloody hell I set the joke up & didn't even get a lol :-)
  • Swisdom said:

    People complained about something - it's been acted upon - people complain it's being acted upon.

    What's the fucking point

    Everybody knows this will not bring an additional 10 or 15,000 fans through the door that will take a lot more time and effort. What is the harm in getting a few quick wins in in the meantime?


    As I said above I want this to happen. Some of you will remember that I was the one pushing the club post Back to the Valley to start using the proper name for the Jimmy Seed stand. We got there in 1995 and that was where I first met Jim Dutton, JS's grandson, who when he came to the museum last season was more than a bit put out that the sign with his grandfather's name was barely readable. He and the Museum trustees have been talking about this ever since. Jim has talked about sponsorship and I've spoken to one of the Valley Gold committee. I also got an estimate of £3k to put the sign up from Mick Everett. It the getting up that costs so much, more than the sign itself as we can't put a conventional cherry picker on the pitch during the season for obvious reasons.

    I also copied in T20k into a series of tweets that Jim Dutton put out about the sign and to their credit they raised it at a meeting with the club. So far, so good.

    But all the Club and T20k have said is that they will "work with fans".

    They haven't said that they will fund it.

    They haven't set a date by when it will be done.

    They haven't said anything really and they haven't actually DONE anything yet either.

    IF IF IF they had put up a story about the signing going up then great. That would have been worth a story although as others have said it should have been done anyway.

    It's like your company putting out an article about the completion of the training ground. You wouldn't do it as you've not actually done it.

    Meanwhile this is the Sam Bartram gate in 2016 and 2013.



    Pics from Airman Brown

    will remember this next time VOTV wants one of my pics! : - )
    Jesus christ, that's abysmal.

    At the risk of sounding like an idiot though: whereabouts is the Sam Bartram entrance? It looks as though it may be Lansdowne Mews as it's set higher up, enters the East Stand and appears to have The Covered End facing it in the background?

    As strange as it sounds, I wouldn't mind having a wander around there at some point and taking a few photos of it: it looks derelict. As sad as it sounds, it doesn't look too far off some of the old abandoned turnstiles in Crystal Palace Park. If you added some overgrowth instead of concrete it would look even worse than the abandoned turnstiles to be entirely honest with you. Despite never seeing that entrance before, it's actually made me quite angry.

    I know it's the clubs job, and H&S reasons would probably prevent us as well, but is there no way a bit of fan action could be organised? I'm not sure about the brickwork but a lick of paint could certainly make it look better - and I'm assuming the club still has the signage?!
  • Wouldn't surprise me if the newly painted sign read " Welcome to the Jimmy Shand stand ".
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  • Swisdom said:

    What is the harm in getting a few quick wins in in the meantime?

    Who's playing ?
    Wtf is a quick win , who for , who against
    What a load of bollox
    How is it bollocks?

    Fans wanted it, target20k (amongst others) raised that and it's now moving forward. No harm done?

    Don't know why so many people are so appalled at this getting done.

    Yes there are bigger fish to fry but every journey starts with a step
  • Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    What is the harm in getting a few quick wins in in the meantime?

    Who's playing ?
    Wtf is a quick win , who for , who against
    What a load of bollox
    How is it bollocks?

    Fans wanted it, target20k (amongst others) raised that and it's now moving forward. No harm done?

    Don't know why so many people are so appalled at this getting done.

    Yes there are bigger fish to fry but every journey starts with a step
    How has it moved forward?

    What have they actually DONE?

    That's the point.

    Their PR agency has told them to put out good news stories about working with fans. But the time to do it was when they have actually DONE it, not when all they have done is talked about it.
    beat me to it ... exactly
  • "Fans wanted it"
    How's that? I don't remember being asked to volunteer an opinion let alone take part.
  • Roland has taken this particular project under his wing and is currently sending a few rolls of duck/duct (shoutout @Stig) tape over as we speak.
  • Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    What is the harm in getting a few quick wins in in the meantime?

    Who's playing ?
    Wtf is a quick win , who for , who against
    What a load of bollox
    How is it bollocks?

    Fans wanted it, target20k (amongst others) raised that and it's now moving forward. No harm done?

    Don't know why so many people are so appalled at this getting done.

    Yes there are bigger fish to fry but every journey starts with a step
    How has it moved forward?

    What have they actually DONE?

    That's the point.

    Their PR agency has told them to put out good news stories about working with fans. But the time to do it was when they have actually DONE it, not when all they have done is talked about it.
    As the club have said themselves they will be working with fans to do it therefore they need to announce this in the first place. We don't yet know what the fan involvement will be. It may well be that the club will do it all themselves I don't know and I don't care. I just wish some people could see that there is some positivity and not try to twist everything into a negative agenda

    "Fans wanted it"
    How's that? I don't remember being asked to volunteer an opinion let alone take part.

    Several people on Facebook said it, several people on Twitter said it, Jimmy seeds grandson had raised it, the museum had raised it. People wanted it sorted. Hopefully it will now get sorted.

  • Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    What is the harm in getting a few quick wins in in the meantime?

    Who's playing ?
    Wtf is a quick win , who for , who against
    What a load of bollox
    How is it bollocks?

    Fans wanted it, target20k (amongst others) raised that and it's now moving forward. No harm done?

    Don't know why so many people are so appalled at this getting done.

    Yes there are bigger fish to fry but every journey starts with a step
    How has it moved forward?

    What have they actually DONE?

    That's the point.

    Their PR agency has told them to put out good news stories about working with fans. But the time to do it was when they have actually DONE it, not when all they have done is talked about it.
    As the club have said themselves they will be working with fans to do it therefore they need to announce this in the first place. We don't yet know what the fan involvement will be. It may well be that the club will do it all themselves I don't know and I don't care. I just wish some people could see that there is some positivity and not try to twist everything into a negative agenda

    "Fans wanted it"
    How's that? I don't remember being asked to volunteer an opinion let alone take part.

    Several people on Facebook said it, several people on Twitter said it, Jimmy seeds grandson had raised it, the museum had raised it. People wanted it sorted. Hopefully it will now get sorted.

    I really don't understand how you are so easily pleased.
  • Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    What is the harm in getting a few quick wins in in the meantime?

    Who's playing ?
    Wtf is a quick win , who for , who against
    What a load of bollox
    How is it bollocks?

    Fans wanted it, target20k (amongst others) raised that and it's now moving forward. No harm done?

    Don't know why so many people are so appalled at this getting done.

    Yes there are bigger fish to fry but every journey starts with a step
    ok i repeat ,

    Who is playing ?
    Wtf is a quick win , who for , who against

    in reference to you saying
    Swisdom said:

    What is the harm in getting a few quick wins in in the meantime?

    it sounds like a load of bollox
  • Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    What is the harm in getting a few quick wins in in the meantime?

    Who's playing ?
    Wtf is a quick win , who for , who against
    What a load of bollox
    How is it bollocks?

    Fans wanted it, target20k (amongst others) raised that and it's now moving forward. No harm done?

    Don't know why so many people are so appalled at this getting done.

    Yes there are bigger fish to fry but every journey starts with a step
    How has it moved forward?

    What have they actually DONE?

    That's the point.

    Their PR agency has told them to put out good news stories about working with fans. But the time to do it was when they have actually DONE it, not when all they have done is talked about it.
    As the club have said themselves they will be working with fans to do it therefore they need to announce this in the first place. We don't yet know what the fan involvement will be. It may well be that the club will do it all themselves I don't know and I don't care. I just wish some people could see that there is some positivity and not try to twist everything into a negative agenda

    "Fans wanted it"
    How's that? I don't remember being asked to volunteer an opinion let alone take part.

    Several people on Facebook said it, several people on Twitter said it, Jimmy seeds grandson had raised it, the museum had raised it. People wanted it sorted. Hopefully it will now get sorted.

    I really don't understand how you are so easily pleased.
    Because if something is not a negative it's a positive.

    Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    Swisdom said:

    What is the harm in getting a few quick wins in in the meantime?

    Who's playing ?
    Wtf is a quick win , who for , who against
    What a load of bollox
    How is it bollocks?

    Fans wanted it, target20k (amongst others) raised that and it's now moving forward. No harm done?

    Don't know why so many people are so appalled at this getting done.

    Yes there are bigger fish to fry but every journey starts with a step
    How has it moved forward?

    What have they actually DONE?

    That's the point.

    Their PR agency has told them to put out good news stories about working with fans. But the time to do it was when they have actually DONE it, not when all they have done is talked about it.
    As the club have said themselves they will be working with fans to do it therefore they need to announce this in the first place. We don't yet know what the fan involvement will be. It may well be that the club will do it all themselves I don't know and I don't care. I just wish some people could see that there is some positivity and not try to twist everything into a negative agenda

    "Fans wanted it"
    How's that? I don't remember being asked to volunteer an opinion let alone take part.

    Several people on Facebook said it, several people on Twitter said it, Jimmy seeds grandson had raised it, the museum had raised it. People wanted it sorted. Hopefully it will now get sorted.

    But isn't that what they are doing?

    Taking the slightest "action" and twisting it into "look, everything is OK, here's our pet supporter from east Kent telling you so".

    I bet one month's fee to the PR agency would cover the £3k needed to replace the sign but KM is more interested in boost her image via PR than through actually doing something.

    I wanted it done and still do. And if and when they actually do it I will praise them. But no, not until they have and not while they are using it to spin a lie to fans.
    I guess we will have to wait and see what they do about it. If it all goes to shit and never happens then I'll hold my hands up And chow on humble pie
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