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Letters From Club - Agreed Behavioural Contracts ????



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    Wiggling their way out of this one - if this was the case then hundreds of fans would have been pulled in for said 'ABC'.
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    The club has accepted the individuals apology.

    This is a chite storm yet again.
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    LuckyReds said:

    Hold up. The club have done it again. First it was the stupid stunt with the "Football Banning Order".. which wasn't a football banning order at all.

    Now I've realised that this stunt is exactly the same, an "ABC" is generally a pre-cursor to an ASBO; an "Acceptable Behaviour Contract". So of course, Charlton have done their own ABC - an Agreed Behaviour Contract.

    Are you seriously telling me the club has just coincidentally come up with these mickey-mouse things that sound like real things? It's not part of some attempt at making it sound worse than it is? i.e intimidation?

    They're shit at being shit.
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    Statement is much as you would expect from the club.
    Interestingly enough this is their statement from 1st February 2015....
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    Oh no he was caught swearing on CCTV? As if that's never happened at a footy match!

    What a joke, do they not realise roger Johnson uses the c word at least once a minute?
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    seth plum said:


    The club has accepted the individuals apology.

    This is a chite storm yet again.

    Perhaps then, the fans that travelled to Bury could have the opportunity to accept RJ's apology for his disgusting behaviour?
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    "If I was an owner right now.. or a competent owner.."

    Love it. Spot on TalkSport.
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    Is it time yet to go to Belgium and take a dump on Rolands back lawn?
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    Hopefully Katrien will get on the Smirnoff Ice this afternoon and we'll see another Club Statement about 10pm tonight.

    You know she will be spinning the victim card again.
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    They are going to stonewall it and try to let it settle.
    At least the club statement managed to spell English words correctly.
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    Will Roger Johnson be expected to sign an ABC before he picks up his salary cheque this month?

    I'd rather see him pick up a P45.....
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    edited August 2016
    Quick where's the duck tape!
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    Will Roger Johnson be expected to sign an ABC before he picks up his salary cheque this month?

    This is actually not a bad point. Wonder if they asked Roger to sign an ABC after he was caught swearing aggressively at fans? Do you think he was sent a letter by the SMT?
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    These "contracts" are nothing new. I had to sign one years ago after comming off a ban. Others have had to aswell.
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    Having heard the fan on TalkSport, seen the Trust comments in NewsShopper and now read the club statement, of course there is an element of mountain out of molehill.

    But, given that there has been no question of illegal behaviour, it does not alleviate my concern that Quentin was being used as a "test case". I've suspected for quite a while that many of us are being monitored and they are waiting for an excuse to haul us in. At least I don't have a season ticket...
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    SE9 said:

    These "contracts" are nothing new. I had to sign one years ago after comming off a ban. Others have had to aswell.

    I don't know what you did but I doubt it was for tweeting nasty (legal) things or saying naughty words in a ground?
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    Having heard the fan on TalkSport, seen the Trust comments in NewsShopper and now read the club statement, of course there is an element of mountain out of molehill.

    But, given that there has been no question of illegal behaviour, it does not alleviate my concern that Quentin was being used as a "test case". I've suspected for quite a while that many of us are being monitored and they are waiting for an excuse to haul us in. At least I don't have a season ticket...

    Completely clear that some are being monitored, I've seen the cameraman at protests being clearly directed as to who to film.
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    Some good comments under the photo of the letter on Facebook groups from other clubs supporters
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    Will Roger Johnson be expected to sign an ABC before he picks up his salary cheque this month?

    This is actually not a bad point. Wonder if they asked Roger to sign an ABC after he was caught swearing aggressively at fans? Do you think he was sent a letter by the SMT?
    How do I say this nicely because I don't want him to yell swearily at me...I feel like our Roger is more of a crayon and picture book man. There, nailed it.
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    WSS said:

    SE9 said:

    These "contracts" are nothing new. I had to sign one years ago after comming off a ban. Others have had to aswell.

    I don't know what you did but I doubt it was for tweeting nasty (legal) things or saying naughty words in a ground?

    Was given one of those civil bans from club and police which you don't even have to be found guilty off any offence. Hand passport in, restricting on where to go and at what times.

    I'm also sure that people that have actually been to court and been found not guilty have also had to go in for chats and signing of the contract before.

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    but it appears from the phone in, more than 1 person received the letter? that means that the statement issued by the club confirming only ONE fan received the a lie!
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    What a well timed reminder of why the protests exist...
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