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Meire Speaks - Club Statement



  • But Roland doesn't do failure. Well he does now.
    Do the honourable thing Katrien and resign.
  • Are you having a fucking laugh!

    Seriously, Get out of our club!
  • We have made mistakes but we will learn from them..... how many times now have they said this! Mental. actions speak loader than words guys.
  • Sadly it is just an echo of things said before and the actions have never lived up to the words
  • It's a bit bloody late to be working with the fans now.
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  • Get stuffed




  • Nothing from Meire or Duchatelet can be taken at face value if they told me it was night or day outside, I would have to check for myself to be totally sure. Its almost safer / more accurate to expect the opposite of what they have say. So any indication that she is going to stay means that she is out the door very shortly. Result !
  • edited April 2016
    More lies and empty statements. It just keeps coming and coming. They don't care about our club. They just want to come out making some money. Anyone who can lie straight in your face with the consistency of Meire and Duchetelet is quite scary and totally unprincipled. They don't fool anyone, except themselves maybe.
  • edited April 2016
    Insulting and infuriating bog standard PR statement prepared in advance of relegation being confirmed which I wouldn't read too much else into.

    For all we know, since it was drafted, initial negotiations for a sale may be about to get underway, meanwhile life goes on and that is how the statement reads. All we can do is up the anti and keep the protests going and until such time that a deal is done and RD does one.
  • That statement is pointless Katrien - it's pathetic, unconvincing, insincere, trite, hackneyed and embarrassing. Pick up your P45 and go off to the job you were probably looking for in Dubai.
  • Self-evidently, a sanitised and insincere piece of crap which was probably prepared some time ago. Not in the least entertaining, either.

    Do not, however, despair - maybe this is (like the last anodyne statement to come out of the club after the Boro game) merely a precursor for Duchâtelet to open up and give us both barrels 48 hours later.

    Come on Roland, get your rocks off and don't hold back. Charlton supporters are ready, willing and able to accept our share of the blame for this calamitous season, not to mention the long-lasting and potentially cataclysmic damage done to the fabric of our club.
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  • More lies and empty statements. It just keeps coming and coming. They don't care about our club. They just want to come out making some money. Anyone who can lie straight in your face with the consistency of Meire and Duchetelet is quite scary and totally unprincipled. They don't fool anyone, except themselves maybe.

    Pathological liars usually suffer from some sort of addiction. That could be gambling, drugs, alcohol, along those lines.
  • I think the statement itself is OK. Not sure what else people expect them to say.

    The real point is, the relationship between the club and the fans has become so poisonous that everything they say now just makes me feel sick.

    There is no coming back for them. Just get out of our club

    I agree completely mate. It's utterly barmy because despite the fact I think it's a decent statement, I still feel pissed off that they've made it.

    It really has got to the point where that woman is incapable of doing anything right. The relationship is so toxic that she could personally deliver me a complimentary season ticket and I'd still be angry with her, it's the very definition of untenable.

    Despite being untenable since January though, she's still in place. Roland is completely blinkered as to how bad the situation is, and Katrien hasn't got the decency to do the honourable thing and resign.
  • In any other walk of life, a so called professional with her (yes Pinnochio's) track record would simply resign and say they tried their best and it wasnt good enough. In the Whacky world of Roland of course failure is painted and dressed up as a form of success.

    So these people just dont get it....or do they?

    I still think they have an ulterior motive, anyone with a modicum of common sense would have been alarmed at the drop off in attendances (actual, not mythical).....and what do they do about it? Up the comps? well that hasnt worked has it.....and to think they have subjected possible future generations of fans to such dross on the pitch.

    Nope this lot have other plans.

    Anyway the same sentiment as everyone else...fuck off, the sooner the better.
  • Not a patch on the {...} / (meaning unique) effort. Nothing will ever beat that.

    The point of tonight's statement is for KM to make it clear she aint leaving. The rest is just padding.

    I'm looking forward to tomorrow nights follow up. Remember that. {...} followed a similar statement to this
  • She couldn't have done a worse job over two years and it's an absolute disgrace that she still hasn't resigned. Apologising doesn't mean anything now.
  • Nonsense.

    My guess is Roland wants out...
    And quick

    He was never in this for the long haul despite what we've been fed. This is a catastrophe of epic proportions and not one a man of his self worth envisaged.
    £ 38million my arse. It'll probably cost him treble that to get the club back to that sort of a value.
    The writing's been on the wall for months and only now is Roland reaching for his specs to have a gander.
    You failed Duchatelet. Time to bite the bullet.
    Football is by no means whatsoever 'your thing'.

    I hope you're right, and with the recent rumours about a sale it wouldn't surprise me either.

    I think now is - ironically - the best time for the long term safety of our club. I say this as we now have the potential to strike a bigger blow to Duchatelet than at any time before:

    - We're relegated, which is in itself quite news-worthy;
    - We have a protests without borders this coming weekend;
    - His business priorities (i.e Melexis) have an annual meeting tomorrow.

    If these three things could be combined I think it would be too much for his ego to take, as his prized idea would be rubbished in front of his peers. The twitter hashtag for tomorrow morning is a great idea, it's just getting it in front of those who will be at the meeting with him - it just takes one person to see it and inquisitively mention it to another for him to face direct embarrassment amongst his peers, which is something I expect he's incapable of handling.
  • If she wants to apologise and eat some humble pie, she needs to face up to fans, apologise personally and then articulate all the mistakes RD and herself have made since they took over, until she does this, she has no hope of convincing fans that she and Roland get it. This is a necessity if she wants to sell any season tickets, retain any decent players or manager for next season. Riga has pretty much said in his interview that unless things are done very differently, he won't be sticking around, and there will be little hope of attracting a good British manager either.
    Their model is unworkable, a complete failure, just as we all knew it would be from the outset. Their reason for taking over the club is now null and void, there is no point in sticking around, just move on, no one likes you, go away.
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Roland Out Forever!