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Comments on the Opening Presentation



  • I still haven't watched either video.

    Partly because of time but also due to a feeling of dread.

    Do I want to watch a two hour car crash?

    Watch it just simply to see what a mess the club has become.

    No response to why KM went to ground for the previous 2 weeks or why Managers keep getting changed.

    When it is raised that the minutes of the last FF meeting are still not up, no one from the club stepped in and said we will sort it.

    their response to the season ticket fiasco is laughable. Responses like "we told the FF to bear with us" and a load of waffle connected to the Community Trust. I fear what will happen if we get a big home draw in the 3rd round of the cup.

    But despite all our problems Syd Cheeswright went off about travel, rather comforting in these odd times at our club that some things will NEVER change.
  • There were two or three reasons I think. Most of us in the room recognised that many of the issues she'd raised were the subject of questions we'd planned for later in the meeting
    Greenie said:

    One point on KM's lack understanding of the CAFC demographic can be summed up easily:-

    She states that most of the fans are over 50, then she instructs that house/dance music is played in Crossbars.

    The point is well made. However to be fair, she said that around 50% of season ticket holders are over 50.
  • rikofold said:

    There were two or three reasons I think. Most of us in the room recognised that many of the issues she'd raised were the subject of questions we'd planned for later in the meeting

    Greenie said:

    One point on KM's lack understanding of the CAFC demographic can be summed up easily:-

    She states that most of the fans are over 50, then she instructs that house/dance music is played in Crossbars.

    The point is well made. However to be fair, she said that around 50% of season ticket holders are over 50.
    Ha, fair enough, I was posting from memory after watching the vid, I didnt want to watch it again.
  • @Goonerhater

    That's a very interesting post, not just because its very good and I agree with a fair bit of it, but because you've gone out of your way to be reasonable. And that's not normally what you bother to do on here :-)

    I'm fairly sure that somebody from the Club has the job of sifting through CL, trying to summarise the "general mood" for KM. I hope they take note of yours.
  • Maybe someone can do a 'best of' just for these threads. Although that might be as exciting as sitting through the video of the meeting again.
  • edited November 2015

    well here they are the thoughts of GH The Mighty !!

    In any relationship the two worst things to deal with are being ignored or arrogance of the "other". We are seeing/feeling both of these with our relationship as fans of CAFC.
    I think the pre meeting strategy of the fans was correct to have a lead speaker with some questions dispersed. However you need an "angry man(woman)" to blast in with some forceful/angry/rudeness. To nice and we will get nowhere.
    Like many reading the tweets as they came through i was furious, but posted at the time i would wait to see Curb It etc notes.Now im still pi55ed off but calmer than Tuesday night.
    Little victories !!!!! they have stopped ignoring us---take a big pat on your collective back all that have put the time in for it is a victory all be it a small one.
    The hard part is to get them to change direction. Im not 100% anti Roland. If he hadnt rocked up God knows where or if we would be playing with the 2 barrowBoyTossers in charge.
    Their statement about being competitive is total kak and i said long ago you can be competitive 20 points adrift at the bottom of the league. How in hells name do they see the sacking of 5 managers as progressive and a positive ? alarming ---who the hell would take a job with us knowing the owner and his puppet see a managerial revolving door as a good thing ?
    We all agree that the academy players coming through is a great thing but in isolation shows another massive lack of football knowledge.

    We have a very good heritage of dealing with lack of communication from our club Voice, Good Bye Horse did a great job in getting info and issues out to the fans. Fanzines existence with the vast majority of clubs was as a result of piss poor info available to fans.
    Back to The Valley, has to be the single best campaign by a grass roots fan base in the UK---FACT---END OF.However we are not dealing with elected numptys now but two egos( two and a half if you include the now testicleless Murry). Roland and his puppet BELIEVE they know best, their way forward is the chosen path and they wont be deflected. How do we get through to them that a little humility might actually not only benefit their bottom line ,and also in the puppets case their knowledge of how football clubs work ?
    I guess it depends on how long you think we have ? months ? to the end of the season? two seasons ? A boycott of goods and services will take a very long time. The fact that the CEO is a woman and the owner is Belgium should not deflect from a very very hard aggressive and rapid protest(IMO).
    We need to show Roland his puppet isnt wanted here any more. We need to show Roland that we will all be in this with him and together we can make him a profit when he sells.
    I realise that a good many will not find an aggressive approach the Charlton way and there is a very fine line which can result in it being a propaganda own goal. Therefore to take the fight to the owner and HIS puppet there should a group of the good (the acceptable face)and whom ever is willing to risk getting banned for life in spelling it out directly she needs to f--k off now (the dark side).

    To test their commitment to closer dialogue with the fans i suggest that a very small group assemble a few bullet point ideas re target 20,000 and send then to her with a timeline for acknowledgement. This group should include people from the target 20/40K team that did such a good job before.

    To repeat, how long do we give them ?

    PS anyone know where the real NLA is ?

    Does anyone know where the real Goonerhater is? ;-)

    Great stuff.
  • We have been sold another turkey. Vetokele misses.

    If Killer Hales had "an irritation of the pubis" he'd let his opponent know. Personally. And the wife.

    Swivel, midfield rushing forward, pin-point cross. Bang - in the net.

    Paul Walsh. Reza made a difference last week - the rushing, blocking, getting stuck in. All to a vague, busking, panicked, throwing-the-kitchen-sink Jonny Jackson effect.

    What a hero he is! Watch Makienok: he hasn't got the slightest clue how to move off the ball, let alone attack defenders.

    Side to side, and front to back. Without a glorious academy, and without £300 million, Huddersfield arrived at The Valley last month. They were bottom of the league. With skill and intelligence, they ripped us apart: 3-0.

    I didn't realise Stuart Hall posted on here.
  • We have been sold another turkey. Vetokele misses.

    If Killer Hales had "an irritation of the pubis" he'd let his opponent know. Personally. And the wife.

    Swivel, midfield rushing forward, pin-point cross. Bang - in the net.

    Paul Walsh. Reza made a difference last week - the rushing, blocking, getting stuck in. All to a vague, busking, panicked, throwing-the-kitchen-sink Jonny Jackson effect.

    What a hero he is! Watch Makienok: he hasn't got the slightest clue how to move off the ball, let alone attack defenders.

    Side to side, and front to back. Without a glorious academy, and without £300 million, Huddersfield arrived at The Valley last month. They were bottom of the league. With skill and intelligence, they ripped us apart: 3-0.

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  • I still haven't watched either video.

    Partly because of time but also due to a feeling of dread.

    Do I want to watch a two hour car crash?

    Don't be scared. I have watched it and it is a lot worse than you can imagine.
  • @Goonerhater

    I'm fairly sure that somebody from the Club has the job of sifting through CL, trying to summarise the "general mood" for KM. I hope they take note of yours.

    I would hope that Roland has someone looking through these threads as it is apparent that many people feel that KM is incompetent and that should give him cause for concern. At the very least he has to do his own investigation of her behaviour, whether she is reaching her KPI's, is she achieving what he wants as the head of one of his businesses etc.
  • Forget your KPIs KM. I sit in the north stand. Managers are not good enough they are appointed for the wrong reasons. Some players not good enough. Incompetent management of the club. Easy to see. Sit on your sofa and reflect.
  • Depends what your KPIs are. You tend to get what you measure. If it's break even and staying up that will be what she strives for.
    If it's the fans feeling good about their club (unlikely) she'd pay more attention to that.
    They need to realise that the first will be impossible without the second. It's where the lack of a strategy becomes so obvious.
  • rikofold said:

    There were two or three reasons I think. Most of us in the room recognised that many of the issues she'd raised were the subject of questions we'd planned for later in the meeting

    Greenie said:

    One point on KM's lack understanding of the CAFC demographic can be summed up easily:-

    She states that most of the fans are over 50, then she instructs that house/dance music is played in Crossbars.

    The point is well made. However to be fair, she said that around 50% of season ticket holders are over 50.
    Perhaps she meant to say they would be over 50 by the time they got the season ticket system working properly?
  • Are you not fighting a losing battle here? This thread has received 8.1k views and only 166 comments mostly negative, possibly some racist and/or misogynistic (correct spelling if you wish)
    together with a poor turnout at the protest (in which I participated and chanted before anyone asks) indicates to me an extremely high level of disinterest by Charlton supporters. Why not make a tactical withdrawal, perhaps a silent protest and get back into the ground and support the team. I have supported this club that I love since 1948 (h & a) and know we have had worst boards than this over the years - none of them have communicated with the fans to any degree. We should at least wait out for now. On the question of signings and 'Liar Liar' etc. I was talking to a supporter this morning and we both agreed that only the hierarchy know how many players that have been approached and turned us down for some obvious reasons. Hopefully we shall land the French boy from Newcastle who will, at least, be able to communicate with most of the players!
  • .

    waldo said:

    Are you not fighting a losing battle here? This thread has received 8.1k views and only 166 comments mostly negative, possibly some racist and/or misogynistic (correct spelling if you wish)
    together with a poor turnout at the protest (in which I participated and chanted before anyone asks) indicates to me an extremely high level of disinterest by Charlton supporters. Why not make a tactical withdrawal, perhaps a silent protest and get back into the ground and support the team. I have supported this club that I love since 1948 (h & a) and know we have had worst boards than this over the years - none of them have communicated with the fans to any degree. We should at least wait out for now. On the question of signings and 'Liar Liar' etc. I was talking to a supporter this morning and we both agreed that only the hierarchy know how many players that have been approached and turned us down for some obvious reasons. Hopefully we shall land the French boy from Newcastle who will, at least, be able to communicate with most of the players!

    It's been almost two years with no improvement to our league status despite having a higher wage bill and £9m being spent on players (according to their own figures). It is only November and we are already concerned about relegation. How long are you prepared to 'wait it out' for?
    That is a fair point. However my focus really was that the level of support for this protest is very low as evidenced by the number of posts on this topic - 170 or thereabouts many of whom are repeats so it could be reasonable to divide the 170 by 4 do you think. Which equals 42 posters which by all reckoning is not a lot.
    In answer to your question I do not know but it is reasonable (and you seem a reasonable supporter WCA) to accept RD will not go as a consequence of any protest by supporters neither will KM I think. Regarding KM's presentation I respect other people's opinion but as someone who has presented Powerpoints and also sat through many I do genuinely think it was not as bad as suggested by the few people who have commented on it especially after any presenters nightmare of an out of sync start. At the end of the day we all want the best, or even better for our club.
    KM may not be everyone's popular choice of a CEO but there is no doubt in my mind that she is a genuine supporter of CAFC. Onwards and Upwards we all hope!.
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  • I'm clueless in all the bullshit but have half a brain cell and genuinely believe I and most of the others (who also possess half a brain cell or more) on this board could do a job no worse than Katrien
    It's ridiculous she is in this position , seriously what knowledge of running a football club has she come to us with

    But it is what it is and as much as I'd like the current incumbents to disappear that won't happen till he who must be obeyed decides to wake up and smell the coffee and realise that his pipe dream is impossible

    The regime has to change approach / tactics and show some humility along the line and as hard as it may be for people who like smoke blown up their arse they may have to learn that critical appraisal/assistance is a better thing to have

    Surely RM realised this by having someone like Rick employed/giving him grief throughout the years

    Personally I'm still umming and aahing over Valley Gold contributions , I'm not buying a programme /food/ gear from the club shop/ I'm not gonna pay for my boys to be mascots / match day sponsirship I was due to be involved in I'm deciding whether to pull out
    It's all just too bizarre and I'm gutted beyond belief I feel this way
    It's definitely the least I've ever felt love /affection for the players/management in my nearly 40 years as a supporter 32 of them as season ticket holder

    Each to their own but that's my brief take on things

    What I'd say to you re Valley Gold is that it is a contribution to a healthy part of the club that will help the club move forward regardless of who is in charge - and a pound now will take a few years to become a pound in anyone's pocket, if that's the fear. Could you see it as supporting the young players rather than the people whose running of the club is causing you to feel this way? That's what it is.
  • The bit that keeps going round my head is this: if player wages have really gone up by 40%, someone needs to get the bullet. A funny boast to make when you are CEO.

    We were given no context to this figure. Like the £9m "spent" on transfers.

    We do not know whether it is the average annual pay per player, or the total wage bill. If we have fewer but better players the pay may go up by 40% but the total money spent on wages goes down. How are loanees' wages factored in, are any signing on fees included? Is it because of the market prices, luck, or as TMA implies, a cock up.

    Can't say I'm massively interested, but if it is supposed to be a sign of additional real funds being committed then, given the mistrust, KM has no leeway to leave room for doubters to question figures.
  • I'm afraid after a lot of consideration I've cancelled my Valley Gold today. I'll rejoin as soon as Roland leaves.

    My decision ultimately came down to -

    1. Will the lack of my (or any of our) £10 a month affect the development of young players at Charlton?
    2. Under Roland, will we see any real quality youngsters in our team for more than six months? (and outside of the superstars like Gomez, will the others be used to plug the holes left by repeated under investment in the squad before they're ready?)
    3. Is the network experiment the ultimate benefactor from player sales like this? Does Charlton benefit from the funds that come in from these sales if the plan is just to reinvest back in youth and keep treading water at the bottom of the championship?

    The answer to all the above questions is undoubtedly "NO" in my opinion.

    I know there are other good causes that the VG money goes towards but I'm afraid I'm not making the monthly payment as a charity donation, I'm paying it to help my club develop. (I donate to charity elsewhere)

    As a paid up season ticket holder who doesn't spend any money in the ground already and never buys the programme I'm left with this as my only way of expressing discontent with the CEO and owner.

    In answer specifically to this @rikofold "(it) will help the club move forward regardless of who is in charge" - I disagree, as if my £10 a month isn't there it's not like Roland isn't going to be paying for whatever the youth requirements might be.

    It saddened me to cancel but I can't continue funding the experiment beyond my matchday ticket.

    All I'll say to this is that Valley Gold has paid for things that wouldn't have happened without our sponsorship, such as two European trips for the Under-17s.

    The answer to the 3 questions isn't no either - Valley Gold makes a sizable contribution, the only youth player that's been sold has been Joe Gomez and he wanted to leave, and Charlton are currently the top of the tree so it's not like we'll be feeding Alcorcon with our best players. Even if the answer to 3 was no, that still shows a value in the academy.

    I'm close to the scheme and see first hand its value, and I think Steve Avory did a good job of addressing some of that the other night, as he always does. But that said I do understand this is ultimately down to whether people have faith in these things. Your membership has been highly valued and I hope you'll feel able to renew at some point in the future.

    Please do let Sharon or Jack know why you're cancelling.
  • I can see the logic in all your arguements LFE but I'm not at the stage of cancelling yet.

    All I would add that if you, or others are cancelling VG, STs, sponsorship etc then please write to the club and state your reasons for doing so.

    Otherwise it could be ignored or dismissed as being for another reason.

    That won't stop it getting ignored or dismissed...

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Roland Out Forever!