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new ticket site



  • Simon E said:

    I don't know about anyone else but I'm finding the new site impossible!

    I'm trying to get West Ham friendly tkts, but I have to link each to txt to a member. So I try to add (the wife and kids), but it won't as their email addresses are listed. So, I tried to add them as connections in my account, but it won't add them as emails are listed, so I tried to request their connection. The emails to them never went through, and no pending connections are listed, but when I tried to send email again is says it won't as there is a pending connection with each of them!!

    So, I tried to add them individually as I always used to buy odd tickets through my CON number account. Easy you'd think, but no. I can't make accounts for them as their emails are already listed. So, I tried the forgot password function. Entered each of their emails and the site, said that they AREN'T listed!!

    What a stupid system!!!! It won't let me do anything!

    As an update my email never went through either, so I couldn't buy the tickets. If you phone up they'll charge you a booking fee to post them out, but regardless I don't really care enough about pre-ordering a pre-season friendly to spend any more time on it.

    There is an argument for using such a game to soft test the system, but I think the data collection is probably unrealistic. It's not a new idea, it was considered in 2005 when the previous system was implemented (when you could also choose a seat), but discarded as unrealistic.

    That system was taken offline in 2013 and the pre-2005 one (the non-members one that had operated continuously) left up, presumably for financial reasons. However running two in parallel was always very clumsy and the basic pre-2005 one was very inefficient for the club and unsatisfactory for fans. So potentially this one is a big improvement, once it all works!

    You really must be special, Henry !

    Like Simon E & Airman , I have given up trying to buy 5 tkts for West Ham online.

    ALL 5 of us are season tkt holders , so have CON numbers but the system doesn't allow me to input that information - but requires lengthy input inc their dates of birth !

    I have had no response from Mandy following my initial email on Monday and my follow up today.

    Like Airman, I 've had enough now .

    One of those planning to attend with me has said she'll call to make our booking so am handing this over to her.

    After holding on for over 4 mins on Monday, and then being told I cannot be connected, I'm b*ggered if I'm going to try again.

    Beginning to wonder whether I'll bother with any away tickets next season if this is the way our Club treats its regular, loyal fans.

  • edited July 2015
    I'll go into battle tomorrow, Fanny. They charged a fee to post out tickets bought online, so am well used to that, was only £1, so will be annoyed if its more. Will be interesting!
  • Mandy Anderson-Myers Ticket office manager

    Got a very swift and helpful reponse myself

    She is very good and helpful
  • Kap10 said:

    Mandy Anderson-Myers Ticket office manager

    Got a very swift and helpful reponse myself

    She is very good and helpful
    Maybe, but obviously has no time to ring/email a FF member to clarify an issue which is affecting others.

    I take no pleasure in posting my experience but having given up my time to attend a FF meeting last week, and meeting Mandy ( who, I have to say, impressed me) I am very disappointed at the lack of respect shown by not even acknowledging my contact.

    I am starting to wonder whether it's worth continuing as a member of said Forum, especially in light of KM's disclosure that she envisages a totally different end of season event next May.

  • Kap10 said:

    Mandy Anderson-Myers Ticket office manager

    Got a very swift and helpful reponse myself

    She is very good and helpful
    Maybe, but obviously has no time to ring/email a FF member to clarify an issue which is affecting others.

    I take no pleasure in posting my experience but having given up my time to attend a FF meeting last week, and meeting Mandy ( who, I have to say, impressed me) I am very disappointed at the lack of respect shown by not even acknowledging my contact.

    I am starting to wonder whether it's worth continuing as a member of said Forum, especially in light of KM's disclosure that she envisages a totally different end of season event next May.

    Please don't give up Fanny, we need you! We can hold our own end of season event if needs be. KM must not beat us! We were here long before her, and will be here long after she's gone, god willing.

  • Kap10 said:

    Mandy Anderson-Myers Ticket office manager

    Got a very swift and helpful reponse myself

    She is very good and helpful
    Maybe, but obviously has no time to ring/email a FF member to clarify an issue which is affecting others.

    I take no pleasure in posting my experience but having given up my time to attend a FF meeting last week, and meeting Mandy ( who, I have to say, impressed me) I am very disappointed at the lack of respect shown by not even acknowledging my contact.

    I am starting to wonder whether it's worth continuing as a member of said Forum, especially in light of KM's disclosure that she envisages a totally different end of season event next May.

    Please don't give up Fanny, we need you! We can hold our own end of season event if needs be. KM must not beat us! We were here long before her, and will be here long after she's gone, god willing.

    KM must not beat us?

    Oh dear.
  • PL54 said:

    Kap10 said:

    Mandy Anderson-Myers Ticket office manager

    Got a very swift and helpful reponse myself

    She is very good and helpful
    Maybe, but obviously has no time to ring/email a FF member to clarify an issue which is affecting others.

    I take no pleasure in posting my experience but having given up my time to attend a FF meeting last week, and meeting Mandy ( who, I have to say, impressed me) I am very disappointed at the lack of respect shown by not even acknowledging my contact.

    I am starting to wonder whether it's worth continuing as a member of said Forum, especially in light of KM's disclosure that she envisages a totally different end of season event next May.

    Please don't give up Fanny, we need you! We can hold our own end of season event if needs be. KM must not beat us! We were here long before her, and will be here long after she's gone, god willing.

    KM must not beat us?

    Oh dear.
    I will clarify my remark, not that I need to justify myself to you or anyone else, but realize it may seem that I am one of the "foreigners out" brigade, which those who know me, know is not the case. I am talking about the social side, not football, and feel we fans know what we want from them rather than KM. Change of the sake of it is not always for the better as proved at POTY. She/they changed the caterers, then complained the food was not as good as previous year, making it seem like those who organized the dinner were to blame, which they were not.

    The new ticketing system seems to be another change for the worse, though it could just be teething troubles. It does seem however, the choice of new staff on the admin side has again not been good. A good motto is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" and I think the CEO should bear this in mind. Listen to the fans rather than having the attitude we do what we want and you have to lump it.

    I do admit my previous post was badly worded, but when a long term fan and volunteer like Fanny is near the point of giving up, things have got really bad!

  • Not a season ticket holder, do not get the over 60s discount, and often buy straight with my red card.
    I hope to attend the Westham game, see what it is like when I visit the ticket office next week.
    Will enquire about the cost of the QPR game, not really fussed where I sit so will be looking at the cost, as I fear some games may be
    too expensive for me, and this 'category' of game may be something that I will have to make a decision about wether I think it is good value, that we all have to come to.
    My loss no doubt!
  • edited July 2015

    Whilst I understand that some of you are cheesed off.

    Is it really worth packing in all away games as there is a glitch or two with a brand new ticketing system? - Always due to have teething problems with a new system, and ultimately, we haven't even played a competitive game yet! give the club a chance....

  • My understanding, is that you no longer need to input date of birth info.
  • Sponsored links:

  • The OS says Derby away tickets are available to buy online but they're not on the new ticket website. Frustrating as the ticket office is closed this afternoon.
  • The OS says Derby away tickets are available to buy online but they're not on the new ticket website. Frustrating as the ticket office is closed this afternoon.

    I tried calling at 12.15 and got the answer phone and thought not a problem will do online to find this.
  • I paid £15 on sat to buy two tickets for the West ham game and chose print at home. Had to also somehow link my purchase to my account which still said Guest despite being logged in and having my name and CON on there. What's more is that I've had not a single email about it. Not one saying the purchase went through or here are your tickets.

    It's all very confusing and I will have to call the ticket office to actually find out what is going on. Looks like a very complex broken system so far. What was wrong with the last one?
  • I managed to buy our tickets for the West Ham game yesterday, but at second attempt. The first call I made at 9.10, listened to the choices and other bits, which all take time, pressed 6, and got constant ringing for a full five minutes! Tried again ten minutes later and was answered straight away. Having to give all the other CON numbers took a long time, so why can't they have an 0208 number to ring which is on most people's call packages? The two calls came to around 15 minutes, so will see how much it has added to my phone bill next month. Anyone wishing to make a quick call from work to buy away tickets on the day they go on sale, will be out of luck. They must get more staff to answer phones, especially as buying online has also become difficult now. Tried that and my password was not acknowledged, so tried as a guest and was told my email was already in the system, so could not do that either! They have had the whole close season to work on this system, and should be better than this.
  • Jarman said:

    Whilst I understand that some of you are cheesed off.

    Is it really worth packing in all away games as there is a glitch or two with a brand new ticketing system? - Always due to have teething problems with a new system, and ultimately, we haven't even played a competitive game yet! give the club a chance....

    You're missing the point, Jarman.

    If the Club fails to engage with fans ( or in my case, someone who volunteers to speak on fans' behalf) in order to sort out said "teething problems" then it should expect a degree of frustration from it's customers.

    If my email had been dealt with in the first place on Monday, the situation might have been resolved , even if only by posting something on the OS to the effect that at present, those wishing to purchase more than their own ticket, should do so by telephone due to ongoing issues with the computer system.

    And further, with Derby tickets now on sale as well as WHU ones, wouldn't you agree that there should be sufficient staff in post to deal with said telephone calls and no need for an ansaphone to be utilised ? When I rang on Monday, I heard the list of options, chose option 6( speak to an operator) and held on for 4+ minutes before my call was terminated. What's happened to the system whereby "someone" advises you that you are number 1 /10/100 in the queue or that you might like to try again later ? Is this too much to ask from a Club that is seeking to put more b*ms on seats this season ?

    As I posted earlier, I HATE criticising our Club. Ideally, I like to boast about our attributes and do so ad nauseum but when something as important as customer service , and especially when it affects our existing fans AND people who may be buying tickets for the first time, I see red .....

    Surely our Club should be bending over backwards (?) to provide as good a service as possible to its customers , not alienating them. And communication between those who are tasked with representing said fans and Club staff who attend the same meetings is surely not too much to ask ?

    Hi Fanny,

    Its been a long time since I posted on here but after reading your message I thought it was time. You may or may not recall but my company looks after certain services at The Valley and we negotiate once a year to renew the contract.

    We have had a lot of problems this time around and it has transpired that our emails were not being received by the staff members at The Valley, we have checked at our end and we are okay so it would seem there may be an IT issue at the clubs end.

    I had a conversation with Ravi on the telephone this week and sent another test email to see if he got it and asked for a reply and as yet I have heard nothing.

    I can understand your frustration but It might be worth you making a call to see if your email has been received.

  • edited July 2015

    I managed to buy our tickets for the West Ham game yesterday, but at second attempt. The first call I made at 9.10, listened to the choices and other bits, which all take time, pressed 6, and got constant ringing for a full five minutes! Tried again ten minutes later and was answered straight away. Having to give all the other CON numbers took a long time, so why can't they have an 0208 number to ring which is on most people's call packages? The two calls came to around 15 minutes, so will see how much it has added to my phone bill next month. Anyone wishing to make a quick call from work to buy away tickets on the day they go on sale, will be out of luck. They must get more staff to answer phones, especially as buying online has also become difficult now. Tried that and my password was not acknowledged, so tried as a guest and was told my email was already in the system, so could not do that either! They have had the whole close season to work on this system, and should be better than this.

    03330 numbers are charged at the regular rate and are included in most call packages. In addition, they can be called from a mobile for the standard national charge and/or are included in minute packages. So, it should be a cheap option. (It's free for me.)

    Edited to add: BTW, the O/S says tickets for the Dag & Red cup game are available from this morning and gives a link to the ticket site. It probably goes without saying that they aren't shown there. Beyond parody.
  • I have tried to buy west Ham tickets on-line and have had the same problem as hantsaddick. It did not recognise my password or e-mail address, so thought I would reregister only to be told that my e-mail address is already registered so now stuck can not buy tickets on-line or change my login dteails . You would think they would ensure the system works before making changes.
  • Jarman said:

    Whilst I understand that some of you are cheesed off.

    Is it really worth packing in all away games as there is a glitch or two with a brand new ticketing system? - Always due to have teething problems with a new system, and ultimately, we haven't even played a competitive game yet! give the club a chance....

    You're missing the point, Jarman.

    If the Club fails to engage with fans ( or in my case, someone who volunteers to speak on fans' behalf) in order to sort out said "teething problems" then it should expect a degree of frustration from it's customers.

    If my email had been dealt with in the first place on Monday, the situation might have been resolved , even if only by posting something on the OS to the effect that at present, those wishing to purchase more than their own ticket, should do so by telephone due to ongoing issues with the computer system.

    And further, with Derby tickets now on sale as well as WHU ones, wouldn't you agree that there should be sufficient staff in post to deal with said telephone calls and no need for an ansaphone to be utilised ? When I rang on Monday, I heard the list of options, chose option 6( speak to an operator) and held on for 4+ minutes before my call was terminated. What's happened to the system whereby "someone" advises you that you are number 1 /10/100 in the queue or that you might like to try again later ? Is this too much to ask from a Club that is seeking to put more b*ms on seats this season ?

    As I posted earlier, I HATE criticising our Club. Ideally, I like to boast about our attributes and do so ad nauseum but when something as important as customer service , and especially when it affects our existing fans AND people who may be buying tickets for the first time, I see red .....

    Surely our Club should be bending over backwards (?) to provide as good a service as possible to its customers , not alienating them. And communication between those who are tasked with representing said fans and Club staff who attend the same meetings is surely not too much to ask ?

    Hi Fanny,

    Its been a long time since I posted on here but after reading your message I thought it was time. You may or may not recall but my company looks after certain services at The Valley and we negotiate once a year to renew the contract.

    We have had a lot of problems this time around and it has transpired that our emails were not being received by the staff members at The Valley, we have checked at our end and we are okay so it would seem there may be an IT issue at the clubs end.

    I had a conversation with Ravi on the telephone this week and sent another test email to see if he got it and asked for a reply and as yet I have heard nothing.

    I can understand your frustration but It might be worth you making a call to see if your email has been received.

    Hi, Mike,

    Thanks for that.

    However, if there is a problem with staff receiving emails, then surely something to that effect should be posted on the OS ? It's really not difficult.

    IMHO , the key word here is COMMUNICATION - something which our Club fails to recognise.

    And Henry has managed to email AND successfully receive a reply .......

    As far as purchasing tickets online is concerned, that's another matter.

    If the new system doesn't work , then surely it's not rocket science to inform fans (again) and ensure there are sufficient operators to deal with phone bookings until the problems are eradicated ?

    Whatever the cost of such a call, it's naïve to expect those wishing to attend games to have infinite time & patience in order to buy their tickets. Some will try again , whilst others will decide the hassle is too much.

    Is this really the way to fill our stadium ?


  • Sponsored links:

  • The email problem is long-standing, Katrien hasn't been receiving hers for over a year....

    And there lies the problem if the head of an organisation can not be bothered to answer her emails to her customers, why would the rest of the staff bother.

    Communication at the club is a total shambles, wonder if RD is aware or indeed if he cares.
  • The email problem is long-standing, Katrien hasn't been receiving hers for over a year....

    She replied to an email from me a few months ago.

  • edited July 2015
    Try, (Ticket office manager)

    I e-mailed her & she replied.

  • I had a conversation with Ravi on the telephone this week and sent another test email to see if he got it and asked for a reply and as yet I have heard nothing

    Typical millwall.....
  • According to OS the D&R tickets went on sale at 9am this morning, but the link to the new tickets site does not list this match.
  • Dansk_Red said:

    According to OS the D&R tickets went on sale at 9am this morning, but the link to the new tickets site does not list this match.

    Thanks Colin.
  • I thought some of you were being over dramatic about the new ticket site but I've just tried to use it...... Jesus, it's awful, will ring them on Monday to get my West Ham tickets now
  • I thought some of you were being over dramatic about the new ticket site but I've just tried to use it...... Jesus, it's awful, will ring them on Monday to get my West Ham tickets now

    I suspect the muted reaction is because just 1% have so far tried to use it
  • edited July 2015
    All of you moaners, don't you realise we're building a better tomorrow together?
  • seth plum said:

    All of you moaners, don't you realise we're building a better tomorrow together?

    Ah, but that's ON the pitch, seth.


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