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Season-ticket strike to bring the owner to the table



  • ST for as long as i can remember, won't be renewing next season
  • I will be renewing, but I understand those who won't. Boycotts are complicated. You can boycott Amazon, Starbucks, Tescos and in many ways it wont have a big direct financial impact. The impact is in terms of negative publicity, but Starbucks hasn't noticed that I no longer them and they still don't pay tax. However such boycotts are easy because in reality no-one has an affinity to any of these organisations and don't care f they suffer financial hardship (or even go bust). I suppose the question is what would happen to any non-premiership club (where TV money keeps them going) if no-one renewed? A panic sale? Immediate administration? No summer player purchases? I'm not asking these questions to criticise those who don't renew as I have no idea of the consequences. Is Roland the 'nose' and Charlton 'my face'?
  • Very good post JJDD (excuse the abbreviation I tried typing your full name twice and got it wrong both times) I also cannot see the value of a boycott because honestly I don't think he cares you can only hurt an organisation or the owners of that organisation if they are affected by it. What seriously worries me is that Duchatelet is the Football equivalent of an assett stripper i.e. buys the club, sells off the best players (I can see the likes of Solly, Gomez going in the closed season) for a profit and then runs the club with bare minimum playing staff. Even worse if it goes down the pan completely he sells the main assett i.e. The Valley for redevelopment thus getting back his investment and leaving us with no ground again and probably in The Conference league.

    Could all happen it isn't outside the realms of possibility and honestly a boycott may only accelerate the process not slow it down.
  • Season ticket holder since 1992, won't be renewing next season.
  • timken said:

    anyone who buys a season ticket while this is going on is insane and enabling RD to fuck us over .DO NOT RENEW IF YOU LOVE THIS CLUB

    Timken, why am I insane to renew my season ticket, was I also insane to have a season ticket at selhurst when the then owners f****d us over back then.
    I'll support Charlton through thick and thin.
  • Please continue to support through thick and thin but dont give the multi millionaire owner a free loan[i,e seasonticket money].And yes the "boycott" by many of selhurst got us back to the valley.If everyone had bought a season ticket at selhurst we would still be there.
  • I've had a season ticket for 22 years, prior to that I had for the previous 22 years, picked and chosen my games. I feel that I could go back to that again BUT, in the past year I've moved 70 miles away from The Valley and feel that if I didn't buy a ST I'd be unlikely to go. I curently purchase the most expensive ST because I sit in one of (arguably) the best blocks. What I might do next year is buy a cheaper ticket. If we all did the same where possible, we could still support our club by attending games but the gaps in the middle blocks of the West and East stands would be a very visible demonstration of our discontent.
  • timken said:

    Please continue to support through thick and thin but dont give the multi millionaire owner a free loan[i,e seasonticket money].And yes the "boycott" by many of selhurst got us back to the valley.If everyone had bought a season ticket at selhurst we would still be there.

    I disagree, I believe we got back to the Valley because we had an owner who understood the traditions and values of our football club and a motivated fan base that was willing to fight for them.
  • timken said:

    Please continue to support through thick and thin but dont give the multi millionaire owner a free loan[i,e seasonticket money].And yes the "boycott" by many of selhurst got us back to the valley.If everyone had bought a season ticket at selhurst we would still be there.

    That statement is totally inaccurate. As I pointed out only a few weeks ago,the game at which the move to Selhurst was announced (i.e before anyone knew) had attracted a grand total of 6,300 spectators, of which at least 1,000 were away fans (ironically Palace). This despite an encouraging start to the season with excellent new signings. Hardly any of that 5,000 or so had season tickets. When I finally dragged myself to Selhurst three months later, the attendance was 7,100. There was no organised boycott of Selhurst games, and the reasons we got back are exactly as @se9addick has just stated.
  • I've had a season ticket for 22 years, prior to that I had for the previous 22 years, picked and chosen my games. I feel that I could go back to that again BUT, in the past year I've moved 70 miles away from The Valley and feel that if I didn't buy a ST I'd be unlikely to go. I curently purchase the most expensive ST because I sit in one of (arguably) the best blocks. What I might do next year is buy a cheaper ticket. If we all did the same where possible, we could still support our club by attending games but the gaps in the middle blocks of the West and East stands would be a very visible demonstration of our discontent.

    Mind you - I could probably buy that cheaper ticket and go and sit in the dear seats as everyone else will be boycotting :-)
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  • Last season we were offered an early bird price, and those of us who bought early were made a mockery of when the early bird price deadline was then abandoned.
    I also remember season ticket holders were being contacted last year as to why they hadn't renewed.
    So where do we find ourselves now?
    For a start we don't know which division we will be in next season, and won't know until well into the season ticket buying 'season'. We don't know the prices either.
    Any early bird deadline a) has no credibility and b) should be waived for last years early bird season ticket holders, enabling them to renew this year as late on as they want.
    My view is that if you're going to buy a season ticket, you try to wait until the day before the first home game. If everybody did this it might make Roland pause for thought (although I doubt it). It was put to me yesterday that perhaps those who wish to get a season ticket all apply on the exact same day in order to provoke some thought and consideration.
    Not massive action granted, but I don't see the point of giving Roland a free loan through the summer when he isn't likely to make any compelling player signings during that time.
  • We need a way of reliably counting all those lost season tickets by way of a questionnaire. A job for the trust maybe? I suspect almost 100% will be shown to be due to the owner and the way the club is run. The message needs to be clearly delivered to Duchatelet.
  • We need a way of reliably counting all those lost season tickets by way of a questionnaire. A job for the trust maybe? I suspect almost 100% will be shown to be due to the owner and the way the club is run. The message needs to be clearly delivered to Duchatelet.

    The sad thing is Roly probably wouldn't give a toss.
  • We need a way of reliably counting all those lost season tickets by way of a questionnaire. A job for the trust maybe? I suspect almost 100% will be shown to be due to the owner and the way the club is run. The message needs to be clearly delivered to Duchatelet.

    I think that a survey runs the risk of asking for a response from people that are so fed up with Charlton that they wouldn't bother to reply. That means that is we drop 2,000 season ticket holders many of them will never tell you why.

    There was a poster on CL a little while ago complaining that the club hadn't made enough effort to entice him to renew. He seemed, genuinely, angry that they didn't consider his custom worth enough to have written to him and/or called him several times to find out why he didn't renew.

    If we lose c. 2,000 season ticket holders who, from the club, is going to have the time, and the nerve, to call them this summer to ask them why not?
  • seth plum said:

    Last season we were offered an early bird price, and those of us who bought early were made a mockery of when the early bird price deadline was then abandoned.
    I also remember season ticket holders were being contacted last year as to why they hadn't renewed.
    So where do we find ourselves now?
    For a start we don't know which division we will be in next season, and won't know until well into the season ticket buying 'season'. We don't know the prices either.
    Any early bird deadline a) has no credibility and b) should be waived for last years early bird season ticket holders, enabling them to renew this year as late on as they want.
    My view is that if you're going to buy a season ticket, you try to wait until the day before the first home game. If everybody did this it might make Roland pause for thought (although I doubt it). It was put to me yesterday that perhaps those who wish to get a season ticket all apply on the exact same day in order to provoke some thought and consideration.
    Not massive action granted, but I don't see the point of giving Roland a free loan through the summer when he isn't likely to make any compelling player signings during that time.

    I think that if they have the nerve to ask for people's money before we secure Championship football they are insane!

    I would have thought that the deadline to secure one's seat (the only deadline that matters as all the others are always extended) will be as late as possible this summer as many will want to see all the crap shipped out and proper replacements brought in before they commit to coming more than half a dozen times next season. If we are going to have the same playing staff in 2015/16 I will have little interest in watching them - even if I buy another season ticket, which is likely as I like my seat, despite having some weird people sit in front of me.

    I appreciate that the club are more interested in me paying for my seat than, actually, using it, but in an ideal world I.m sure they would prefer if came to most of the games.
  • If we lose season tickets there is a good chance the club (however ill advisedly) will close West and North Upper in order to provide a better backdrop for the video clips and montages of our players.
    I am pretty sure that Roland can handle a loss of season ticket holders, he could probably recoup the loss by selling Vetokele.
  • seth plum said:

    If we lose season tickets there is a good chance the club (however ill advisedly) will close West and North Upper in order to provide a better backdrop for the video clips and montages of our players.
    I am pretty sure that Roland can handle a loss of season ticket holders, he could probably recoup the loss by selling Vetokele.

    Exactly Seth, if RD makes further losses on top of the £5 mill. he is losing now, the likely scenario is that our best youngsters will be sold to pay for it.
  • If even 25% of season ticket holders don't renew - and more than likely if we drop as well - then it actually won't matter to RD and the clowns that advise/fawn to him. The loss will be relatively small and many of those fans will continue to come to some games. He's a millionaire with a plaything. We don't matter.
  • timken said:

    Please continue to support through thick and thin but dont give the multi millionaire owner a free loan[i,e seasonticket money].And yes the "boycott" by many of selhurst got us back to the valley.If everyone had bought a season ticket at selhurst we would still be there.

    The crowds at The Valley in the years before leaving were not too different to what they were at 'their' place.
  • edited February 2015

    timken said:

    Please continue to support through thick and thin but dont give the multi millionaire owner a free loan[i,e seasonticket money].And yes the "boycott" by many of selhurst got us back to the valley.If everyone had bought a season ticket at selhurst we would still be there.

    The crowds at The Valley in the years before leaving were not too different to what they were at 'their' place.
    No, but the football was, which makes it a false comparison.

    I completely agree, though, that the main reason for the crowds was that people couldn't be bothered rather than stayed away on principle, although some did. It wouid have been interesting if we'd been promoted in 84/5 instead, but hard to know how that wouid have played out.
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  • vff said:

    Charlton supporters need to do some funny big things that will get the football world's attention. Flying a balloon across the Valley and releasing lots of balloons / streamers onto the pitch with a stuff the network message. Something that will look good on the net and media sites. If Charlton supporters can consistently embarrass and highlight to the football world and inept and rubbish his footballing decisions are, then he will be pushed into selling. Duchatelet needs to attract players to his network and if it is clear how badly his messing clubs then he won't like it. It would need to be as sustained effort though. Funny and entertaining stuff as well.

    Think I've posted elsewhere that lots of negative press might be one of the ways to make RD sit up & take notice because of the potential knock on effects.

  • I don't see how asking supporters not to renew their ST's will work. Judging from some of the comments already it could even become divisive between those who will and those who won't. How about targeting a particular game for a boycott?
    I understand that the club include ST's on the attendance figures regardless of whether they turn up or not, but that may work to our advantage as there could be more focus generated on the actual numbers there.
  • Going to the Bees match due to pre-arranged meet and then sending my ST back. Not returning until Belgians have left the building. May go to occasional away game to remind myself how bad we are. Can we discontinue the players marks thread as it is too depressing?
  • edited February 2015
    We will not return either until the Belgians have departed. Perhaps Sam Bartram's statue could be adorned with our empty season ticket books after the last home game by all those who will not renew? Wearing clown masks would get media attention so that may be worth considering?
  • We will not return either until the Belgians have departed. Perhaps Sam Bartram's statue could be adorned with our empty season ticket books after the last home game by all those who will not renew? Wearing clown masks would get media attention so that may be worth considering?

    Don't Palace fans call us clowns? I think we need to give them less to laugh about us, maybe another outfit?
  • Turning jokes back on yourself is a key form of protest.
  • Indeed but the thought of our protest being more fun for Palace fans that an inconvenience for Roland makes me feel uncomfortable.

    We need to remember that SL held demonstrations and even had a riot on the pitch during a game but he just ignored them and carried on. A few fans dressed as clowns will, probably, not even register with him - but it will make every forum and blog of the Palace fans and They are having a good enough time of it at the moment without us giving them something more to laugh at.
  • A plane with a banner always seems to work well and get plenty of attention....
  • A plane with a banner always seems to work well and get plenty of attention....

    Expensive, and the CAA turned down an application from some Palace dweebs to fly one over The Valley when we went down to League 1 a few years ago - I think because of proximity to London City Airport. Think the application alone cost them about £800.
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Roland Out Forever!