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Season-ticket strike to bring the owner to the table



  • edited February 2015
    By coincidence I remember speaking to Richard Murray a while ago about a catering (programme/merchandise) boycott threatened somewhere else - away fans at Fulham, I think. Apart from the difficulty in making it reasonably solid (people's appetite for food being greater than their appetite for football politics), it's not significant money in terms of the club's overall finances and therefore the impact is more symbolic than real. Richard and I both thought what was proposed there would have no impact whatsoever on that club.

    Off the top of my head, because it's not my area at all, the club/contractor might take £25k on a matchday in concourse sales, of which at least half will be cost of sale. So say the profit is £12k. You'd do very well to get a 50 per cent response from a boycott but the club would still have a lot of its costs, so the hit could be £5k in profit foregone. However, for context a full away end at The Valley will generate about £60k in net ticket revenue alone - and visiting fans are unlikely to join a boycott of food.

  • I wouldn't put it past RD to just close the catering altogether if a boycott was successful. It's something else to consider. The guy is used to getting his way, who knows what he would do in order to try to get that.

    I'm thinking along the same lines.
    How do you hit a multi-millionaire in the pocket.
    If a % of people stop buying programmes, he could just reduce the print run and number of selling points.
    The same with food. If only a certain amount are buying from the outlets, then only open certain ones and reduce the amount available.

    But with the food it would hit Deleware the company who do the catering and imagine they would put pressure on the club.

    If we can get it in the press etc it will help force the issue with the club.

    It could just be the start, you have sponsorship, player sponsorship etc.
  • I don't have a season ticket as I do shift work and have to work a lot of weekends and nights meaning I miss a lot of the fixtures. Saturday's game against Rotherham was the first this season that I could get to. If I did have a season ticket then I too would have to think long and hard about whether I would renew. It will be interesting to see whether Katrien replies to any disgruntled e-mails. I imagine that she would just delete them.
  • My mate and I are unlikely to renew at the moment because we have simply got to the stage where its a chore to go. The football is shyte and shows no sign of improving. I was patient with Roland at the start as I welcomed anything by way of a different approach as I am of the view that football is generally going to hell in a handcart. However, what I see is the life being sucked out of my club and I simply can't identify with it at the moment. He has also created a rod for his own back by cutting the price of my season ticket to £250 this year. Any increase will make me think long and hard as will the departure of any of the increasingly few players that I can develop any loyalty towards (Solly, Wiggy, Cousins and Ben Haim & Gudmundsson of the new lot). This isn't a toys out of pram strop. It just a gradually developing realisation that what I am paying for is not worth the effort or the money. It will not dilute my fundamental support for CAFC but I have little desire to see it or pay for it or to subsidise RD's experimentation on it in its current form. Its a case by case decision. Therefore my position is:

    Will I renew automatically and get whatever early bird discount is available? - not a hope in hell.
    Will I renew after a period of reflection on what happens vis a vis relegation and summer developments with the squad? - at the moment unlikely but I'll suck it and see.
    Regardless of the above, will a significant price hike affect my thinking - certainly yes.
    Will I pay as I go next year - the most likely scenario at the moment.
    Will I get so pissed off with RD that I will not go under any circumstances until he disappears - ask me again in the summer. Unlikely but not impossible.

    Sad times.
  • If the aim is to get RD to sell then it is better for any future owner that the price is driven down as low as possible.

    Relegation will help that and so can not buying season tickets, not spending in the Valley, boycotting home games (my chosen method), protest (home and away), ridicule, investigation into legal/tax issues (you never know what mau be found), work with Standard fans etc.

    Lots for addicks to do to help.
  • I think it's all a bit over ott, all because we didn't sign a striker or appoint a English manager as there really was a fantastic selection wasn't there.

    Bollocks to not renewing, I love my club and I can see good things aswell bad things under RD but I'll always be here, only because we didn't get a few things doesn't mean walk out on the club.

    Much rather this then what Blackpool & Rangers have.

    Get of your high horses, we not a big club anymore, we had our moment 10 years ago.

    I lost the valley with Charlton
    I went to Selhurst with Charlton
    Season ticket holder for over 15 years.
    Double relegation with my young son saying "why do you even come here"?

    I got past all that, living with RD is a piece of piss.

    We are 1 win from 12th.. Get a grip

    We're also two losses from the bottom three.
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  • And we have been two losses away before under home grown owners and managers
  • PL54 said:

    I think it's all a bit over ott, all because we didn't sign a striker or appoint a English manager as there really was a fantastic selection wasn't there.

    Bollocks to not renewing, I love my club and I can see good things aswell bad things under RD but I'll always be here, only because we didn't get a few things doesn't mean walk out on the club.

    Much rather this then what Blackpool & Rangers have.

    Get of your high horses, we not a big club anymore, we had our moment 10 years ago.

    I lost the valley with Charlton
    I went to Selhurst with Charlton
    Season ticket holder for over 15 years.
    Double relegation with my young son saying "why do you even come here"?

    I got past all that, living with RD is a piece of piss.

    We are 1 win from 12th.. Get a grip

    We're also two losses from the bottom three.
    That's the spirit
    It's a fact.
  • And we have been two losses away before under home grown owners and managers

    Come and actually watch some games, you might start understanding why everyone's so fecking despondently miserable. There's a lot more to it than our league position.
  • i dont need too, i have followed home and away for 30 years, have family and friends that go and inform me and not all feel the same as you
  • People ever thought that there's a chance that you do end up pushing Roland out and then we get a chairman that maybe wants us to move from the valley or doesn't like the colour red and changes out kit to blue or finds our badge offensive ? Or just simply hikes up the ticket prices ?
  • Boycotting food makes no sense to me. If the caterers pull out we just get crappier cheaper catering. At best, CAFC obtain a slightly smaller income because they have to drop the charge for a catering license.

    Changing ownership guarantees nothing. Changing the mindset of the owner would be more beneficial. There is no common ground of an objective coming through. When it comes down to it we want a unified club with owner, team and fans sharing hopes and aspirations and showing pride.

    Better to see how we can unify, which needs lines of communications to be established, rather than try and rip everything apart.

    If RD doesn't mind losing the support of long standing fans he presumably thinks he can create a new fan base. It would be good to know what direction he is heading so we can make our own minds up whether its worth being part of the new fan base. That needs a line of communication which does not exist, so my idea is to fight for a proper high level meeting. Make it clear we are not wanting to tell RD how to run the club, just to hear why he is running it the way he is.

    You can't blame the management for not communicating on serious issues if they think fans can only communicate when they are drunk, aggressive and shouting down any response management might attempt to make. So preferably not a meeting on the train after an away defeat.

    I think your last paragraph is a bit unfair. If there had been some meaningful dialogue with the fans it's likely that KM would never have been accosted on the train. People want answers, the club are not giving them to us. When they do communicate things they get it all arse upwards which leads to all the suspicion of lies and being fobbed off by the club.

    I agree, there does need to be a proper communication channel between the fans and the club, but they have failed to come to the table, despite offers from at least two different groups. I think that all the groups that represent the fans need to come together, have some discussions and then try to establish something with the club as a single group. If that means throwing weight behind the trust then so be it. It doesn't mean that the other groups have to follow the trusts lead, it means forming a strategy as a collective and allowing the trust to spearhead the campaign with everyone's support.

    Of course this also means the trust has to ensure that the strategy is clear and that they do not just try to use the opportunity to push their own agenda. Then it would be up to the club to do the right thing and to agree to a meeting to attempt to clear the air and hopefully find some way of engaging the fans and moving forward with their/our support.
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  • bobcafc7 said:

    People ever thought that there's a chance that you do end up pushing Roland out and then we get a chairman that maybe wants us to move from the valley or doesn't like the colour red and changes out kit to blue or finds our badge offensive ? Or just simply hikes up the ticket prices ?

    So we should just sit back and watch Roland rip the heart out of club out of fear of what the next owner would be like? That is like being unhappy with the Mrs but being scared to break up because you are scared to be alone.

    For me Roland and any owner are just a custodian of our great club and that doe snot give them a pass to do what they like.
    I'm not happy about plenty of things he's done but I certainly don't think he's ripping the soul out of the club, like I said we still play at the valley with several Charlton youth players, Charlton coaches, Solly, Jackson ect.
  • i dont need too, i have followed home and away for 30 years, have family and friends that go and inform me and not all feel the same as you

    Really, cos the only people on this messageboard who still seem to be finding anything positive to say about Duchatelet's ownership seem to be the one's who are most rarely seen at The Valley.

    I'd be fascinated to know what positive news your family and friends have communicated to you since the end of October - I'm guessing something along the lines of "the seats are shinier than ever, the grass is looking lustrous and radiant, and Christophe Lepoints 15 minute appearance last weekend was the funiest thing I've seen in my entire life".
  • edited February 2015

    bobcafc7 said:

    People ever thought that there's a chance that you do end up pushing Roland out and then we get a chairman that maybe wants us to move from the valley or doesn't like the colour red and changes out kit to blue or finds our badge offensive ? Or just simply hikes up the ticket prices ?

    So we should just sit back and watch Roland rip the heart out of club out of fear of what the next owner would be like? That is like being unhappy with the Mrs but being scared to break up because you are scared to be alone.

    For me Roland and any owner are just a custodian of our great club and that does not give them a pass to do what they like.
    What is he actually doing to rip the heart out of the club though? Do you think you'd still have the same view point if we weren't on such a bad run of form?
  • edited February 2015
    bobcafc7 said:

    bobcafc7 said:

    People ever thought that there's a chance that you do end up pushing Roland out and then we get a chairman that maybe wants us to move from the valley or doesn't like the colour red and changes out kit to blue or finds our badge offensive ? Or just simply hikes up the ticket prices ?

    So we should just sit back and watch Roland rip the heart out of club out of fear of what the next owner would be like? That is like being unhappy with the Mrs but being scared to break up because you are scared to be alone.

    For me Roland and any owner are just a custodian of our great club and that doe snot give them a pass to do what they like.
    I'm not happy about plenty of things he's done but I certainly don't think he's ripping the soul out of the club, like I said we still play at the valley with several Charlton youth players, Charlton coaches, Solly, Jackson ect.
    I respect your view and was probably not to far from where you are now before prepared to give RD the benefit of the doubt but my view is that he is ripping the heart out of the club and what we stand for.

    Charlton in my time have never been a glory team winning trophies and it has and never will be about that, but we have always been a club i viewed as special and different. I liked the way there was a all in this together mentality from the Board, Manager, Players and fans.

    This is just not there anymore and I think a number of other fans are missing this and as such that club we used to know that was different that had this bond throughout has gone. That to me is ripping the heart out of the club.

    I understand this is just my views but if others feel this sort of way its a danger to the long term good of our club.

  • MrLargo said:

    i dont need too, i have followed home and away for 30 years, have family and friends that go and inform me and not all feel the same as you

    Really, cos the only people on this messageboard who still seem to be finding anything positive to say about Duchatelet's ownership seem to be the one's who are most rarely seen at The Valley.

    I'd be fascinated to know what positive news your family and friends have communicated to you since the end of October - I'm guessing something along the lines of "the seats are shinier than ever, the grass is looking lustrous and radiant, and Christophe Lepoints 15 minute appearance last weekend was the funiest thing I've seen in my entire life".

    not at all , there are many negatives, but the same negatives that were there under the stewardship of murray, pardew, parkinson, in fact more of them had issues with the style of play and the direction under powell,

    but most started supporting charlton when they were shit in the 80s and when we were in real risk of going out of football all together and will always follow them regardless of division

    no one has yet to prove or convince me that the errors being made now are greater than the ones we have faced before , i am glad you found lepoints 15 mins funnier than Pouso or Pawell abbot ,

    or more incredulous than putting a young solly in the firing line of a hammering at millwank

  • bobcafc7 said:

    People ever thought that there's a chance that you do end up pushing Roland out and then we get a chairman that maybe wants us to move from the valley or doesn't like the colour red and changes out kit to blue or finds our badge offensive ? Or just simply hikes up the ticket prices ?

    So we should just sit back and watch Roland rip the heart out of club out of fear of what the next owner would be like? That is like being unhappy with the Mrs but being scared to break up because you are scared to be alone.

    For me Roland and any owner are just a custodian of our great club and that does not give them a pass to do what they like.
    Explain to me how Roland is ripping the heart out the club... i want to see some good solid points to back this stupid claim
  • MrLargo said:

    i dont need too, i have followed home and away for 30 years, have family and friends that go and inform me and not all feel the same as you

    Really, cos the only people on this messageboard who still seem to be finding anything positive to say about Duchatelet's ownership seem to be the one's who are most rarely seen at The Valley.

    I'd be fascinated to know what positive news your family and friends have communicated to you since the end of October - I'm guessing something along the lines of "the seats are shinier than ever, the grass is looking lustrous and radiant, and Christophe Lepoints 15 minute appearance last weekend was the funiest thing I've seen in my entire life".

    not at all , there are many negatives, but the same negatives that were there under the stewardship of murray, pardew, parkinson, in fact more of them had issues with the style of play and the direction under powell,

    but most started supporting charlton when they were shit in the 80s and when we were in real risk of going out of football all together and will always follow them regardless of division

    no one has yet to prove or convince me that the errors being made now are greater than the ones we have faced before , i am glad you found lepoints 15 mins funnier than Pouso or Pawell abbot ,

    or more incredulous than putting a young solly in the firing line of a hammering at millwank

    I don't agree, but each to their own. I'll give you Pouso, but I'd take Pawel Abbott over Lepoint any day of the week.
  • the bond and link to fans has been gone ages, employing powell bought it closer, but the realism of that appointment was that a legend within the club was already being criticised and building a wedge between fans before RD ,

    our club changed in the premier league and continual decline happened once we were relegated, communication became fractured, it was full of lies deceit and propaganda, many words said were treated with contempt and cynicism

    now we are being told nothing , id rather not hear the bullshit than listen to people talking lies
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Roland Out Forever!