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The Ashes: Australia v England, 2013-14.



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    Jonathan Trott to leave Ashes tour and return to England due to a stress related illness
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    Breaking news - Trott has been sent home with a stress related illness!
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    And Clarke fined for breach of ICC code of conduct.
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    Is this a similar illness that did for Trescothick's test career? I'm not going to make light of it. Hope he recovers. That does leave us a bit short though. Bairstow in? I'd maybe play bell at three rather than pietersen.
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    As things stand, assuming that KP doesn't move up one (as he has refused to do in the past) presumably Bell will move up to 3, Root to 5 with Bairstow or even Ballance coming in at 6.
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    apparently the stress for Trott has been around for a while
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    lump on the Aussies, Bairstow aint up to it.
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    However saying that I would rather him than Prior at Keeper at the moment as Prior is woefully out of form with the bat.I think we should consider calling up Compton
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    If it is known in the game that he is mentally struggling at the mo then if I was one of his team mates I'd spend the rest of the series bowling at Warner's throat.

    Must admit, it was nice getting to bed before 2am last night!
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    I've thought that Trott hasn't looked right for a while. You don't suddenly turn into a bad player overnight. Stress related conditions can take an awful toll, not just on your mind but on your body.
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    Feeling desperately sorry for Trott this morning. If he was struggling, he shouldnt have put himself in the firing line.
    He's obviously a very proud man and it takes a lot to admit you've got a problem like that.

    As for what Warner said now, words fail me. He deserves a hiding.
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    Warner is perhaps the most odious prick currently in the game.
    Why would you even shake hands with the bloke after the game. I play and if I don't like the way someone has behaved on the field, I don't bother to acknowledge them afterwards.
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    Just got back from Brisbane from possibly the worst few sporting days I can remember...

    I'd go along with that for different reasons ;)
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    Think both Flower and Cook need to look at their management in all this. Flower said he has been having ups and downs all month they should be bang on that!
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    If it is known in the game that he is mentally struggling at the mo then if I was one of his team mates I'd spend the rest of the series bowling at Warner's throat.

    Must admit, it was nice getting to bed before 2am last night!

    don't think anyone outside the England squad knew of his condition
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    If it is known in the game that he is mentally struggling at the mo then if I was one of his team mates I'd spend the rest of the series bowling at Warner's throat.

    Must admit, it was nice getting to bed before 2am last night!

    don't think anyone outside the England squad knew of his condition
    Cook was extremely defensive in the press conference in his comments about Warner saying that it wasn't the done thing to treat a fellow professional in that way. It is unusual for any captain to single out a member of the opposition and clearly Cook did it not just because he knew Trott was struggling mentally but possibly because he suspected that Warner knew it too.

    A lot of the players on both sides play with each other either for county, state or in the IPL and it would only take one of the English players to say that Trott is going through a bad time to one of his Aussie "mates" for Warner to seize the opportunity to publicly rub Trott's nose in it. Hence Cook's vehement defence.

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    dickplumb said:

    Lincs, how do you want your money. Stayed up most of the night to watch that. Only two players to come out with any credit so far are Broad and Carberry. What has happened to Trott? He is like a rabbit in the headlights. Australia are all over us like a rash, we look scared. What we can do about it I have no idea.

    Trott last summer didn't look right. Whereas previously he was famously stodgy, but hard to get out, last summer he was scoring more quickly but didn't look secure, and never looked like playing the limpet role he previously did
    Quoting myself, Trott hasn't looked right for some time, he's not been playing like Trott, those long vigils at the crease that wear the opponents out,

    This is a massive failure by the England management, to not spot/do something about this until after 1 test has been lost despite the vast number of backroom staff they have. If he was in a bad way, then something needed to be done earlier, to try and get him right for the down under Ashes tour OR he neeeded to be rested and someone else brought along in a similar vein, e.g. Compton
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    If it is known in the game that he is mentally struggling at the mo then if I was one of his team mates I'd spend the rest of the series bowling at Warner's throat.

    Must admit, it was nice getting to bed before 2am last night!

    don't think anyone outside the England squad knew of his condition
    Don't buy that for a second mate. Seems like he has been suffering for a while. In any sport, there are very few secrets 'within the game'. The Aussies i'm sure would have been well aware and it would have been tailored to be part of their armoury.

    That's fine when its used on the field, but bang out of when highlighted in press conferences to the world. Warner was clearly looking to stick the knife in imo, even desciribing the way he got out as 'being a bit weak' seemed a strange description at the time.

    Hope we absolutely smash em now
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    I spoke to a mate of mine tonight who works in the Aussie sports media and is covering the series, he said that it was "pretty well known" since last summer in England that Trott was having personal problems away from cricket.

    The management apparently offered to give him a way out pre-series with an injury 'get out' but Trott was adamant he wanted to play.

    He added that Warner's comments about Trott being "weak" were "not an accident by any means" and said that the England players realised straight away what he was alluding to.

    Warner will - quite obviously - deny all knowledge but the word is that it is now absolute open hatred between some members of each side and that Cook is absolutely furious with what has happened.

    It will boil over in Adelaide for sure, you can bet on that.
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    If it's been known for a while then it makes the decision to not take Compton even more ludicrous. None of Ballance, Bairstow or Stokes are up to the job currently.
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    That's exactly how i was seeing it Ormy.
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    He knew - the smarmy smug look on his face when making those comments are a dead give away.
    When Johnson refused to comment any further in another press conference and Clarke says good boy Mitch think also alludes to the fact they knew of this illness.
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    Cricketers seem particularly prone to depression/mental illness .. I wish Trott all the best for the future, however, his career at the very top of first class cricket is now over.
    As to the 'sledging' in cricket, men I know who have played top pro football tell me that threats to 'break your leg if you go past me again son' or 'your nose is gonna get broken the next time you go up for a header' are commonplace. Why do we expect cricketers to be more genteel?. In modern sport there is a win at all costs mentality, careers and big salaries are at stake, abuse and 'psychological warfare' is all part of the game. Look at the vitriol hurled at Crystal Palace and Millwall on sites like this for example, and that is only the fans. Jesting or serious, abuse is abuse
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    Australia batsman David Warner admits he overstepped the mark in his criticism of England's Jonathan Trott.

    Warner, who scored 49 and 124 in Australia's 381-run first Test victory in Brisbane, described Trott's second-innings dismissal as "pretty poor and weak".

    England's No 3 batsman was caught for nine after struggling with Mitchell Johnson's short-pitched bowling.

    The comments, made at a media conference on Saturday after stumps on day three, were condemned by England captain Alastair Cook as "disrespectful".

    "I made those comments for a reason," Warner said prior to the announcement of Trott's departure from the tour due to a stress-related illness. "Look, yesterday, the bounce and pace got to them again.

    It is Ashes cricket. Probably went a little bit too far with the comments, but it's cricket and now it's in the back of their mind.

    "It was good banter. It's always good banter between us and England.

    "It's been a tough six months," he added. "The last 10 weeks have been fantastic. It's the start of something new."

    Warner may yet be punished for his comments by the ICC for his public comments about Trott.

    The highlighted sentence is a bit of a giveaway.
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    What an arsehole.

    Feel for Trott, can't be easy suffering while being away from home a lot, and with tge added weight of expectation. Wish him well.

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    edited November 2013

    Cricketers seem particularly prone to depression/mental illness .. I wish Trott all the best for the future, however, his career at the very top of first class cricket is now over.
    As to the 'sledging' in cricket, men I know who have played top pro football tell me that threats to 'break your leg if you go past me again son' or 'your nose is gonna get broken the next time you go up for a header' are commonplace. Why do we expect cricketers to be more genteel?. In modern sport there is a win at all costs mentality, careers and big salaries are at stake, abuse and 'psychological warfare' is all part of the game. Look at the vitriol hurled at Crystal Palace and Millwall on sites like this for example, and that is only the fans. Jesting or serious, abuse is abuse

    what was said was not during the heat of the moment in the middle of a game it was said in a press conference and said deliberately. Secondly telling someone that they are going to have their leg broken is horrible, focusing on someone's illness such as a stress/mental one is as bad.

    Warner is a disgrace. he speaks like someone who is completely ignorant and lives 50 years ago.

    he is saying sorry yet again for his stupid actions. like the fights he's been in, off and on the field. I can bet that he is nothing more that a bully and is having a smirk under his stupid moustache about this. it's in his nature.
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    Fuck me, imagine the reception Warner and Clarke are going to get when they come to England for the next Ashes series?

    They are going to pay a very heavy price for their behaviour in Brisbane, people are not going to forgive or forget any of this for a long, long time.

    I am just so desperate for our boys to dig deep and fight back here - surely they can have no greater motivation than this?

    Very interesting to see which way England go with selection, there is a case for bringing in Stokes for Trott and Finn for Tremlett and really fighting fire with fire on the pace bowling front - both of them bowl at 90mph.
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    I don't will be as important next time out, though that may be an option for Perth.
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    Very interesting to see which way England go with selection, there is a case for bringing in Stokes for Trott and Finn for Tremlett and really fighting fire with fire on the pace bowling front - both of them bowl at 90mph.

    I agree and all the vibes from the England camp are that Bresnan (it can only be a matter of seconds before Riviera tells me yet again he isn't in the squad) is raring to go. I think the selectors look at him not just for what he might do with the bat and the ball but also because he is full of Yorkshire grit and not one to back down easily.

    Talking about Yorkshiremen, Trott's issues may, unfortunately, resonate with Jonny Bairstow. His Dad, former player David, committed suicide, following bouts of depression, when Jonny was just nine. The management need to make absolutely sure that Jonny is in the right place should he be called up.
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    Very interesting to see which way England go with selection, there is a case for bringing in Stokes for Trott and Finn for Tremlett and really fighting fire with fire on the pace bowling front - both of them bowl at 90mph.

    I agree and all the vibes from the England camp are that Bresnan (it can only be a matter of seconds before Riviera tells me yet again he isn't in the squad) is raring to go. I think the selectors look at him not just for what he might do with the bat and the ball but also because he is full of Yorkshire grit and not one to back down easily.

    Talking about Yorkshiremen, Trott's issues may, unfortunately, resonate with Jonny Bairstow. His Dad, former player David, committed suicide, following bouts of depression, when Jonny was just nine. The management need to make absolutely sure that Jonny is in the right place should he be called up.
    this ....
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