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Varney, Kavanagh, and Everitt! (Page 13: Note from Rick Everitt)



  • sb =spanish blighter
  • Henry, I'll try my best to respond… I was actually told that PV and SK had left by their own accord earlier this summer from mine and PV’s mutual friend. Had no reason to disbelieve him and hadn’t thought anything of it since then.
    Then this morning I was told by a separate friend who works around the club that both PV are SK are ‘taking action’ (his exact words!) against the club. It is obviously only hearsay so whether that is true or not I really can’t tell you but I’ve never had any reason to doubt him. Hope that clears it up!
  • Come on SB ... you've already contradicted yourself as to how much ... or not ... you know Peter Varney.

    Just to redeem yourself, let us know all about these 'monies owed' to PV & SK ... what does the money relate to?
  • SB_Addick said:

    Henry, I'll try my best to respond… I was actually told that PV and SK had left by their own accord earlier this summer from mine and PV’s mutual friend. Had no reason to disbelieve him and hadn’t thought anything of it since then.
    Then this morning I was told by a separate friend who works around the club that both PV are SK are ‘taking action’ (his exact words!) against the club. It is obviously only hearsay so whether that is true or not I really can’t tell you but I’ve never had any reason to doubt him. Hope that clears it up!

    Thanks for coming back to me.

    But why are they taking action?

    You said before that it was for unpaid monies but now you are saying its just "taking action".

    Of course it is hearsay but did your friend not say why? I would have asked especially, if like you, I was under the impression that PV left on good terms.
  • I'm not sure he has contradicted himself - depends on how you read his emails and i'm not sure what SB has said that we are all querying so much? All sounds plausible and in line with what we all believe anyway doesn't it and if he is an agent provacateur, who's side is he on - not taht its any of my business.
  • It is possible to leave a job under your own steam, but still be owed money - deferred bonuses or back pay for example, so not necessarily inconsistent.
  • I don't like to push too much but I did ask why of course and was told it's his understanding that it is down to monies being owed to both men. I don't know any more than that I'm afraid but obviously find it concerning if true
  • curiouser and curiouser
  • edited November 2012

    It is possible to leave a job under your own steam, but still be owed money - deferred bonuses or back pay for example, so not necessarily inconsistent.

    Indeed which was why I was seeking clarification.

    Still seems odd to "take action" which to me reads like suing or going to an employment tribunial if everything was on good terms.

    And why threaten to ban PV from the Valley. SK clearly won't be that bothered as he's working elsewhere now but PV is a life long fan as we all know.

  • This is a job for the SLC I feel.
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  • SB_Addick said:

    Henry, I'll try my best to respond… I was actually told that PV and SK had left by their own accord earlier this summer from mine and PV’s mutual friend. Had no reason to disbelieve him and hadn’t thought anything of it since then.
    Then this morning I was told by a separate friend who works around the club that both PV are SK are ‘taking action’ (his exact words!) against the club. It is obviously only hearsay so whether that is true or not I really can’t tell you but I’ve never had any reason to doubt him. Hope that clears it up!

    What you're actually doing today is trying to establish that Peter and/or Steve are talking to people "around the club" about their respective situations, when the opposite is true.
  • Despite whether SB knows anyone or not the banning doesn't really suprise me that much. If this were a normal business and high level personnel had left and were suing I very much doubt they would be very welcome back on company gound.
    However, this isn't a normal business and this would be very unlikely to be a success unless they put wanted posters in the ticket office. And as Airman Brown (not his real name!) points out, how effective would it be given one works for a new club anyway.
    So I guess my point is it may or may not be true but what does that matter / what efffect could it have?
  • It is possible to leave a job under your own steam, but still be owed money - deferred bonuses or back pay for example, so not necessarily inconsistent.

    Indeed which was why I was seeking clarification.

    Still seems odd to "take action" which to me reads like suing or going to an employment tribunial if everything was on good terms.

    And why threaten to ban PV from the Valley. SK clearly won't be that bothered as he's working elsewhere now but PV is a life long fan as we all know.

    Agreed, all very odd. Would be the worst kind of wrong message, if true.
  • Plaaayer said:

    This is a job for the SLC I feel.

    Secret Ladyboy Committee?
  • I sit quite near PV in the lower west stand. Its interesting that he wasn't at the last home game and he rarely misses a game (even the cup games)... maybe nothing....
  • That’s absolutely not my aim Airman and this information has not come from either, as I thought I’d made clear. Like I said previously, it’s all hearsay – I have no doubt that you are in a better position than me when it comes to knowing the true facts
  • Plaaayer said:

    This is a job for the SLC I feel.

    What about the WR F/S/S?

  • Don't be silly please Suzi this is a serious thread.
  • Jeez. I don't know who or what to believe.

    People claiming they know when they don't know; people who know claiming not to know; people trying to prove that people who say they know, don't know; people trying to fish information from people who they think know (but may not actually know); people claiming to know people who might know but won't tell; people dreaming conversations with people who should know but since this was a dream sequence the dreamer cannot really be considered to know and then people who just like to pretend they know to wind up people who care but don't know.

    Get the feeling something's afoot, to lose one good, passionate Charlton person could be considered a slip but four, well that's careless. But it's very hard to glean more than that amongst page after page after page of near-anonymous nonsense.
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  • i've just realised that the snippet i heard about PV may well have originated from SB and its possible he works for agent provacateur - the plot thickens - trying not to get my knickers in a twist.
  • Only just read through this thread as missed ricks comment.

    I don't like this.
  • i've just realised that the snippet i heard about PV may well have originated from SB and its possible he works for agent provacateur - the plot thickens - trying not to get my knickers in a twist.

    very good, lol

  • Again - apologies for trivialising things - good people have lost jobs so a bit misplaced.
  • you couldn't make this up...
  • razil said:

    you couldn't make this up...

    Or maybe you could...

  • edited November 2012
    why cant you make this up ? clearly someone is
  • make what up?
  • SB_Addick said:

    What you're actually doing today is trying to establish that Peter and/or Steve are talking to people "around the club" about their respective situations, when the opposite is true.

    Don't tell him Pike.
  • why cant you make this up ? clearly someone is

    I meant you couldn't make it up that someone would make it up, etc, etc

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