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Varney, Kavanagh, and Everitt! (Page 13: Note from Rick Everitt)



  • Finding this all very strange - didn't realise it would cause so much of an issue. If you read my first post again you'll see at the top I very clearly said I knew Peter through a good friend of mine. As a result of this I have had the chance to speak to PV on occasions and spoke to him briefly before he returned to the club. I have certainly never claimed to be his best friend and am certainly not relaying anything on his behalf! I haven't spoken to or seen him since our brief chat and only commented today on whispers I heard from a friend. Who knows if its true but thought it interesting information worth raising on here. I was obviously very wrong!
  • edited November 2012
    Don't worry about it SB the paranoia is consuming many I fear

    For what it is worth thanks for the post
  • SB_Addick said:

    Finding this all very strange - didn't realise it would cause so much of an issue. If you read my first post again you'll see at the top I very clearly said I knew Peter through a good friend of mine. As a result of this I have had the chance to speak to PV on occasions and spoke to him briefly before he returned to the club. I have certainly never claimed to be his best friend and am certainly not relaying anything on his behalf! I haven't spoken to or seen him since our brief chat and only commented today on whispers I heard from a friend. Who knows if its true but thought it interesting information worth raising on here. I was obviously very wrong!

    Too late mate - the CL righteous Gestapo have found you wanting.

    Which makes you alright by me.
  • Hucking Fell. I'm just looking forward to a couple of pints and a great game tomorrow. Sod all this intrique and double bluffing/second guessing. None of us knows Shack Jit - end of.
  • SB_Addick said:

    Finding this all very strange - didn't realise it would cause so much of an issue. If you read my first post again you'll see at the top I very clearly said I knew Peter through a good friend of mine. As a result of this I have had the chance to speak to PV on occasions and spoke to him briefly before he returned to the club. I have certainly never claimed to be his best friend and am certainly not relaying anything on his behalf! I haven't spoken to or seen him since our brief chat and only commented today on whispers I heard from a friend. Who knows if its true but thought it interesting information worth raising on here. I was obviously very wrong!


    Can't get word in edgeways here nowadays unless you reveal your 'source'.

    You've got a pretty good one ,and still your getting pelters.
  • There's certain people on here that i'm sure don't get much sleep for worrying about all this bollox.
  • The plot of this thread is better than Skyfall.
  • No spoilers please
  • The plot of this thread is better than Skyfall.

    WSS said:

    No spoilers please

    Wrong thread lads , but who plays M?

  • The plot of this thread is better than Skyfall.

    WSS said:

    No spoilers please

    Wrong thread lads , but who plays M?


    Same legs.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Of recent threads this has the most words but the least substance.
  • 'Kin 'ell - this still going? It's like a daytime soap without the tits. Although now that I've posted...
  • Don't know why people bother getting upset about things based on rumours and hear'say in the first place. And then get upset when it turns out certain rumours / hear'say might not be true. I swear some people just love the drama.
  • Don't know why people bother getting upset about things based on rumours and hear'say in the first place. And then get upset when it turns out certain rumours / hear'say might not be true. I swear some people just love the drama.

    Charlton Life ... for blokes that don't do Eastenders.

  • Don't know why people bother getting upset about things based on rumours and hear'say in the first place. And then get upset when it turns out certain rumours / hear'say might not be true. I swear some people just love the drama.

    Charlton Life ... for blokes that don't do Eastenders.


  • Leroy, MIA - excellent comments :)

    SB - don't worry about it. I read your two posts and got what you meant about how you know Pete.

    So much digging out on this site, we should get Wickes to sponsor us!
  • Don't know why people bother getting upset about things based on rumours and hear'say in the first place. And then get upset when it turns out certain rumours / hear'say might not be true. I swear some people just love the drama.

    Been sure to not comment on this thread in a while but I completely agree. People have built an entire backstory to this through rumour and hearsay. If you stand back and say "look, let's just take the 100% facts right now" and you get told you're burying your head in the sand. I'm no where in the know but this thread really has played out like a soap opera. It's actually slightly embarrassing if it wasn't so sad.
  • edited November 2012
    Shall I post another totally irrelevant post just to add to 95% of posts on this thread.

    Yeh why not.... :-| it's like gossip girl on this thread.
  • Dear All

    The results of the Charlton Club draws that took place at the Huddersfield game on 24th November 2012 were as follows:-




    VG No.



    Gerald Cockrill
    Belvedere, Kent
    Kim Bowden
    Blackheath, London

    Rick Everitt
    Cliffsend, Kent

    Ian Allchin
    Barnehurst, Kent

    Stephen Clarke
    Mottingham, London

    Natalie Smith
    Sidcup, Kent

    Michael Buck
    Bexley, Kent

    David Stitt
    Eltham, London

    CAFC Supporters Club, West Country Branch
    South Gloucestershire

    Stephen Mitchell
    Phuket, Thailand

    Stephen Broad
    Welling, Kent

    You couldn't make it up !
  • Well, Phuket !!

  • Sponsored links:

  • I thought my ears were deceiving me when I heard that!
  • Is it his compensation package (tax free as well). :-)
  • edited November 2012
    And is that the THE Steve Clarke?
  • Not sure how many of you will know that "Stephen Clarke" is probably Steve Clarke, ex VIP director and a mate of Rick (and I) who sits near him in the East. Massive stitch-up, how come I didn't get a cut? :-)

    I also want to know how come Rick's number is only 3125. Should be 0001. Plastic!
  • loads of Charlton Life connections on that list of winners
  • loads of Charlton Life connections on that list of winners

    At least two not including AB that I noticed
  • The winner is/was Chairman of Bexley Athletic Club. Not that its relevant but well done Gerry.
  • Yeah and why have i not won it yet :)
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