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Caged Animals



  • Sensible post but you know how these people operate KBs... "one of ours, some of yours" mentality I'd wager, which is pretty sad but true
  • thats what i meant also. I know the CCTV woudl have been looked over already.
  • If the club should have got involved either way is a matter of opinion, however if the arrested fan has phoned the police and made the complaint about the officer re this alledged incident, then the poice then have to see the complaint through.

    If the club had not put this incident on the os, then the police would still be looking at any evidence they have got of this alledged incident.
  • The article says "the teenager was punched in the face by the officer in the concourse area at The New Den as visiting fans were waiting to be allowed to exit the stadium following the final whistle" so does that mean actually on the concourse where you get a beer/burger/pie etc or does that mean out in the metal caged area?
  • no doubt the cctv would have been lost

    anybody know when it happened because when i was there there was an awfull lot more than 20 people there
  • edited March 2010
    The atmosphere seemed fairly light hearted...especially when the police helmets were being thrown around, even the coppers standing around the periphery of the crowd thought it was quite funny.
    It wasn't at all heavy, although I admit I cannot comment on these allegations re the assault as I didn't see the incident....I only know that in general it wasn't 'that' heavy a situation with the vast was more frustration than aggression really.
    As for the blokes who climbed over the fence, well nothing is going to happen to them as they didn't actually commit an offence as far as one could tell.
    The police merely waded in to stop more climbing over...which I suppose was something they thought they ought to do and you couldn't really argue with that as apart from anything else it was potentialy quite dangerous....there being some nasty spiked metal work on top of the fence, sooner or later someone was quite likely to have got hurt.
    I also admit from my vantage point I didn't see what took place up at the front of the crowd so maybe there was a bit of police aggression taking place for a minute or so....I can only say that if there was then it wasn't 'that' heavy.
    I was more worried about the look, demeanour and well being of Bart (Danny)...Jesus H, he looked like he'd been smacked in the gob with a smelly kipper!
    He's usually got time for a smile and a hello but he was absolutely gob were we all by then I suppose!
    I saw he banned someone was a dot on the card someone was gonna cop it this week....I'm surprised it took him so long....LOL!!
  • Yeah the climbing over the fence isn't an offence. Throwing a policeman's hat, to my knowledge, is not an offence.

    It was quite light hearted from a fans point of view, and tbh I didn't see a criminal offence take place.
  • This incident doesn't appear to be referring to that area, but the stadium concourse.

    As kbls said, if anyone saw what was alleged, then get in contact with the club, not on here. And if it is true and you did see it, then make sure you do because it is a 16yr old and not on
  • I think it's a general point though, that if fans are making allegations against the police then the police will have cause to make allegations against individual fans.

    Fully agree though that, if true, punching a 16 yr old is unacceptable.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: craigcafc[/cite]I think it's a general point though, that if fans are making allegations against the police then the police will have cause to make allegations against individual fans.

    Fully agree though that, if true, punching a 16 yr old is unacceptable.[/quote]

    Quite a common experience in my youth....different times though I guess.
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  • I was one of the last to go down there cos I had watched the whole 90 minutes, and then had waited in the stands while they told us it would only be an extra minute. God knows what I was thinking, especially as it meant I missed out on most of the fun and games like the police hat :(. Anyway as I say, I was nearer the end of the queue and I did see a young guy get arrested, after they had opened the gates to the station. In fact, i suspect he was arrested because of the rush when they finally did, but that's just me speculating, as I say I was at the back and just saw a commotion in front of me.

    I didn't see anything specific, only remember it cos it caused a scene by the 'Visiting Supporters' sign in the 'pen' where everyone was held earlier, and my curiosity got the best of me so I stuck my head above the parapet to get a look. I saw all this through about 20 people, so certainly didn't see enough detail for a police statement and as far as I know, a few of our lads were arrested, and so I might not even be talking about that specific incident.

    I understand that information may have to be withheld for investigative reasons, but if the club were more forecoming on the specific time/location of the alleged incident, I, and I'm sure many more, would actually know whether what we saw was the incident in question. As it is, the request is too open, and as others suggested it sounds more like it occurred within the stadium, as opposed to the holding pen and I fear for that reason, even if people did see something, they won't get a response....
  • sorry people the link does not work and i cant see anything on the site

    MAybe me just going blind can someone copy and paste teh text or another link

    Thank you in advance
  • Looks like the story's been pulled from the site.
  • Probably the best thing to do... no problem whatsoever with personal complaints (goes without saying) but I don't think this is the club's domain... similarly there was something a bit curious about the Sydenham coverage. Might be just me but only an opinion.
  • i find this all hard to believe:

    Our Police telling lies !
    Our police treating footie fans like shit !
    Our Police punching a fan !

    I cant believe things like this go on -------------------i blame Ken Livingston.
  • Plenty of familiar faces in that youtube vid involved in the surging/clashes etc. Think our fio's will have a field day with the footage from that huge camera. Bearing in mind people have been banned in the past for gesturing etc!
  • If I got banned from the toolbox I wouldn't be too bothered tbh, not if they can barely control 3,000 fans....
  • Shame Charlton (the club) didn't want to help out, with the aggro from the GMP up at Bolton in 99/00 in the cup!!!

    It's a sad state of affairs but as fans you have no rights at football what so ever and fans never ever win in these cases. 90% of football ob are pure scum from my experiences.
  • Craigcafc
    Throwing a policeman's hat would be a criminal offence.
  • so tossing a helmet off in public is not acceptable.......i better be careful
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  • Moaning about it is compounded by getting our arses well and truly slapped by a club I despise. It will also do no good.

    Plod were about as much use as tits on a fish as per. However they were robocopped up to the eyeballs and were itching to do someting with their shiny new riot gear, so if looking like storm troopers at the love parade is the way forward let them do it.

    We pay for it after all ;-)
  • If true, it doesn't what age the person was.
  • Agree Carter, I think that's the main problem with a lot of these high profile games, was one of the Palace at home occasions in the last couple of years when the robocop had balaclavas on under their helmets so you can only see their eyes.
    It didn't take much for them to go beserk either, lobbing people into the shop shutters etc, baton charging.
    A mate I went to uni with's old man was an Inspector in GMP, he said most of these tactical aid units spent most of the day in the gym and then when on duty used it as a licence to do as they wished. All of them cover their officer numbers etc anyway under their kit.
  • They stuck the 4 foot bird at the front and all hid behind her!!...gave PC Todd some stick for it and he pants it. Suggest they get back in the gym.
  • was all fun and games apart from the people who got hurt, plenty of videos on youtube and someone i was talking to got a video of the OB badge number who was baton happy and broke some poor fellas nose, would be interesting to see what would happen to him. yeah apart from that the hour we was waiting was enjoyable but i would have prefered to just go home
  • I wont be doing Millwall away again i dont want to spen my saturdays being marched around SE london by police. Was really looking forward to it as well but the police ruined it. Im not a criminal and i dont need that on my days off work. While i understand why the police do it i dont want any part of that world to be honest.
  • [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]They stuck the 4 foot bird at the front and all hid behind her!!...gave PC Todd some stick for it and he pants it. Suggest they get back in the gym.

    Ha ha i must've been right near you then cos PC Todd the big nosed xxxx (got to be careful of AKFA) was copping some flak for about half hour!!
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Ru1986[/cite]I wont be doing Millwall away again i dont want to spen my saturdays being marched around SE london by police. Was really looking forward to it as well but the police ruined it. Im not a criminal and i dont need that on my days off work. While i understand why the police do it i dont want any part of that world to be honest.[/quote]

    The police ruined say nothing of 'The Lovely Red Boys'!!!!!!!!!!
  • Agree Soundasa£ they have put me off that fixture for the rest of my life just not worth the hassle as i say im not a criminal and do not need to be treated like one.
  • [cite]Posted By: Chris_from_Sidcup[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]They stuck the 4 foot bird at the front and all hid behind her!!...gave PC Todd some stick for it and he pants it. Suggest they get back in the gym.

    Ha ha i must've been right near you then cos PC Todd the big nosed xxxx (got to be careful of AKFA) was copping some flak for about half hour!!

    Chris, are you/or mates with a fella with dark hair and glasses. Got off the train at Welling?
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