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Caged Animals

edited March 2010 in General Charlton
Before we have 1,000 threads on it.

That was fun wasn't it?

Left with 25 mins to go, could have been home and hosed bu they 'didnt have the key'

Fun and games.


  • dunno what was worse. Our performance, plastic millwall fans or the old bill. Never before have i been treated like an animal until today. The police are an absolute disgrace. i left after their third goal and was right at the front. The singing and dancing made it light hearted for a while but when the hokey cokey started it got pretty bad. Some old fella went down and got pulled up by my mate by his hair. yet the old bill said fuck all. oh tell a lie ''you'll get murdered'' was one response as to why we werent allowed out.

    They put a 18 year old girl copper at the front and all the big coppers stayed at the back. c**ts
  • And whoever stole the helmets and threw them back is very irresponsible...
  • Ah but we were 'safe' weren't we?
    Safe from all those nasty Millwall fans who were still sitting in their seats and would be for another 20 + minutes at least.
    It's much safer to be penned in with 3000 other people, all getting fractious and likely to kick off with each other.
    Someone needs to look into this.
    Are they seriously saying that if there was a fire or something we'd all have had to wait until the game had been over half an hour before escaping?
    It's all b####cks.
  • I see you WSS

    Boy i was shocked to see you climbing up there

    Top man
  • Could anyone smell petrol?
  • I smelt fire.
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]Before we have 1,000 threads on it.

    That was fun wasn't it? Managed to get over the fence just to be confronted by another locked gate at the other end.

    Left with 25 mins to go, could have been home and hosed bu they 'didnt have the key'

    Fun and games.

    A Millwall steward said to us one of the keys had been lost (I think by the police). Lewisham police and Millwall need to take a good look at themselves.

    The strangest thing was the wise-cracking transport police on the platform at South Bermondsey (we got a train to Queens Road Peckham to avoid the crush).

    Our own shambles on the pitch was matched by the shambles of Millwall's organisation - I watched the match from a mostly-empty block in the lower tier...
  • True - being told to run to the less busy end of the train, having waited for the best part of an hour just to get to the platform, was the real icing on the cake.
  • [cite]Posted By: InspectorSands[/cite]A Millwall steward said to us one of the keys had been lost (I think by the police). Lewisham police and Millwall need to take a good look at themselves.
    Hmmm, I wonder if that contravenes the terms of their safety certificate.
  • The poor silly young man who kicked up a right fuss as we were all being let out. All if had to say was sorry officer, i wont hit the board again mr officer. But decided to mouth off and then try to fight them both. Silly billy
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  • They did not lose teh keys thats rollocks they do it week in week out as there animal fans cant mingle like other humans
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: leftbehind[/cite]They did not lose teh keys thats rollocks they do it week in week out as there animal fans cant mingle like other humans[/quote]

    it would be more sensible to let the away fans out first and clear them, that would be quicker and then the cops and stewqards would be able to go home
  • [cite]Posted By: leftbehind[/cite]They did not lose teh keys thats rollocks they do it week in week out as there animal fans cant mingle like other humans

    preciseless you lot younguns have experienced your first millwall away game get on with it and accept it and then i wont have to listen to your bollocks about how we will stuff millwall in the future.YOU WILL NOW LEARN TO KEEP YOUR TRAPS WELL AND TRULY SHUT.YOU WERE ALL TOLD WHAT WOULD HAPPEN.
  • I thought the Old Bill did a good job...

    OK how many of you brave soldiers wanna walk down Ilderton Rd without an escort?

    Thought not.
  • sorry left behind that weren't aimed at you I know u r old school
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: leftbehind[/cite]They did not lose teh keys thats rollocks they do it week in week out as there animal fans cant mingle like other humans[/quote]

    preciseless you lot younguns have experienced your first millwall away game get on with it and accept it and then i wont have to listen to your bollocks about how we will stuff millwall in the future.YOU WILL NOW LEARN TO KEEP YOUR TRAPS WELL AND TRULY SHUT.YOU WERE ALL TOLD WHAT WOULD HAPPEN.[/quote]

    Not a young un and not my first experience

    never said we would stuff them
    Strange reply
  • edited March 2010
    OB baiting you, provocative, "brave are you"... batons out


    another great show of little hitlers who are given too much authority with too few consequences - football policing is so common-sense it demonstrates just how ludicrous and out of touch the police actually are

    and as for the policing and stewarding inside the ground for the block allocation... a 12 year old could have worked out how to operate things sensibly
  • [cite]Posted By: aliwibble[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: InspectorSands[/cite]A Millwall steward said to us one of the keys had been lost (I think by the police). Lewisham police and Millwall need to take a good look at themselves.
    Hmmm, I wonder if that contravenes the terms of their safety certificate.

    Probably. The best thing is for everyone involved to write letters of complaint to The Football League.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: C.Walsh'sLoveChild[/cite]The poor silly young man who kicked up a right fuss as we were all being let out. All if had to say was sorry officer, i wont hit the board again mr officer. But decided to mouth off and then try to fight them both. Silly billy[/quote]

    thought that was pretty stupid if im honest
    see they got abit of agro after it they must of known it would aggravate things

    oh and by the way how do u quote properly?
  • Fun and games indeed.

    Baton to the leg. Yeah nice one big man

    Had to pull a girl away from going ballistic at an ob. Think he had wacked her.
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  • they seemed very batton happy today
    dont know the truth in it but i heard some kid say sombody got hit with one for calling an ob a w****r.
  • edited March 2010
    Tried to leave at 2-0. Gates shut. Ob told me that they were holding the trains, so I couldn't leave. Total crap and I told them that. Could have let us out while the inbreds were creaming themselves at thier cup final. It took me over an hour to go 400 yds to get to the train. Get to London bridge and they wouldn't open the doors unitl ob said they could.

    Met a millwall mate up at London bridge before the game in the old kings head, full of inbreds, then we went to the bramcote, had to leave after 1 pint and walked to the ground at half one. It was like the land that time forgot.
  • why would you go bramcote? death wish
  • Half one!!

    Haha says it all.
  • Bloke had blood streaming out his face
  • This all appears to be a storm in a teacup.
  • JTJT
    edited March 2010
    Another had a leg missing.
  • I lost four arms
  • I lost my dignity
  • The organisation and policing on the trains were a joke. Before the game there were so many OB at London Bridge and South Bermondsey (as expected). Trains between the two had about 4 carriages, so everyone was packed in, but of course no OB on the train itself. On the one I was on before the game, 4 or 5 our boys decided to reply to their chants (rather foolishly imo), which resulted in their twats throwing punches on a crowded train, where of course there is no police, so all hell kicks off in our carriage, and at South Bermondsey the OB do nothing even though it continues on the platform.

    And as for after the game, I know we're the away fans but surely its safer and quicker to let the away fans get the first trains? Or is that common sense?

    Have to say the away walkway is a good idea though. Sad that such measures are needed though.
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