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Caged Animals



  • [quote][cite]Posted By: BrentfordAddick[/cite]All I'd say is, print on the ticket "Exit gates closed until police permission for exit is given - this is usually at 1730" and tell people before they buy it..[/quote]

    And leave some catering kiosks open, if we are going to be held back in the cold then at least lets have a brew (No I have not got a flask for match days)
  • Thank God I didn't go.

    The day sounds a nightmare from start to finish.
  • The worst thing about it all is that I doubt the players give a shit that we were left standing there for an hour after a 4-0 defeat.
  • Did anyone else see the bloke get knocked down the stairs by police coming the other way at South Bermondsey station?
    The police just laughed even though he took a real tumble.
    He did go down like Nicky Bailey but once he fell, surely they should have at the very least helped him up.
  • Should have put players in there instead see how they like it.
  • edited March 2010
    My mate tripped/stumbled to the floor in the surge on the stairs, he was dragged up by a riot copper by his coat and screamed abuse at for being on the floor and causing an obstruction (as if he would have wanted to be)
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]Not my vids but...

    youtube clip
    helmet volleyball

    How embarassing....grown men acting like that. No wonder they kept you in!

    theres always one...
    [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]Not my vids but...

    youtube clip
    helmet volleyball

    How embarassing....grown men acting like that. No wonder they kept you in!

    theres always one...

    And it's always AshTray!
    About time he was banned as far as I'm concerned.

    Oh really...why exactly?
  • [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]bye

    Well done! Your first ever post without grammatical errors!

  • [cite]Posted By: Cuff[/cite]Don't let anybody be fooled. The old bill are not your friends and they will not do you a favour. From lying about where there were seats, to locking people on the concourse, to lying about opening the gates, to nicking people for falling over in a crush, to winding us up at the station, to hitting people with their little sticks.....
    All they were about was looking for trouble. And causing it.
    I'd rather break rocks than be plod

    Dead right. Although it was a laugh having banter, chatting to people, chanting and bonding for a while - I deliberately stayed a few rows back from the front. Look at their faces... make eye contact, or just fall over, and once one's trip switch goes and you get a baton to the body, the rest will follow like rabid dogs.

    They were bloody clueless yesterday. Yeah alright grudgingly I'll admit we had to be held back, but there was NO information - they should at least have had one with a loudhailer telling us some info (rather than a video camera) - I couldn't hear what the loudspeaker was saying over the bouncy bouncy etc.

    And yes, as to the deliberately shoving people, crushing back sections of people for no reason at weird times - as if hoping someone would kick off or fall over, so they could start on them: they were either completely clueless or just taking the piss. I think it was probably both.
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  • surely an announcement during the second half about charlton fans being kept in for half hour could have been made so people didn't bother getting up trying to get out of that hell hole until the gates were open to escape....
  • [cite]Posted By: oohaahmortimer[/cite]surely an announcement during the second half about charlton fans being kept in for half hour could have been made so people didn't bother getting up trying to get out of that hell hole until the gates were open to escape....

    far too sensible

    I knew we'd get locked in but didn't think it would begin at about 70 odd minutes... normally, e.g. plenty of england aways, you can manage to wrangle your way out of the lock-in/escort by shooting off on 80-odd minutes
  • Are the Fans Forum going to make representations? Are the Club? A geniune question that i would like someone to answer.
  • unnecessary overkill at the final whistle with police horses racing onto the pitch,like they were really needed
  • [cite]Posted By: KBslittlesis[/cite]Are the Fans Forum going to make representations? Are the Club? A geniune question that i would like someone to answer.

    I'll second that. Some very odd decisions were made that were potentially dangerous. Can only say that the overwhelming majority of our supporters deserve credit for, against the odds, remaining in a fairly cheerful and restrained mood.
  • Not quite sure what all the fuss is about to be honest.

    The OB were in complete control all day, from when I got on a train at London Bridge to when I got back there I was in a OB escort all the way.

    Blimey 20 years ago we would be kept back in the ground for a while more often than not, we all know its like going back in time going to Millwall.

    Bleating on about it makes us sound a bit pathetic imo.
  • [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]Not my vids but...

    youtube clip
    helmet volleyball

    How embarassing....grown men acting like that. No wonder they kept you in!

    theres always one...
    [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]Not my vids but...

    youtube clip
    helmet volleyball

    How embarassing....grown men acting like that. No wonder they kept you in!

    theres always one...

    And it's always AshTray!
    About time he was banned as far as I'm concerned.

    Oh really...why exactly?

    Was you there?....watching a video on Youtube does not entitle you to an opinion as to the way 3000 fans were treated. Your embarrased??? more embarrased that jumped-up people like you support the same team as me.
  • Southend, i can understand it werent like the good old days blah blah blah, but a few old fella's at the front got a clump for absolutely no reason. Just not on in any era.
  • To be honest i think the police were caught by surprise, if we'd stayed for the full 90 then we'd only have been kept in for about 30 minutes. But we went from 1-0 at 73 minutes to 3-0 down after 76 minutes and suddenly you've got about 500 angry fans out in the walkway bit with the hump because they can't get out. The old bill clearly weren't prepared for that.
    At first it was a laugh with a bit of pushing and shoving but i was about 2 or 3 people from the front and as the pushing got worse, you just know the old bill will react by whacking the ones at the front when clearly it's not them causing the crush. What made it worse was when we finally got let through up to the station and people were mouthing off at our treatment one of the coppers had the cheek to say "it's your own fault, you misbehave you get kept in". F*cking w*ankers!

    In hindsight though, it would've kicked off big time if we'd all been allowed through at 4.45, a couple of my mates managed to climb over and they could only get as far as the bit where the Millwall fans come through and they said even at that time with 10 minutes still to go, there was a good 100 or so waiting up there, and it wouldn't surprise me if some hadn't even gone to the game.
  • [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]Not my vids but...

    youtube clip
    helmet volleyball

    How embarassing....grown men acting like that. No wonder they kept you in!

    theres always one...
    [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]Not my vids but...

    youtube clip
    helmet volleyball

    How embarassing....grown men acting like that. No wonder they kept you in!

    theres always one...

    And it's always AshTray!
    About time he was banned as far as I'm concerned.

    Oh really...why exactly?

    Was you there?....watching a video on Youtube does not entitle you to an opinion as to the way 3000 fans were treated. Your embarrased??? more embarrased that jumped-up people like you support the same team as me.

    You like that then? Something to tell your grandkids about?

    "......Ah, those were the days little Bobby.....we then starting singing bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy, la, la, was brilliant....then we nicked a policeman's hat and started chucking it about....."

    Little Bobby: "Why?"
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  • Treat us like kids, you will get a kid like reaction.
  • Simple as mentioned a little bit of communication would have worked wonders.

    But never mind except teh people who took a whack thought it was all jolly good fun
  • Ashtray - Is that all you think that happened???....10 minutes before the policemans hat was nicked, a bloke around the age of 65 was given a clump cos people were pushing him into the police. The police are lucky they got a childish reaction and not a more violent one.You wasnt no need to respond to this comment.
  • So someone pushed the poor bloke into the police? More stupid behaviour.
  • I think you could still get out onto Ilderton Road, it was only the access for the station which is blocked. If so and if its only the danger of trouble breaking out on the platform that's an issue it would be quicker to let the away supporters onto the trains first and put the cage gates on the main walkway to hold back Milllwall fans. I was one of the handful that got over the fence (not bad at 62 eh) before the police intervened but was caught at the second set of gates (with the "lost" key) so saw how few Millwall fans actually used the station, in the hundreds but not thousands. Let everyone not wanting the station leave like they do at every other ground. It's only reinfocing the Millwall myth by over-doing the protection of away fans. Leeds/Chelsea/West Ham might be different but Charlton!!! I told the nice man at the gate that I needed to get home early for my tea but he said if they let us out early the nawty boys banned from the ground would be waiting for us at London Bridge???.(and anyway they couldn't find the key - except to let in more police to help at the volley ball match). I guess the reality is that Millwall can't risk ANY trouble with the FA given their past track record and the fans comfort/treatment is irrelevant.
  • 3000 people confined into a space suitable for half those numbers? but you wouldnt know that as you wasnt there....
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Dippenhall[/cite]I think you could still get out onto Ilderton Road, it was only the access for the station which is blocked. If so and if its only the danger of trouble breaking out on the platform that's an issue it would be quicker to let the away supporters onto the trains first and put the cage gates on the main walkway to hold back Milllwall fans. I was one of the handful that got over the fence (not bad at 62 eh) before the police intervened but was caught at the second set of gates (with the "lost" key) so saw how few Millwall fans actually used the station, in the hundreds but not thousands. Let everyone not wanting the station leave like they do at every other ground. It's only reinfocing the Millwall myth by over-doing the protection of away fans. Leeds/Chelsea/West Ham might be different but Charlton!!! I told the nice man at the gate that I needed to get home early for my tea but he said if they let us out early the nawty boys banned from the ground would be waiting for us at London Bridge???.(and anyway they couldn't find the key - except to let in more police to help at the volley ball match). I guess the reality is that Millwall can't risk ANY trouble with the FA given their past track record and the fans comfort/treatment is irrelevant.[/quote]

    Oh no you couldn't...suzisausage just managed to get out through the Ilderton Road gates after the third goal...she and her pals must have been the last few let through....I got there straight after her and the gates were I was held back for around an hour.
  • [cite]Posted By: leftbehind[/cite]Simple as mentioned a little bit of communication would have worked wonders.

    But never mind except teh people who took a whack thought it was all jolly good fun

    it was definitely more fun than watching the game!
  • I went down at 4 0 and Ilderton road exit was closed. The policeman responsible for the match and closing the gates so early was Superintendent Musker. If what happened to us on Saturday happened to certain other teams there would have been carnage. I thought generally we were pretty good considering the treatment and lack of communication we received.
  • That's what it's all about........
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