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Caged Animals



  • our train down there the carriage was all Charlton, very loud in there!

    a bit of a contrast to the all-Charlton carriage on the way home ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: Atletico Addick[/cite]I lost my dignity

    I lost the key!
  • [cite]Posted By: Atletico Addick[/cite]I lost my dignity

    brilliant. sums it up. ouch just saw the goals on sky sports news. Ugly.

    [cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]our train down there the carriage was all Charlton, very loud in there!

    a bit of a contrast to the all-Charlton carriage on the way home ;-)

    lol yes isls.
  • finally let out at 5.30pm - and we hadn't done anything wrong!

    and they say we live in a arse !

    What was funny was that around 5.10pm as we stood behin a locked gate with 4 police vans and about a dozen armed police on the other side, a copper in full riot gear comes into view saying thats its all going off round the corner (must have been our lot with their helmets) and we should be let out and that if he was in charge he would do so, as he could see we we just innocent footie fans trying to get home (3 middle aged blokes and a bloke with his 2 young sons). The old bill on the other side of the gate just shruggd their shoulders............
  • golf it was embarrassing being kept in like that.

    I wont be going back there. Ever.
  • [cite]Posted By: guinnessaddick[/cite]Tried to leave at 2-0. Gates shut. Ob told me that they were holding the trains, so I couldn't leave. Total crap and I told them that. Could have let us out while the inbreed were creaming themselves at thier cup final. It took me over an hour to go 400 yds to get to the train. Get to London bridge and they wouldn't open the doors unitl ob said they could.

    Met a millwall mate up at London bridge before the game in the old kings head, full of inbrews, then we went to the bramcote, had to leave after 1 pint and walked to the ground at half one. It was like the land that time forgot.

    Guinness who have summed it up pefectly. Go back there in 50 years and it will still be the same.. Locked in a groud for 45 mins and told by the club PA 'you need to stay here until the area is safe'. Where are all their media apologists 'its much safer there now'
  • lol,you are funny
  • shame of it is that if we get them in the play-off's we'd struggle to shift even 2k. Imagine if it were a night game, it'll be murder. I won't be going if we do, it's too much hassle all round. It's meant to be a football match after all. Plus on the pitch we'd only roll over and die again so why bother.
  • 1. If they can't control the Millwall fans they should be the ones penalised and kept behind.

    2. Why close the gates when they did - how many Millwall fans were likely to leave with 10 mins left when they were 4-0 up?

    3. Why did a copper tell me that we would be penned in until 5.30 but that twat on the speaker kept saying "only 2 mins to go" until they let us out at, oh yes 5.30!

    4. How many Charlton fans even had club colours on? 5%? Once out it's not like we would have been identified is it! We are rivals, we don't even have different accents!

    5. If you are going to lock us in for 45 mins at least give us free booze, then we are happy.
  • Thank you valleyman. Reading point 5 is the first time i've smiled since the final whistle.
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  • [cite]Posted By: valleyman[/cite]Once out it's not like we would have been identified is it! We are rivals, we don't even have different accents

    They'd pick on the ones wearing any expensive posh clothes

  • To reply to someones post earlier aboult who would walk down ilderton road? I would, if ob would let me go. You got ob overkill cos they wank all over this. They think all hell will break loose when they know they have banned us all! Todderlers who got charged in the week for huddlesfield at home got told that if they are seen around london bridge, greenwich, blackheath, welling and bexleyheath will be nicked. Whats that about? They cant go out all day then? Most of the youth cant go any way and so is the same with the older lads but o.b like to think we have some super mob!
  • Wooooo-oooah the 'okey cokey!!!!!!!!!
  • Fucking hell......moan moan moan

    1500 of you left quite easily, could see them all walking out, so they were fine. I take it you lot moaning stayed until the end. Fair play to you.

    Where's the condemnation of the Charlton fan who threw the bottle at full time that smacked a copper on the head? SCUM......(good shot).....

    What about the lower tier charlton who spent all game giving it? Oooohhh, it's only the Millwall that are thugs.

    Today as I expected was a fucking shit atmosphere, we never really got going, you were as expected, pretty much silent (where were those Stuwall chants? How embarrassing would that have been singing about the internet)

    Was an awful game of football, neither team really got it on the deck & passed (& the pitch at the moment ain't great but you can play as we did towards the end) but somehow we scored 4 goals. FOUR goals. That's right, 4, FOUR, goals.

    Not bad for a team that loads on here were saying had no skill players, that we just work hard & run about. One player in your team I would have right now though is Bailey. Your one player who seemed to want it. Nobody else did.

    We'll take him off you as you slip into financial trouble, pay you a reasonable fee to be fair.
  • I left when the second went in, that was in the 74 min. The gate was locked then, I got the 18:11 from London Bridge, a good 1 1/2 hour to travel about 2 miles.
  • Those 1500 were locked in too. It didn't matter what time you left the game.
  • If my team had been winning our cup final, I wouldn't have been wasting my time checking if the oppo supporters were getting safe passage out of the ground.
    I might have noticed them leave their seats but that's it.
    Very, very few Charlton supporters would have managed to leave before 5:30pm as the gates were locked. Then we had a slow, SLOW, walk to the station, arriving around 6pm at London Bridge.
    Before anyone says the gates were open earlier, they weren't. We arrived about 10 minutes after kick off and had to ask for the gate to be unlocked, from the outside, to get in.

    Funny the key wasn't there after the game???

    If Millwall manage to sell anything under 5000 less than Saturdays attendance for their next home game, I'll admit it wasn't their cup final.
  • We ledt at 3rd goal, came out turned left thru that estate and back to new cross/deptford in pub before end of game and start of rugby..
  • [cite]Posted By: valleyman[/cite]1. If they can't control the Millwall fans they should be the ones penalised and kept behind.

    2. Why close the gates when they did - how many Millwall fans were likely to leave with 10 mins left when they were 4-0 up?

    3. Why did a copper tell me that we would be penned in until 5.30 but that twat on the speaker kept saying "only 2 mins to go" until they let us out at, oh yes 5.30!

    4. How many Charlton fans even had club colours on? 5%? Once out it's not like we would have been identified is it! We are rivals, we don't even have different accents!

    5. If you are going to lock us in for 45 mins at least give us free booze, then we are happy.

    6. If you're going to hold back supporters and the coaches in a cage and let Milwall out first, then give them a police escort through the badlands. Didn't appreciate having to go past Milwall pubs and have its 'supporters' trying to get on our coach and give it a kicking whilst we were in a traffic queue.
  • SLL, you might want to get your facts straight before mouthing off.

    And don't pull the old 'poor little innocent Millwall fans, everyone else is as bad as us, it's all the press's fault etc etc etc', I doubt there's another ground in the country where the away fans are regularly caged in for 45 minutes after the game because the home fans are such a bunch of scumbags and don't know how to mix with other human beings. Or is that not the reason? Maybe it's not your fault? Let me guess, Millwall are being victimised.
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  • [cite]Posted By: Sparrows Lane Lion[/cite]Fucking hell......moan moan moan

    1500 of you left quite easily, could see them all walking out, so they were fine. I take it you lot moaning stayed until the end. Fair play to you.

    Where's the condemnation of the Charlton fan who threw the bottle at full time that smacked a copper on the head? SCUM......(good shot).....

    What about the lower tier charlton who spent all game giving it? Oooohhh, it's only the Millwall that are thugs.

    Today as I expected was a fucking shit atmosphere, we never really got going, you were as expected, pretty much silent (where were those Stuwall chants? How embarrassing would that have been singing about the internet)

    Was an awful game of football, neither team really got it on the deck & passed (& the pitch at the moment ain't great but you can play as we did towards the end) but somehow we scored 4 goals. FOUR goals. That's right, 4, FOUR, goals.

    Not bad for a team that loads on here were saying had no skill players, that we just work hard & run about. One player in your team I would have right now though is Bailey. Your one player who seemed to want it. Nobody else did.

    We'll take him off you as you slip into financial trouble, pay you a reasonable fee to be fair.

    and you needed to get up at 5:30am to post this did you?
    Soiled bedsheets was it?
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: mid_life_crisis[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: Sparrows Lane Lion[/cite]Fucking hell......moan moan moan

    1500 of you left quite easily, could see them all walking out, so they were fine. I take it you lot moaning stayed until the end. Fair play to you.

    Where's the condemnation of the Charlton fan who threw the bottle at full time that smacked a copper on the head? SCUM......(good shot).....

    What about the lower tier charlton who spent all game giving it? Oooohhh, it's only the Millwall that are thugs.

    Today as I expected was a fucking shit atmosphere, we never really got going, you were as expected, pretty much silent (where were those Stuwall chants? How embarrassing would that have been singing about the internet)

    Was an awful game of football, neither team really got it on the deck & passed (& the pitch at the moment ain't great but you can play as we did towards the end) but somehow we scored 4 goals. FOUR goals. That's right, 4, FOUR, goals.

    Not bad for a team that loads on here were saying had no skill players, that we just work hard & run about. One player in your team I would have right now though is Bailey. Your one player who seemed to want it. Nobody else did.

    We'll take him off you as you slip into financial trouble, pay you a reasonable fee to be fair.[/quote]

    and you needed to get up at 5:30am to post this did you?
    Soiled bedsheets was it?[/quote]

    no, his boyfriend kept him awake with his snoring
  • JTJT
    edited March 2010
    Not my vids but...

    youtube clip
    helmet volleyball
  • [cite]Posted By: Sparrows Lane Lion[/cite]Fucking hell......moan moan moan

    1500 of you left quite easily, could see them all walking out, so they were fine. I take it you lot moaning stayed until the end. Fair play to you.

    You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Idiot.
  • i got hit on the head by the police helmet, it f*cking hurt!
  • We do like a moan don't we. This was ALWAYS going to happen, so why the surprise? It happens to most clubs who take a decent following there.
    Hold 3k away fans back or 16k home fans? It's a no brainer really, despite how annoying it was.

    If we had been let out and it went off up on the platform, then there would be a lot more to moan about.

    Don't get me wrong. Most football ob are scum, but it was always going to happen.

    Try following England abroad - same old story.
  • Shut up
  • [cite]Posted By: The Organiser[/cite]We do like a moan don't we. This was ALWAYS going to happen, so why the surprise? It happens to most clubs who take a decent following there.
    Hold 3k away fans back or 16k home fans? It's a no brainer really, despite how annoying it was.

    If we had been let out and it went off up on the platform, then there would be a lot more to moan about.

    Don't get me wrong. Most football ob are scum, but it was always going to happen.

    Try following England abroad - same old story.

    So you just accept it do you....well I for one don't...I have the right to go where I want when I want in a free society....not be effectively locked up for over an hour.
  • This was a f*cking joke. I'd of been quite happy to take my chances on the street rather than be penned into a cage for an hour. Could've walked back to London Bridge in that time.

    And yes, I have been to Millwall before, and Leeds, and St. Andrews and loads of other rough places before anyone asks.

    The police just like to wind people up, that's why they did it. Nothing to do with safety at all.

    Morning Off_it btw!
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: The Organiser[/cite]We do like a moan don't we. This was ALWAYS going to happen, so why the surprise? It happens to most clubs who take a decent following there.
    Hold 3k away fans back or 16k home fans? It's a no brainer really, despite how annoying it was.

    If we had been let out and it went off up on the platform, then there would be a lot more to moan about.

    Don't get me wrong. Most football ob are scum, but it was always going to happen.

    Try following England abroad - same old story.

    So you just accept it do you....well I for one don't...I have the right to go where I want when I want in a free society....not be effectively locked up for over an hour.

    Great in theory but in reality football fans have next to no human rights and the funny thing is... go and try a person that isn't a football fan that actually gives a sh.t - no, didn't think so
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