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Caged Animals



  • [cite]Posted By: YTS[/cite]This was a f*cking joke. I'd of been quite happy to take my chances on the street rather than be penned into a cage for an hour. Could've walked back to London Bridge in that time.

    And yes, I have been to Millwall before, and Leeds, and St. Andrews and loads of other rough places before anyone asks.

    The police just like to wind people up, that's why they did it. Nothing to do with safety at all.

    Morning Off_it btw!

    Morning mate. Feel bad.
    Did you come for a curry? Fcuked if I can remember anything.
  • [cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: The Organiser[/cite]We do like a moan don't we. This was ALWAYS going to happen, so why the surprise? It happens to most clubs who take a decent following there.
    Hold 3k away fans back or 16k home fans? It's a no brainer really, despite how annoying it was.

    If we had been let out and it went off up on the platform, then there would be a lot more to moan about.

    Don't get me wrong. Most football ob are scum, but it was always going to happen.

    Try following England abroad - same old story.

    So you just accept it do you....well I for one don't...I have the right to go where I want when I want in a free society....not be effectively locked up for over an hour.

    Great in theory but in reality football fans have next to no human rights and the funny thing is... go and try a person that isn't a football fan that actually gives a sh.t - no, didn't think so

    Sorry, didn't get what you meant there?
  • Haha...I bailed before the curry! Terrible afternoon, good boozing round though...
  • I meant that you were spot on with the fact that you as a person have the right to those liberties but as football fans we do not. human rights and freedoms disappeared from football policing many moons ago. using legislation originally meant for terrorist situations the police can and will act however they want. you can be held and contained against your will, details taken and kept for seven years on file, marched about and videoed all for minding your own business. at 6pm last night or whenever it was you left the london bridge area you regained your identity as a 'person'.
  • I missed all this action as I was at the other gate. Just had some light hearted banter with other fans and OB. Helped me calm down a bit I think coz we were fucking shit!
  • PassittoLeaburn - SLL, you might want to get your facts straight before mouthing off.

    And don't pull the old 'poor little innocent Millwall fans, everyone else is as bad as us, it's all the press's fault etc etc etc', I doubt there's another ground in the country where the away fans are regularly caged in for 45 minutes after the game because the home fans are such a bunch of scumbags and don't know how to mix with other human beings. Or is that not the reason? Maybe it's not your fault? Let me guess, Millwall are being victimised.

    Where have I said "poor innocent Millwall fans" you whelk? We're not innocent at all!

    & we have been held in regularly at away games while the police clear the roads of the home teams fans waiting to attack! It's annoying, but it happens, have learnt to deal with it.

    Someone has already said they left and walked through the estate no problem. Several mates of mine in your end left early and walked out & were back into the pub for the rugby as well.
  • I left after the 2nd goal as I knew what was coming

    I only got through the locked gate because someone recognised me and let me out with the ob

    I walked alongside Millwall fans leaving (wtf?) and they knew I was Charlton even though I wasn't wearing colours & they gave me abuse. Don't worry I gave it back but if I'd been anything other than a women of a certain age they would have taken it further than verbal abuse.

    I'm still angry...........especially reading all of the above. Can't believe how bad it's got there. Those of you who know me will understand.

    Sparrow, stop defending the undefendable, especially on a Charlton board.
  • Any Millwall giving a lady abuse (I'm assuming you mean swearing and threatening behaviour, not jokey banter) are mugs. Sadly doesn't surprise me.

    Can't defend that, embarrassing. Bit of banter yes, swearing & abuse? Wrong.
  • [cite]Posted By: YTS[/cite]This was a f*cking joke. I'd of been quite happy to take my chances on the street rather than be penned into a cage for an hour. Could've walked back to London Bridge in that time.

    Obviously they aren't going to contain 15,000 Millwall fans for an hour after while 3000 Charlton fans are escorted away from the ground, it would take at least 5 times more resources and if we were let out at the same time it was clear it would kick off. It happens at a fair few matches up and down the country and quite a few England away games ive been to.
  • I don't think anyone is suggesting that they kept Millwall fans in - just that they let us out and get on the bloody train before the game had finished, which is all we were trying to do. Instead they created a situation that nearly turned quite nasty on a couple of occassions by treating ordinary people like animals. Pointless.
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  • I walked around to the other gate where after talking to the ob for about 10 mins they opened it and let about 20 of us out. We walked through the estate with some millwall no aggro no bother. Went in a miklwall pub afterwards to meet mates and even emded up revealing I was cafc, they were fine didn't even give me much stick1
  • [cite]PostedBy:allez les addicks[/cite]And as for after the game, I know we're the away fans but surely its safer and quicker to let the away fans get the first trains? Or is that common sense?
    and on another thread.
    Not saying its right but its their policy and of others around the world probably because its the easiest option to contain the lesser numbers
  • I know what you mean alberto, but there were still 20 minutes of the match to be played. It seems the OB had no "plan B" and just didn't know what to do with a load of Charlton leaving early. Get them all on a train early doors and away before the game even ends sounds like it would've been a good idea. Ah well.
  • [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]Not my vids but...

    youtube clip
    helmet volleyball

    How embarassing....grown men acting like that. No wonder they kept you in!
  • Some of the hassle yesterday could have been eased by audible communication. The stadium PA was drowned by the chanting at the gate, and communicating isn't a skill known to the OB.
    How many of you shuffling towards S Bermondsey station when the gates were opened knew that we were being held back by riot OB shuffling backwards, or that we were held at another gate midway up the slope, or that there was another OB line before the railway arch that was mullered by a crowd surge- fortunately many of us were able to avoid the surge by squeezing along between the fence and the roof supports. 'Safety' was not in the equation.
    Never again.
  • fuckin joke the lot of it, left first time ever early. 10 mins left when they scored the 4th, still annoying me thinking of it to wait 50mins is a joke

    but on the face of it saw no trouble so it obviously worked. was that announcer just rubbin it in the annoying *****?
  • edited March 2010
    You're right AshTray, those sort of supporters are not wanted at our club!
  • [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]Not my vids but...

    youtube clip
    helmet volleyball

    How embarassing....grown men acting like that. No wonder they kept you in!

    theres always one...
  • Like it or not the police did their plan that had the best chance of avoiding most trouble and stuck to it. I was as pissed off as everyone else in there but not a bit surprised. So if you let people out 10 mins early then do you let them out 5 early, when do you shut the gate? Just before the station the away path meets where the Millwall would be getting the train, oppo fans in a confined space, only needs one or two herberts and a lot of other people end up getting hurt.

    All I'd say is, print on the ticket "Exit gates closed until police permission for exit is given - this is usually at 1730" and tell people before they buy it.

    And don't leave early next time.
  • [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]Not my vids but...

    youtube clip
    helmet volleyball

    How embarassing....grown men acting like that. No wonder they kept you in!

    theres always one...
    [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]Not my vids but...

    youtube clip
    helmet volleyball

    How embarassing....grown men acting like that. No wonder they kept you in!

    theres always one...

    And it's always AshTray!
    About time he was banned as far as I'm concerned.
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  • Don't let anybody be fooled. The old bill are not your friends and they will not do you a favour. From lying about where there were seats, to locking people on the concourse, to lying about opening the gates, to nicking people for falling over in a crush, to winding us up at the station, to hitting people with their little sticks.....
    All they were about was looking for trouble. And causing it.
    I'd rather break rocks than be plod
  • Did you enjoy you flask of tea AshTry?
  • [cite]Posted By: Cuff[/cite]to nicking people for falling over in a crush

    This is what was pissing me off, being at the front and getting pushed by 3000 people, yet was getting a baton round the legs. OB have no savy.
  • That's how they get their kicks
  • [cite]Posted By: Cuff[/cite]
    I'd rather break rocks with my cock than be plod

    That's an impressive tool.
  • It's typical old bill behaviour. They were probably annoyed that due to the lack of any real violence between the two sets of fans they didn't get a chance to swing their sticks.

    So they normally have to stir something up and then they can have some fun lashing out.
  • I'd rather break my cock with rocks than be plod!
  • edited March 2010
    Bejesus sparrow you are right:)
    When the old bill put their riot suits on they are duty bound to have a fight. And if one doesn't appear they simply start one
  • people were trying to climb the gates and the ob were just dragging them down, expecting 3000 fans not to react. If it looks like its all going tits-up, which a one point it did, they have to have a back up plan. If they opened the whole walk way, it would have allowed all our fans to spread out over another 200 yards, but still within police confinement. meaning less crushing.
  • talking a lot of sense Cuff and VG
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