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Rumours Rumours



  • CD confirmed at the sponsors dinner that he took a 50% pay cut to stay last year and wanted to sign on for next year
  • Well if he's already taken a 50% pay cut and the club want him to take another one a year later when the likes of  McOxo and Francis are connning a living out of the club, I can understand his frustration. Powell better than anybody should understand that his age is irrelevant. It is fitness and ability that are the issue, of which Dailly has plenty. He is the best defender at this club. I hope we at least keep him on as a coach. 
  • Doesnt make me think that finances are tight. Makes me think that we've decided he wont be first choice, he wont play as many games and therefore his salary should be less. Thats pretty much as I expected it to be after the conversation we had at the sponsors dinner.
  • Powell may be being fair to CD.

    he may have said we would love to have you but only as a backup so if you can found a club who is going to give you first team football you should take it.

  • edited May 2011

    Powell may be being fair to CD.

    he may have said we would love to have you but only as a backup so if you can found a club who is going to give you first team football you should take it.

    Yes, but surely Powell should decide what he wants as best for the club then try to present this/ sell this in the best light?  Not take a "wait and see" and be fair to the players policy - he should be more proactive than that.  If he wants CD to be a valuable part of the squad next season and to share his experience with the younger players, then he should negotiate positively on that basis.  Very naive to expect CD to take a further paycut if he took 50% last year.
  • It would be nice if Dailly stayed because he has the right attitude and would clearly be a positive influence around the place. Let's be honest though, he had a poor season and there were several times when his age appeared to be catching up with him - e.g. the poorly timed lunge trying to recover a situation brought about by lack of pace that got him sent off vs Orient. He was first choice in a, frankly, shite defence and I think it could be argues he was as much to blame as Francis/Doc etc. 

    I guess it all depends on why he's being offered another pay-cut. If it's felt he no longer deserves the salary of a regular first choice player then it could be a good sign that 'better' players are being lined up. If it's because we want to keep him and play but can't afford him then that's obviously less positive.

    No point slitting wrists about it yet as we have no idea which way the club is going.

  • Well if he's already taken a 50% pay cut and the club want him to take another one a year later when the likes of  McOxo and Francis are connning a living out of the club, I can understand his frustration. Powell better than anybody should understand that his age is irrelevant. It is fitness and ability that are the issue, of which Dailly has plenty. He is the best defender at this club. I hope we at least keep him on as a coach. 
    I am sure I heard that Dailly is not interested in a coaching role - he wants to play.

    Having said that, thoughts that wages are being slashed again are worrying if true.
  • Reading this thread and all the others has the same theme throughout. Everyone is speculating about events yet nobody has a clue what's happened, is happening and what is going to happen. It's a bit like following the plot of tv series Lost! Confusing but entertaining!

  • It's a bit like following the plot of tv series Lost! Confusing but entertaining!

    But it will ultimately end in disappointment and an insatiable desire for the good times to return...?
  • It's a bit like following the plot of tv series Lost! Confusing but entertaining!

    But it will ultimately end in disappointment and an insatiable desire for the good times to return...?

    And the ultimate desire " We need to go back"...


    to the good old times with Euell and Kish and Lisbie and all the ex players

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  • Have we still got 11 players for next season??

  • Elliot, Francis, Solly, Doherty, Mambo, Davisson, McCormack, Jackson, Wagstaff, Wright-Phillips, Benson

    Just about
  • Dailly was sent off three times last season and was therefore suspended for a large part of the year, in addition he looked to be struggling a bit more than he did the previous season. I'd like to see him stay - as senior professional but realistically if he's in the starting XI come August then we are going to be in trouble.
  • Dailly was on first team wages last season I presume and was an integral member of Parkies first choice 11. At Bromley CP said that CD would be Club Captain but was very non committal as to whether he'd be team captain seeming to suggest that he wasn't going to be one of CP first choice 11. If so you can only assume that CP thought that CD was only worth what he has now been offered and if the budget is tight do you give a bit extra to CD but then run the risk of loing a new player that CP does sees as an integral part of his new team because of not being to offer enough wages. It's a balancing act with the budget and it seems CP doesn't think CD offers value for money.
  • I don't see Dailly moving on as necessarily a bad thing - if he is moving on because he has no guarantee of a first team place, then that can only be a good thing.

    As BFR says, if he is in the starting 11 next season, my optimism about our chances of promotion would evaporate as he is surely too slow to be an ever present in a successful side.  If he is only prepared to consider first team football, then I can understand that and I can definitely see why he would move on to find it.

    I wish him well if he does move on though - at least he had some pride in the shirt - he cared when he didn't play well and had a good deal of integrity as far as I could make out.

    Thanks Christian and good luck.

  • Well, if he did take a pay cut he got it back by cutting the amount of games he played.
  • It would be nice if Dailly stayed because he has the right attitude and would clearly be a positive influence around the place. Let's be honest though, he had a poor season and there were several times when his age appeared to be catching up with him - e.g. the poorly timed lunge trying to recover a situation brought about by lack of pace that got him sent off vs Orient. He was first choice in a, frankly, shite defence and I think it could be argues he was as much to blame as Francis/Doc etc. 

    I guess it all depends on why he's being offered another pay-cut. If it's felt he no longer deserves the salary of a regular first choice player then it could be a good sign that 'better' players are being lined up. If it's because we want to keep him and play but can't afford him then that's obviously less positive.

    No point slitting wrists about it yet as we have no idea which way the club is going.

    Oh bugger.  I wish you'd said that last bit first.  Now, where  did I put those steri-strips?
  • Dailly is 37 - forget him unless you want to be in this pisspot league for another year.

  • edited May 2011
    Age doesn't matter if the player is good enough. Leicester won this league with Powell playing several games, he was about 39 at the time.

    Dailly would be fine as a squad player and would look better with pace alongside him.
  • My best guess is Dailly was originally on £3K per week, which was reduced to £2k per week for the season just ended. On the assunmption that he is not expected to be 1st choice, he was possibly offered £1k- £1.5K per week. This seems fair to me & also fair if he wishes to say no.

    If he goes, then I say thanks very much for all your efforts & I wish you well.

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  • Large Addick said:"It's a balancing act with the budget and it seems CP doesn't think CD offers value for money."
    I shouldn't think that CP negotiates wages/contracts but he would advise the Board on the players he wants to retain.

    At the POTY dinner, didn't Dailly himself say something to the effect that Powell had told him he wanted him to stay?

    No player should anywhere should be guaranteed 1st team football .....he has to earn the shirt.
    Dailly, with all his years of experience would know this.

    If the Board has insisted that Dailly should be offered another wage cut, then perhaps we can all understand the player may wish to see what other offers are out there?

    I still believe the club are making a big mistake if they are willing to let Dailly leave ......players of his ability, experience and influence are hard to replace.

  • Has anybody thought about the possibility of offering him a player/coaching role because his experience money can't buy especially if there looking to bring in younger players and also for players coming through.
  • I'd be very surprised if anyone at the club WANTED him to leave, but on the other hand the logic would be that at his age, however hard he trains his fitness is going to be going slightly. That's not a criticism as he's done extremely well to stay as fit as he has, but time waits for no man. If him leaving opens money for the wages of a younger player, I guess they would say thanks, good luck, but goodbye.
  • edited May 2011
    I'd be very surprised if anyone at the club WANTED him to leave, but on the other hand the logic would be that at his age, however hard he trains his fitness is going to be going slightly. That's not a criticism as he's done extremely well to stay as fit as he has, but time waits for no man. If him leaving opens money for the wages of a younger player, I guess they would say thanks, good luck, but goodbye.
  • edited May 2011
    Has anybody thought about the possibility of offering him a player/coaching role because his experience money can't buy especially if there looking to bring in younger players and also for players coming through.
    Who knows if he's changed his mind, but at the Q&A session in Spetember Dailly said he wasn't interested in coaching until he was finished playing because he felt he wanted to be able to foocus on one thing or the other and he very much felt he had a few good years left in him as a player.
  • Another beauty from our favourite site, never heard of Kone and I doubt we could get Lualua but he was great for Brighton on loan

    21 May 2011 19:56:18

    Kazenga Lualua and Emmanuel Kone to join Charlton on free transfers.

  • Kone is handy on the training ground, apparently ;-)
  • Likes an ice cream n'all.
  • And fixing the lifts up to the north upper.
This discussion has been closed.

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