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Rumours Rumours



  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]Think nla may have the links

    i will try but i aint in until tuesday

    i will re itterate i dont want Benno here With Pawel here we do not need another player of the same mode we need a smaller type player now to play off the big man, Benno is a great lad but he goes through very dry spells and if he doesnt score he brings very little in to play
  • edited July 2010
    I agree with the tactical argument NLA, we have two big lads now, we need a smaller quick bloke now I think, and possibly another more rounded forward as well
  • Bouzza fits the more thinking mans forward
  • There aren't really any quick goalscorers in this division anymore though, Jackson and Beckford were the main two and they've both gone to a higher division, I don't think Austin is that quick but him or Barnard are the closest I guess. Would have to find one from the non leagues.
  • We need a pacy, raw player, who is about 5'8" 5'9" and no older than 25, and is a proven scorer............. for free or for a fee up to 100k
  • Whats happened to Buaez? Is n't he the small skittish forward, has he gone?
  • [cite]Posted By: sam3110[/cite]We need a pacy, raw player, who is about 5'8" 5'9" and no older than 25, and is a proven scorer............. for free or for a fee up to 100k
    Think Parky will go with the general flow and opt for a 451 next season, with Waggy and Reid providing width and Abbot playing in the hole. The nippy goalscorer is out of fashion.
  • we need Benson plus a pacy forward too. That'll give us Abbott, Benson, pacy fwd, Akpo and at a push Tuna. Plus a RM and a keeper would be nice.
  • [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]we need Benson plus a pacy forward too. That'll give us Abbott, Benson, pacy fwd, Akpo and at a push Tuna. Plus a RM and a keeper would be nice.

    we dont need Benson at all,,

    i watched the daggers live last season atleast 10 times and paul benson makes mooney look like drogba..mark my words not a good signing, he may do better in a better team bu his work rate makes him look real lazy
  • [cite]Posted By: Kap10[/cite]Whats happened to Buaez? Is n't he the small skittish forward, has he gone?

    Still around I think and on trial.

    Even with Pawel Abbot we still need a couple more strikers. it seems that Benson will be one of them and maybe Bauza.
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  • Bauza had a shocker at Barnet. I hope he hasnt been dumped on the back of one poor performance. I'm guessing he is still around o/s preview of the Watford game mentioned him.

    Perhaps Parky wants one last look before deciding?. He's been here for the whole of pre-season so you'd think there has been some indication as to whether we will offer him a deal.

    If he does sign I wouldnt want to spend money on Benson. Would prefer something a bit different, perhaps a loan, hopefully a pacy youngster.
  • When are we going to use our Liverpool link?
  • Nobody ever believed that "linking up with the Liverpool Academy" boloney did they ?

    That was just to soften the blow of losing Shelvey whilst trying to prop up ST sales.

    New manager there now, and that will be the excuse when someone asks (in a few years time) why this never happened.
  • "Whats happened to Buaez? Is n't he the small skittish forward, has he gone?"

    No, he's tall and appears to play best behind the main striker "in the hole". Still seems to be on board so his future may be determined by who else we sign.
  • [cite]Posted By: The Red Robin[/cite]When are we going to use our Liverpool link?

    If (and it's a big if) we get any players on loan it won't be until Liverpool have their full first team squad back in training and playing. Even then it won't be until the transfer window closes.
  • I've said before the Liverpool link was never confirmed. All that was said is there would be talks.

    We don't need a link up with a club to get players on loan from them either.
  • [cite]Posted By: Mortimerician[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: sam3110[/cite]We need a pacy, raw player, who is about 5'8" 5'9" and no older than 25, and is a proven scorer............. for free or for a fee up to 100k
    Think Parky will go with the general flow and opt for a 451 next season, with Waggy and Reid providing width and Abbot playing in the hole. The nippy goalscorer is out of fashion.

    Was thinking this myself, but would Abbot not be more likely to be the lone front man with Bauza (if he were to sign) playing behind him? Or are you expecting Akpo to play right up top?

    I do think Parky would prefer to play 4-4-2 though, otherwise I'd have expected him to play 4-5-1 more last season considering the wealth of options we had in midfield relative to up front.

    Regardless of all that though, someone with a bit of pace would be a sensible addition to give us options, even if he's not part of plan A.
  • Parky has said before he prefers 4-4-2, but he's played 4-5-1 for different reasons, main one being the players we had at the time.
  • And don't forget ...... there's at least 3 major variations of 4-5-1:

    1) Defensive: to clog the midfield to prevent opponents space and time on the ball. Your striker often gets isolated and cuts a lonely figure up front without support. Teams who 'park the bus' (eg Oldham at The Valley last year), and teams changing formation with 20 mins to go, desperately hanging on to a single goal lead when under the cosh.

    2) Midfield: to dominate the midfield with a short passing game linking a deep lying forward playing off his target man - as Charlton did so effectively at the beginning of last season. More of a 4-4-1-1

    3) Attacking: .playing with 2 pacy direct wingers to add rapid thrust on the counter-attack, quickly turning 4-5-1 into 4-3-3. Chelsea typically play this way and score plenty.

    Many people have the belief that 4-5-1 is a negative defensive formation. Sure it can be, and some teams do play this way.

    But with the right combination of players, a more attacking game can be played by dominating through the midfield without losing defensive stability, and quickly opening up opponents on the counter attack.
  • [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]And don't forget ...... there's at least 3 major variations of 4-5-1:

    1)Defensive:to clog the midfield to prevent opponents space and time on the ball. Your striker often gets isolated and cuts a lonely figure up front without support. Teams who 'park the bus' (eg Oldham at The Valley last year), and teams changing formation with 20 mins to go, desperately hanging on to a single goal lead when under the cosh.

    2)Midfield:to dominate the midfield with a short passing game linking a deep lying forward playing off his target man - as Charlton did so effectively at the beginning of last season. More of a 4-4-1-1

    Blimey Oggy you been reading those coaching manuals again ;0)

    3)Attacking:.playing with 2 pacy direct wingers to add rapid thrust on the counter-attack, quickly turning 4-5-1 into 4-3-3. Chelsea typically play this way and score plenty.

    Many people have the belief that 4-5-1 is a negative defensive formation. Sure it can be, and some teams do play this way.

    But with the right combination of players, a more attacking game can be played by dominating through the midfield without losing defensive stability, and quickly opening up opponents on the counter attack.
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  • Also:

    4) World Cup Style : 4231 : with McCormack and Semedo infront of dailey / doherty, racon playing infront with Abbot up front, Reid and Wagstaff on the wings.
  • Yep, good one, Vff ...... another variation.
  • It would be good to have the players to play the different variations and also to play 442 as well. We had 4411, 451 and 442 and that was about it last year. It would be great to be able to play flexible positions.
  • so no rumours in the RUMOURS thread then ? Please take other discussions elsewhere.
  • So you don't find this tactical and strategy discussion interesting then Large ?

    The trouble is the that a lot of the rumours on here lately have come from the laughable football rumours site, which has no quality control whatever and anybody can log in and make any old rubbish up.

    I genuinely welcome any proper rumours with some basis in reality.
  • according to 606......the next striker through the door will be none other than Luke Varney. Interesting one. Certainly has some pace.
  • [cite]Posted By: Bangkok Dave[/cite]according to 606......the next striker through the door will be none other than Luke Varney. Interesting one. Certainly has some pace.

  • [cite]Posted By: Bangkok Dave[/cite]according to 606......the next striker through the door will be none other than Luke Varney. Interesting one. Certainly has some pace.

    Crikey, I don't think so!
  • What does pmsfl mean, not got to grips with text speak yet
  • pissed myself f@cking laughing
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