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    Police have surrounded a garage on the corner of coronation street after reports Kevin Webster is under a 13 year old escort.
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    Just back from the opticians. Told him I can see 7 years into the future. He thinks I must have 2020 vision.
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    Stig said:

    Just back from the opticians. Told him I can see 7 years into the future. He thinks I must have 2020 vision.

    i told that one last year, i had 8 years funnily enough

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    Yeah @Stig, please read all 1100 jokes before posting!

    ; )
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    Stig said:

    Just back from the opticians. Told him I can see 7 years into the future. He thinks I must have 2020 vision.

    i told that one last year, i had 8 years funnily enough

    That's a completely different joke - the numbers are different ;-)

    On the subject of nicking jokes, here's my favourite Jack Dee one: What's blue and F***s old ladies?
    Me, in my lucky blue overcoat.
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    The Pope is going to resign and to be honest I don't blame him.

    I'd leave my job too if my boss never showed up.
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    The Pope is going to resign and to be honest I don't blame him.

    I'd leave my job too if my boss never showed up.

    Very good :-)

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    An Australian walks into his crowded local bar brandishing a revolver yelling:
    "Who’s the barstard here who’s been screwing my wife?"
    A voice from the back of the bar shouts;
    "You don't have enough ammo, mate!"
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    I have just found out that the guy who invented Chinese whispers has died.......pass it on!
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    Tony Blackburn was invited to a pool party. When he turned up he had Jimmy Savile and Gary Glitter with him.

    The party thrower said, "You deaf **** I said bring a pair of Speedos"

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    A ship carrying red paint has collided in the Atlantic with a ship carrying purple paint.

    It is believed that both crews have been marooned.
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    A zen monk stopped on the street for a hot dog.

    He said to the vendor: “Make me one with everything.”
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    Tony Blackburn was invited to a pool party. When he turned up he had Jimmy Savile and Gary Glitter with him.

    The party thrower said, "You deaf **** I said bring a pair of Speedos"

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    Tony Blackburn was invited to a pool party. When he turned up he had Jimmy Savile and Gary Glitter with him.

    The party thrower said, "You deaf **** I said bring a pair of Speedos"

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    Stig said:

    A ship carrying red paint has collided in the Atlantic with a ship carrying purple paint.

    It is believed that both crews have been marooned.

    One of my all time favourite jokes. Except that the paint should be the primary colours red and blue. Which when mixed make purple; maroon is a shade of purple.
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    As we're doing ancient jokes, here's one I've always liked:
    Some patients from Bexley Mental Hospital (see I told you it was an old joke) have been by coach on a day trip to the coast.
    On the way back they decide it would be good if they could drop into a pub for a quick drink before returning to the hospital.
    The coach parks up outside, and as a courtesy, the bloke in charge of the patients pops into the pub and explains the situation to the barman. He says that while they have some behavioural issues they are all pretty harmless. The barman, says the pub is quiet anyway and agrees they can come in.
    As a word of warning the supervisor explains that all the patients will order their own drinks and try to pay with milk bottle tops.
    He advises the barman to just accept them but to run a tab and he will settle up at the end.
    Everything goes very well, the day trippers enjoy themselves and "pay" for their drinks with bottle tops and when it's time to get back on the coach the barman tells the supervisor that the final bill is £97.
    The supervisor says that's fine and asks the barman if he has change for a dustbin lid.
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    That is so crap, but made me laugh for some reason.
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    Very good.
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    just saw to two blondes walk into my building.... you would have thought one of them would have seen it...
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    A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps to the operator: “My friend is dead! What can I do?”

    The operator, in a calm soothing voice says: “Just take it easy. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead.” There is a silence, then a shot is heard.

    The guy's voice comes back on the line. He says: “OK, now what?“
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    The human body has 7 trillion nerves.

    My wife manages to get on every f*****g one of them!
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    I went to the doctor's surgery the other day and found out that my new doctor is young female and drop dead gorgeous.

    I was embarrassed, but she said, "Don't worry, I am a professional - I've seen it all before. Just tell me what's wrong and I'll check it out.

    I said, "My wife thinks that my dick tastes funny"
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    I bought some flavoured condoms and told my wife to stay out of the bedroom until I'd put it on, so as to make a game of it by guessing which flavour it was. After a few minutes she came in and went straight down on me announcing it was cheese and onion, to which I replied "I haven't put it on yet"
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    bloke about to be executed by firing squad
    'do you have any last request' asked the officer in charge
    'yes please' said the condemned man 'I want to sing a final song'
    'OK' said the officer 'but be quick about it'
    'OK' said the condemned man 'are you ready'
    'get on with it' said the officer
    'OK' said the condemned man. He took a deep breath and began his song like this ..... 'Ten million green bottles hanging on the wall .............
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    Sometimes I think I'm a banana, at other times ice cream - my GP thinks I've a split personality
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    Would that be every sundae?
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    I've written a book called, "101 Ways To Revive The High Street".

    It's available on Kindle from Monday.
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    Job interviewer: "What's your greatest weakness?"

    Paddy: "Honesty."

    Job interviewer "I don't think honesty is a weakness"

    Paddy: "I don't give a f*ck what you think.""
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    bloke about to be executed by firing squad
    'do you have any last request' asked the officer in charge
    'yes please' said the condemned man 'I want to sing a final song'
    'OK' said the officer 'but be quick about it'
    'OK' said the condemned man 'are you ready'
    'get on with it' said the officer
    'OK' said the condemned man. He took a deep breath and began his song like this ..... 'Ten million green bottles hanging on the wall .............

    Did you just make that up?

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    No, heard that in the playground 40 years ago.
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