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General things that Annoy you



  • edited June 2017
    21 gun salutes, just gone off in Hyde Park, is it her birfday? scares my pooch!
  • Being ill when you have six things that have to be done today, all of which involve you driving so you are not close to a loo... :rage:
  • Getting a job rejecting for a marketing job because they feel "I'd be more suited to a sales role" when I've never had a sales job and in the interview they bloody asked me to sell them a pen.
  • Getting a job rejecting for a marketing job because they feel "I'd be more suited to a sales role" when I've never had a sales job and in the interview they bloody asked me to sell them a pen.

    That was to see of you had watched wolf of wall Street or not. Easy one that
  • Greenie said:

    Bed accessories, by that I mean extra cushions that go on top of the pillows when the bed is made and throw blankets that sit on top of the bed at the end. None of these serve any purpose, they are taken off the bed at night and put back on when the beds made!
    It's a bit like having a really nice car, popping a moped on the top and going for a drive!
    Does my swede in....!

    Couldn't agree more Greenie!


    Greenie said:

    Bed accessories, by that I mean extra cushions that go on top of the pillows when the bed is made and throw blankets that sit on top of the bed at the end. None of these serve any purpose, they are taken off the bed at night and put back on when the beds made!
    It's a bit like having a really nice car, popping a moped on the top and going for a drive!
    Does my swede in....!

    Couldn't agree more Greenie!


    Don't talk to me about bloody cushions, we've got loads of them. First thing I do when I get in is pick all the ones off the sofa and chuck them in the corner. She's even got some that aren't to be sat on and are just there for decoration. Same thing on the bed. the poxy things always seem to end up on my side of the bed though so it's me who goes arse over head when I get up for a piss in the middle of the night.
    Fucking scatter cushions. Scourge of the modern home.
  • iainment said:

    People voting Labour, driving down the exchange rate and hurting me right where it hurts, in the pocket! Hope you're proud

    Happy to be of service.
    I'm gonna shoot an extra animal on Sunday for that little outburst
    I think you'll find it's the morons who voted for Brexit who have more influence on the exchange rate. Both since the referendum and leading into the negotiations.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Being called by a recruitment agent about a job when I'm not really looking for one but thinking I'd play along to demonstrate that I'm a credible candidate for when I am looking for another contract.
    Only to find this morning that after a quick meeting yesterday that they've actually offered me the damned thing, and the bloody agent is on the phone every five minutes wanting an answer even though I've told him I need the weekend to consider.
  • Greenie said:

    Bed accessories, by that I mean extra cushions that go on top of the pillows when the bed is made and throw blankets that sit on top of the bed at the end. None of these serve any purpose, they are taken off the bed at night and put back on when the beds made!
    It's a bit like having a really nice car, popping a moped on the top and going for a drive!
    Does my swede in....!

    Couldn't agree more Greenie!


    Greenie said:

    Bed accessories, by that I mean extra cushions that go on top of the pillows when the bed is made and throw blankets that sit on top of the bed at the end. None of these serve any purpose, they are taken off the bed at night and put back on when the beds made!
    It's a bit like having a really nice car, popping a moped on the top and going for a drive!
    Does my swede in....!

    Couldn't agree more Greenie!


    Don't talk to me about bloody cushions, we've got loads of them. First thing I do when I get in is pick all the ones off the sofa and chuck them in the corner. She's even got some that aren't to be sat on and are just there for decoration. Same thing on the bed. the poxy things always seem to end up on my side of the bed though so it's me who goes arse over head when I get up for a piss in the middle of the night.
    I think she uses them as divider so you don't get too close to her.
  • iainment said:

    iainment said:

    People voting Labour, driving down the exchange rate and hurting me right where it hurts, in the pocket! Hope you're proud

    Happy to be of service.
    I'm gonna shoot an extra animal on Sunday for that little outburst
    I think you'll find it's the morons who voted for Brexit who have more influence on the exchange rate. Both since the referendum and leading into the negotiations.
    lol Thanks iain with 2 i's
  • The Strings @Chizz follows on Twitter
  • The Strings @Chizz follows on Twitter

    Really shouldn't let that upset you, snowflake
  • IdleHans said:

    Being called by a recruitment agent about a job when I'm not really looking for one but thinking I'd play along to demonstrate that I'm a credible candidate for when I am looking for another contract.
    Only to find this morning that after a quick meeting yesterday that they've actually offered me the damned thing, and the bloody agent is on the phone every five minutes wanting an answer even though I've told him I need the weekend to consider.

    Great use of the humble brag.
    I think the trouble is that when you don't want the job you become more relaxed and much better at interview.
    Now I'll end up pissing off the agent so the whole strategy has totally backfired. Lesson learned.
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  • Current toothache - never known pain like it. Really want to smash my face in. Painkillers are doing fuck all and literally can't concentrate on anything. Going to be a long night!
  • Don't know if its been mentioned before (I've not read all the posts) but people who don't park as close to the end of a parking bay as possible. I don't mean in the usual parking spaces but when you get a small designated parking bay, such as outside a parade of shop, or (as in this particular case) a residents parking area. Outside my home there is space for around 5 cars for residents (permits needed of course) but non-residents can park for up to 2 hours. What really annoys me is that I come home to find no spaces but a foot or two of unused space at either end of the marked bay - no use to man nor beast, I wont moan (too much) about the spaces in between the cars as I do understand that a large car may leave & a smaller one take its place, thus leaving a 2 foot gap between them, but surely it doesn't take much to make sure you are butting up to the edge of the bay & not leave 2 foot of unusable space in front of you.

    Do you live down my road?
  • edited June 2017

    Don't know if its been mentioned before (I've not read all the posts) but people who don't park as close to the end of a parking bay as possible. I don't mean in the usual parking spaces but when you get a small designated parking bay, such as outside a parade of shop, or (as in this particular case) a residents parking area. Outside my home there is space for around 5 cars for residents (permits needed of course) but non-residents can park for up to 2 hours. What really annoys me is that I come home to find no spaces but a foot or two of unused space at either end of the marked bay - no use to man nor beast, I wont moan (too much) about the spaces in between the cars as I do understand that a large car may leave & a smaller one take its place, thus leaving a 2 foot gap between them, but surely it doesn't take much to make sure you are butting up to the edge of the bay & not leave 2 foot of unusable space in front of you.

    Do you live down my road?
    And mine too. Drives me mental to get home and see two cars badly parked in a bay easily meant for 3.
  • Current toothache - never known pain like it. Really want to smash my face in. Painkillers are doing fuck all and literally can't concentrate on anything. Going to be a long night!

    Have you tried aspirin?
    Works miles better than paracetamol or ibuprofen for toothache.
    If that fails, get the emergency dentist to take the bugger out.
    You have my sympathy
  • edited June 2017

    Current toothache - never known pain like it. Really want to smash my face in. Painkillers are doing fuck all and literally can't concentrate on anything. Going to be a long night!

    Brandy - drink lots of it.

    Ginger as well - not suggesting you look at pictures of Paul Scholes, but ginger roots also ease the pain.
  • Don't know if its been mentioned before (I've not read all the posts) but people who don't park as close to the end of a parking bay as possible. I don't mean in the usual parking spaces but when you get a small designated parking bay, such as outside a parade of shop, or (as in this particular case) a residents parking area. Outside my home there is space for around 5 cars for residents (permits needed of course) but non-residents can park for up to 2 hours. What really annoys me is that I come home to find no spaces but a foot or two of unused space at either end of the marked bay - no use to man nor beast, I wont moan (too much) about the spaces in between the cars as I do understand that a large car may leave & a smaller one take its place, thus leaving a 2 foot gap between them, but surely it doesn't take much to make sure you are butting up to the edge of the bay & not leave 2 foot of unusable space in front of you.

    Same here, there is space for 5 cars outside my house, as long as everyone parks sensibly. Came home yesterday to find a van had parked in such a way as to take up 3 cars worth of space.
  • Current toothache - never known pain like it. Really want to smash my face in. Painkillers are doing fuck all and literally can't concentrate on anything. Going to be a long night!

    Brandy - drink lots of it.

    Ginger as well - not suggesting you look at pictures of Paul Scholes, but ginger roots also ease the pain.
    A couple of years back I had an upper jaw abscess, I tell my wife its worse pain than child birth.
    I was eating various painkillers like smarties, which took the edge off for an hour or so. But after 4 days of this the amount of painkillers I'd been taking had effectively put my guts to sleep (should have read known side effects). When they woke up it was the most frightening and painful dump known to humankind.
  • People that use the tragic events of the past couple of weeks to push their own political agendas & political point scoring (mainly on social media). Just fuck off!!

    Roll on Friday morning!!
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Roland Out Forever!