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General things that Annoy you



  • And a glass of Glühwein?

    McBobbin said:

    Stig said:

    Prompted by that photo of of Theresa May and her husband: People who go walking with nordic walking sticks. Sure if your'e elderly or infirm yo might need a little help, but for anyone who is reasonably fit and healthy it's nonsense. Walking isn't about the expensive equipment, it's about getting out in the fresh air. Stop pretending you're one of the Heroes of Telemark and just enjoy a walk.

    Annoys me too
    See folks just going into town with walking sticks, hike boots, gaiters and a goretex jacket. You aren't climbing Everest, you're getting the paper
    I was in a greasy spoon on Bromley High St a few years back during a period of heavy snow.

    A bloke and his wife came in wearing full ski gear, carrying skis and poles. They propped their skis up on the wall and had a full English.

    Utter, utter bellends!
    With a glass of Glühwein to wash it down?
  • People obsessed with tattoos

    Selfie Sticks

  • And a glass of Glühwein?

    McBobbin said:

    Stig said:

    Prompted by that photo of of Theresa May and her husband: People who go walking with nordic walking sticks. Sure if your'e elderly or infirm yo might need a little help, but for anyone who is reasonably fit and healthy it's nonsense. Walking isn't about the expensive equipment, it's about getting out in the fresh air. Stop pretending you're one of the Heroes of Telemark and just enjoy a walk.

    Annoys me too
    See folks just going into town with walking sticks, hike boots, gaiters and a goretex jacket. You aren't climbing Everest, you're getting the paper
    I was in a greasy spoon on Bromley High St a few years back during a period of heavy snow.

    A bloke and his wife came in wearing full ski gear, carrying skis and poles. They propped their skis up on the wall and had a full English.

    Utter, utter bellends!
    With a glass of Glühwein to wash it down?
    You've clearly never been in the Diner's Inn :smiley:
  • When anything, even worse someone else walking by, unexpectedly tugs an in-ear headphone out of your ear.

    Sends me loopy.
  • When you reach around the screen to turn on the shower, forgetting you still have your toothbrush in your mouth. Still, it saved me using a cottonbud to clean my ears!! :(
  • edited June 2017

    McBobbin said:

    Stig said:

    Prompted by that photo of of Theresa May and her husband: People who go walking with nordic walking sticks. Sure if your'e elderly or infirm yo might need a little help, but for anyone who is reasonably fit and healthy it's nonsense. Walking isn't about the expensive equipment, it's about getting out in the fresh air. Stop pretending you're one of the Heroes of Telemark and just enjoy a walk.

    Annoys me too
    See folks just going into town with walking sticks, hike boots, gaiters and a goretex jacket. You aren't climbing Everest, you're getting the paper
    I was in a greasy spoon on Bromley High St a few years back during a period of heavy snow.

    A bloke and his wife came in wearing full ski gear, carrying skis and poles. They propped their skis up on the wall and had a full English.

    Utter, utter bellends!
    What's wrong with a full English?
    The meat. ;-)
  • Sponsored links:

  • Working 7 till 8 all fecking week, I'm knackered!
  • Working 7 till 8 all fecking week, I'm knackered!

    And to top it all mate, you'll get hammered on Saturday
  • Countless political threads. Can't they just keep it all in the general election thread. I know not to open that 1, but it's hard to avoid when there are several different threads
  • I've got this bolt on app for tinder and it supposedly lets me know likes me. Every time a fit one comes along I click on the little green tick to say yes, and it says match failed. It's really annoying.
  • Working 7 till 8 all fecking week, I'm knackered!

    Managed to get out at 7:30 tonight, 19:54 train cancelled!

    Fuckers, all of them!
  • edited June 2017
    Looks like I'm single after 8 years, fuck knows what happened there. My choice though, and a late night visit to the mother has pretty much put it in perspective.

    On the plus side, I got to tell some fat fuck who tried to get in my face to "fuck off to weight watchers and then come back and try again". Not sure what nonsense he'd been told, but seeing it take multiple people to hold the human wrecking ball back was quite amusing.

    For someone who shies away from confrontation, it was pretty interesting. All I remember was yelling and demanding they let him free; "Let him fucking go then; if it looks like he's going to do some damage then all I have to do is walk away quickly". Most unlike me.

    A bit numb really. First train home to collect a few bits, and - to be honest - ask a few questions before I decide if I've done the right thing. One being what the hell was up with that cretin.
  • All my fault apparently, her birthday drinks are an occasion where she's allowed to yell abuse at my face in a bar; thems the rules.

    Apparently her entire friends group hates me for pulling tubs up, despite the fact I was quite sober (with a completely sober friend who saw what happened), there's no way he fronted me and deserved that abuse. Funny, because I remember having to push his arm down at one point, as I genuinely felt like he was trying to escalate things.

    I have to apologise for "going for the jugular", and she's packing a bag for her mother's tomorrow morning. All a bit bizarre to be honest. I feel genuinely guilty for calling him out on his weight, it's a fucking horrible thing to do... But so is getting in my face; words were the least severe option there.

    Suspect the main issue was actually touched upon in the latest conversation; we're not engaged and she has a bee in her bonnet about that. Interesting way to try and force an engagement, a bit like trying to cook a dinner by putting it in the fecking freezer.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Mate hope you're alright!?
  • Shit LR, that's a shame. Hope it all turns out for the best.
  • Hey LR

    Not really sure what has happened but Am sure things will look different in cold light of the day. Should both Take time to reflect before making any rash decisions.
  • Your a Charlton fan LR... You'll meet someone again soon and am sure much better!!
  • Probably been posted here already, but people that care too much about grammar and spelling when writing on a football forum. Who cares? As long as you understand what they're saying it doesn't matter. It's not an essay or report.
  • Probably been posted here already, but people that care too much about grammar and spelling when writing on a football forum. Who cares? As long as you understand what they're saying it doesn't matter. It's not an essay or report.

    Interesting point you raise. Spelling might not matter too much, but grammar does, as it can change the context of a sentence completely.

    Funnily enough my 10 year old son picked up on something earlier today when watching tv - an ad came on for Homebase and he asked me why would anyone buy a lawnmower that cost over £5k. I said they wouldn't & he must have got it wrong - but then seeing the ad myself I saw that the price stated was "£5499", with the "99" in smaller number than the "54" - not £54.99. Now we all know that it meant 54 pounds & 99 pence, but to a child who has been taught that there is a "." inbetween the pounds & the pence he read it as seen.....and I agree with him. It was factually incorrect. If there is no "." between the numbers then is reads as it reads - £5499. Same goes for grammar. If you say " I ain't done nothing" it means you have done something. What you actually mean is that you having done anything - but that is what you have said & that is what the words mean.
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