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General things that Annoy you



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    Carter said:

    I've stewed on this since Saturday

    Me and a few pals were down Rochester to watch the rugby, I'd been bought the first round and it was an OK pint of Heineken but flat. When it was my round I bought amongst other drinks another 2 pints of Heineken which were flat as a witches tit. I asked the bar lady for new ones and she was good as gold, turned out the beer or gas or something was on the blink so we had a couple of Kronenbourgs instead which stank of rotten egg. Once again back I go and she is nice as pie and having a sniff herself offers to change them for something else. I plump for Red Stripe at this juncture which is fine.

    Now at this point some div came over and asked for the money for the red stripes. The barlady protests on my behalf and I told the guy I'd already paid and wasn't paying again. He told me there was nothing wrong with the kronies as they'd been selling them all day. Not a problem says I, you smell the beer. He said he wasn't going to and if he'd been selling it all day I was the problem. I was laughing at him at this point and said he was off his bin. The lady had the decency to look embarrassed and I told the plonker he could whistle for me paying again.

    Now I wasn't rude, he was, he then got a bouncer to come over and sling me out. Unsuccessfully and I had a grown up chat with the meathead and explained nobody had stolen any beer, I had just refused to give me and my companion the shit's from drinking beer that stank like ammonia. He didn't listen and wanted to hook me out. A few other blokes and the bar lady came over and tried to explain as well. He said if I didn't leave he would call the police.

    Fine, said I, waste their time but I'm not going anywhere.

    Unbelievably 2 coppers turned up and asked to speak to me, I told them what had happened and was completely calm.. these blokes looked like they could absolutely do without this and spoke to the bar lady again.. they came back over and said I can stay if I wanted that it wasnt a police matter and they bollocked the bouncer. The manager (the bloke who kicked all this off) came over and gave the limpest weakest apology ever. And gave us, unbelievably a free round of 7 Kronenbourgs! All of which stank of egg, by this time the game was finishing so we left. The coppers saw me a couple of hours later and stopped me and asked if I'd done anything to wind the guy up.

    We laughed about it and I said I'd save them some time and just drink red stripe from the off in future. They said that bar featured as a greatest hits for cctv incidents and to enjoy my night.

    I took a long way about doing it but what annoys me is serving staff/management that can't accept a polite complaint. Beer isn't cheap anymore and shit beer shouldn't be tolerated.

    F*****g troublemaker.
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    Carter said:

    I've stewed on this since Saturday

    Me and a few pals were down Rochester to watch the rugby, I'd been bought the first round and it was an OK pint of Heineken but flat. When it was my round I bought amongst other drinks another 2 pints of Heineken which were flat as a witches tit. I asked the bar lady for new ones and she was good as gold, turned out the beer or gas or something was on the blink so we had a couple of Kronenbourgs instead which stank of rotten egg. Once again back I go and she is nice as pie and having a sniff herself offers to change them for something else. I plump for Red Stripe at this juncture which is fine.

    Now at this point some div came over and asked for the money for the red stripes. The barlady protests on my behalf and I told the guy I'd already paid and wasn't paying again. He told me there was nothing wrong with the kronies as they'd been selling them all day. Not a problem says I, you smell the beer. He said he wasn't going to and if he'd been selling it all day I was the problem. I was laughing at him at this point and said he was off his bin. The lady had the decency to look embarrassed and I told the plonker he could whistle for me paying again.

    Now I wasn't rude, he was, he then got a bouncer to come over and sling me out. Unsuccessfully and I had a grown up chat with the meathead and explained nobody had stolen any beer, I had just refused to give me and my companion the shit's from drinking beer that stank like ammonia. He didn't listen and wanted to hook me out. A few other blokes and the bar lady came over and tried to explain as well. He said if I didn't leave he would call the police.

    Fine, said I, waste their time but I'm not going anywhere.

    Unbelievably 2 coppers turned up and asked to speak to me, I told them what had happened and was completely calm.. these blokes looked like they could absolutely do without this and spoke to the bar lady again.. they came back over and said I can stay if I wanted that it wasnt a police matter and they bollocked the bouncer. The manager (the bloke who kicked all this off) came over and gave the limpest weakest apology ever. And gave us, unbelievably a free round of 7 Kronenbourgs! All of which stank of egg, by this time the game was finishing so we left. The coppers saw me a couple of hours later and stopped me and asked if I'd done anything to wind the guy up.

    We laughed about it and I said I'd save them some time and just drink red stripe from the off in future. They said that bar featured as a greatest hits for cctv incidents and to enjoy my night.

    I took a long way about doing it but what annoys me is serving staff/management that can't accept a polite complaint. Beer isn't cheap anymore and shit beer shouldn't be tolerated.

    Given the very sensible way the boys in blue dealt with this I hope you've posted this in the 'things that please you' thread too?

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    cabbles said:

    Graduate schemes. And how they've all decided to add a video interview to their recruitment process this year.

    And when I say video interview it's not a chat with a person via Skype. It's some software where a question pops up, you have 15 seconds to plan and 3 mins to talk to your reflection. A horrendous experience.

    Made worse by the fact that these companies have no end of technical issues with these to the point where they've asked me to retake the bloody thing. And now they've decided to ignore them and do it the old fashioned way face to face. Thanks for cooking me around in an incredibly busy time and wasting hours of my time. Wankers.

    I don't envy you pal. It was bad enough when I was doing all my training contract applications for law firms 10 years ago. God knows what shit they've been conned into putting into them now to get a deeper psychometric profile of the candidate.

    It changes all the time. Now some of the big firms are asking candidates to blank out name, age, university and other fields for fear of unconscious bias. I.e. we tend to make assumptions about people dependant upon factors such as the above. I'm sure it's true, it's just that it's getting harder and harder for graduates to get on a good scheme now given sheer numbers of grads vs jobs.

    They do that at my place, totally blank names, ages and other bits. Its all points based as to who gets an interview but if you read any application you can generally suss out the wheat from the chaff.
    What we do is; pass the applications around the department and come to a consensus of who we want, they get interviewed and get the job. Everybody happy.

    Canters, one day it will your turn to play mind games with people but first you have to complete your time on Southeastern.
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    Lady Gaga and Superbowl adverts being considered newsworthy.

    I fear we're in for even more of this sort of shit in future with broadcasters in a post Brexit era devoting even more air time to the country we have a "special relationship" with.
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    edited February 2017
    Redskin said:

    John Terry thinks the FA should fast-track former England players into management...
    I feel it's very important we get the best players back into the game. This generation has earned very good money throughout their tme, and we need to make it easier for them to get into coaching roles.

    So you can't be arsed to do your badges, then?
    Terry should be fast-tracked into footballing oblivion.

    Blimey, generally not sure where to start on that particular little nugget of idiocy.

    Terry really is a feckin' deluded cock, isn't he?
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    edited February 2017
    Not going out. Used to be alright, but now its ... not.
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    people who moan that American Football is stop start but don't realise the same is true for cricket. 6 individual plays an over x 90 a day.

    How long is the ball actually in play during a days cricket?
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    edited February 2017
    MrOneLung said:

    The woman on the tube next to me is eating a bowl of cereal. A proper fucking bowl of fruit and fibre.

    Did you not get your oats this morning?
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    Diane Abbot throwing a sickie to get out of doing her duty and cast a vote.

    Useless waste of space

    John McDonnell on BBC Breakfast this am, referencing the above- "Look Diane was too unwell to vote", makes me sick to my stomach the obvious bullshit that MP's are happy to come out with, without a blink and folk wonder why the alternatives are getting voted in allover the place

    MP's ain't worth fuck all
    MP's have a third vote on Clause 50 for Brexit tomorrow (Wednesday), let us see if she is ill again
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    ross1 said:

    Diane Abbot throwing a sickie to get out of doing her duty and cast a vote.

    Useless waste of space

    John McDonnell on BBC Breakfast this am, referencing the above- "Look Diane was too unwell to vote", makes me sick to my stomach the obvious bullshit that MP's are happy to come out with, without a blink and folk wonder why the alternatives are getting voted in allover the place

    MP's ain't worth fuck all
    MP's have a third vote on Clause 50 for Brexit tomorrow (Wednesday), let us see if she is ill again
    She surely wouldn't dare go sick again.
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    Maybe she has to pick her kid up from school because black mothers go the the enth degree for their kids.
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    MrOneLung said:

    people who moan that American Football is stop start but don't realise the same is true for cricket. 6 individual plays an over x 90 a day.

    How long is the ball actually in play during a days cricket?

    In cricket they don't change two entire teams every time someone drops the ball... :wink:
    They change half the batsmen each time someone catches the ball though.....

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    iaitch said:

    Maybe she has to pick her kid up from school because black mothers go the the enth degree for their kids.

    Doubt it, her kids probably have after school clubs to take care of them, like vegan pottery or non-cultural appropriation yoga.
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    MrOneLung said:

    people who moan that American Football is stop start but don't realise the same is true for cricket. 6 individual plays an over x 90 a day.

    How long is the ball actually in play during a days cricket?

    In cricket they don't change two entire teams every time someone drops the ball... :wink:
    Lol, I'd take that over watching a game for 5 days only for it to end in a draw
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    iaitch said:

    Maybe she has to pick her kid up from school because black mothers go the the enth degree for their kids.

    Diane would have to pick her little James up from the Foreign and Commonwealth office. He has a nice little number there following the education of privilege that Abbott so despises (for others).

    James attended the £13,000 a year City of London boys school before being shipped off at age 16 to the £6000 a year SOS-Hermann Gmeiner International College in Tema, Ghana, which boasts facilities such as a ‘near-Olympic-sized pool. The college declares that its students ‘graduate with an internationally recognised baccalaureate which enables them to study at almost any university in the world’.

    It certainly worked for James who then attended Cambridge University.
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    MrOneLung said:

    people who moan that American Football is stop start but don't realise the same is true for cricket. 6 individual plays an over x 90 a day.

    How long is the ball actually in play during a days cricket?

    In cricket they don't change two entire teams every time someone drops the ball... :wink:
    Lol, I'd take that over watching a game for 5 days only for it to end in a draw
    Bloody yanks... :smiley:
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    MrOneLung said:

    people who moan that American Football is stop start but don't realise the same is true for cricket. 6 individual plays an over x 90 a day.

    How long is the ball actually in play during a days cricket?

    I was one of those people until I watched the Super Bowl from sunday night. Had to watch it over 2 days but I now get to appreciate what goes into the planning for each play etc. Stlll haven't got a clue about 99% of what goes on but not as boring as I thought.
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    The word brexit now getting on my tits.
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    iainment said:

    MrOneLung said:

    How does pretending to like American Football make you cool?

    That's exactly my point. It's the whole thing where people find niche interests and get to them before they become popular to try and look cool. People see American football as one of these so they all come crawling out come superb owl time of year.

    I've got my niche interest - Charlton. That's enough for me. Although it's certainly not cool and I doubt it'll ever be popular.
    I'd love to see a superb owl.
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    LuckyReds said:

    How attractive the Danish are. Men included.

    I wouldn't get a fucking look in if I lived here. I'd be forced to a life of celibacy, and probably come home with a monk.

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