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General things that Annoy you



  • M25

    A2 is much worse... People appear to just about know how to drive on the M25; they dont have a bloody scooby on the A2!!

    Anyone in Central London with an umbrella. Either hold it high so you don't poke other people in the eye or just get wet.

    Shout out to the pricks who have an umbrella so big they could shelter half of London under it!!

    Why cant these people just buy a coat with a hood?
  • Parents who take their kids out of school during term time, then whinge when they get fined and their pathetic excuses to justify it.
  • Diane Abbot throwing a sickie to get out of doing her duty and cast a vote.

    Useless waste of space

    John McDonnell on BBC Breakfast this am, referencing the above- "Look Diane was too unwell to vote", makes me sick to my stomach the obvious bullshit that MP's are happy to come out with, without a blink and folk wonder why the alternatives are getting voted in allover the place

    MP's ain't worth fuck all
  • Steph Mcgovern on BBC Breakfast, Jesus wept
  • Steph Mcgovern on BBC Breakfast, Jesus wept

    "What is the plural for Lynx, is it Lynxes?" said the journalist ffs
  • Mcgovern asking McDonnell about the disproportionate investment in London and 'the South' compared to 'the North'.

    Steph - "When you say 'the North', where do you mean? Because people always say 'the North' rather than specific areas like we tend to do in 'the South'"

    How's it go? Oh the irony....

  • Dianne Abbott

    Winner. Close thread.
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  • Ringing up to speak to someone and the person atr the other end asks whose calling. Their just being nosey bastards.

    Have you never thought that it may be you who's being nosey.....that's why they ask.
    If I don't recognise the voice I always ask who it is before continuing the conversation.
    A very sensible thing to do in this day and age wouldn't you say?
  • edited February 2017

    iaitch said:

    Dianne Abbott

    Dianne Abbott once claimed that Chairman Mao did "more good than harm".

    Mao killed 78 million people.
    Think she said that on a show with Michael Portillo sitting next to her, Portillo nearly pissed himself laughing at her statement.
    I find it hard that anyone takes anything she says seriously and how she's got to where she is is beyond me. She gets everything arse about face
    I think quite a few of us could answer that question...........but it ain't allowed!
  • Steph Mcgovern on BBC Breakfast, Jesus wept

    Would ya?
  • Steph Mcgovern on BBC Breakfast, Jesus wept

    Would ya?
    Well put it this way, if she wanted to, there ain't much a lot if blokes could do about it.

    Me? Yeah I would, as long as she didn't talk throughout the whole 1.5 minutes
  • This whole Diane Abbot shirking the vote thing - I genuinely can't believe this story hasn't got bigger. MP's, regardless of their party or the topic, should be made to vote on these things. How she got away with this, be it genuine or not, is outrageous imo.

    It's the sort of thing kids do when they're trying to get out of taking an exam or something.

    Just found out she ways actually in the Commons the day of the vote but went home! Not rushed to hospital, went home ffs

    Was there until about 5pm apparently. It's a terrible example to set. I'm guessing she wanted to vote not to trigger article 50, but her position in the party and Corbyn's instruction to vote to trigger it left her with the weak 'oh I'm sick' excuse.

    I agree with you, shocking behaviour
  • The tart with spectacles on Saturday kitchen. Who is this weedy man and his creepy presentation
  • Apparently she was on the lash the night before so either she shirked the vote on purpose or she had a hangover. Not sure which one is worse.
  • edited February 2017
    Fiiish said:

    Apparently she was on the lash the night before so either she shirked the vote on purpose or she had a hangover. Not sure which one is worse.

    I have no doubt it was a deliberate swerve of the vote and not a hangover.

    Disgraceful - deliberately avoiding doing what you are both voted in to do and paid for.

    She should resign, but obvioualy won't.
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  • The way Arsene Wenger pronounces the word 'quality'
  • Steph Mcgovern on BBC Breakfast, Jesus wept

    She always sets my day off on the wrong foot, I'm not entirely sure how she's got her job - she's absolutely useless.
  • LuckyReds said:

    Steph Mcgovern on BBC Breakfast, Jesus wept

    She always sets my day off on the wrong foot, I'm not entirely sure how she's got her job - she's absolutely useless.
    To be fair to her, I didn't think she were too bad as busines reporter (thick accent aside), but news anchor? No no no no no no no
  • Short corners.
  • BBC Countryfile not knowing the difference between Greylag and Pinkfooted Geese.
  • People who throw rubbish on the floor despite there being a bin in plain sight.This lazy little scrote at the bus stop unwrapped a chocolate bar and just threw the wrapper on the floor with a bin two foot away.

    About three years ago when I was teaching in Kidbrooke, I was on break duty and happened to look towards a boy who was chatting to his mates in the playground while eating crisps. He finished the crisps, looked around as if checking to see if he was being watched, then dropped the bag on the floor. I went up and asked why he dropped it and he seemed genuinely bemused. Like he couldn't fathom that he'd done anything wrong. I asked why he didn't just put it in the bin, so he picked it up and started looking around for one. There was one right behind him - he'd been leaning on it the whole time.
    It's at these times that teachers want to shout "For fuck's sake, what is the fucking matter with you, you fucking idiot?" But we bite our tongues. Suffice to say, by the end of break, he was pretty bloody aware of how idiotic I find littering to be.
    I'd say it's just kids and kids can be thoughtless, but adults need to set the example. And lots of them don't.
    I have similar conversations with adults on the estates I manage in Hackney. I am then sometimes subject to volleys of verbal abuse.
    I like it when they then come in for their estate parking permit. ;-)
  • Ringing up to speak to someone and the person atr the other end asks whose calling. Their just being nosey bastards.

    Have you never thought that it may be you who's being nosey.....that's why they ask.
    If I don't recognise the voice I always ask who it is before continuing the conversation.
    A very sensible thing to do in this day and age wouldn't you say?
    At work we have to ask. If we don't we could be giving private info to anyone. Shit would hit fan then.
  • Johnny Vegas
  • Ringing up to speak to someone and the person atr the other end asks whose calling. Their just being nosey bastards.

    Have you never thought that it may be you who's being nosey.....that's why they ask.
    If I don't recognise the voice I always ask who it is before continuing the conversation.
    A very sensible thing to do in this day and age wouldn't you say?
    The most bizarre response to a post i have written.... I ring people wetherr business or pleadure because i am nosey
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