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    I'm going to get slammed for this but disappointed we can't have any politics threads on here anymore. Completely understand why, but I studied politics at uni and I genuinely find it in interesting. Latest developments re: Brexit would be good to discuss/debate.
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    Who is going to be first to update the argument alert thread?
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    edited February 2017
    cabbles said:

    I'm going to get slammed for this but disappointed we can't have any politics threads on here anymore. Completely understand why, but I studied politics at uni and I genuinely find it in interesting. Latest developments re: Brexit would be good to discuss/debate.

    Could get political on the Floyd Road Mural thread. Turns out the mural is a piece of socialist art. Wait till some people find they have enjoyed some socialism. For some the shock will be like waking up alongside Diane Abbott.
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    cabbles said:

    I'm going to get slammed for this but disappointed we can't have any politics threads on here anymore. Completely understand why, but I studied politics at uni and I genuinely find it in interesting. Latest developments re: Brexit would be good to discuss/debate.

    Discuss, yes. Debate, no. Far too many snowflakes on here who think disagreement means personal offence.
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    edited February 2017
    Fumbluff said:

    LuckyReds said:

    How attractive the Danish are. Men included.

    I wouldn't get a fucking look in if I lived here. I'd be forced to a life of celibacy, and probably come home with a monk.

    I'm glad that was an okay post.

    I've been sitting on tenterhooks for about 4 days now, unable to get beyond the thought of "I really hope that the self deprecating joke I made about not being good looking enough to pull in Denmark was okay.".

    I was worried when it got about 3 pages behind that it may have slipped under the radar, alas - fortunately it was unable to elude your keen eye.
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    edited February 2017

    cabbles said:

    I'm going to get slammed for this but disappointed we can't have any politics threads on here anymore. Completely understand why, but I studied politics at uni and I genuinely find it in interesting. Latest developments re: Brexit would be good to discuss/debate.

    Could get political on the Floyd Road Mural thread. Turns out the mural is a piece of socialist art. Wait till some people find they have enjoyed some socialism. For some the shock will be like waking up alongside Diane Abbott.
    It's pretty obvious it's 'socialist art', all them types of murals all over London are
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    Still not knowing why NLA and Goonerhater got banned.

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    Still not knowing why NLA and Goonerhater got banned.


    I don't think they were banned. They "voluntarily" chose to not post, as an indication of good faith, as the police were getting involved.
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    cabbles said:

    I'm going to get slammed for this but disappointed we can't have any politics threads on here anymore. Completely understand why, but I studied politics at uni and I genuinely find it in interesting. Latest developments re: Brexit would be good to discuss/debate.

    Could get political on the Floyd Road Mural thread. Turns out the mural is a piece of socialist art. Wait till some people find they have enjoyed some socialism. For some the shock will be like waking up alongside Diane Abbott.
    It's pretty obvious it's 'socialist art', all them types of murals all over London are
    Naturally. Being artistic requires one to have a soul... :wink:
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    cabbles said:

    I'm going to get slammed for this but disappointed we can't have any politics threads on here anymore. Completely understand why, but I studied politics at uni and I genuinely find it in interesting. Latest developments re: Brexit would be good to discuss/debate.

    Could get political on the Floyd Road Mural thread. Turns out the mural is a piece of socialist art. Wait till some people find they have enjoyed some socialism. For some the shock will be like waking up alongside Diane Abbott.
    It's pretty obvious it's 'socialist art', all them types of murals all over London are
    Naturally. Being artistic requires one to have a soul... :wink:
    and be a commie.
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    edited February 2017
    Housemate (who still isn't over his ex who dumped him over a year ago) getting serious relationship envy when my girlfriend came to visit for the weekend 2 weeks ago. Refused to talk to us. Had a go at us for talking in the kitchen when we were cooking and then started bitching about us to other people. Continuing to be a grumpy bastard for the following two weeks and now going off on one when I say she's coming down for the weekend again.

    Like seriously she arrives midday Saturday and leaves about 6pm Sunday. I still go to cricket training with him and the boys on Saturdays. We don't usually go out on weekends anyways as it's a student town. She mixes with my other housemates and we all have a laugh it's not like we lock ourselves in my room when she comes. If anything she makes me more sociable.

    I will add that she has come down for a weekend roughly twice a month since September and he's only just had add problem.

    Ohh and my other housemate had his girlfriend here for 2 weeks when she was off work and he didn't have add problem.

    Ohh and he is already the least considerate housemate when it comes to noise/using other people's stuff/ eating other people's food. So he can't complain about any of those (not that we did them).
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    Sounds like he fancies her, would it be completely out of the question to get him involved in your nocturnal activities?

    100% out of the question! Lol
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    Housemate (who still isn't over his ex who dumped him over a year ago) getting serious relationship envy when my girlfriend came to visit for the weekend 2 weeks ago. Refused to talk to us. Had a go at us for talking in the kitchen when we were cooking and then started bitching about us to other people. Continuing to be a grumpy bastard for the following two weeks and now going off on one when I say she's coming down for the weekend again.

    Like seriously she arrives midday Saturday and leaves about 6pm Sunday. I still go to cricket training with him and the boys on Saturdays. We don't usually go out on weekends anyways as it's a student town. She mixes with my other housemates and we all have a laugh it's not like we lock ourselves in my room when she comes. If anything she makes me more sociable.

    I will add that she has come down for a weekend roughly twice a month since September and he's only just had add problem.

    Ohh and my other housemate had his girlfriend here for 2 weeks when she was off work and he didn't have add problem.

    Ohh and he is already the least considerate housemate when it comes to noise/using other people's stuff/ eating other people's food. So he can't complain about any of those (not that we did them).

    I would advise you to get a new housemate. Failing that, next time your girlfriend stays over, bang her as much as you can until the miserable fucker gets the hint & fucks off out!!
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    Sounds like he fancies her, would it be completely out of the question to get him involved in your nocturnal activities?

    100% out of the question! Lol
    Fair enough, what about me?

    Just kidding mate, does sound like he is jealous though.
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    Housemate (who still isn't over his ex who dumped him over a year ago) getting serious relationship envy when my girlfriend came to visit for the weekend 2 weeks ago. Refused to talk to us. Had a go at us for talking in the kitchen when we were cooking and then started bitching about us to other people. Continuing to be a grumpy bastard for the following two weeks and now going off on one when I say she's coming down for the weekend again.

    Like seriously she arrives midday Saturday and leaves about 6pm Sunday. I still go to cricket training with him and the boys on Saturdays. We don't usually go out on weekends anyways as it's a student town. She mixes with my other housemates and we all have a laugh it's not like we lock ourselves in my room when she comes. If anything she makes me more sociable.

    I will add that she has come down for a weekend roughly twice a month since September and he's only just had add problem.

    Ohh and my other housemate had his girlfriend here for 2 weeks when she was off work and he didn't have add problem.

    Ohh and he is already the least considerate housemate when it comes to noise/using other people's stuff/ eating other people's food. So he can't complain about any of those (not that we did them).

    Is his ex your new missus?
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    People who talk about others behind their backs will generally find themselves with no friends anyway since if he's doing it about you then he's probably doing it about others too. You find snakes in the grass and grass gets cut.
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    The thing is. Before this we were really good mates. The closest of everyone in the house. He even came to a protest game with me a while back despite not being a Charlton fan.

    He never had a problem before but since the last time he's been a twat. I thought he might have felt left out so I've gone out of my way to do stuff with him since. Brought him beers etc and he's carried on being and twat.

    It's got the the point that she doesn't want to come down this weekend when we were planning on going out for our valentines day meal (don't really celebrate it much other than a meal. She's out the country on the actual day) because he has made her feel like she's intruding.
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    cabbles said:

    I'm going to get slammed for this but disappointed we can't have any politics threads on here anymore. Completely understand why, but I studied politics at uni and I genuinely find it in interesting. Latest developments re: Brexit would be good to discuss/debate.

    Could get political on the Floyd Road Mural thread. Turns out the mural is a piece of socialist art. Wait till some people find they have enjoyed some socialism. For some the shock will be like waking up alongside Diane Abbott.
    It's pretty obvious it's 'socialist art', all them types of murals all over London are
    Naturally. Being artistic requires one to have a soul... :wink:
    Needs summin coz the paintings are fuckin shit
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    The thing is. Before this we were really good mates. The closest of everyone in the house. He even came to a protest game with me a while back despite not being a Charlton fan.

    He never had a problem before but since the last time he's been a twat. I thought he might have felt left out so I've gone out of my way to do stuff with him since. Brought him beers etc and he's carried on being and twat.

    It's got the the point that she doesn't want to come down this weekend when we were planning on going out for our valentines day meal (don't really celebrate it much other than a meal. She's out the country on the actual day) because he has made her feel like she's intruding.

    That's really bad.

    Next time you're at cricket practice, put him in the nets then start chucking head high bowls at him, see if he confesses why he's being a tart.
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    edited February 2017

    The thing is. Before this we were really good mates. The closest of everyone in the house. He even came to a protest game with me a while back despite not being a Charlton fan.

    He never had a problem before but since the last time he's been a twat. I thought he might have felt left out so I've gone out of my way to do stuff with him since. Brought him beers etc and he's carried on being and twat.

    It's got the the point that she doesn't want to come down this weekend when we were planning on going out for our valentines day meal (don't really celebrate it much other than a meal. She's out the country on the actual day) because he has made her feel like she's intruding.

    I've known a few people like this. People that can't stand to see other people happy just because they're not. As harsh as it sounds, in all honesty I tend to cut those types of people out of my life cause otherwise they end up dragging you down with them.
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    The thing is. Before this we were really good mates. The closest of everyone in the house. He even came to a protest game with me a while back despite not being a Charlton fan.

    He never had a problem before but since the last time he's been a twat. I thought he might have felt left out so I've gone out of my way to do stuff with him since. Brought him beers etc and he's carried on being and twat.

    It's got the the point that she doesn't want to come down this weekend when we were planning on going out for our valentines day meal (don't really celebrate it much other than a meal. She's out the country on the actual day) because he has made her feel like she's intruding.

    Take her to Oldham instead - everyone wins
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