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General things that Annoy you



  • The constant buzzing and vibrating from my dialysis fistula keeping me awake all night

    You've got a fisting machine?
    A bloke has needs mate, got told it would take care of the piles, but I ain't put it down since and the piles went over a week ago
  • When the dishwasher tablet doesn't come out the tray, and so the food is heat cured into the crockery and cutlery. The tablet then makes a last ditch bid for freedom and lies in the bottom of the dishwasher like E.T. when he was in the ditch. It then crumbles when you try to retrieve it
  • Dishwashers. What's wrong with Fairy liquid and a bit of elbow grease?
  • Dishwashers. What's wrong with Fairy liquid and a bit of elbow grease?

    Two things, elbow grease and Fairy Liquid. So third world.
    I hate washing up and could never do it as well as a machine.
  • Dishwashers. What's wrong with Fairy liquid and a bit of elbow grease?

    Two things, elbow grease and Fairy Liquid. So third world.
    I hate washing up and could never do it as well as a machine.
    Dont you have a wife for those things?
  • Dishwashers. What's wrong with Fairy liquid and a bit of elbow grease?

    Two things, elbow grease and Fairy Liquid. So third world.
    I hate washing up and could never do it as well as a machine.
    Dont you have a wife for those things?
    That's his nickname for her.
  • Dishwashers. What's wrong with Fairy liquid and a bit of elbow grease?

    Two things, elbow grease and Fairy Liquid. So third world.
    I hate washing up and could never do it as well as a machine.
    Dont you have a wife for those things?
    That's his nickname for her.
    Its ok for you two to be brave but I'm the one who has live with her. If I started calling her names it would be very likely I would have to learn how to use the kettle, toaster and all those other kitchen appliances that are traditionally the domain of women and a mystery to men.
  • When you stop in your car and your view of traffic coming from the right is obscured by a well established bush.

    You have to edge out at the same time as leaning forward but your seat belt won't loosen at the top and you end up rocking backwards and forwards in an effort to try and release it, making yourself look like a mad man behind the wheel in the process.
  • Trying to untangle fairy lights.
  • When there was is no possible diagram or chart that can explain a concept but you have to explain it on a poster.

    How the fuck am I supposed to do that without using loads of words and therefore making it look shite.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Infact scrap that last one.

    People that think they will try and be 'modern' and so decide posters is the best way to judge someones understanding of a complex economic concept.
  • FORD said:

    Nothing in life annoys me more than those council toilet push taps where you have to push the top to start the water and then as soon as you attempt to wash your hands they switch off.

    What nutcase invented those crazy do I was my hands properly with them?

    Thankfully they are dying out but you still encounter them every now and then in old council toilets.

    And on the trains.
  • LuckyReds said:

    Today I'm one of those wankers commuting with hand luggage on wheels, albeit because the company I'm working for can't be assed booking decent flights - and are miking me for every second they can.

    But.. why would ANYONE choose to commute like this? I gave up with wheels and I'm carrying the fecker by the handle. Yet I still see people wheeling their shit along.

    You constantly worry about tripping people up. It's a hassle to drag when compared to over the shoulder. Nobody needs that much storage for sitting in an office. You feel reluctant to squeeze on trains and stuff because its impractical; Ive skipped two trains and a tube FFS.

    I now think that people who take luggage to work are bigger tossers than I did before. I kinda expected to get a bit of sympathy for the gits.

    Luggage wankers
  • The bellowing out of women's daytime tele in the background when I'm working from home
  • The bellowing out of women's daytime tele in the background when I'm working from home

    Handy tip if you want a telly to be quiet.

    1) Start a phone conversation in a different room on a cordless telephone.

    2) Walk into the room with the telly in it.

    3) Turn off the telly.

    4) Sit on the sofa, wait for everyone else to leave.

    Works every time for certain members of my family.
  • I'd just throw it out the window, but it keeps her quiet. Best of 2 evils
  • Sponsored links:

  • I cannot stand anyone who enjoys watersports. Particularly surfing.
  • The lack of water skiing coverage on the TV these days.
  • edited December 2016
    Vets that appear to booking their holidays or buying a car on the strength of my dogs visit. Operation to remove benign lump on Baileys back.
    Vet one.... £1100
    Vet two.....£900
    Vet three.....£300 neg and we sit down and do what is right for the dog not what suits the vet.
  • FORD said:

    Nothing in life annoys me more than those council toilet push taps where you have to push the top to start the water and then as soon as you attempt to wash your hands they switch off.

    What nutcase invented those crazy do I was my hands properly with them?

    Thankfully they are dying out but you still encounter them every now and then in old council toilets.
  • T.C.E said:

    Vets that appear to booking their holidays or buying a car on the strength of my dogs visit. Operation to remove benign lump on Baileys back.
    Vet one.... £1100
    Vet two.....£900
    Vet three.....£300 neg and we sit down and do what is right for the dog not what suits the vet.

    This, this, this.
    My local vets have all their surgery signs carved out of metal plate, it must of cost a fortune, they've just had a massive extension to the surgery, all paid for by me (probably)!
  • Creepyaddick not being allowed to go to football on boxing day... :wink:
  • People who get pets and then complain about the vets bill! ;)

    If you're getting an animal at least do your research first! :p
  • People who get pets and then complain about the vets bill! ;)

    If you're getting an animal at least do your research first! :p

    Brilliant comedy.
  • Greenie said:

    People who get pets and then complain about the vets bill! ;)

    If you're getting an animal at least do your research first! :p

    Brilliant comedy.
    Ohh I see the fashion police has rebranded as the comedy police.
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