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General things that Annoy you



  • A parrot?
  • Parakeet maybe? Hundreds of the things everywhere
  • A parrot?

    I think technically it was a parakeet but definitely not a sparrow

  • Loads of parakeets round Greenwich park.

    I thought for a second you were talking about a full on dead Parrot. Like the cat had nicked it off the next door neighbour and they were going to come round and complain.

    This parrot, it's dead, etc.

    Still, I don't have cats so I don't have so much a problem with dead animals left as presents. Only one of the two tiny dogs had ever caught anything (fucking lazy ratters they are) and that was a baby squirrel.

    Nice of him to savage it in front of the neighbours though.
  • I'm sure someone on here once said their cat brought home a whole cooked, hot, roast chicken. Our cat has got neighbour's guinea pigs and rabbits... It had no teeth fortunately (it failed in its attempt to bring in a car) so merely sucked them. I still had to climb through thorn bushes to save them.
  • Fair play to your cat.

    They should count themselves lucky they don't live next to a cat with teeth.
  • My wife told me that when she lived at home, she was woken up by a banging downstairs. When she went down to check it out, her cat was trying to bring a seagull through the catflap.

    One of our cats was dragging a fucking massive great big albatross type of bird up the drive a few years ago. It was alive but not in a good way, went to examine it and see if it could be saved or if it needed to be euthanised to find it didn't have a beak on. The savage cat had de-beaked this poor bird. I had to put it out of its misery (the seagul) we've also had sloworms, rats, voles, mice, a selection of birds including this seagul and a couple of crows/magpies, frogs, toads and for a period of time we got brought single socks I'm assuming from a neighbours washing line
  • That's why I have so many single socks. Bastard cats how do they get in the tumble dryer?
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  • Parakeet maybe? Hundreds of the things everywhere

    They're on the general licence, of at least they were. As long as you can show that you've used all mean at your disposal to prevent them from damaging property etc, you can shoot em.
  • Just reading Danny the Champion of the world to my son at the minute, do those poaching tricks for pheasants work does anyone know?

    Number 1 - thread horse hair through a raisin and when the bird swallows it it just stands still trying to cough the thing up

    Number 2 - make a paper cup, put glue on the edges and put it in the ground. Put raisins in the bottom and a line of raisins to the cup. Peck peck peck, paper hat glued over its eyes, doesn't move....

  • Just reading Danny the Champion of the world to my son at the minute, do those poaching tricks for pheasants work does anyone know?

    Number 1 - thread horse hair through a raisin and when the bird swallows it it just stands still trying to cough the thing up

    Number 2 - make a paper cup, put glue on the edges and put it in the ground. Put raisins in the bottom and a line of raisins to the cup. Peck peck peck, paper hat glued over its eyes, doesn't move....

    Probably would work, but you can't beat getting your self permission and a 12 bore.

    Poacher scum of the earth, that Danny weren't no champion is was a criminal just like his no good dad.

    Scrap reading your lad that mate and read him Kes, great book.
  • A parrot?

    I think technically it was a parakeet but definitely not a sparrow

    Are you sure it didn't suffocate in that massive plastic bag you put the poor bugger in?
  • A parrot?

    I think technically it was a parakeet but definitely not a sparrow

    Did you have it with chips or salad?
  • Teenaged lads doing wheelies on their bicycles on the main road. I was driving along Shooters Hill Road near the footbridge and there were these lads on their push bikes and one lad about 14 or 15 did a wheely in quite heavy traffic going towards Sun in the Sands.

    My message to him is... "Would you Mother approve of you doing this mate?". He knows full well she wouldn't and I very much doubt he will tell her. If she saw him, she would seriously tell him off.

    Really? I see a kid living his life and being a kid.
  • CATS. (Leave those birds alone)
  • Cats, foxes and dogs. I hate them with a passion.
    Ruining my front garden with their vile habits.
  • edited October 2016

    My wife told me that when she lived at home, she was woken up by a banging downstairs. When she went down to check it out, her cat was trying to bring a seagull through the catflap.

    Is nobody else going to complain about @DaveMehmet posting about his wife, "banging downstairs", pussies and catflaps without even the merest hint of a snigger?
    I expect a lot better from you dirty buggers.

    This place has gone right down the pan.
  • CATS. (Leave those birds alone)

    Wasn't that a Pink Floyd song ?
  • Sponsored links:

  • Cats, foxes and doggers. I hate them with a passion.
    Ruining my front garden with their vile habits.

  • Cats, foxes and doggers. I hate them with a passion.
    Ruining my wifes lady garden with their vile habits.

  • edited October 2016
    the constant barrage of people blaming card mainly on facebook for the for the position were in. jokers.
  • Using a new can of deodorant.

    The first spray leaves your armpits looking like a bad case of dandruff with white detritus falling all around you until you get your shirt on.
  • Greenie said:

    Teenaged lads doing wheelies on their bicycles on the main road. I was driving along Shooters Hill Road near the footbridge and there were these lads on their push bikes and one lad about 14 or 15 did a wheely in quite heavy traffic going towards Sun in the Sands.

    My message to him is... "Would you Mother approve of you doing this mate?". He knows full well she wouldn't and I very much doubt he will tell her. If she saw him, she would seriously tell him off.

    Really? I see a kid living his life and being a kid.
    P'raps as Curbs might say but that life won't last long if he continues like that.
  • Will there be snow this Christmas?
  • Fiiish said:

    This shite about hijacking months for vanity reasons

    eg Stoptober, Say No November, Dry January. Octsober etc.

    If you want to stop drinking or smoking then good for you. Don't waste valuable oxygen banging on about it though.

    It gives people a time and date to start working towards their goals... what is say no November though?

    Stoptober - Quit Smoking
    Dryuary - quit drinking
    Octsober - quit drinking

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