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General things that Annoy you



  • I wished I’d kept the exact chronology of this, but sadly I didn’t.

    Anyway some 6-7 weeks ago a car crashed into this pillar box which at the time also had the postman’s utility box attached. The utility box and the car were quite badly damaged and someone helpfully later arrived on site and encased the box and the car in sticky tape, warning the public that there had been an accident. Really?

    A few days later the car was removed and the remnants of the sticky tape wound around the pillar box.

    A week or so later another team arrived to remove the utility box from the pillar box and I’m guessing that the sticky tape had to be rearranged again.

    A few days ago (many weeks after the original accident) the piece de resistance. Another team has arrived and erected the barrier guards around the pillar box. This is a blessed relief to all concerned. It is very confusing for pedestrians to approach a pillar box that is at 45 degrees. Now at least we know that no man must walk through, enter or straddle this box.

    FFS I can see no damage to the box. Two men and one shovel could get it reinstated in about five minutes flat.

    That's Roland for you. He never does anything properly when there's an opportunity to play with some tape.
  • McBobbin said:

    Hysterical parents who think that only they fully understand the dangers if the world, wrap their kids in cotton wool and then lecture you to suggest you are putting your kids in mortal danger... I'm fact, anyone who doesn't properly understand risk.

    Example... I left my kids in their car seats and went to get a parking ticket. Not sure how it came into the conversation but someone I barely know had a right go, saying I'd neglected the kids leaving them in the car... she took her kids with her at all time so she could see them and what if a car crashed into my parked car etc.... call me Mr irresponsible but surely the kids are in far more danger in a carpark? And surely the home is the most dangerous place at all. What annoyed me more was the nerve of the woman

    What would have happened had a car come round the corner with the driver paying no attention... Wiping out the kids in the middle of the road, yes the mother would have been keeping an eye on them but there would be nothing she could do to stop them being hit.

    Yes she could say that you neglected your kids by leaving them in the car and yes a car could have hit your car but all they'd have felt was a jolt resulting in a bit of potential whiplash... Also being locked in the car meant that no one could snatch them!!

    Dont really think your Mr Irresponsible in the slightest... You probably took the safest route!!
    Cheers... that was certainly my opinion. Not that it got me anywhere
  • not paying attention and sending an email to a woman called virginia,

    dear vagina.

  • McBobbin said:

    Hysterical parents who think that only they fully understand the dangers if the world, wrap their kids in cotton wool and then lecture you to suggest you are putting your kids in mortal danger... I'm fact, anyone who doesn't properly understand risk.

    Example... I left my kids in their car seats and went to get a parking ticket. Not sure how it came into the conversation but someone I barely know had a right go, saying I'd neglected the kids leaving them in the car... she took her kids with her at all time so she could see them and what if a car crashed into my parked car etc.... call me Mr irresponsible but surely the kids are in far more danger in a carpark? And surely the home is the most dangerous place at all. What annoyed me more was the nerve of the woman

    You should of told her to be careful of the big yellow thing in the sky, it might fall out....
    Its amazing the human race has survived this long.
  • Used Car Salesmen FFS
    Me ...My offer of 5.5k + my car for your 12k motor or we are wasting each others time!
    Salesman... We operate on quick turn over small profit margins...
    Me...... No problem, business is business. Thanks anyway........
    Salesman..... Are you interested in buying the car?
    Me..... I was, but you want to sell me your car at your price and and buy mine at your valuation and thats not happening!
    Salesman.... So whats your best price?
  • Fumbluff said:

    My table being on the glass mezzanine at Bunyadi's

    My table on the ground level, below the glass mezzanine! :(
  • Sponsored links:

  • Not knowing what a Bunyadi is...
  • Not knowing what a Bunyadi is...

    It's probably for the best mate.
  • I can already see it now, my boss saying 'if we are on to hit target we can knock off 30mims early to watch England vs Wales next Thursday'

    How many other sales floor will have their line managers put in place such a wanky incentive all over the nation I wonder. It really wouldn't surprise me
  • cabbles said:

    I can already see it now, my boss saying 'if we are on to hit target we can knock off 30mims early to watch England vs Wales next Thursday'

    How many other sales floor will have their line managers put in place such a wanky incentive all over the nation I wonder. It really wouldn't surprise me

    My boss is laying on the fizzy pop and Pringles in the meeting room... you can watch but it comes out your flexitime (fair enough I suppose)
  • People who leave sales stickers on the soles of their newly bought shoes.
  • Eddie Izzard looking like a French tart on Question Time
  • Eddie Izzard
  • Eddie Izzard
  • That if you want to vote out you are linked with the unholy trio of Johnson, Farage and Gove.
  • edited June 2016
  • Sponsored links:

  • Adults on scooters. Grow the fuck up.
  • A few England fans acting like cocks in France. Media all over it in a flash. Was always gonna happen but still irritates me.
  • edited June 2016
    People who come up to you in the office to ask a question and you can tell they haven't brushed their teeth by the stench emitting from their mouths. if you can get in the office for 8am on a Friday I'm sure you can spare 2 minutes to have a quick brush.
  • Not the same as Saulc23 yet my electric toothbrush is being a right nuisance at the moment, got a new brush head for it and within days the bristles are being pulled out... Means I'm trying to brush my teeth and having to pick out bits of bristles at the same time
  • People who think the train is an extension of their kitchen.

    Im currently battling off a bout of tonsillitis. I keep gagging on the swelling/gunk at the back of my throat. My head feels a bit sensitive and I keep coming over in hot spells. Needless to say, I left for work a bit later to avoid being crushed in a packed carriage.

    Instead, I'm now left sitting opposite someone who thinks it's acceptable to be eating fuck-knows-what for breakfast, like an animal spilling some gloopy caramel shit all over a copy of the metro.

    It looks like a toastie but has a disgusting sickly sweet smell to it, it fucking reaks and is making me want to spew all over the table. To make matters worse, the train is unbearably slow..
  • Having nothing to do at work

    I've been at a client office for 3 weeks now, the first two weeks was on a project that actually took me 3 days.

    Monday was contract renewal, and confirmation of a 3 week project. I've done it in 3 1/2 days. Success right? Nope...

    Client refuses to allow remote working, despite knowing I'm out of work to do, and as such I'm travelling to their office to sit at an empty table, in a room full of people I don't know, just to twiddle my thumbs until 6pm.. Whilst I feel like death warmed up.
  • Just seen the England vs Wales game is at 2pm. FFS
  • The meme about Switzerland Brexiters keep reposting. Got more holes in it than Swiss cheese.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!