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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Airman said there could be news before the weekend, let’s see what today brings
  • ozziedave said:

    This is my first post and to let you know I've been a Charlton fan for many years all through the Curbishley years and some before. When I was in London many years ago got to see one game at Selhurst Park so that gives you an idea how long its been. I'm really excited it looks as though you may have an Australian ownership soon that can return Charlton to its rightful place in the Premier League. I've read through some of the comments and I think as an AFL fan I can give you an insight into how things are likely to be managed.
    First Andrew Muir owned The Good Guys in Australia which would be the number 2 electrical retailer in Australia. He sold it recently for about 500 million pounds. He is a board member at AFL club Essendon in Melbourne. Essendon are most certainly not my favorite club but to give you an idea have 60.000 members and turnover of 35-40 million pounds per annum.
    Now another thing for you to know is that all AFL clubs are community owned and membership elects the board. This is a structure that these guys are used to and I'm not saying that will be the way it will be if Australians are at the club but this is something the board will be familiar with - a family based and run club. Essendon for instance was founded in 1871.
    Gerard Murphy has also been involved in AFL sports management and I believe has been involved with high performance programs in the AFL. The AFL sports science programs are world class and the current Director of high Performance at Arsenal is from my local AFL club in Adelaide.
    As for a lot of comments about the club becoming a feeder club this has been misunderstood. For a long time there has been an issue in Australian football that our players all want to leave our competition and move to Europe for opportunities and money and the chance to play at a higher level. A lot of the time they will go into European leagues like Belgium, Denmark or Holland find they have no support. Some go while they are a little too young and many find themselves back in Australia and have often stagnated or regressed as a player due to the fact they haven't been playing first team football or have become injured. Australian football/soccer is littered with good players that have left our shores and have not become the players they could or should have been.
    For a number of years the idea of having a club in Europe where our players can move to where they can be better managed has been talked about in Australian football circles. Also with a high population of Australians living in London, a London club has always been a preferred option.
    So one thing that you might expect is that Charlton could become a landing club for Australian players trying their hand in Europe.
    Here's the kind of player who you might find at the club.
    Riley McGee is a player from my local club in Adelaide at the beginning of the year he left on a free transfer to Club Brugges where he did not play within 6 months he was back in Australia on loan to Newcastle in the A League. Riley is 19 years old has already made the Australian National Squad. Here's a link of his scorpion kick goal in A League
    So I think you may be surprised that these guys will bring excellent sports management experience, some money and excellent knowledge to the club.

    Well this has Cheered me up.
    Hopefully they arrive very soon
    any new @Airman Brown
  • Compared with the nightmare we have suffered over the last four years this sounds really positive. I'm in.
  • Loads people wetting themselves now about Kewell and the Aussies are as bad as Roland just because Napa threw the rumour out there again even though it hasn't been mentioned in weeks.

    What do we KNOW for sure?

    1. Roland is a disaster for the club and has no ambition to create a successful team, past or present.

    2. The Aussies are now turning up at Charlton matches and talking to fans. This implies to me that they're 98% towards completing a successful take over of the club.

    3. The Aussies have a stated ambition to reach the Premier League on their own website. Much more ambition for a team than Roland has ever shown.

    What is less clear is why they took so long to meet Roland's asking price. We have no idea if that's because they're skint or equally likely, they don't want to pay Roland's inflated valuations.

    We also have little to no clue on how they plan to recruit players and staff at this stage. Kewell rumours, Aussie youngsters has only ever appeared to me as lazy journalists sticking two and two together to get five.

    Take a chill pill, let this play out over the next couple of weeks and hopefully things will start to look up. Anyone with an ambition to succeed is better than the indifferent Duchatelet.

    I think we can be pretty sure of 1.
    Nothing else matters.
  • I believe Friday is the best day of the week for announcements
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  • I'm a big fan of the fact that this thread has now reached Occam's Razor.

    Lets have the Pareto frontier next please.

  • Just found out i'm going for a beer tomorrow with someone totally unconnected to the takeover.

    I'll keep you posted.

    Interestingly I rarely drink and so am not drinking with anyone related OR unrelated to the transfer this weekend. I am going for lunch at both days so will keep an ear to the ground

    In other news I suspect we'll hear nothing today
  • Loads people wetting themselves now about Kewell and the Aussies are as bad as Roland just because Napa threw the rumour out there again even though it hasn't been mentioned in weeks.

    What do we KNOW for sure?

    1. Roland is a disaster for the club and has no ambition to create a successful team, past or present.

    2. The Aussies are now turning up at Charlton matches and talking to fans. This implies to me that they're 98% towards completing a successful take over of the club.

    3. The Aussies have a stated ambition to reach the Premier League on their own website. Much more ambition for a team than Roland has ever shown.

    What is less clear is why they took so long to meet Roland's asking price. We have no idea if that's because they're skint or equally likely, they don't want to pay Roland's inflated valuations.

    We also have little to no clue on how they plan to recruit players and staff at this stage. Kewell rumours, Aussie youngsters has only ever appeared to me as lazy journalists sticking two and two together to get five.

    Take a chill pill, let this play out over the next couple of weeks and hopefully things will start to look up. Anyone with an ambition to succeed is better than the indifferent Duchatelet.

  • Just found out i'm going for a beer tomorrow with someone totally unconnected to the takeover.

    I'll keep you posted.

    Why do you have a China flag as your avatar?
  • Just found out i'm going for a beer tomorrow with someone totally unconnected to the takeover.

    I'll keep you posted.

    Someone "ITK" you mean?
  • Just found out i'm going for a beer tomorrow with someone totally unconnected to the takeover.

    I'll keep you posted.

    Megan Markle’s dad?
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  • Taxi_Lad said:

    I believe Friday is the best day of the week for announcements

    Not if they are out on the beer with @JamesSeed

    That’s this week scrubbed of the list
  • Mametz said:

    With regard to Charlton becoming an outlet for some aspiring Australians, this could work if handled properly. 60 odd years ago, we were the club of choice for talented South Africans. If we were to recruit players of the calibre of Firmani, Leary and Hewie I won’t be complaining.

    There is certainly a market for players from the Oceania region

    Aaron Mooy | Chris Wood | Matt Ryan are the only players from that area in the Premier League off the top of my head, there surely have to be more players out there, yet is it unpopular for scouting because of the distances? (Surely something that shouldnt be an issue in this age

    Although Man City of course have their toe in the water out in Australia with Melbourne City part of the same ownership
  • Chizz said:

    The big signal as to new owners' intentions, if they're from Australia, is if they develop both a scouting network and an "academy" facility in Australia. If those two developments are announced, it will be a huge indication that Charlton will be looking to maximise potential from Australian footballers.

    Any club in Europe can scout the professional leagues in Australia - and any other country - and lure players that have reached the glass ceiling in that country. The difference will be when a club has its own youth training set up in Australia itself.

    I can see a huge attraction for Aussie kids who are excellent at "soccer" to join a European-run youth set up. For those that make it through the youth ranks, there's a readily-identified route to first team professional football in Europe, ie moving to Charlton at U23 level. It de-risks all the issues around sending players across the world who aren't ready, but who would otherwise "make it".

    Picking up twenty-somethings who haven't been able to attract the attention of bigger clubs doesn't seem to be very exciting, to me. But developing young talent, who are offered a route to first team football in London could be absolutely game-changing.

    To be honest, Australian players in their mid-20's and older would probably not be looking at playing League One when they can get paid large salaries in China, Japan, Saudi Arabia and UAE. Either that or they'd stay in Australia.
    What I'm talking about is younger players teens and early 20's that have played A league and are looking for a better league and have the chance to play EPL like Ryan and Mooy. They would like to go to a club that have a support network and that can develop them as a player. There are still a few A League wonderkids that went to the Bundesligua and have ended up playing in the Danish League instead.
  • For those who dont have twitter...

    Airman Brown: "Aussies expect to complete #cafc takeover in next two to three weeks maximum, depending on timescale for EFL approval."
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!