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Members of East Kent Addicks to meet KM and other Senior Club personnel at 1.00 on Sat 27 August

edited August 2016 in General Charlton

I'm sure John Commberford won't mind me posting this on here as I'm sure Bromley Addicks will get a similar invite soon.

"Dear Member,

All Members of East Kent Addicks have been invited to meet Katrien Meire and other Senior Club Personnel in the North Stand at the Valley from 1.00pm on Saturday 27th August, 2016 prior to the Bolton game. The intention is for those in attendance to address their questions to the Club in a respectful way to enable a free and valuable exchange of views. Refreshments will be provided.

It is appreciated that a number of our Members travel to Charlton via the Valley Express Service and the Club have agreed to provide an additional coach departing from Ashford at 11.30am and Faversham at 11.50am. Priority to travel on this extra coach will be given to Valley Express Season Ticket Holders and those who regularly utilise the Valley Express Service with the normal match-day price of £11 applying. It should be stressed that there are no restrictions in attending this event for those who travel independently to the Valley.

Whilst this invitation has been extended by C.A.F.C. to all East Kent Addicks Members, those wishing to attend must reserve their place in advance by contacting East Kent Addicks either by email at or by telephoning #############. Please note that admission will be restricted solely to those who meet this criteria and that there can be no exceptions.

Those wishing to travel via the additional Valley Express Service should also contact East Kent Addicks, who will liaise with the Club to make the necessary arrangements.

Kindest regards,

East Kent Addicks."



  • Will the SMT only answer pre vetted questions..??
  • I presume that other supporters groups have had similar letters?
  • If there's anyone that a group should speak to it should be the owner of the club.
    How about set up and demand a Q&A event with Roland himself.

    Don't let her parade it as meeting the fans when all she will want to do is discuss the family fun day and whether or not coaches have been on time so far.

    Has there ever actually been a chance for fans to meet Roland?
  • edited August 2016
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  • edited August 2016
    bellz2002 said:

    Can I ask that John's mobile number be removed from the opening post please? I'm sure he wouldn't want it posted on a public forum.

    In addition, it does give supporters a chance to speak their views to KM and SMT. I believe it is fair to give supporters that chance.
    Yes their views may get shouted down or declined but it will at least be heard.

    What comes out of it we shall see however it's worthwhile imo purely for supporters to get the chance to put their points across.

    And where has that got us so far? I think we need to maintain a united front here and follow the lead of CAST otherwise divided we fall. Neville Chamberlain waving his piece of paper springs immediately to mind. Just my opinion like.
  • bellz2002 said:

    Can I ask that John's mobile number be removed from the opening post please? I'm sure he wouldn't want it posted on a public forum.

    In addition, it does give supporters a chance to speak their views to KM and SMT. I believe it is fair to give supporters that chance.
    Yes their views may get shouted down or declined but it will at least be heard.

    What comes out of it we shall see however it's worthwhile imo purely for supporters to get the chance to put their points across.

    Like the email address they set up?

    Or the fans forum?

    Or the VIP Q&A?
  • You ain't seen me, right!
  • edited August 2016
    First and foremost

    Dialogue should never cease, it should always be the vehicle used to drive change

    It also allows the person from CAFC who attends the opportunity to be held to account if statements or commitment to work together are given to improve our current plight

    This allows them to break that promise or commitment

    We all know that people have lied that people continue to lie

    Keep allowing them to do so, let them keep lying

  • Personally I believe the opportunity of dialogue should not be rejected but if it is to be a meeting around a table the first action should be to place a tape recorder in the centre. I only wish my own branch had not folded as it would have been a pleasure to speak with KM and SMT whoever they are to hear what they have to say.
  • How do I join and do I have to pay to get into The Valley / go to the game afterwards please.
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  • edited August 2016
    Of course it is, but it will still be interesting to see a transcript of the questions and answers. If they are not challenging, it will be damning, and if they are it will be interesting.
  • You won't hear anything from East Kent addicks not a word
  • Kick her up the arse from me. Ta
  • Look her in the eye and you'll be turned to stone !

    Don't say I didn't warn you.
  • You won't hear anything from East Kent addicks not a word

    True, like the Masons they are. They will keep schutm after lapping up the SMT's lies.

    Personally, I think they should politely refuse the invitation, tell the Club they have had two years to listen to the fans and haven't, so all we want is for Roland to sell up and go. Or, if people do go, tell them that at the start then walk out en masse. Support the team NOT the regime.
  • edited August 2016
    Can you join now and go? Would be funny for her to turn up to a routine self-promoting PR exercise only to be asked what Roland's penis tastes like, have you been treated for the clap, is Nabby Sarr a good shag etc. Anyone going should just ridicule her as it has gotten to the point where noone should believe a single word she says, so dialog is pointless.
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Roland Out Forever!