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Members of East Kent Addicks to meet KM and other Senior Club personnel at 1.00 on Sat 27 August



  • I have never considered applying to join East Kent Addicks, largely because I don't live in East Kent. I do feel that they have probably been selected as a group that might not give the CEO too much of a hard time. Rightly or wrongly! I wouldn't want the meeting to be toxic, but it would be disapointing if the questions were not sufficiently challenging and if they are and it was felt they have have not been answered, the questioner says as much. Given the short duration, it must make sense for an approach to be co-ordinated by EKA which might give you all a chance to discuss over a pint or two anyway.

    Whatever people's views, there is currently an unprecedented crisis in our club and one that cannot be ignored or swept under the carpet!

    If squirrel face wants to meet various fan groups, I post on both ITTV and Not606 and am going to insist on meetings with them.

    Meire will have heart failure when certain individuals greet her!
  • The club has it's website,Twitter, Facebook, and email lists to communicate their messages.

    They have taken the micky, lied and deceived us fans for a couple of years now all while taking money from us to aid their farcical destruction of our club.

    Now I can't speak for anyone else but for god sake have some pride.

    They are not going to let a crowd dictate a meeting on their patch. You will get a twenty minute lecture on how well they have streamlined the business, how they have learnt from past "mistakes " and (just to massage the egos in the room), how you the supporters are the life blood of the club.
    No doubt there will then be a section on the future players, the academy followed by the great work they do in the community.
    After all that , " any quick questions, we have a game to go to, so please just a few and make them short".
    Any awkward questions will be ignored, batted away or ridiculed.

    Please don't give them the opportunity they are looking for.

    Enough said, close this thread as sums it all up.

    The apologists and squirrel face are made for each other.
  • edited August 2016

    Swisdom is chairing it and Essex Al is firing the tough questions at them

    EssexAl is a mate, he's buying me a drink at Walsall. A shame the f***** is an apologist of the highest order.

    He comforted squirrel face during the second half of Burnley.
    Sounds like you are easily bought !

    I have mill wall mates so we all have our cross to bear .

    I thought squirrel face left at ht for the burnley match , I take it that's a joke cos I'd ditch a mate who did that.

    Just heard Doucher is vetting who is allowed in to this meeting, not tonight Henry your names not down and you're not coming in ......
  • "... The intention is for those in attendance to address their questions to the Club in a respectful way to enable a free and valuable exchange of views..."

    From the Pyongyang school no doubt.

    Not an opportunity to miss tho.. this can only provide Katy, Kahones et al with a forum for further self generated humiliation and should be embraced for the open goal it presents.
    Compile a list of pertinent and pithy questions, avoid the needlessly inflammatory, stick to established facts and events.
    If responses are declined, twisted or otherwise equivocated then publish and hang them out to dry.
    If undertakings are given; publish them and let them hang themselves out to dry.

    Declining the invitation just adds more height to her moral high ground/high horse/ivory tower of delusion.
    There might even be a free cup of tea in it.

  • What's the decision on this in the end then?
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  • Each questioner should start by asking if they will be allowed a follow up.
  • Could be very interesting now if THD leaves !!!
  • seth plum said:

    Each questioner should start by asking if they will be allowed a follow up.

    Not going to happen as squirrel face is then totally f*****.
  • Swisdom is chairing it and Essex Al is firing the tough questions at them

    EssexAl is a mate, he's buying me a drink at Walsall. A shame the f***** is an apologist of the highest order.

    He comforted squirrel face during the second half of Burnley.
    Sounds like you are easily bought !

    I have mill wall mates so we all have our cross to bear .

    I thought squirrel face left at ht for the burnley match , I take it that's a joke cos I'd ditch a mate who did that.

    Just heard Doucher is vetting who is allowed in to this meeting, not tonight Henry your names not down and you're not coming in ......
    Wouldn't let u in morts - not sure that analysing the arse out of away support statistics would be that useful - thought any more about that bet?
  • edited August 2016
    razil said:

    Be sure to read this article before attending an event of this kind ;)

    IMO, that's a good list. Numbers two and seven are so, so bang on the money. It sounds odd but silence, mingled with a some underlining with a flourish of a random sentence on a bit of paper is a great way to get an answer. I'd add another way to spot someone lying: if they start a sentence "To be honest.." you just know a porkie is coming along next.
  • Be interesting to know how many people, who and how they were selected for this meeting.
    I would like to see the entrance picketed.
  • seth plum said:

    Each questioner should start by asking if they will be allowed a follow up.

    What if the answer is 'no' and you've used your question up asking if you'll be allowed another question?
    This would appeal to my sense of Theatre, especially if this is the exchange with every attendee. Would be a brilliant meeting if this happened, seriously, or even if it only happened once.
  • So.........

    Any Twitter or CL live feeds tomorrow ?
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  • Decline it. Stop giving that witch your time to allow her to spout lies upon lies on you. We all surely know by now that dialogue with them is not the way forward, they say what we want to hear and act otherwise.

    I know it feels good to be in amongst those at a high level in our Club, but we shouldn't be holding hands with our enemies. She will thrive on it, say the right things, get a few smiles and gullible souls thanking her.


    Although if you are going to say anything at all, make sure it's something that will take the piss out of her.
    Ask questions not even relevant to football (as long as it's funny winds her up and dignified to some extent)
  • This is actually a big deal for Katrien and her followers as this is the start of the new era of communication and openness. It will be interesting to see how stage managed it is and whether she has had enough summer coaching to avoid her usual sarcasm and dismissiveness. Don't hold your breath.
  • Wonder if KM will turn up on time.
  • NugNug
    edited August 2016
    Badger said:

    Wonder if KM will turn up on time.

    Course she will, she's got to get the f@#ckin powerpoint working this time.

    Building a better future together....part 2
  • Good luck to all that are going. I hope it is enjoyable and you get some answers/feedback to your questions and concerns.

    I am not expecting any feedback as the likely abuse from all those who do not think you asked the correct questions will no doubt put people off doing so.

    I feel slightly jealous as a would like to have heard/asked about transfers and take overs, but I suspect the best you will learn will be from body language. That is if you are not looking just at her tits.

    If there is free beer, please try and smuggle out a few to the needy.
  • Have no interest in listening to or talking to the Squirrel Management Tossers.
    Times up, damage has been done so pack your bags and fuck off ya SMTs
  • I would be massively surprised if Katrien Jong-un actually managed to get there on time.

    Lazy Daisy.
  • DOUCHER said:

    Swisdom is chairing it and Essex Al is firing the tough questions at them

    EssexAl is a mate, he's buying me a drink at Walsall. A shame the f***** is an apologist of the highest order.

    He comforted squirrel face during the second half of Burnley.
    Sounds like you are easily bought !

    I have mill wall mates so we all have our cross to bear .

    I thought squirrel face left at ht for the burnley match , I take it that's a joke cos I'd ditch a mate who did that.

    Just heard Doucher is vetting who is allowed in to this meeting, not tonight Henry your names not down and you're not coming in ......
    Wouldn't let u in morts - not sure that analysing the arse out of away support statistics would be that useful - thought any more about that bet?
    You think there's more chance of RD selling in the championship i don't
    I bet he sells us whilst in league one or below .. You can have championship or above
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