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Members of East Kent Addicks to meet KM and other Senior Club personnel at 1.00 on Sat 27 August



  • The time for talking is over. It's changed nothing in over two years, it won't now. You're being used by Katrien Meire. Decline it.

    I understand the anger but that would be playing right into her hands.
  • The time for talking is over. It's changed nothing in over two years, it won't now. You're being used by Katrien Meire. Decline it.

    I understand the anger but that would be playing right into her hands.
    So would holding a meeting.
  • The time for talking is over. It's changed nothing in over two years, it won't now. You're being used by Katrien Meire. Decline it.

    I understand the anger but that would be playing right into her hands.
    So would holding a meeting.
    Turning down a meeting is exactly what she want's.
  • The best thing to do would be arrange the meeting, then everybody boycotts it.
  • The best thing to do would be arrange the meeting, then everybody boycotts it.

    Again. She would love that.
  • edited August 2016

    The best thing to do would be arrange the meeting, then everybody boycotts it.

    Again. She would love that.
    Do you honestly think squirrel face will take anything on board?

    Big nose has been here since January 2014 without listening, so all a waste of time.

    I suppose you could ask why does she have a bouncer with her at a football match!
  • edited August 2016
    RedChaser said:

    The time for talking is over. It's changed nothing in over two years, it won't now. You're being used by Katrien Meire. Decline it.

    I just hope however the people in attendance are not brain washed and that they walk out at the first sign of the truth being spun because it will, as always.
    You have hit the nail right on the head.
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  • Does grapevine49 fancy having a one-to-one with her?

    No filth now please.
  • If you don't trust the person you're meeting then why would you engage with them?
    She's only going to state that lessons have been learnt, investment in Sparrows continues, Rat here for the long term, pushing for new faces, handicapped by injuries, manager sole arbiter on recruitment though she holds purse strings.
    Why bother? I'd wait and see if they're prepared to address customers a few month down the line.
    If you've just swallowed a bitter pill of renewing for third class football the last person you want to see is the prime mover in the demise of your club.
    Maybe I'm missing something. lol

    Hear hear.
  • edited August 2016

    If you don't trust the person you're meeting then why would you engage with them?
    She's only going to state that lessons have been learnt, investment in Sparrows continues, Rat here for the long term, pushing for new faces, handicapped by injuries, manager sole arbiter on recruitment though she holds purse strings.
    Why bother? I'd wait and see if they're prepared to address customers a few month down the line.
    If you've just swallowed a bitter pill of renewing for third class football the last person you want to see is the prime mover in the demise of your club.
    Maybe I'm missing something. lol

    Hear hear.
    Call me physic but I'm going to go out on a limb here. You're not planning on going are you Elfsborg?
  • If you don't trust the person you're meeting then why would you engage with them?
    She's only going to state that lessons have been learnt, investment in Sparrows continues, Rat here for the long term, pushing for new faces, handicapped by injuries, manager sole arbiter on recruitment though she holds purse strings.
    Why bother? I'd wait and see if they're prepared to address customers a few month down the line.
    If you've just swallowed a bitter pill of renewing for third class football the last person you want to see is the prime mover in the demise of your club.
    Maybe I'm missing something. lol

    Hear hear.
    Call me physic but I'm going to go out on a limb here. You're not planning on going are you Elfsborg?
    Whatever gave you that impression!
  • They are only holding these meetings to comply with the EFL requirements to have meeting with fans groups, so just ticking a box exercise.
  • Kap10 said:


    I'm sure John Commberford won't mind me posting this on here as I'm sure Bromley Addicks will get a similar invite soon.

    "Dear Member,

    All Members of East Kent Addicks have been invited to meet Katrien Meire and other Senior Club Personnel in the North Stand at the Valley from 1.00pm on Saturday 27th August, 2016 prior to the Bolton game. The intention is for those in attendance to address their questions to the Club in a respectful way to enable a free and valuable exchange of views. Refreshments will be provided.

    It is appreciated that a number of our Members travel to Charlton via the Valley Express Service and the Club have agreed to provide an additional coach departing from Ashford at 11.30am and Faversham at 11.50am. Priority to travel on this extra coach will be given to Valley Express Season Ticket Holders and those who regularly utilise the Valley Express Service with the normal match-day price of £11 applying. It should be stressed that there are no restrictions in attending this event for those who travel independently to the Valley.

    Whilst this invitation has been extended by C.A.F.C. to all East Kent Addicks Members, those wishing to attend must reserve their place in advance by contacting East Kent Addicks either by email at or by telephoning #############. Please note that admission will be restricted solely to those who meet this criteria and that there can be no exceptions.

    Those wishing to travel via the additional Valley Express Service should also contact East Kent Addicks, who will liaise with the Club to make the necessary arrangements.

    Kindest regards,

    East Kent Addicks."

    That's not a real phone number
    the spacing's all wrong
  • I think the trust were ill advised to cut of all communication opportunities to meet with the club

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  • Addickted said:

    As Dansk has said, this 'invite' is solely as a result of the EFL survey and for the requirements of Clubs to have meaningful conversations with the fans.

    KM can hardly ignore that request if she deems to sit at the top table.

    The sheer arrogance of them approaching EKA telling them when, where and how long the 'meeting' will go on for is breathtaking. I fear John has no option but to take up this offer, though I'm uncertain as to what it will achieve as the same platitudes will come flying back from KM and her dwindling SMT. Perhaps even Sue Parkes will attend.

    The agenda will be 100% led by the Club and by the time the welcomes and free refreshments are over, that gives her about an hour before she has to disappear to entertain the Directors of the opposing team pre match.

    The hour will be a doleful KM saying how lessons have been learned, massive investment continues into the team, The Valley and the training ground, Duchatalet is going nowhere, English Manager with full control, personal abuse she's had to put up with, protesters need to be shouted down by other fans before the FL fine us bla, bla, bla.

    Any difficult questions will be played down by denial or the expression 'bitter ex employees'

    EKA are really between a rock and a hard place. KM obviously sees them as less militant, so will always chose them first for dialogue. She sees it as an easy ride and fulfilling the EFL requirements all rolled into one.

    John works very hard with his committee to put together a supporters group and run successful events in what are difficult times. Putting EKA down as KMs 'patsys' is unfair.

    My open request to EKA is do not allow KM to dictate the terms of the communication. It is after all two way. Politely decline and request the meeting is reconvened at a time and a place to suit EKA rather than on a match day at The Valley. I'm sure take up will be better and that's what both sides want surely? After all the SMT will now fit into a Mini, whereas EKA will require a coach.

    John should also insist that KM meets with other groups most notably CAST. This doesn't have to be a large meeting, just with some agreed CAST representatives who are not 'high profile'. This forum shows we have plenty of passionate dedicated and eloquent fans who are able to put difficult questions and not accept the standard 'I'll look into that' response.

    The football powers that be are starting to put pressure on her to work with the fans. This is her throwing her fly out to get a bite as she now has no option.

    Now is the time for us to grab that bait and pull her into the water.

    Chip, chip, chip......

    We ask a question, squirrel face replies with some nonsense, we are not able to respond as another question is offered.

    Same old s***.
  • edited August 2016
    What's more likely to get national media coverage and put pressure on them? Katrien Meire being given an easy time at a supporter's meeting or supporter groups turning her down?
  • edited August 2016
    Dansk_Red said:

    They are only holding these meetings to comply with the EFL requirements to have meeting with fans groups, so just ticking a box exercise.

    If this is true it makes some sense Kings Hill has suggested that EKA may have been chosen because of a memory that they have not given KM a hard time and have been respectful in the past. Hopefullly some of that will change given times have changed - not the respectful bit - there is no need to be rude or aggressive, but the questions need to be challenging. I would hope EKA try to co-ordinate a little and have a strategy in terms of questions - there are generally one or two pedants who can scupper these things by asking why the hot-dogs don't taste good enough etc... They need to be weeded out or told to shut up IMO.

    I think fellow fans can't say to EKA that you shouldn't attend this. People will always be found to attend by the club and I'd rather people went who were not going to lick KM's backside. It is important that the meeting is recorded. We know that our CEO can't help herself and there is a decent chance she will say further things to hang herself. If the meeting is a stitch up, it would be far more effective if EKA walk out in protest having attended than say they are not going in the first place. EKA are just one of many groups. They don't represent all fans - they represent fans in East Kent. Whilst I understand why CAST may decide it is fruitless speaking to KM, I think this is a different situation.

    I have the greatest respect for Fanny, but don't feel the fans forum (as a body, not Fanny) represents me. I haven't got a problem with it at all. I would plea to EKAs to really think about those questions though. If the club want an open and honest discussion, they are the ones taking a risk here. If they don't they are going to look even worse. It is good this is happening.
  • It does look like an absolutely bare minimum effort to me. Surely, Meire and the rest of her senior management should have work to do at 1pm on a matchday!

    The timing smacks of Meire's usual idleness, as she clearly can't be bothered to travel to east Kent for a meeting and hopes to select out any boycotters who might give her a hard time. It also allows for the meeting to be limited in duration as it is hard up against the 3pm kickoff. Its all set up to be 'managed' in the clubs favour. I can see that anybody failing to meet their definition of 'respectful' will give them the excuse to close the meeting.

    Don't expect any meaningful dialogue. This is an annoyance to Meire. I can hear her impatient, petulant and condescending voice already.
  • I think the trust were ill advised to cut of all communication opportunities to meet with the club

    Interesting choice of words.

    We had two sources of advice on which we relied.

    1. Our members

    2. Our friends in the other London Trusts.

    The way we handled that meeting was guided by that advice. Even so it was really tough to get to an agreement among ourselves, and we lost one Board member in the process (although he did not 'resign in protest')

    We might have to make a similar call soon, so all advice will be welcome. At least, from those who are willing to pay their fiver, join up, and help make us stronger.

  • Fair play to the club for at least trying.

    CAST declined the offer to talk a few months back, should it now follow that regional groups do likewise?

    This isn't fair play in the slightest. All ELF clubs have been told that they must undertake such meetings.

    Don't be fooled by this bollox. They have no interest in your views, no interest in my views and never will do.

    Only reason to attend would be to let them know how much they are despised.
  • Well if the meeting is a stitch up, those invited could complain to the league - much better than not engaging
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