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Charlton Summer Transfer Rumours 2024



  • I try and steer clear of reading too much about Charlton between the seasons as its mainly gossip and hysterics around rumours. However I've succumbed to looking with the bonkers rumour that May may go ! 
    If this is the case this really does round of a hatrick of f*** ups from CBT, Dobbo going and now May really? 
    I can't get my head around why NJ wouldn't want a proven goal machine in the team and a player who runs his socks off for the team. 
    However ultimately the only test which matters is next May, 2025 
    we May be promoted, we May be in Play offs, We May be middle table, We May be even worse....
  • Croydon said:
    The mental gymnastics on show trying to justify losing the league's top scorer are quite something.
    Not exactly mental gymnastics to understand the manager might want something different.
    No point scoring 2 goals a game if you're conceding 3. We have hardly any assets of value and if selling Alfie helps us reinvest across the board then I can get on board with it. Alfie is a fantastic player and I'd love to keep him, but how many times did we concede from set pieces this year? And more importantly, how many did we score? A bigger #9 is Nathan's previously preferred choice and helps at both ends of the pitch. 
  • Peterborough had a 20-30 goal striker at their club and barely started him last season.

    They scored more goals as a team (89) last season than they did in either of the two previous seasons at this level where they relied on him for over 36% of their goals (31 of 83 & 26 of 75).

    Football is a simple game in most ways but that doesn’t mean it’s as simple as taking out one player’s goal contributions and you can predict how a team will perform without them.

    BEFORE ANYONE JUMPS ON THIS TO SAY I’M BLAMING ALFIE FOR THE TEAM UNDERPERFORMING : I really am not, I’m trying to show that there is life in a football team with or without your previously profilic forward.
    Right, I've seen enough.

    Alfie May enthusiasts, let's get him

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  • Theres two camps of supporters on the AM situation.

    Those who do not want May to leave and cannot fathom any way that its okay.

    Those who do not want May to leave but understand there may be circumstances in which its for the best or at least palatable.

    - If AM doesn't fit into NJ's plans for the team system 
    - If AM wants to move 
    - If Huddersfield or A.N Other offer us a figure we deem acceptable
    - If we use the money to improve the squad as a whole
    I beg to differ C.E.L...there is a third camp 

    Those (me incl) that think this is all a pile of cack and he ain't gonna leave anyway, so what's with all this meltdown stuff...🙄
  • I agree that we need more goals across a range of players, but that doesn't mean you have to get rid of May.
    Last season I lost count of the number of times I wanted an advanced player to give it a go, rather than there being one more pass. That doesn't mean I am in any way against lovely bewildering passing football, but I am less keen on fannying about.
    May did his bit last season, but not enough of the other players did theirs, I hope next season more players will be braver in attempting to score.
    Maybe they fear the shame of missing more than they want the glory of scoring.
    I don't think last season our style demanded everything goes through Alfie.
  • Croydon said:
    The mental gymnastics on show trying to justify losing the league's top scorer are quite something.
    The ability for one to be obtuse regarding the fact that there is life after one player is REALLY something.
  • redbuttle said:
    Peterborough had a 20-30 goal striker at their club and barely started him last season.

    They scored more goals as a team (89) last season than they did in either of the two previous seasons at this level where they relied on him for over 36% of their goals (31 of 83 & 26 of 75).

    Football is a simple game in most ways but that doesn’t mean it’s as simple as taking out one player’s goal contributions and you can predict how a team will perform without them.

    BEFORE ANYONE JUMPS ON THIS TO SAY I’M BLAMING ALFIE FOR THE TEAM UNDERPERFORMING :  really am not, I’m trying to show that there is life in a football team with or without your previously profilic forward.
    Brilliant post.  Spot on

    It’s always better to have 3 players scoring 10 goals than 1 man scoring 30 … if you rely on one man injury, suspension can ruin your season 
    Not if the other two score 9 each
  • I’ve only skim read the May posts and how he won’t fit the Jones system.

    May is a 20 goal a season and the manager should be tactically competent to deal with making tweeks to accommodate a goal scorer.

    although I agree that £1m plus would be good business, better business would be getting out of this league.

    that said, I trust jones to get it right and I’m not going all out golfie mode if we sell him. 
    This is going to sound crazy but you can do both at the same time.
  • edited June 18
    Peterborough had a 20-30 goal striker at their club and barely started him last season.

    They scored more goals as a team (89) last season than they did in either of the two previous seasons at this level where they relied on him for over 36% of their goals (31 of 83 & 26 of 75).

    Football is a simple game in most ways but that doesn’t mean it’s as simple as taking out one player’s goal contributions and you can predict how a team will perform without them.

    BEFORE ANYONE JUMPS ON THIS TO SAY I’M BLAMING ALFIE FOR THE TEAM UNDERPERFORMING : I really am not, I’m trying to show that there is life in a football team with or without your previously profilic forward.
    What we need are goals spread out amongst the entire team a lot more - Ridiculous how our second top scorer didn't get into double figures last season, if my memory serves me right. 

    In the avoidance of doubt I'm not saying that Alfie is the one & only striker/forward and without him we'd be sunk. The problem is last season once CBT left it was really only Alfie that was scoring. Just look at our goal scoring chart. Until we sign 3 or 4 players that can score 6-8 goals each then we are still stuck where we were. We also have to sort out our set plays and/or bring in a dead ball specialist. Hardly any goals from corners  (2?) and when was it we last scored direct from a free kick ?

    I am/was hoping this would be the main area we'd be concentrating on this summer. Midfielders who can score (like Bowyer) and players who can score from free kicks. Without addressing those we wont be going anywhere next season. 

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  • We need to be integrating/buying strikers who can score 15+ goals in the Championship. Alfie May isn't one who can.
  • If Alfie May goes and we’re not winning our first home game by 4 or more goals at HT, then I think we should chuck 3000 Alfie May beach balls on the pitch in the second half.
    An Alfie May beach ball is an almost exact replica of the real thing, only a bit bigger. 
  • Peterborough had a 20-30 goal striker at their club and barely started him last season.

    They scored more goals as a team (89) last season than they did in either of the two previous seasons at this level where they relied on him for over 36% of their goals (31 of 83 & 26 of 75).

    Football is a simple game in most ways but that doesn’t mean it’s as simple as taking out one player’s goal contributions and you can predict how a team will perform without them.

    BEFORE ANYONE JUMPS ON THIS TO SAY I’M BLAMING ALFIE FOR THE TEAM UNDERPERFORMING : I really am not, I’m trying to show that there is life in a football team with or without your previously profilic forward.
    What we need are goals spread out amongst the entire team a lot more - Ridiculous how our second top scorer didn't get into double figures last season, if my memory serves me right. 

    In the avoidance of doubt I'm not saying that Alfie is the one & only striker/forward and without him we'd be sunk. The problem is last season once CBT left it was really only Alfie that was scoring. Just look at our goal scoring chart. Until we sign 3 or 4 players that can score 6-8 goals each then we are still stuck where we were. We also have to sort out our set plays and/or bring in a dead ball specialist. Hardly any goals from corners  (2?) and when was it we last scored direct from a free kick ?

    I am/was hoping this would be the main area we'd be concentrating on this summer. Midfielders who can score (like Bowyer) and players who can score from free kicks. Without addressing those we wont be going anywhere next season. 

    This is a genuinely good point to be fair, set pieces were pretty poor (at both ends) were a major weakness last season. There was some improvement under Jones but this basically just meant going from "completely shit" to only being "quite bad."

    Regardless of May's eventual destination we'd need a lot more muscle and threat in both boxes. Mitchell sounds like he might tick that box, we're clearly in the market for a big unit up front too, but unless we get someone who can ping a dead ball it will only avail us so far. 

    Might be that Berry is that guy but I don't think he's particularly renowned for free kicks, unless I've just missed it.
  • We need to be integrating/buying strikers who can score 15+ goals in the Championship. Alfie May isn't one who can.
    I wouldn’t worry too much about the championship- we need to get promotion first and foremost. 

     Ideally we would keep hold of May, as he is will guarantee goals. But, if he doesn’t fit in with what Jones wants to do, then so be it.  Cleary Jones could well end up with egg on his face…..IF May does go and we come up short at the end of the season. 
  • edited June 18
    redbuttle said:
    Peterborough had a 20-30 goal striker at their club and barely started him last season.

    They scored more goals as a team (89) last season than they did in either of the two previous seasons at this level where they relied on him for over 36% of their goals (31 of 83 & 26 of 75).

    Football is a simple game in most ways but that doesn’t mean it’s as simple as taking out one player’s goal contributions and you can predict how a team will perform without them.

    BEFORE ANYONE JUMPS ON THIS TO SAY I’M BLAMING ALFIE FOR THE TEAM UNDERPERFORMING :  really am not, I’m trying to show that there is life in a football team with or without your previously profilic forward.
    Brilliant post.  Spot on

    It’s always better to have 3 players scoring 10 goals than 1 man scoring 30 … if you rely on one man injury, suspension can ruin your season 
    Not if the other two score 9 each
    Grammatically not possible.  3 players scoring 10 goals is 3 people scoring an aggregate of 10 goals.  It’s 3 players scoring 30 goals or 3 players scoring 10 goals EACH. I’ll get my coat. 
  • ButtleJR said:

    Some people are rather dramatic aren't they... Not the first I've seen either. 
    I've said I'm done if he goes.....and will only return once Nathan Jones leaves.
    Are you still sticking to this? 
    yes sir-ee. I'll obviously still follow the club, post on here & maybe even go to a couple of away games (for my son's sake) but I can't get my head around selling the Leagues top goal scorer when last season he was about the only player who knew where the goal was. Take away his and CBT's goals (who has also left the club & yet to be replaced) and where would we be. 

    (we love you really golfie please don't leave)
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