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Next Manager?



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    edited December 2023
    an Aussie manager. preferably from aussie rules football. If we are going to lump the ball forward we might as well do it properly. 
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    Poor players, poor results. Improve the quality of the players and improve the results. Get in a quality manager and stand a chance of getting promoted. Can’t do that on the cheap though. 
    Which quality managers are you thinking of @ShootersHillGuru
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    MrOneLung said:
    Poor players, poor results. Improve the quality of the players and improve the results. Get in a quality manager and stand a chance of getting promoted. Can’t do that on the cheap though. 
    Which quality managers are you thinking of @ShootersHillGuru
    Plenty of people on here with a better knowledge of who fits that bill than I but I’d say whoever is available we make them an offer they can’t refuse. The manager is the most important appointment a club can make. We’ve tried to go cheap since Wilder knocked us back. We’ve reaped the reward. 
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    These are not untalented players but they have no fight in them. We need a manager who can light a fire under them. And the best in the business at that is…
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    edited December 2023
    These are not untalented players but they have no fight in them. We need a manager who can light a fire under them. And the best in the business at that is…
    He’s at Huddersfield. I think if we had been ambitious enough we might have secured him. Too late now. 
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    These are not untalented players but they have no fight in them. We need a manager who can light a fire under them. And the best in the business at that is…
    He’s at Huddersfield. I think if we had been ambitious enough we might have secured him. Too late now. 
    Did he apply when we were looking? Would he have dropped to L1?
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    Rob said:
    These are not untalented players but they have no fight in them. We need a manager who can light a fire under them. And the best in the business at that is…
    He’s at Huddersfield. I think if we had been ambitious enough we might have secured him. Too late now. 
    Did he apply when we were looking? Would he have dropped to L1?
    No idea if he applied but it would have been remiss not to have spoken with him. Perhaps he would have knocked us back but if the package and assurances are good enough I think Charlton are just about still big enough to compete with bottom half Championship clubs.
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    Whilst I can agree with some that getting rid of Mr A might be a good way forward at this moment in time...I do however think though that we should pause for a bit and let MA have his little window of desire and opportunity to bring in 'his players' that do not possess the soft underbelly body that we keep hearing about.

    Now, if that is achieved (which obviously relies heavily on a few piggy banks being smashed) then failure to get any sort of team cohesion, passion and sheer bloody determination out of the 'new' squad should then and only then end with the rightful call for his head and maybe the Boards too just for good measure.

    Personally I'd love to see some players come in with the attitude of Killer, Dugdale, Steve Brown, Kish etc. if it means not rolling over and have our tummies tickled because this has been the feeling about Charlton over the years and I think after the Orient debacle its all culminated this week hence the outrage felt by many.

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    Having supported Charlton for many years l relocated to Bournemoth some time ago. The town had a small provincial football club in the third tier, seemingly going nowhere, whilst Charlton were holding their own in the Prem league.                            Twenty odd years later the tables are turned. How has this happened?                      1. They obtained monetary investment. 2.They appointed an ex player who was from the local area(Eddie Howe) and gave him time.                                                               We now (supposedly) also have investment funding. After all why would anyone buy a club and then not invest for success?                              We also need to employ a manager with links to the club,possibly an ex player,from the London area.Maybe even a track record of success.(Lee Bowyer)                                    If Bournemouth can do it then so can we. It's not rocket science.
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    Having supported Charlton for many years l relocated to Bournemoth some time ago. The town had a small provincial football club in the third tier, seemingly going nowhere, whilst Charlton were holding their own in the Prem league.                            Twenty odd years later the tables are turned. How has this happened?                      1. They obtained monetary investment. 2.They appointed an ex player who was from the local area(Eddie Howe) and gave him time.                                                               We now (supposedly) also have investment funding. After all why would anyone buy a club and then not invest for success?                              We also need to employ a manager with links to the club,possibly an ex player,from the London area.Maybe even a track record of success.(Lee Bowyer)                                    If Bournemouth can do it then so can we. It's not rocket science.
    Can we also sign Yann Kermorgant?
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    These are not untalented players but they have no fight in them. We need a manager who can light a fire under them. And the best in the business at that is…
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    Cloudworm said:
    Cloudworm said:
    Appleton should be given at least until the end of the season. Ridiculous to suggest otherwise.

    He's a head coach, not a manager. Andy Scott is manager. Same as Harry Rednapp was or Sam Alladyce. They didn't coach much. Just bought players and picked the team. They left the day to day to Appleton types. Difference is now Scott has insulated himself, as manager, by associating himself with board level, rather than pitch level - yet he's the one buying and selling the players.

    Maybe we should be questioning the structure and job titles before we start calling for people to lose their jobs?
    So Andy Scott, not Michael Appleton, is picking the team?
    When you only have 14 fit senior players, it kind of picks itself. But, who knows really?
    I think we do - it’s Michael Appleton.
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    The last 3 managers to get us up were former players. Whose out there?
    There is only one man for this task. Step forward Alan Pardew. This is your moment.

    (PS I am joking!)
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    edited December 2023
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    Adkins never had his no.2 when manager of us 
    Charlton interviewed Kerslake who Appleton wanted as his no.2 having worked with him previously but he was considered too expensive so went for the cheaper assistant .
    im not saying it would have deffo made things better but giving Appleton his preferred coaching staff may have helped but this clownership want to save pennies and football isn’t the place for that .
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    Adkins never had his no.2 when manager of us 
    Charlton interviewed Kerslake who Appleton wanted as his no.2 having worked with him previously but he was considered too expensive so went for the cheaper assistant .
    im not saying it would have deffo made things better but giving Appleton his preferred coaching staff may have helped but this clownership want to save pennies and football isn’t the place for that .

    Is that O'Donnell?  Wasn't he at Blackpool and Lincoln with Apples?  I think he had both at those clubs but not sure why we would need more than one of them?  
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    No idea who we chose but Apples deffo wanted Kerslake and Charlton chose the cheaper option   he prolly wanted them both cos he’s so shit himself 
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    So we got rid of the ex academy guy and didn't replace him?

    holden had two first team coaches, Appleton has 1?
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    We swapped Holden for Appleton. Neither were or are particularly credible managers. 

    Appleton is now making noises about transfers but I suspect already knows he is getting little in the way of meaningful reinforcements. 
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    Appleton has already trotted out the tired old cliché that getting injured players back will be like making new signings.
    Remember what he says, the fans aren’t hurting anything like as much as he, a here today gone tomorrow manager, is hurting.
    Pray for Michael, maybe somebody will set up a crowdfunding page for him.
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    edited December 2023
    I would take Chris Powell on in a heartbeat if I owned the club. He has proven that this kind of situation is what he does best. He will have developed his contacts within the game further since he was with us and is working in the Championship so won't be out of touch. He is the sort of manager players want to play for and he gets the fans. I think we are crying our for somebody like him. Actually, nobody else is like him.

    Failing that, sacking Appleton and bringing in somebody from the same pool may well be a pointless and expensive exercise.
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    Diego Simeone please.
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    These are not untalented players but they have no fight in them. We need a manager who can light a fire under them. And the best in the business at that is…Neil Warnock. 
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    Any new manager would be dictated to by Andy Scott and therein lays the problem with appointing anyone.
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