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Next Manager?



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    If we get a decent manager it will purely be down to luck. Past caring tbh.
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    Well I liked how Oxford played, and reckon Buckingham would have been a good appointment for us. 

    Honestly, if Apples does go, I would go for Gary Rowett, my first choice last time was Leam Richardson, and no surprise he's got a Championship job. 
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    BigDiddy said:
    BigDiddy said:
    swordfish said:
    I agree with all the posts suggesting we need continuity of manager, and have posted as such myself, but I just can't help thinking we should have settled on someone else. Easy to say after December's results I suppose,.

    I don't disrespect him, and he's not alone in struggling to work with limited resources,  but if he was binned off, we'd be blessed to find someone who can. Ultimately this is on the owners. Management are accountable to them. Improved recruitment all round is needed.

    These owners have a window now to change the narrative. Over to them.
    The evidence would suggest the monkeys are calling the shots, for now at least. I don’t disagree that ultimately they will be reined in, but there is no evidence the beneficial owners want to run the club.
    Did you think they will pull the plug, if losses mount up and it becomes a little toxic?

    Personally, I fear they will let us go under rather than throw money at the problem.
    Why would they do that instead of selling like every other owner who gets fed up funding losses ? 
    Who would buy?
    I think we know there are always people interested in buying football clubs regardless of their predicament. Our current owners actually paid quite a lot of money for CAFC despite it not owning its stadium or training ground and bleeding money. Should we get to that point again I have no doubt that there will be interested parties. Fwiw I think our owners are not in it for a quick buck and will be around for quite a while. If things don’t improve performance wise both on and off the pitch then I think it far more likely we’ll see the SMT replaced rather than the owners bail out. 
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    Wayne Rooney is now available 
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    Oh god I hope Rooney is nowhere near consideration. Didn't do a lot in MLS and has now absolutely flopped at Birmingham City. Birmingham could be one to take Nathan Jones though.
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    I know I light hearted suggested Steve Evans but the reality is, if the future both short and long term is exciting at the club under the new lot as they claim, then I don't know why it was so hard for them to recruit an up and coming manager looking to take the next step in their career.

    Someone who has already proved themselves successfully at a club smaller then ours or someone with a good CV as an assistant higher up the pyramid looking to be the main person themselves. 

    As other clubs of our similar size & history at this level have managed it but we seemed to get stuck with a journeyman lower league manager. 
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    It'll be interesting to see if he survives until the end of Jan, I think he would have to win every game. 
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    Swisdom said:
    Redrobo said:
    Lee Johnson sacked from Fleetwood and has links to Charlie. Careful what you wish for.
    I told Charlie my feelings for Johnson earlier this season.not to worry… Let’s just say he and Methven and no longer on each others Christmas card lists. It wouldn’t be him 
    Does Scott speak to you as well in depth regards recruitment?
    No, not yet anyway
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    There's a guy at Tranmere, unbeaten in 9 games, won six of them, all with a mediocre squad. His name is Nigel Adkins, a manager we were criticising as useless, past it, was successful at Southampton because he inherited a decent squad etc, etc.
    My point is that the player recruitment and senior management have been poor for so long, together with our historical injury crisis, and although I am not an Appleton fan I also want to get out of this cycle of changing managers every six months, when the issues are elsewhere in the club.
    substitute "everywhere" for "elsewhere"
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    Im sitting next to Mick McCarthy in Wagamama’s Bluewater. 

    I’ve never been in the know before, but I’m taking this as him being our next manager.
    Damn... Really want a Chicken Katsu Curry now
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    edited January 2
    Im sitting next to Mick McCarthy in Wagamama’s Bluewater. 

    I’ve never been in the know before, but I’m taking this as him being our next manager.
    Damn... Really want a Chicken Katsu Curry now
    He was having a pulled pork gyoza 🥟.

    So now I’m looking for players with a surname similar. Determined that it’s some sort premonition. 

    McCarthy to take us to championship glory with our knew small technical number 10 Gyoza pulling the strings.
  • Options
    Im sitting next to Mick McCarthy in Wagamama’s Bluewater. 

    I’ve never been in the know before, but I’m taking this as him being our next manager.
    Damn... Really want a Chicken Katsu Curry now
    He was having a pulled pork gyoza 🥟.

    So now I’m looking for players with a surname similar. Determined that it’s some sort premonition. 

    McCarthy to take us to championship glory with our knew small technical number 10 Gyoza pulling the strings.
    I hope when you ordered you asked for the Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiish

    Sorry I'll see myself out
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    Im sitting next to Mick McCarthy in Wagamama’s Bluewater. 

    I’ve never been in the know before, but I’m taking this as him being our next manager.
    Could do worse and appoint him.
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    CAFCTrev said:
    It'll be interesting to see if he survives until the end of Jan, I think he would have to win every game. 
    I think it’s nailed on he’ll at the very least finish this season. 
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    CAFCTrev said:
    It'll be interesting to see if he survives until the end of Jan, I think he would have to win every game. 
    I think it’s nailed on he’ll at the very least finish this season. 
    If he was achieving middling results like a mixed run of wins, draws and losses Id agree, but if we end up losing the next 3 or 4 in a row?
  • Options
    Im sitting next to Mick McCarthy in Wagamama’s Bluewater. 

    I’ve never been in the know before, but I’m taking this as him being our next manager.
    Damn... Really want a Chicken Katsu Curry now
    He was having a pulled pork gyoza 🥟.

    So now I’m looking for players with a surname similar. Determined that it’s some sort premonition. 

    McCarthy to take us to championship glory with our knew small technical number 10 Gyoza pulling the strings.
    Probably end up with this player as our new striker.
  • Options
    Im sitting next to Mick McCarthy in Wagamama’s Bluewater. 

    I’ve never been in the know before, but I’m taking this as him being our next manager.
    Could do worse and appoint him.
    My friend who works in the game says the MM lives in Sundridge Park. Wonder how he ended up down these ways. 
  • Options
    Im sitting next to Mick McCarthy in Wagamama’s Bluewater. 

    I’ve never been in the know before, but I’m taking this as him being our next manager.
    Could do worse and appoint him.
    My friend who works in the game says the MM lives in Sundridge Park. Wonder how he ended up down these ways. 
    Probably moved there whilst at Millwall then if family were settled they stayed while he travelled around a bit efc.  Presumably didn't need to move for the Ireland job either, commute to see a few players, stay in the hotel for international week....
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    Im sitting next to Mick McCarthy in Wagamama’s Bluewater. 

    I’ve never been in the know before, but I’m taking this as him being our next manager.
    Could do worse and appoint him.
    My friend who works in the game says the MM lives in Sundridge Park. Wonder how he ended up down these ways. 
    He lived in Chelsfield for quite a few years when he was manager of Millwall and Ireland. 
    So he's been in these parts for a while. 
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    Williamson or a Challinor would have been better options. That’s not even hindsight. 
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    Im sitting next to Mick McCarthy in Wagamama’s Bluewater. 

    I’ve never been in the know before, but I’m taking this as him being our next manager.
    Could do worse and appoint him.
    He took over from Apples in January last season after he was sacked by Blackpool, but was unimpressive and unable to turn it around, taking them down. Don't want history repeating itself here thank you!
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